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2021 Fall Program Guide

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Fall 2021 Symposium Program

Fall 2021 Symposium Program STUDENT RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM FALL 2021 December 6, 2021 Malcolm Center for

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2021 Fall Open House Program

english Katharine Whitcomb, [email protected] Greg Rankin, [email protected] Computer Sci

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CRPD Recreation Program Guide Fall 2022

preschool 11

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Recreation Guide - Fall 2021

Sun 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Dec 11 & Dec 12 163 164 68 Standard First Aid with CPR-C and AED Recertificati

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Program Guide

Program Guide UMA Virtual Commencement UMA Virtual Commencement TABLE OF CONTENTS Healthcare Pledge

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2021-2022 Winter Program Guide

Feeding Programs. Best place to LEARN– Dothan Leisure Services offers a variety of classes and progr

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CWU Fall 2021 Wildcat Guide

WildcatCare365 for additional information. 24 25

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Honors Program Senior Thesis Exhibit - Fall 2021

Coaches in Sports FACULTY MENTOR: Dr. Zachary Arth JENNIFER COURY The Benin Bronzes and the Role of

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SBE Internship Expo Program Fall 2021

or marketing assistant. Future Dream Job: I would like to own my own accounting firm one day. SCHOOL

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2021 Fall Protection Field Guide

ASSP Z359.14, simulating con - tact with a structural steel edge having a radius of .005”, this does

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2021 Fall Program Guide

2 0 2 1

F a l l

A guide to all things Parks & Recreation  P l a yMi am i s bu r g . com • 9 3 7 . 8 6 6 . 8 9 9 9

Updates from Parks & Recreation

    The C i t y of Mi ami sburg Par ks and Rec rea�on Depar tment ’s mi s s i on i s to prov i de qua l i t y oppor tun i �es for the commun i t y to P l ay, Di scover and Grow.

Letter from the Director

As the Summer comes to a c l ose and the busynes s of fa l l approaches , rou�nes and mi ndset s o�en beg i n to sh i�. I n th i s t rans i �on , i t wou l d ser ve us we l l to take a l es son f rom nature . Fa l l remi nds us of the constant change of l i fe . You wou l d th i nk we ’d get the hang of dea l i ng wi th change as o�en as we face i t . Yet , so o�en i t br i ngs wi th i t such fear that we can go to ex t raord i nar y l engths to avo i d i t .

Al ford Bas i nger Co l e F i nk Gor reta Keesee Lee Marker Rupper t St ru�on Thompson Tu�l e

Andy Ke i th Megan Ga i l Adr i enne L i l l y Ke l l y Shannon Dus�n Jeff Mi ke

Fa l l shows us that far f rom shunn i ng change , nature i s i n fac t re l i ant upon change to sur v i ve and remi nds us to accept and even we l come the new. L i ke the chang i ng l eaves , some�mes we stay the same , some�mes we change , or some�mes we have to l et go so we can moved forward , grow and hea l . Per i ods of t rans i �on and change are o�en f raught wi th pa i n and c r i s i s , but fa l l teaches us that th i s t rans i �on a l so has oppor tun i t y for beaut y, sp l endor and moment s of awe . Th i s fa l l , embrace the co l or of a new season . V i s i t one of our par ks , take i n the beaut y of nature , pause and l ook around to wi tnes s your sur round i ngs as they constant l y go through some form of change . At Mi ami sburg Par ks and Rec rea�on , we are here to wa l k th i s j ourney wi th you . Th i s season we have prepared a wi de range of oppor tun i �es through programs and event s that are for you to en j oy, l earn , grow and connec t . Over the nex t 18 pages , you wi l l find a range of op�ons for ever y person , ever y age and ever y i nterest . I f we ’ re mi s s i ng someth i ng that you ’d l ove to do, l et us know and we wi l l wor k to c reate i t for you i n the future . We ex i st to be a connec�on po i nt a l ong your j ourney, to c reate a st rong and v i brant commun i t y, prov i de ser v i ces to you , for you , so that together th i s commun i t y rema i ns a st rong , hea l thy and beau�fu l forest . We ’ re here to he l p you b l oom back to l i fe aga i n when the �me i s r i ght , and we can ’ t wa i t to see i t !

Vice President


      Al l individuals and fami l ies are welcome to enjoy our programs and faci l i�es, regardless of race, color, rel igion, sex, na�onal or igin or abi l i ty. The Ci ty of Miamisburg offers recrea�onal opportuni�es in the most integrated se�ng and wi l l provide reasonable accommoda�ons for al l abi l i�es. Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on encourages people of al l abi l i�es to explore al l ac�vi�es and special events offered in the Program Guide. For more informa�on and support wi th accessibi l i ty for al l other programs and faci l i�es, please cal l 937-866-8999.

