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2022 Brand Book: Arrive Luxury Communities

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2022 Brand Book: Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Official Brand Standards Guide

Welcome to Arrive Luxury Communities

...a collection of sought-after living spaces curated for the modern renter. Located in the nation's most coveted neighborhoods, residents and guests alike will enjoy the proximity to major city centers with beautiful parks and gardens, entertainment, dining and ample career opportunities. Arrive Luxury Communities evokes a sense of the good life from the moment you walk through the doors.

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Signature Items . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Color Overlay Tapestry Banners The Seal Cover Displays & Header Plates . . . . . 24 Treatments Technical Measurements Brand Collateral Showcase . . . . . . . . 26 Stationery Presentation Folder Floorplan Sheets Brochures Digital Advertising Extras

Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Detail Spacing Variants & Preparations Application to Color Padding Quality Control Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Specifics Usage Typography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Specifics Treatments

Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Promotional Items . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Social Media Acknowledgement . . . . . 16 Preparations & Color Technical Measurements


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Logo / Detail

Spacing / Logo

Avenir Next LT Pro Regular

Avenir Next LT Pro Bold, All Caps

Class, Pantone 173 C

Trust, Pantone 294 C


As Arrive Luxury Communities holds the ideal to set forth with a look evoking trust and class, it is only fitting that the logo does the same. With its clean exterior lines and well-balanced silhouette, the Arrive Luxury Communities logo can be regarded as a clear and present voice used to set the tone for the rest of the brand. The logo’s striking, bold colors paired with geometric typography lends to a look that simultaneously feels modern and timeless.

Avenir Next LT Pro Regular has been chosen for the main body of the logo, with the “A” in “Arrive.” adopting an extension to its right leg. This creates the perfect resting place for the supporting body, which crests along the downslope of the “A”, aligning with the first “r”, and stopping at the “e”. The balance of these characters together in layout and spatial awareness is key to providing a professional and well driven aesthetic.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Logo / Variants & Preparations

Application to Color / Logo

Background Color Values for Logo Usage

Use Color Logo

Use White Logo






Full Color Logo

White (One-Color) Logo

Full Color Logo Use for Light Backgrounds (Value 0-25%)

White, One-Color Logo Use for Dark Backgrounds (Value >25%)

Logo Preparation in Round

Logo Preparation in Square

Monograms Acts as a Brandmark


Photo with Decent White Space Full Color Logo Applied

Photo with Color Overlay (Value >25%) White One-Color Logo Applied

The logo comes in a select variety of preparations, starting with the standalone, either in full color or one-color varieties. The one-color variety is white by default but may be exchanged for a gray or a metallic silver (given the correct medium, such as embroidery or foil embossing). In some applications, it is prudent to have the logo prepared in a round or square orientation. This is done by simply padding a logo and containing it in a round or square shape. For a reinforcement or more subtle representation of the brand, the abbreviation of the “A” in “Arrive.” can act as a standalone brandmark. The abbreviation is also designed in a more artistic format, allowing for a slightly more memorable impression when used as an icon.

For the sake of legibility, it is important to choose the correct preparation of the logo to apply to a background. Any background that is a value of 0-25% will use the full color logo. If the value of the background color is above 25%, then the white, one-color preparation of the logo should be used. The logo may also be applied to photos and textured overlays but done so at the designer's discretion. The legibility of the logo in relation to a background’s contrast and value is imperative to ensure the logo retains its message.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Logo / Padding

Quality Control / Logo

Standalone Logo / Utilizes the X-Height of "Arrive."

Do Not Apply to Complex Backgrounds

Do Not Change the Scale of the Elements

Do Not Apply Effects or Outline

Round & Square Preparations / Utilizes the "A" in "Arrive."

Do Not Warp or Stretch

Do Not Crowd or Overlap with Other Elements

Do Not Change the Typography

Do Not Apply with an Opaque Container

Do Not Change the Colors

Do Not Change the Opacity

Abbreviations & Icon / Utilizes 50% Height of the "A"

In order to retain the logo’s legibility and spatial awareness, the measurements of padding have been introduced to ensure no other design elements, branded for Arrive or otherwise, interfere with the logo itself. Upholding the standard of padding around each logo preparation in its own space keeps the elements of the design in control when working with the logo. This protects both the hierarchy of the logo and the translation of all elements in the design.

