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RPI Insider | Q3 2020

backtobasics TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 8 14 Feature Article: West Michigan >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Pa

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Marshall Orthodontics - Q3 2020

2 tsp garlic, minced • 2 lbs assorted vegetables, trimmed and halved (asparagus, mushrooms, red DIRE

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Big G Express - Q3 2020

Driver Services Team) at extension 7218. 6 WWW.BIGGEXPRESS.COM

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Van Dyck Law - Q3 2020

4 cup parsley leaves, chopped 3 609-580-1044 Published by The Newsletter Pro • www.TheNewsletterPro.

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2017 Q3

S e p t e m b e r 2 1 7 1 Choose THE PATHWAY TO SUCCESS WITH TERRA

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Glenn Reit DDS - Q3 2020

computer screen. “The Mandalorian” on Disney Plus with Baby Yoda is just pure entertainment. It is i

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Q3 2020 Open Forum Agenda

Committee related issues • Registration and Certification Issues [email protected] SERCComp

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Hamilton Insurance Group - Q3 2020

Hamilton Insurance Group - Q3 2020 THE SILVER LINING To Your Life & Health 770-744-1855 THE BEST SPL

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2016 Q3

S e p t emb e r 20 1 6 1 President’s Corner Brenda Pirozzolo, CDOA 2016 NADOA President With

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2019 Q3

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2020 Q3

National Association of Division Order Analysts July / August / September 2020



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NADOA N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n o f D i v i s i o n O r d e r A n a l y s t s G R O W T H T H R O U G H E D U C T I O N

Volume MMXX • No 3

Contents Feature

NADOA 2020 Officers President Luanne Johnson, CDOA


1st Vice President Lewis Box, CDOA 2nd Vice Presiden t Michele Lawton Treasurer Jennifer Kegans

Cob Webs – Webinar Events........................................... 3 Chalker v LeNorman – Varying a Written Contract...... 7 Texas Law of Commingling............................................. 9 Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission........ 19 Legislative Updates: Louisiana.................................................................... 20 Oklahoma................................................................... 21 Legislative Watch – Oklahoma..................................... 21 BLM Guidance for Suspension of Operations/Royalty Rate Reductions during COVID-19 Emergency. ........ 21 Fossil Fuels.................................................................... 28 Fossils Ruled a Surface Right........................................ 29 Nebraska Unclaimed Update........................................ 29

Corresponding Secretary Michelle Harris, CDOA Recording Secretary Vicki Danielson, CDOA

The NADOA News Magazine is a quarterly publication of the National Association of Division

Order Analysts PO Box 1656 Palm Harbor, FL 34682

Subscription: By membership to NADOA, at $75.00 per year. News Magazine Editor Rona L. Erickson, CDOA Kaiser-Francis Oil Company [email protected] 918.491.4319 Associate Editors April Luedecke, CDOA [email protected] Cheryl Hampton [email protected]

In This


President’s Corner. .................................................1 Decimal Points.......................................................3 Certification...........................................................4 2020 Thank You (Institute Sponsors). ....................5 Counterpart Connection.......................................22 New Members.......................................................28 2020 NADOA Board/Committee Chairs...............32 Calendar of Events. ..............................................33

Graphic Design Paul Beach

On the Cover: Oakland Cemetery Courtesy of Shreveport Visitor’s Bureau

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced/copied without written permission. Editorial disclaimer: The contents of this newsletter are intended for member use only and any other use without permission from the NADOA Board of Directors is strictly prohibited.Articles published herein represent the view of the authors; publication neither implies approval of the opinions expressed nor accuracy of the facts stated and NADOA accepts no liability for misprints.



Luanne M Johnson, CDOA, CPLTA 2020 NADOA President

Well we are 3/4ths of the way through 2020. Can you believe it? The virus has not gotten any better and, in some states, has just gotten worse. Our industry is still in hard times. Schools are starting to go back into session and that is different--some of us now will add teacher to our resume. It is a year that when we look back on it in history, we will all have stories of what we went through. But I hope that when we talk about all the bad and crazy things we dealt with, that we also include the good things that we had during this year. One of the positives I have is being with my son, while working from home. He turned sixteen in August and is starting his Junior year so I am grateful to have these few months with him. We made wonderful memories while mom was working from home and he was finishing his Sophomore year, having summer and then starting his Junior year. These are months that I have cherished being with him as I know there isn’t a lot more time before he goes off to college. I hope that you too have some good memories during this year. I also hope you are enjoying the webinars NADOA has been doing as well as the local association webinars we have hosted. We will make sure to let you know about all the webinars we hear about so tune in to follow us on all of our media accounts!

All active NADOA members should have received the voting link for the 2021 Ballot on August 21, 2020. If you didn’t receive the email, please contact [email protected] .

NADOA will be holding a webinar on September 24, 2020 at 9:00 am central time as our annual meeting. We will go over the state of the organization, have election results for the 2021 board and will also announce the 2021 Institute location. We hope you will be able to attend! Stay safe. -

September 24, 2020 9:00 AM Central Annual Meeting via webinar


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