Ryan Dav i s Di rec tor, Par ks & Rec rea�on

Welcome Alison! Recreation & Special Events Superintendent

For over 10 years , A l i son has exce l l ed as a l eader i n the mun i c i pa l rec rea�on profes s i on . She ser ved at Ba l �more C i t y Rec rea�on and Par ks , and most recent l y wi th Greenbe l t Rec rea�on i n Greenbe l t , Mar y l and . A l i son i s a Cer�fied Par ks and Rec rea�on Profes s i ona l , League Cer�fied I nst ruc tor through the League of Amer i can B i cyc l i st , and vo l unteers as a Brand Ambas sador for SheJumps . She ho l ds a Bache l or of Sc i ence i n Rec rea�ona l Admi n i st ra�on f rom Texas S tate Un i vers i t y wi th a mi nor i n mus i c , and cur rent l y res i des i n Lebanon wi th her husband and two daughters . A l i son began wor k i ng wi th the C i t y of Mi ami sburg as the Rec rea�on and Spec i a l Event s Super i ntendent i n June . We are exc i ted to have A l i son j o i n our team and l ook forward to the impac t she wi l l have on the Mi ami sburg commun i t y !


Table of Contents

We want to hear from you!

We want our programs and events to be designed just for you. Scan the QR code to the right to provide feedback on how we are doing, what you would like to see in the future and any sugges�ons you have.

4. 7. 9.

Communi ty Event s Pipes tone & Mound Gol f Courses Preschool Programs

10. 12. 14. 15. 16. 19. 23.

Youth Programs Fami ly Programs Adul t Programs Adul t Fi tness Senior Adul t Club Senior Meal Menu Parks Map

Ryan Davis, Parks & Recreation Director  

• 937.847.6473

[email protected] Stephanie Sercu, Communication & Marketing Manager [email protected]  Kevin McKinney, Parks & Facilities Superintendent

• 937.847.6459

• 937.847.6645

[email protected] Aaron Stonecash, Parks Supervisor [email protected] Isaac Morton, Facilities Supervisor

• 937.847.6645

• 937.847.6645

[email protected]  Alison Longworth, Recreation & Special Events Superintendent [email protected] Sheila Russell, Program & Event Supervisor [email protected] Sarah McPherson, Recreation Operations Supervisor

• 937.847.6983

• 937.847.6670

• 937.847.6475

[email protected] Derek Ary, Mound Golf Course Manager [email protected] Shelby Spurlock, Community Center Manager [email protected]

• 937.866.2211

• 937.847.6471


Play • Discover • Grow

Community Events

November 25 8:30am Riverfront Park Miamisburg

register at:

Ages: 21+ Join us for a fun holiday inspired competition. Grab your friends, build your team and test your gingerbread architecture skills at The Gingerbread Challenge. Enjoy appetizers, holiday happy hour and festive music while challenging other teams for the SWEETEST competition yet! Register your team by emailing: [email protected]. TheGingerbreadChallenge Lucky Star Brewery

Thursday Time:

6:00-8:00pm 12.09


We're always looking for amazing volunteers to help us meet our mission. If you love people, love to play, and love your city, we've got a spot for you! Whether you want to volunteer a few hours a week or a

few hours a year, helping us helps make an impact on the community. Contact us today to see what opportunities we have coming up!

Pick up trash in our parks and turn them into art for a chance to win a grand prize! Scan the QR code to the right for more details and to enter!

All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 4

Holiday Events

Interested in becoming a vendor? Scan the QR code to apply!

Come out and support Small Businesses. Admission is free and you could even win a door prize! Breakfast and lunch available for purchase.

MiamisburgCommunityCenter • 305 E.Central Ave

Decorate | Nominate | Celebrate In partnership with the City Beau�fica�on Commi�ee Visit for more informa�on

Nov. 24 - Jan. 10 Enjoy holiday music, twinkling lights and festive photo ops in downtown Miamisburg.


Saturday, December 4 th Downtown Miamisburg 4:00 - 8:00pm

Schedule of Events

4:00 pm 4:00 pm

Holiday Parade Browse, Shop & Eat Elves Workshop Santa Visit Strolling Entertainment Mayor’s Tree Ligh�ng

4:30-7:30 pm 5:00-7:00 pm 5:00-8:00 pm 6:30 pm


All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance.