It is best practice to uphold the integrity of the logo and its properties at all times, creating the repetition required to ensure proper brand immersion in our viewership and team members. The logo is the fingerprint of the entire brand, giving it an incredibly high value in the effort of creating recognition of the brand over time. Ensuring the logo properties stay consistent is vital to the health and growth of the brand itself.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Color / Specifics

Usage / Color

CLASS Pantone 173 C CMYK 85 | 100 | 0 | 20 RGB 198 | 64 | 27 HEX C6401B

SUBTLETY Pantone 9080 C CMYK 7 | 8 | 11 | 0 RGB 198 | 64 | 27 HEX E9E3DC

TRUST Pantone 294 C CMYK 100 | 65 | 0 | 55 RGB 0 | 47 | 98 HEX 002F62

Color Hierarchy Prominence (Displayed Left to Right) & Amount of Use

Select Colors by Percentage

LEISURE Pantone 5435 C CMYK 21 | 0 | 0 | 20 RGB 163 | 194 | 210 HEX A2C1D1

FRESHNESS Pantone 290 C CMYK 21 | 0 | 0 | 0 RGB 196 | 233 | 251 HEX C4E9FB

BALANCE Pantone Black 0961 C CMYK 7 | 8 | 11 | 46 RGB 143 | 141 | 139 HEX 8F8D8B

POLISH Pantone Black 7 C CMYK 7 | 8 | 11 | 85 RGB 60 | 56 | 53 HEX 3C3835

Depending on the design, an application of the Arrive Luxury Communities colors may be further along the bold side, featuring a dual of Trust with white, framed by Class. In other cases, a more minimal route is taken with little touches of colors from the palette, paired with white, in a photos-heavy setting. The diagram above shows the amount of use and prominence of each color in that the palette, represented across the entire brand. Along with a solid, full concentration of the colors in the palette, every color aside from Class and Trust may be used in percentages to offer variety and detail in designs.

The colors of the Arrive Luxury Communities brand have been specifically curated to evoke the feeling of trust, timelessness, and class that the brand represents. A selection of vibrant statement colors juxtaposed with a softer, grounded palette keeps the balance between eye-catching and subtle. The use of these colors in the correct application makes a bold statement without feeling garish or over-the-top. Utilizing the colors properly in every design is key to keeping the message of Arrive Luxury Communities intact.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Typography / Specifics

Treatments / Typography


Poynter Oldstyle Display & Text

You have Arrived


Poynter Oldstyle Display . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular | Semibold | Bold Used Primarily for Headlines, Titling, and Pull Quotes

Welcome to your luxe life. Et eliquatione solupit landistes in ne parum eum auda dolorempor modigenectur mo ium est hicatquae peris simos autem quaest et aut vollabo. Itas ute poreperum estor apellupis ditati as dest, cus, quodia non nisciur? Obiscil est, cuptaqui derit. C

Poynter Oldstyle Text . . . . . Roman | Bold | Small Caps Used Primarily for the Tagline


Videbit ut repelendanto moluptiiscit harum.

Poynter Serif RE . . . . . . . . . . . . Regular | Bold Used Primarily for Captions


Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

"...est hicatquae peris simos autem quaest..."


Avenir Next LT Pro

Avenir Next LT Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thin | Light | Regular Medium | Demi | Bold Used Primarily for Body Copy

A Headline



Paragraph Header Poynter Oldstyle Display Style: Semibold Size: 14pt | Leading: 21pt Color: Leisure Tagline Poynter Oldstyle Text Style: Roman, Small Caps Size: 14pt | Leading: 21pt Color: Class

Body Copy Avenir Next LT Pro Style: Light Size: 11.5pt | Leading: 14pt Color: Polish Pull Quote Poynter Oldstyle Display Style: Italic Size: 23pt | Leading: 28pt Color: Trust

Poynter Oldstyle Display Style: Regular Size: 23pt | Leading: 28pt Color: Trust Caption & Fine Print Poynter Serif RE Style: Regular Size: 9pt | Leading: 11.5pt Color: Black, 85%

Pointer Oldstyle is an incredibly well-constructed and classy serif type family, designed to showcase an attention to detail. The integrity and intelligence behind the construction of Poynter Oldstyle makes it a perfect candidate for leading the voice of Arrive Luxury Communities. It is a smooth and elegant work of art, earning it the leadership role as the titling and paragraph header choice for the brand. The strong geometric legibility of Avenir Next LT Pro leads to clean and concise body copy with a modern feel. This look plays very well with both web and print media and comes in a variety of weights to offer the best possible solution for many design applications. Its versatility lends Avenir Next LT Pro to pair well with most typefaces, Poynter Oldstyle included. Together, the two offer a unique and surprisingly harmonious combination.




Sizes are in reference to general printing and are subject to change based on the needs of the project. Relational sizing between text elements constrain when scaled for designs.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Photos / Specifics

Specifics / Photos

"...a distinct air of luxury — the universal feeling of a good life."

