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2019 Impact Report

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2019 Impact Report

2019 Impact Report IMPACT REPORT | 2018-2019 YEAR IN REVIEW 2018-2019 2,907 patients received hospic

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2019 Impact Report

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2019 Impact Report

Impact Report

A Messsage from the PRESIDENT/CEO

The year 2019 can best be summed up by the opening phrase of Charles Dickens’ novel, A Tale of Two Cities, which begins with: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…”. While the year began with an understanding that changes to Michigan’s no fault system were imminent, no one would have predicted the swiftness and severity of those changes, nor the fact that the brain injury community as a whole would be shut out of the reform process. The resulting impact was felt throughout the state. And yet, while in the midst of the effort to address these reforms, the BIAMI was able to achieve more in 2019 than ever before in terms of survivor impact, program growth, and the restructuring of core business processes that will enable us to remain viable during and beyond these tumultuous times. And that’s a credit to our board of directors, staff, members, and supporters like you. Whatever challenges arise throughout 2020 and beyond, we will be in a position to effectively serve our survivors and their families who will need our support more than ever before. I invite you to learn more in the following pages about what the BIAMI does and the impact we have. And I invite you, as well, to join us and lend your support to our mission of reducing the incidence and impact of brain injury however you may prefer – as a volunteer, a member, a sponsor, or a donor.

Thomas J. Constand President and CEO Brain Injury Association of Michigan

ADVOCACY Giving Voice to the Voiceless

ADVOCACY (continued)

AUTO NO-FAULT INSURANCE While advocacy efforts included support of distracted driving legislation and the prohibition of double-bottomed trucks on our nation’s highways, a significant portion of our efforts in 2019 were focused on the legislative battle to help lower Michigan’s auto insurance premiums while preserving its Auto No-Fault (ANF) system of care. The year began with good faith dialogue and negotiation with the specially-formed Legislative Auto No Fault Committee. Yet this deliberative process was abruptly halted in May, when both chambers suddenly and without the opportunity for public comment introduced and ultimately passed in the wee hours of the morning a massive reform package with potentially devastating consequences for survivors, hospitals, rehabilitation providers and some 7 million licensed drivers in the state. Governor Whitmer officially signed the bill into law at the Mackinac Policy Conference in June with great fanfare and overall public support as the purported yet admittedly imperfect means to lower auto insurance premiums. Recognizing the imminent return to a costly and unwieldy tort system, and a staggering lack of concern shown by advocates of this new law for current and future catastrophic accident survivors and their families who would be faced with an uncertain future, the Association collaborated with CPAN, the MBIPC and CAPP to orchestrate a Rally at the Capitol. The Rally drew over 3,000 supporters and featured survivors, rehab professionals and legislators supportive of our cause who all spoke out against the injustices of this new law and issued a call to “fix the fix.”

Going forward, the Association will continue to collaborate with its partners in addressing the particularly egregious and punitive elements of this new law, while also seeking to create new access points to immediate and ongoing care for all brain injury survivors.

CAPITOL DAY Advocating for the rights of survivors and families has been, is, and will continue to be a priority for the BIAMI. One of these efforts is Capitol Day, during which BIAMI brings together representatives of the survivor and provider communities to meet directly with key Michigan legislators in their Lansing offices. Last May, dozens of participants engaged face-to-face with legislators to discuss legislative issues that directly affect the survivor community.