Community Resources

Sports Connections

MiamisburgWrestling Association [email protected] Swim Association of Miamisburg [email protected] Miamisburg Lacrosse Club

Dayton Disc Golf

[email protected] Miamisburg Basketball Association [email protected] Miamisburg Baseball & Softball League [email protected] MiamisburgWeeVikes Football & Cheerleading Assoc. [email protected]

Decorate the grave site of your loved one this holiday season and help create a respec�ul and meaningful atmosphere on memorial grounds.

Hillgrove Union Cemetery, in conjunc�on with Boy Scout Troop #103, is offering a live 24-inch Fraser Fir wreath with “snow” frosted pine cones and a red velvet bow for grave site placement. Wreaths will be placed at the grave sites on Saturday, December 3, 2021 and will remain on the grave sites through January 2021. Hillgrove Union Cemetery staff will place and remove wreaths. The cost per wreath is $32 and is payable in cash, check or credit card. Addi�onal wreaths may be purchased to use at home or other cemeteries. Hillgrove Union Cemetery will take orders through November 19th. The cemetery appreciates your support of this program and encourages you to share this informa�on with other families. To order by phone, please call 937-847-6456.

Your Last Name___________________________ Your First Name___________________________

Address _____________________________________________ City________________________

Zip Code _________ Phone Number __________________ # of Wreaths _____ Total $_________ Payment: Check Number _________ Visa/Mastercard # _______________________________________ Expira�on Date ____________ Security Code (3 digits on back of card) __________ Signature _____________________________ Name on Grave ___________________________ Name on Grave __________________________ Name on Grave ___________________________ Name on Grave __________________________ Credit Card


Checks payable to: Hillgrove Union Cemetery • 10 N. First Street • Miamisburg, OH 45342


Miamisburg Golf Courses

Pipestone and Mound Gol f Cour ses would l i ke to thank al l of our customer s for there support dur ing t rying t imes . We know you have many gol f cour ses to choose f rom, and the turnout thi s year was above expectat ions . We look forward to mak ing new and exc i t ing updates in the future at Pipestone and Mound.

FALL/WINTER COURSE HOURS Oc tober 1 - Oc tober 31 :

Open Da i l y - 8 : 00am - 5 : 00pm Open Da i l y - *weather permi�ng

November 1 - December 31 :


For more inf ormat ion cal l : 937.866.4653 or vi s i t : pipes tonegol f .com

Cal l 937.866.4653 to book a tee t ime.

FALL/WINTER COURSE HOURS Oc tober 1 - Oc tober 31 : Open Da i l y - 7 : 30am - 6 : 30pm November 1 - December 31 : Open Da i l y - *weather permi�ng

Cal l 937.866.2211 to book a tee t ime. • 937.866.4653 • • 937.866.2211


Programs & Activities

This season tell us about your Parks and Recreation story! Parks and Recrea�on are at the center of so many experiences and memories - o�en our first experiences in nature, the introduc�on to a new hobby or sport and learning about healthy lifestyles, connec�ng with our neighbors or oppor- tuni�es to build lifelong skills. Parks and Recrea�on con�nues to offer opportu- ni�es to make las�ng memories for each of us! Our wonderful parks and recrea�on facili�es provide safe and welcoming spaces to gather with friends and family, sites to celebrate life’s special moments, spots of respite and healing, places that connect us with diverse opportuni�es and essen�al services, and community hubs for people of all ages and backgrounds. Since 1977, the City of Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on has been the primary provider of parks and recrea�on services within the community. Over the years, we have heard countless stories about your favorite moments at the park, in nature, on the court or on the ball field, in the pool, with canine friends, and at community events. Our shared experiences make up a strong, vibrant, and resilient Miamisburg.

We invite you to share your story this season!

• How has Parks and Recrea�on made an impact on your life? • Why do you love Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on? • Which parks or facili�es are special to you?

Tell us about your favorite Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on program or ac�vity, share your most memorable moments! Share your favorite Parks and Recrea�on stories by scanning the QR code.

Program Age Breakdown Look for Program Icons!

0-5 6-12 13-17

Preschool Youth Youth/Teen Adult Senior/Older Adult

Fall, Winter and Dog icon watermarks will be on some programs that are specially designed for holidays and pups!

18+ 55+

All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 8

PreSchool Programs

Pre-registration is required for all PreSchool programs. Register Online by scanning the QR code below or by calling 937.866.8999.