The photos chosen for the Arrive Luxury Communities brand all have a distinct air of luxury — the universal feeling of a good life. Every photo should make the viewer feel as if they will have a better life if they are a part of the community. The photos are used to represent people of all walks of life, but having the same driven and forward-thinking ideals. Photos often showcase either leisure or drive, chosen in either a public setting or a home setting that is not too specific in location or amenities.

Photos selected as a part of the Arrive Luxury Communities brand are chosen for their natural subject matter, giving a distinct connection to the audience. Having a clear point of focus on the subject and a more editorial, blurred background echoes a common visual thread across the brand. Daylight or golden hour photos are preferred, with minimal glare, especially in indoor photos. Harsh shadows are only used to aid in composition and are very rarely seen.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Social Media Acknowledgement / Preparations & Color

Technical Measurements / Social Media Acknowledgement

Containing a Social Media Icon




Icon Padding

Icon Sizing Guide

Max Diameter 45 px Digital 0.75" Print

Prepared Social Media Icons

Icon Sequence Padding

Spacing a Sequcence of Social Media Icons

Min Diameter 20 px Digital 0.25" Print




Black, 85%

Color Options

Social media icons are treated all the same, starting out with a circular container. The icon should be visually centered inside a circle, with the outer edge of the icon placed in between the outer 70% and 80% of the container. In print, the standard size for icons is 0.25 inch in diameter, but can scale up to 0.75 inches if needed. For mobile and web media, the icons should be at a minimum of 20 pixels in diameter, but can scale up to 45 pixels. For large format pieces, the social media icons adopt appropriate sizing based on layout and scale of other elements on the piece. This applies whether the piece is print or digital. The spacing between each of the icons should be a 25% measurement of the diameter of an individual icon. This applies to both vertical and horizontal lockups. Once the icons are properly spaced, the group is padded at least 50% of an icon’s diameter all the way around.

Since social media is a vital part of connecting to an audience, Arrive's social media presence is acknowledged across all platforms. Understanding that each social media brand has its own brand standards has led to a thoughtful treatment which respects the brands being represented. The social media icons are always treated in white or grayscale, with the icon centered. The icon by default is cut out, leaving an impression in the circle itself. If the cut out sacrifices the legibility of the icon in a design, it is acceptable to fill the icon with either white or a color corresponding to the background the icon sits upon.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Signature Items / Intro

Color Overlay / Signature Items

Layer 1 Photo 100% Opacity

Layer 2 Blending: Hue Opacity: 85%

Layer 3 Blending: Normal Opacity: 85%

Layer 4 Blending: Color Opacity: 30%

Layer 5 Blending: Normal Opacity: Adjustable

Layered Color Overlay

Layered Overlay in Brand Colors

The formula for the overlay has been designed to reveal the detail of the photo underneath, but removes virtually all of the color, leaving the overlay to translate color entirely. The overlay's layers are listed bottom to top, as follows. 1. The bottom layer is a full opacity photo. 2. A color shape with the blending mode set to Hue at 85% opacity. 3. A color shape with the blending mode set to Normal at 85% opacity. 4. A color shape with the blending mode set to Color at 30% opacity. 5. The top layer is a color shape intended to be adjustable in opacity, becoming more opaque when needed for legibility with text layered on top. The layered overlay should retain one color selection amongst all of the layers. This can be done with any brand color percentage variant, but should be approached with a base brand color variant by default.

Tapestry Ribbon

The Seal

Though not required for brand compliance, the signature items provide a distinctive touch to design pieces, differentiating them from other brands. The signature is used to define official marketing materials and can be a powerful tool when looking to make an impact. There are three distinct elements to the Arrive Signature: layered color overlays, the tapestry ribbon, and the seal. Each of these elements provide the luxury appeal to different instances of the brand. The tapestry banners and seal make a bold statement, while the color overlay offers a legible and textured canvas for text and logos.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Signature Items / Tapestry Banners

Tapestry Banners / Signature Items

A Proud Community of Trinity Property Consultants

Parent Company Acknowledgement

Tapestry Banners Default Colors

Cut Angle From the "A"

Do Not Squash or Stretch

Properly Heightend By Raising Extension

Max Height Ratio 5x Extension Height

Focal Displays Exterior Signage

Approved Color Combinations

The tapestry banners are often used as a decorative design element rather than out of utility, nodding to old traditions treated in a modern way. This simple, yet elegant, element represents the roots of the well-studied, driven individuals who provide service and hospitality to the elite clientele the Arrive brand caters to. In application, the tapestry banners are often used to emphasize information in hieriarchy or contain an acknoweldgement of the parent company (Trinity Property Consultants). In other cases, the banner is used as a callout to the public in a streamlined, eye-catching focal display. In color treatment, the tapestry banners by default utilized in a combination of Class and Trust, but may be applied in any combination of two of the following brand colors: Trust, Class, Subtlety, Freshness, and Leisure.