AWARENESS & PREVENTION Bringing the Reality of Brain Injury to the Public


"UNMASKING BRAIN INJURY" In an effort to bring the experiences of brain injury survivors to the forefront, the BIAMI continued its participation in the “Unmasking Brain Injury" program throughout 2019. Through a collaboration with Hinds Feet Farms and the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina, "Unmasking Brain Injury" encourages often voiceless survivors to decorate paper mache masks to express their perceptions and feelings about their injury. (A selection of created masks can be seen on the cover of this publication.) The masks are then publicly displayed along with brief stories about their creators. Two years ago, the BIAMI developed “Unmasking Brain Injury 2.0,” in which 12 videos featured survivors and their stories from “behind the mask.” Last year, displays of both "Unmasking Brain Injury" formats were displayed at the BIAMI Fall Conference and other venues. COMMUNITY AWARENESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS In 2019, the BIAMI remained vigilant in educating those who may not be familiar with the scope of what we do. To accomplish this, staff members participated in numerous media opportunities, expos, health fairs and other events, including:

Appeared on CTN’s “Inclusive” program to introduce BIAMI Exhibited at the Mental Health and Aging Conference Exhibited at a Veterans' Expo in Lansing Participated in White Lake Health Expo Exhibited at the Michigan Occupational Therapy Association

In addition to promoting our organization, perhaps our most important focus is reducing the incidence of brain injuries through donation and proper fitting of bicycle helmets, as well as educating children and parents on helmet safety. As such, BIAMI participated in a number of events throughout last year, including:

Family Fun Day through Healthy Wayne County Pontiac Fit Fest Beaumont Hospital Health Fair Two events at Detroit Zoo

LIDS FOR KIDS The BIAMI is very proud of our long-term partnership with the Sinas Dramis Law Firm in supporting the “Lids for Kids” bike helmet fitting and giveaway programs. At the 2019 annual events held in Grand Rapids, Lansing, and Traverse City, Sinas Dramis Law Firm distributed approximately 1,500 helmets, and BIAMI provided volunteers to staff our booth and help fit the helmets.

EDUCATION Learning Opportunities for Caregivers, Survivors, Providers and Professionals

EDUCATION (continued)

Conferences, focused programs and speaking engagements are just a few of the ways BIAMI helps to educate its constituents — from survivors and their families to diverse members of our provider community.

In 2019, we began working with Michigan Protection and Advocacy, Michigan Disability Network, Michigan State University Usability/Accessibility Research and Consulting, Michigan Disability and Resource Center, Michigan Developmental Disability Council, and Michigan State Bureau of Elections to plan comprehensive “Voting Rights” events to take place before the August 2020 primary and continue through fall before the general election in November 2020. Additionally, the BIAMI and Dr. Mary Newton presented "Brain Injury 101" through the Core Learning Institute comprised of 20 social workers. BIAMI also processed 28 applications for Certified Brain Injury Specialist training. FALL CONFERENCE The Annual Fall Conference, a 2-day event in Lansing, is our major educational showcase featuring nationally-known keynote speakers and scores of expert-led continuing education-accredited breakout sessions on topics of interest to attendees. In addition, the conference provides networking, dining, and social opportunities for 135 vendors, survivor participants and members of the provider community. Last year, in partnership with the Michigan Disability Support Alliance (MI-DSA), our Fall Conference included a highly successful session for survivors on voting rights for people with disabilities, as well as an in-service on the 2020 Census.

RESEARCH Finding Hope for the Future of Brain Injury Survivors

RESEARCH (continued)

The Brain Injury Association of Michigan participates in two major research centers – the Southeastern Michigan Traumatic Brain Injury System and the Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation. BIAMI President and CEO Tom Constand serves on the Advisory Boards of both Centers, of which there are only 16 in the U.S. The Southeastern Michigan Traumatic Brain Injury System (SEMTBIS) SEMTBIS is program of research that studies a variety of topics related to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Since 1987, SEMTBIS has studied TBI treatment, recovery, and health outcomes, and in 2017, the Center received a 5-year, $2.3 million government research grant to advance its longitudinal studies. Under the guidance of Robin Hanks, Ph.D., SEMTBIS project director and chief of Rehabilitation Psychology and Neuropsychology at RIM and WSU professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, day-to-day research activities are conducted at the Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan (RIM), but the project has strong ties with Wayne State University and the larger hospital network of the Detroit Medical Center. Research findings are shared with TBI survivors, families, caregivers, and health care professionals locally, nationally, and internationally. The Ohio Valley Center (OVC) for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation OVC provides education and training, conducts research, and develops new programs for rehabilitation following a TBI. The OVC serves as the umbrella for TBI grant funding and research within Ohio State’s Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Jennifer Bogner, Ph.D. is the Principal Investigator (PI) and John D. Corrigan, Ph.D. is the co-PI. Composed primarily of consumers from multiple states as well as representatives of the Brain Injury Association of America, the Advisory Council prioritizes needs, reviews funding opportunities, participates in implementation, monitors progress and evaluates program outcomes.