Classes are a blend of rhythm exploration, dance, yoga & mindfulness for our tiny movers! Parts of the class are structured, and other portions teach and inspire children to explore their own creative movement. Taught by Erica Collins, owner of Harmony Healing Arts. Toddler Rhythm&Movement Ages: 5 & under

$10 Community Park Learning Center

Session A Fridays: Session B Session C

09.24 10.08 11.12

9:00-10:00am 9:00-10:00am 9:00-10:00am

$10 $10

Children will learn gymnastics body positions as well as beginning skills on the bars, floor, springboard and balance beam. Social development, strength and coordination will be developed. Preschool Gymnastics Ages: 3-5

Over, under, forward and back; there’s an adventure in every class! With the help of parents, this class will explore the four areas of gymnastics (bars, beam, floor and vault). Participants will learn skills related to jumping, skipping, rolling, climbing and balancing. Parent &Tot Gymnastics Ages: 1.5 - 3

$60 Twigs Gymnastics

Session A Saturdays: Session B Session C

10.09-10.30 10.09-10.30 10.09-10.30

10:00-10:45am 11:00-11:45am 12:00-12:45pm

$40 Twigs Gymnastics

Saturdays Time:

9:15-9:45am 10.09-10.30

$60 $60

Ages: 5 & under Calling all little ghouls and goblins to have a preschool friendly spook-tacular time. Costumes encouraged. Enjoy craft and game stations before we wrap up the hour with a not-so-spooky story! ASpook-TacularNight

Community Park Learning Center






Ages: 5 & under Please join us for a fun hour of holiday crafts, music and gingerbread cookie decorating. Kids are invited to wear their favorite holiday pajamas; the more spirited the better! HolidayPajamaParty

Community Park Learning Center

Friday Time:





Youth Programs

Increase strength, flexibility, balance and improve concentration with instructors from Valor Martial Arts. Taekwondo Ages: 6+

Do you love horses? Learn to ride and care for them in this introductory program. Skills such as grooming, general handling and basic saddle seat riding will be reviewed. Participants must be at least 9 years of age and weigh under 150 pounds. Lesson days/times vary due to small group sizes. HorsebackRidingLessons Ages: 9+

Miamisburg Community Center North

Tuesdays &Thursdays Time: Tuesdays &Thursdays Tuesdays &Thursdays Tuesdays &Thursdays


09.02-09.30 10.05-10.28 11.02-11.30 12.02-12.28

$40 $40 $40 $40

$145 Elliot Stables

Offered year-round. Dates and times will be finalized with Elliot Stables after purchase.

Come learn how to fish! Basic instruction on how to bait a hook, cast your fishing pole, and catch and release a fish are covered. Please bring your own fishing pole, we will provide we will provide the bait, the fish and the fun! Learn toFish Ages: 6-12

$5 Sycamore Trails Park Pond 8:00-10:00am

09.25 10.09

Session A Saturday Session B Saturday



Boys and girls learn several different apparatuses including bars, beam, vault, floor, rings, parallel bars and trampoline. Gymnastics

Celebrate the beauty of Fall together with face painting, pumpkin decorating, games and more. Every participant will have the chance to win the Giant Pumpkin! Rib-N-It Bar-B-Q on site. Fall Fun@MoundPark Ages: 3-12

Ages: 6+

$65 Twigs Gymnastics

10.09-10.30 10:15-11:10am 10.09-10.30 11:15am-12:10pm 10.09-10.30 12:15-1:10pm

Session A Saturdays Session B Saturdays Session C Saturdays

$10 Mound Park

Sunday Time:

3:00-5:30pm 10.03

$65 $65

Winner, winner, turkey dinner! Teams of one adult and one youth will compete in rounds of free throws. Winners in each age category will take home a turkey! Rain date: 11.07. Sponsored by: Fox Motors TurkeyBasketball Shoot All Ages

Session A Session B Session C Session D Session E

10:00am- ages 6 & under 10:30am- ages 7-9 11:00am- ages 10-12 11:30am- ages 13-15 12:00pm- ages 16-18

Miamisburg Community Center North




All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 10

Youth Programs

Dress in your Halloween costume and enjoy spooky stories around the campfire. After some games, hunt for tricks and treats with your flashlight. SpookyFun Ages: 6-12

Friday Time:


Mound Park Shelter



This Mini-Chef one-day camp includes instructions, materials, tasting and recipies... all campers will wear an apron while they cook three recipes. This is a fun-filled workshop that creates a 3-course meal and the scrumptious side dishes that accompany the “Grand Feast”. Participants will make Sweet Hawaiian Sliders, 3-Cheese Mac’ n Cheese and Snickerdoodle Pizookies! Mini Chefs Ages: 6-12