As the tapestry banners' cut angle is derived from the degree of the right leg of the "A" in the Arrive logo, it remains consistent at that angle amongst every instance of the element's use. However, the height of the top extension can be raised to suit the design's needs up to five times its original height. As this is a secondary element to official Arrive designs, the tapestry banner should always remain a discreet player in the overall piece. The only instance where the tapestry banner should be large or exceed the max height ratio is that of a prime focal display where it is acting as a physical banner, such as an exterior signage application.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Signature Items / The Seal

The Seal / Signature Items

Primary Preparation & Technical Alignment

Gilded Preparation Used for Physical Collateral


Wax Seal

25 px

Favicon Close-up, Technical Alignment, & Finished Size

Monogram One-Color Variation of the Seal Used for Simple Applications

Enamel Pin

Tufted Pillow

The Seal is used to note Arrive in elegant, simple solutions where the brand is represented in introduction and echoes throughout physical presentation. The seal is most often seen as lapel pins, buttons sewn into pillows, wax sealing invitations and wine bottles, or embroidered on handkerchiefs and napkins. Digitally, the most common use is as a favicon or app icon. The Seal has also been prepared as a Favicon and Monogram, both designed with smaller sizes in mind. These are the best choices for designs requiring a small or even tiny application.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Cover Displays & Header Plates / Treatments

Technical Measurements / Cover Displays & Header Plates


Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®




Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Approved Color Combinations





100% (T)

100% (T), 80% (U)

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Logo & Information Lockup

Typography Measurement URL: Point Size 80% of Tagline, Leading 100% of Tagline

Layed Out with Color Overlay

Paying attention to lockup construction of the cover display or header plate is important to retain structure behind the design elements. The measurements set forth are default but may be altered at the designer's discretion if they interfere with live area or other file build parameters. Initially, the lockup is comprised of the logo, tagline, and URL, all centered and middled onto a canvas. With the logo as an initial measuring keystone, the canvas's longest dimension is 300% of the logos width. The spacing between logo and tagline is 50% of the logo's height. When scaling the tagline set underneath the logo, the right side of the “A” in the tagline lines up with the right side of the logo. The URL sits underneath the tagline and has a point size that measures 80% of the tagline’s point size. The URL's leading is a 100% measurement of the Tagline's point size.

Cover displays and header plates refer to a treatment of branded design elements constructed to note the brand's primary information on certain materials including the top portion of certain print items, at the beginning and end of branded videos, and as the cover page of presentational materials. This helps to regulate the important brand information in hierarchy across Arrive's presence to users. These are primarily set up in three color treatments: original color on White, White on Trust, and White on Leisure. For a more textural effect, the cover displays and header plates can be combined with a layered overlay. This is more often used when the piece is static rather than in a video.


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Brand Collateral Showcase / Stationery

Presentation Folder / Brand Collateral Showcase



Business Card

Presentation Folder

Floorplan Sheet


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Brand Collateral Showcase / Spanning Landscape Bifold Brochure

Spanning Landscape Bifold Brochure / Brand Collateral Showcase


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Brand Collateral Showcase / Traditional Trifold Brochure

Half Page Bifold Brochure / Brand Collateral Showcase


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Digital Advertising / Brand Collateral Showcase

Brand Collateral Showcase / Digital Advertising

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Now Leasing Studio, 1, & 2 Bedroom Apartments

Large Banner

Medium Rectangle

Houston’s Most Sought-After Address

Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

Schedule a Tour Today

Half Page



Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Brand Collateral Showcase / Extras

Extras / Brand Collateral Showcase

Water Bottle Labels

Retail Bags

Paper Cups

Hot Beverage Cup

Team Member Badge


Entry Mat

Hot Beverage Mug

Plant Pot



Lapel Pin/Brooch


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Promotional Items / Conventions

Conventions / Promotional Items

Drawstring Bag

USB Flashdisks


Golf Ball

Thermal Water Bottles


Tote Bag

Hooded Sweatshirt


Arrive Luxury Communities

2022 Brand Standards Guide


Don't Just Come Home, Arrive. ®

2082 Michelson Drive, 4th Floor, Irvine, CA 92612 949-399-2500 /