SUPPORT Being There for Survivors, Their Families and Caregivers

SUPPORT (continued)

DIRECT HELP FOR SURVIVORS AND THEIR FAMILIES Everything the BIAMI does is intended for the benefit of survivors, but nothing is closer to the heart of our mission than offering direct support to those who require our resources and information. Last year, we received more than 2,000 phone calls on our toll-free hotline from an array of individuals, including survivors, family members and even healthcare professionals. These calls ranged from frantic “what do we do now?” pleas from relatives of TBI survivors just released from the hospital, to those asking about available financial resources, legal assistance, referrals to CARF-accredited rehabilitation facilities, and questions on the availability of TBI-oriented specialized care in physical medicine, psychological support, vision, case management, and vocational, occupational, speech, physical, and other therapeutic regimes. Long-time BIAMI staffer Kathie Sell fielded many of these calls and continues to provide the kind of empathy and helpful responses unique to those with personal experience of brain injury.

In addition to the support provided through our helpline, we are pleased to have assisted five survivor members and their families during last year's holidays through our Adopt-A-Family program supported by BIAMI and our partners.

CHAPTER AND SUPPORT GROUPS Since the BIAMI's founding, chapters and support groups have been a linchpin of our connection to, and bond with, survivors and families. For many survivors, chapters serve an even more critical purpose – they’re a lifeline to recovery, a means to re-engage in the community, and a bridge to a higher purpose. As of December 2019, 19 chapters and support groups have been established, plus numerous Facebook groups. Each group provides a primary source of support, information, activities, and camaraderie for its members and attendees. A very special thank you goes out to the chapter and group leaders, as well as the many volunteers who give their time and talents to help these groups run smoothly. We could not do the work of the BIAMI without them, and we are very grateful for their commitment to our mission.


SPRING TRIBUTE LEGACY SOCIETY DINNER Each year, the Brain Injury Association of Michigan's Legacy Society recognizes selected individuals who have contributed to the brain injury field, or have shown a demonstrated leadership in working to improve lives of persons with brain injuries or their families. Last year, more than 1,100 attended the April 13 event held at Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi.


Last summer, BIAMI supporters gathered to enjoy golf outings at the Inn at St. John's Plymouth and Boulder Creek Golf Club in Belmont. Since its inception, the Invitationals have raised over $900,000 to support the programs and services of the Brain Injury Association of Michigan and its 20 chapters and support groups. ROCKIN' FOR REHAB Every year the Brain Injury Association of Michigan hosts Rockin’ for Rehab, a themed event that brings the brain injury community together for a celebration at the end of the year. Last year, dressed in attire from the 1990s, attendees enjoyed live music and dancing with Dr. Fab and the Off the Couch Band, as well as costume contests and fun décor. Proceeds benefited BIAMI and three of the chapter and support groups (Tri Cities, Lansing, and Flint).


CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE The 2019 Fall Conference attracted more than 1,700 attendees and 135 exhibitors during the 2-day event in Lansing. BIAMI's Fall Conference is the largest one of its kind in the U.S.

SOCIAL MEDIA FACTS At the end of last year, BIAMI’s consistent social media presence had resulted in 8,329 Facebook followers; 254,800 impressions on Twitter, and 811 views on YouTube.