Miamisburg Community Center

Saturday Time:




We can’t wait to have you join us for our Fall Adventure Camp! New adventures and discoveries everyday. Bring your own lunch each day. Adventures include: Newport Aquarium, The Web, Young’s Dairy Farm, Niederman’s Family Farm, Tom’s Corn Maze and Cox Arboretum. Fall AdventureCamp Ages: 10-15

Community Park Learning Center

M-F Time:




Come enjoy special time with Santa and eating sundaes and decorating holiday cookies. Looking for a fun time and a great place to take your annual Santa pictures? Look no further! Caregiver must remain present during program. Sundaeswith Santa Ages & under

Enjoy gaming in a fun, safe and supervised environment. Multiple systems will be set up for gamers, kids are welcome to bring their own handheld device. Pizza, snacks and fun tournaments will be played throughout the evening. GamingKidsNight Out Ages: 6-12

$10/person Community Park Learning Center 12.12 4:00-5:00pm

$20 Community Park Learning Center

Friday Time:

6:00-10:00pm 11.19

Session A Sunday Session B Sunday


12.12 5:30-6:30pm

Enjoy last minute shopping, finish wrapping gifts or time with your significant other as your child enjoys crafts, games and pizza. Registration is limited. Kids’HolidayHangout Ages: 6-12

Miamisburg Community Center

Saturday Time:





Family Programs

Bob Ross certified instructor, Gary Waits guides you through how to paint mountains and trees the easy way using his style of painting. This course does not use paint thinner chemicals. Participants will receive a canvass, all supplies and instructions needed to for the workshop. Paint LikeBobRoss Ages: 13+

PoochiePaddle Bring your furry friend to the Miamisburg Pool for a cool swim! Leashes not required inside the gates so be ready for some cute chaos! Ages: 0-99 in dog years

$5/tail Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center

Miamisburg Community Center



Sunday Time:

2:00-5:00pm 09.19

Saturday 09.11


Come out for a fun introduction to kayaking. Learn the basic skills of kayaking before getting on the water. Kayaks and personal flotation device are provided, sunscreen recommended, splashing your fellow paddlers required. Instructed by: Shawn Puckett. PaddleFun Ages: 13+

Case Landing under Linden Ave. Bridge

Friday Time:




Build -A-Scarecrow

All Ages

Our annual scarecrow-making workshop is a family favorite! Construct a life-sized scarecrow to take home. Step by step instructions, straw, twine and other supplies included. You provide the scarecrow clothing, we'll take care of the rest!



$20/scarecrow Mound Park Large Shelter



Learn from Professional Disc Golfer Christine Jennings the fundamentals of disc golf including form, throws and putting. After the session Christine will hold a Q&A about the world of disc golf. Intro toDiscGolf Ages: 13+

Monday Time:


Sycamore Trails Nature Center



Pictured:Christine Jennings

All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 12

Family Programs

All Ages Teams of one adult and one youth will compete in rounds of free throws. Winners in each age category will take home a turkey! Sponsored by: Fox Motors TurkeyBasketball Shoot

HowlOWeenie Ages: 0-99 in dog years Bring your canine companion in costume to the Canal Run Dog Park for a howling good time! Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes. Must pre-register. Free for Canal Run Dog Park members.

Saturday Session E Session A Session B Session C Session D

10:00am- ages 6 & under 10:30am- ages 7-9 11:00am- ages 10-12 11:30am- ages 13-15 12:00pm- ages 16-18

$3/person Miamisburg Community Center North

Canal Run Dog Park







All Ages A family holiday tradition with a twist! We’ll have all the supplies for your family’s creation in a fun and spirited environment. Enjoy kid-friendly holiday beverages, light snacks and treats. Prizes awarded for Most Creative, Most Delicious-Looking, Largest Structure and Most Festive. FamilyGingerbreadHouseChallenge

Miamisburg Community Center






Soft Santa


Ages: 0-99 in dog years

All Ages

Give your pet a tail wagging experience by visiting Santa at Canal Run Dog Park for a commemorative photo! Must pre-register. Free for Canal Run Dog Park members.

Children can spend extra time with Santa in a comfortable and relaxed environment. Holiday treat bag available to take home. Please call 937.866.8999 to schedule an appointment.

