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RPI Newsletter | Q2 2018

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Q2 2018 Open Forum Agenda

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2018 Q2

National Association of Division Order Analysts April / May / June 2018



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NADOA N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f D i v i s i o n O r d e r A n a l y s t s G R O W T H T H R O U G H E D U C T I O N

Volume MMXVIII • No 2

Contents Feature

NADOA 2018 Officers President Cheryl Hampton 1st Vice President Jason Lucas 2nd Vice Presiden t Luanne Johnson, CDOA Treasurer Stephanie Moore, CDOA Corresponding Secretary


Updates Texas

In This Rule Against Perpetuities Exemption..........................................9 Lightning Oil v. Anadarko E&P...............................................11 California – Climate Change Lawsuit........................................15 West Virginia – Cotenancy Modernization Act...........................16 Legislative Watch – Wyoming........................................................16 North Dakota Rule Changes Approved..........................................17 Federal – OSHA Limits Silica in Oil & Gas Operations..............18 Institute Preview............................................................................19 Unclaimed Property California....................................................................................40 Indiana........................................................................................41 President’s Corner. ................................................................1 2019 Nominations.................................................................3 2018 Member Recognition Nominations................................4 Certification..........................................................................6 Cobwebs for Nashville. ..........................................................6 Webinar Update....................................................................7 Decimal Points......................................................................8 DO Smiles.............................................................................9 Condolences.........................................................................33 Counterpart Connection......................................................34 New Members......................................................................39 2018 NADOA Board/Committee Chairs..............................42 Calendar of Events. .............................................................44 Issue

Donna King, CDOA Recording Secretary Jennifer Lujano

The NADOA News Magazine is a quarterly publication of the National Association of Division

Order Analysts PO Box 44009 Denver CO 80201

Subscription: By membership to NADOA, at $75.00 per year. News Magazine Editor Rona L. Erickson, CDOA Kaiser-Francis Oil Company [email protected] 918.491.4319 Associate Editor April Luedecke, CDOA [email protected]

Graphic Design Paul Beach

On the Cover: Parthenon replica Photo courtesy of Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/copied without written permission. Editorial disclaimer: The contents of this newsletter are intended for member use only and any other use without permission from the NADOA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited.Articles published herein represent the view of the authors; publication neither implies approval of the opinions expressed nor accuracy of the facts stated and NADOA accepts no liability for misprints.



Cheryl Hampton 2018 NADOA President

Greetings NADOA Members! It’s hard to believe this year is flying by and this is our 2nd Quarter Newsmagazine. Are you excited about the celebration for our 45th Annual Institute in Nashville? I hope everyone is planning on attending. Your Institute Committee is working hard to make this the BEST Institute ever. What a great way to celebrate 45 years of NADOA! Not only will you be getting a great educational opportunity in Nashville, there are some awesome places to visit and plenty to see and do. Consider coming in early or staying the weekend after to take in all that Nashville has to offer. As you probably know, I’ve been in the “business” for a long time now and it’s always fun to think back on all the changes that have taken place in the past 45 years. I know there are many of you who remember writing every calculation out on columnar paper, in pencil, and then using an adding machine to add up the numbers. How many times did you have to re-add it because you transposed a number?? And what about letters to owners? You had to use a couple sheets of carbon paper in between paper – sometimes different colors for filing purposes – and sit at a typewriter and type it out! Ahh, the many colors of White Out. Computers and copiers have made our daily work simpler but the truth of the matter is you still need a well educated Division Order Analyst to do the work. NADOA serves as a way to continue your education and keep you on top of your game. No matter how many times I may listen to someone speak on a particular topic, I learn something new. Never miss an opportunity to learn something new. Registration is open and if you register before June 30, members get the early bird price of $575! That’s a great price for THREE days of education! We are again having Wednesday Workshops covering Calculations for all levels of experience as well as a session on Pivot Tables and several sessions on Unclaimed Property. Room rates this year are $159 for city view and $209 for garden view. Right now, I’m finding flights from Houston for $300 and under round trip. Keep checking the airlines and be on the lookout for information from the Transportation committee. NADOA will again have a Golf Tournament on Wednesday for members and guests who wish to play. We are hosting a “Grab and Go See Nashville” Wednesday afternoon reception from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. We visit some great cities and we want everyone to have a chance to get out and see the sights. Thursday night we’ll be heading to the Ole Red Restaurant and Bar for dinner and fun. Lisa Buffaloe and Kacie Bevers are heading up this event so you know it will be a great time!

I’m looking forward to seeing all of you in Nashville in September for a Grand Ole Opportunity!!!


G r o w t h T h r o u g h E d u c a t i o n - A p r i l / M a y / J u n e 2 0 1 8

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