MEETINGS & SOCIAL EVENTS Last year, BIAMI chapter meetings, support groups, and planned social and recreational events afforded approximately 500 oportunities for survivors, their families, and professionals.

NUMBER OF CALLS In 2019, the BIAMI received more than 2,000 calls from survivors, family members, providers, and others requesting assistance with matters relating to brain injury.


MEMBERSHIP As of December 2019, BIAMI boasted more than 1,086 corporate, individual and survivor memberships.

ACTIVITIES In 2019, BIAMI held four major fundraising events, yielding approximately $353,000 in revenue.


Tom Constand President & CEO

Nichole Shotwell Vice President of Programs and Operations

Janna Wilson Director of Marketing and Communications

BOARD MEMBERS Cheryl Angelelli Erica Coulston Saundra Gay Jim Howell Keith Moore Max Moylan Sheila Perlman Heidi Reyst, Ph.D. Jack Richert Phillip Weaver Ron West Joyce Wright Marty Zobrovitz Tom Judd MBIPC Representative Tom Constand BIAMI President & CEO

OFFICERS Martha Nield Board Chairperson Kevin Arnold Immediate Past Chairperson Tammy Hannah Vice Chairperson Colleen Rapson Treasurer Thomas Sinas, Esq. Secretary

Kathie Sell Infomation and Resources Coordinator

Diane Dugan Program Outreach Coordinator

Alexandra Weston Program Coordinator

Sharon Schannault Office Manager and Bookkeeper

Jacey Brodersen Administrative Assistant and Board Liaison

Lindsay Flood Event Coordinator




A sincere thank you to the organizations and individuals who made financial gifts last year in support of the Brain Injury Association of Michigan

CHAIRPERSON LEVEL Special Tree Rehabilitation System Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers PRESIDENT LEVEL Eisenhower Center NeuroRestorative The Children’s Foundation Hope Network Neuro Rehabilitation Dignitas, Inc. Miller & Tischler, PC DIRECTOR LEVEL The Lighthouse Neurological Rehabilitation Center Advisacare Health Partners Origami Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center PharmaScript Sinas Dramis Law Firm FRIENDS OF BIAMI (in alphabetical order) James & Barbara Axelson John & Julie Alexander Glen Anderson Cheryl Angelelli Bing & Nikki Apitz Paul Arslanian Brian Bach Nathaniel Baker Francis Baker & Family Bank of America William & Stephanie Bartolotta Nancy & Eric Bates, MD John & Ronda Beach Bill Bedard James & Carole Bell Benton Harbor

Lana Berry John Billups Randy Blausey BMO Charitable Fund Program Eric Boddy Kenneth & Marie Bonello Dave and Lori Boor Sonia Bowser Cheryl Brevik Johnson Karen Bullion James Burg John and Julie Bush Geoffrey Byron Kelli Camp Marshall & Debra Campbell Nicci Canter Alton & Elaine Carter Dan Cornwell Scott Crichton Erica Coulston Debra Cyr Michael & Pamela Dabbs Cindy Daiek Brad Darooge Beverly Daunter Adam Decker Diane Defrance Devon Title Agency Bryan Dobbs Linda & Chris Dunlap Debra Durkee Diana Dyer Dynamic Business Solutions Richard & Dianne Eddy Michael & Debora Edmonds Suzanne Edmonds Mark & Diane Edmonds Marilyn Casey Martha Cassell James Catalina Dr. Angela Chapman C. Childers Patrick & Julie Connelly

Colleen Edmonds Maher Ronald Enger Dr. Robert Fabiano Mike Fedel & Jean Eridon Christine Fenton Fidelity Information Services Sharee Fink Henryk & Carol Fisher Cornelia Floeter Chris Forte James & Helen Fox Blake & Samantha Frost Galaxy Brain & Therapy Center Jeremy Garrett Robert & Kathy Garvey Paul & Julie Garvey Sam Ghannam Julius Giarmarco Marian & Michael Godin Robert Gray & Susan Smith Gray Eric & Andrea Hammar Marsha Hamp Lamar & Sharon Hankamp Mark Hansen