Community Park Learning Center

$5/tail Canal Run Dog Park




1:00-2:00pm 12.12






Ages 6+

Bring the family for a night of Bingo, snacks, hot dogs, refreshments and great prizes! Holiday attire encouraged (including that ugly Christmas sweater Aunt Judy got you last year).

Miamisburg Community Center

Friday Time:





Adult Programs

Join Jhazlyn Sanders of Wick Therapy Candles to infuse nature and scents to create unique scented candles while outside. Go home with an 8 oz. candle that smells of Sycamore Trails Park! CandleMaking Ages: 18+

Certified instructor Gary Waits will teach you how to Paint the Bob Ross Way as he guides beginners through intermediate painters to create happy little accidents. Paint LikeBobRoss Ages: 18+

$75 Miamisburg Community Center Time: 1:00-6:00pm

$33 Sycamore Trails Park

Friday Time:

5:30-7:00pm 09.17

Session A Session B

10.17 11.14

Time: 1:00-6:00pm


Locally owned, Handmade by S&J invites you to create from your own choice of preselected wooden home decor designs. Once registered, Handmade by S&J will personally reach out to you with design options. Your selection along with all supplies will be provided. DIYWoodHomeWelcome Sign Ages: 18+

Miamisburg Community Center

Friday Time:




*Multiple sign design options available .

Murder at theDeadwood Saloon, AMurderMysteryDinner

Ages: 18+

In a fully immersive experience, guests will be welcomed into the world of mystery by costumed staff who will seat audience members, explain the rules of the game, and assign suspects. Menu by Rib-N-It includes a full BBQ dinner with all the fixin’s. DORA beverages permitted at this event.



Market Square Building Upstairs




In partnership with Whitman's Bike Shop , this ride celebrates the beautiful bicycling along the Great Miami Riverway. Riders can choose from a guided 7 or 15 mile route, beginning and ending at Whitman's. Enjoy delicious post-ride pies and cider along with raffle prizes, music and cheer! MiamisburgCider Ride Ages: 18+

Whitman’s Bike Shop

Saturday Time:


$15/ 7 miles or $20/15 miles



& Adult Fitness

Ages:21+ Grab your friends, build your team and test your gingerbread architecture skills! Enjoy appetizers, holiday happy hour and festive music while challenging other teams. Register your team by emailing: [email protected]. TheGingerbreadChallenge Lucky Star Brewery

Ever wanted to learn to crochet? Here is your chance! No experience needed and all beginner supplies are provided to crochet a warm winter scarf. Intro toCrochet Ages: 18+

Miamisburg Community Center

Tuesday Time:

6:30-8:30pm 11.16

Thursday Time:

6:00-8:00pm 12.09



Dayton Charcuterie Gal is ready to hang out with you and your best gal pals for this unique and memorable evening. This workshop includes a charcuterie cup for snacking and everything needed to make and take home your own two-person board! DORA beverages permitted at this event. Ladie’sCharcuterieHour Ages: 18+

Market Square Building Upstairs

Friday Time:




Who has the best cornhole team in town? Join us for our inaugural Cornhole Challenge. Enjoy a friendly competition for the title of 2021 Miamisburg Cornhole Champion! The double elimination style tournament will be played in accordance with offical cornhole tournament rules. DORA beverages permitted at this event. CornholeChallenge Ages: 18+

Saturday Time:


$10/person Muscle Park


Saturday yoga with Lisa Hansen is all about the gentle, but deep stretch. Sign up before Sept. 13 to save $5! GentleYoga Ages: 18+

Yoga is a great way to relax and unwind! This class will get your blood pumping during a gentle stretch. Sign up before Sept. 14 to save $5! Yoga Ages: 18+ $30 Community Center (Tuesdays),Community Center North (Fridays) Session B Tuesdays 09.28-11.02 6:30-7:30pm $30 Session C Tuesdays 11.09-12.14 6:30-7:30pm $30 Session A Fridays 10.01-11.05 10:00-11:00am $30 Session B Fridays 11.12-12.17 10:00-11:00am

Miamisburg Community Center

10.02-11.06 11.13-12.18

$30 $30

Session A Session B

9:00-10:00am 9:00-10:00am

Women’s and Mixed Doubles teams will play at your own schedule in a round robin league. League play will begin Sept. 13 with all results submitted by Oct. 18. Singles will be paired with a partner. Fee includes league t-shirt and trophy for top winners. Fall Pickleball League Ages: 18+

$15/person $15/person

Session A Mixed Doubles Session A Women’s League

09.13-10.18 09.13-10.18


Miamisburg Senior Adult Programs 2 0 2 1 Sep t . - Dec .

A guide to Programs at the Community Center  P l a yMi am i s bu r g . com • 9 3 7 . 8 6 6 . 8 9 9 9

Senior Adult Club

Things are star�ng to move back toward normal at the Miamisburg Community Center. If you haven’t already done so, we strongly encourage you to come out and visit us to see all that’s new! Welcome!  All members in the year of 2019 have received a complimentary membership through the end of 2021. Everyone 55+ is welcome to stop by and receive a complimentary membership through the end of the year. Normal memberships resume in January, 2022. A Miamisburg Resident’s membership fee is $15 per year. A non-resident’s fee is $20 per year. This membership gives you: Access the Miamisburg Community Center during business hours. You may u�lize any of the following benefits, pre-registra�on not required. Fitness Equipment Coffee all day Billiards Puzzles Par�cipate in special senior-only programs. Friday Meals at the Center (pre-registration required) Bingo, Card Games & more! (check out the drop in calendar on page 18) • • Meet new people! You never know who you will meet at the Miamisburg Communtiy Center, maybe your next best friend! •


1. Tell us about yourself! Where did you grow up? I was born 1927 and resided in West Liberty, Kentucky for 16 years. I then later moved to Middletown, Ohio where I worked for Aeronca Aircra�, a local aircra� manufacturer. I enjoy working in my yard, cooking for family, and spending �me with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 2. What is your favorite thing to do at the Community Center? I like to visit the Community Center for exercise. My favorite equipment to use while visi�ng the Community Center is the treadmill and bicycle. 3. What is your favorite thing about Miamisburg and why? I love how friendly the people within the community are. I also appreciate how clean and well-maintained the city is.

COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday Friday | 8 : 30am-7 : 00pm | 8 : 30am-5 : 00pm

Play • Discover • Grow


Miamisburg Community Center • 305 East Central Ave. Miamisburg, OH 45342 • 937.866.8999

Senior Adult Club


WALKING CREW 9:00 - 9:45am


BINGO 1:00 - 3:00pm

BRIDGE 1:00 - 4:00pm

PINOCHLE 2:00 - 5:00pm

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS* 1:00 - 2:00pm ART & COFFEE 1:00 - 3:00pm

1:00 - 4:00pm

BINGO 6:00 - 9:00pm

Weekly Program Calendar Want to start a new group, card game or club? Let us know! Call 937.866.8999 to discuss. Note: A core group of 6 players, including a c ordinator, is generally the minimum needed to successfully start a new card game. We would love to host a Euchre game!


Meet at the Community Center to take a brisk 1 mile walk to Veterans Memorial Park. Arrive early to get your cards. A quarter per card is collected and used for prize money. Same as Tuesday Bingo, but with food! Various foods are offered during this �me, see the Community Center flyer board for more details. First Friday of the month only. Stop by to have a nurse check your blood pressure courtesy of Ke�ering Health Network .


Things to Remember

Meals & Trips

This course includes proven strategies tohelpkeepdrivers safe, confident, and mobile. Pre-Registra�on is required by calling 937.866.8999. More details at the front desk! Thursday, 10/21 9:00am - 1:00pm Community Center Cost: Free AARP Smart Driver Course

We have scheduled days where members will meet at designated restaurants to share a delicious meal with other fellowmembers. Interested? See the front desk for a list of dates and restaurants and to sign up if you see something you like! Have ideas of where you'd like to go? Stop by the front desk and let us know a few of your favorite spots!

• Regular memberships will be back in 2022. Everyone’s membership will be due in January. • The Community Center will be closed in observance of the following holidays: • September 6- Labor Day • November 25 & 26- Thanksgiving • December 23 & 24- Christmas • December 31 & January 1- NewYears

COMMUNITY CENTER HOURS Monday-Thursday Friday | 8 : 30am-7 : 00pm | 8 : 30am-5 : 00pm


Miamisburg Community Center • 305 East Central Ave. Miamisburg, OH 45342 • 937.866.8999



October 1st Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Sandwich piled high with bacon, lettuce and tomato. Served with cole slaw, pickle and fruit cup. $4.00 October 8th Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Juicy turkey burger with traditional burger toppings. Served with french fr ies and corn. $5.00 Desser t sponsored by: Tr inity Community at Miami Township October 22nd Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Spaghetti noodles with meat sauce, garlic bread and side salad. $4.00 October 15th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Slow cooked chili topped with cheese and chopped onions. Served with side salad and fresh fruit. $4.00