Donald & Patricia Jarosz Kathy Jeppesen Mike & Karen Johnson Michael Katlin Ted Kill Ken Kierstan & Mitchell Ruff Nichoal Kirkendall Dawn Klemens Anita Knatz Randal & Carol Koenigsknecht Janice & Randal Lamothe Alayna & Michael Langnas Thomas LaRose Janis Layne Anthony Lemelin Victor Leon Linda Leslie Ronald Leuty Daniel Lilly Lincoln Financial Life Skills Community Rehab Pastor Joel Lindman Dan Lis Mike Longfellow Edwin & Patricia Loveland Joan Lowder Ann Lund Jon & Catherine Lund Bethany Maclain Denise Maier Neil & Maria Martinuzzi Steven Leuty and Maureen Lannon Jane, Doug & Todd Maxim Lis McCallion Raymor Donald & Ruth McCarthy John McEvilly Darby & Patrick McEvilly Tom & Judy McHugh James & Judith Kohl Aleksandr Kokoszka Jarvi Kononen Andrea Kotch Duda Ralph LaFave

Kathy McCarthy Brian McKenna Bill McLaughlin Sharon Mendelssohn Richard Mergel Linda Michaels Gruber Michael & Cadira Michalak Jennifer Miller Nancy Miller Adrienne Moon Sandra Ann Morris Georgia Ann Moss Luella Mumford Stephen Murphy & Elizabeth William Debbie and Kim Newton Jim and Martha Nield Elizabeth Nienhuis Lucas Nienhuis Teresa & Jonathan Nii Judith & Craig Nitz Diane O’Connor Joseph & Frances O’Malley Jennifer Ordway Brenda Orlando Jayne Osborn Don Owens Dr. Owen Perlman Jon Pope Janne Potter Eugene & Judith Priebe Allen Radke Thomas, Shirley & Ian Randall Keith Moore Nancy Moore Marilyn Mootsey Stuart & Randi Sakwa Tom & Linda Schalek Linda Schiavone Kozlowski Clark & Janet Schneemann Colleen Rapson Jean Rauchholz

Henry Shymanski and Deborah McCormick

Patricia Sell Jeffrey Share Jennifer Simmons Christine & Eric Sing

Pamela Siwik James Slowik Jenny L. Smith Judy and Randall R. Smith, MD Linda Smith Loanne Snider Dave & Judy Spagnola Victoria & Joseph Spellman Jill Spokojny Guz

Lisa Springer Kevin Stanley Gwynn Sterken Jim & Peggy Stine Susana Stoica

Mr & Mrs G.J. Straub Katherine Strickfaden David & Mairead Szparaga Marty and Pam Talty A. Dale & Janice Thomson Brenda Tietema Stacy Timmerman Fred & Dee Tinsey Morris Turner UAW Local 1243 Brad Upton Monica Van Acker Jill Vandercook Kirk & Sheryl Vickers Dr. Martin Waalkes Corkey & Larry Waite Warner Petroleum Corporation William Wheeler Linda Wicks Michael Witzke Paul Wozniak Nancy & Tom Wrobel Frank & Vicky Zarzycki George E. Zielinski & Family

Hardwood Door & Bevel Dotty Harnden-Creedon John & Dana Harris The Hedlunds Mark Hekkema Dr. & Mrs Richard Herbert Paul & Susan Hershey Stephen Hewson Robert & Mable Heyn Jessica & Kevin Holland Holt Christian Church Norma Howell Mary Hutchins Jami & Robin Iagulli Robert Igrisan Virginia & David Ingeson Arnie & Nancy Irelan

J & H Transport Isabel Jackson Camden Jackson

Homecoming, Inc. Dennis & Gay Berg

Bretton Schloesser Schwab Charitable

7305 Grand River Avenue, Suite #100 | Brighton, MI 48114