September 3rd Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Gr illed cheese and tomato soup. Served with fresh fruit. $4.00

September 17th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Homemade lasagna, served with garlic bread and a side salad. $4.00 September 10th Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Delicious gr illed sausage on a bun, with gr illed peppers, french fr ies and fresh fruit. $4.00 Desser t sponsored by: Tr inity Community at Miami Township

Sponsored by: Hear tland of Miamisburg

October 29th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Delectable meatball sub with mar inara sauce. Served with chips and fresh fruit. $4.00

September 24th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Hand breaded chicken served with corn and roasted potatoes. $4.00

Sponsored by: Hear tland of Miamisburg

Play • Discover • Grow




December 3rd Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Deluxe chicken quesadilla served with spanish r ice and a side of chips and salsa. $4.00 December 15th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:00am - 1:00pm “Cratchit's Christmas Par ty” When the last time the family drew round the hearth, Bob Cratchit proposed a toast, "A Merry Chr istmas to us all, my dears". Come out and enjoy a Chr istmas baked ham with all the tr immings! $5.00


November 5th Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Ron’s special recipe! Slow cooked, tender pork r ibs in BBQ sauce. Served with corn and mashed potatoes. $5.00

November 12th Pick Up / Dine In: 11:30am - 12:30pm Jumbo chili dogs served with chips and fresh fruit. $4.00 Desser t sponsored by: Tr inity Community at Miami Township

December 17th Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Flavorful chicken cordon bleu served with r ice and green beans. $4.00

Desser t sponsored by: Tr inity Community at Miami Township

November 19th Pick Up / Dine In: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Happy Thanksgiving Meal! Join us for a traditional turkey holiday meal with roasted turkey, stuf f ing, mac n’ cheese and more! $5.00

To register, call 937.866.8999 Registration closes the Thursday at 5:00pm prior to the meal.

M u

20 • 937.866.8999

Miamisburg Parks Update

New Parks Signage

Miamisburg’s parks are getting brand new entrance and rules signs this Fall! These signs will brighten our parks and help guide users to all the greenspaces Miamisburg has to offer. New rules signs will also have a full Parks Map on the back of each sign. These maps list out all Miamisburg’s parks and their amenities. All new parks signs are created with a highly pressurized paper interior making them environmentally friendly and sustainable. Purchase of these signs made possible by a grant from the Montgomery County Solid Waste District. To find out how you can help protect our community’s natural resources, visit


New Park Entrance Signs

PARK RULES Park isopen fromsunrise tosunset. Petsmust beona leashat all times. No bicycles, roller skates or skateboards are permitted inplayareas. Scheduled use of park shelters and athletic facilities takesprecedenceover all other uses. Children 7 and under must be accompanied byanadult at all times.

• • •

For a full list of park rules, visit:

Scan here to report concerns or damage. This park is regularly inspected by Miamisburg Parks & Recreation staff.

Miamisburg Parks & Recreation • 937.866.8999

New Park Rules Signs

Employee Testimonials

Have you ever thought about working at the pool, golf course, day camps, parks or events? Here is what a few of our 2021 seasonal employees had to say about working their summer withMiamisburg Parks &Recreation! Join th team today!

“My favorite thing about working for Miamisburg Parks & Recreation is being a part of the Miamisburg community! Getting one-on-one interactions with community members every day.”

“My favorite thing about working for the Miamisburg Parks & Recreation department is working in a fast paced, ever evolving field that helps me grow and learn every day.”

-Zoe Harville

-Justin Shatto

“My favorite part is all the new experiences I’ve have been able to have and all the new friends I have been able to make throughout the years I’ve have worked here.”

“My favorite thing about working at the STAC is that everyone is basically your friend and it’s easy to communicate with them.”

-Nate Lentz

-Adam Dearth

“My favorite part is the personalities you’ll meet and the connections you’ll find through the Sycamore Trails Aquatic Center.”


Working for the City of Miamisburg in the Parks & Recreation Department is your chance to make a difference! Working in Parks & Recreation is the perfect way to earn some money and build your resume. Whether this is your first job, dream job, encore career or something in-between, going to a job you love every day is something everyone wants.

-Lizzy Trimbur

W e a

n m o r e !


Scan the QR code to view more details about Miamisburg’s parks.



Miamisburg Parks and Recreation 305 E. Central Ave. Miamisburg, OH 45342

ECRWSS Postal Customer

National Rec r eation an d Par k Ass ociation Member

Oh io Parks a nd Rec r eation Ass ociation Member