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2022 Winter Program Guide

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2021-2022 Winter Program Guide

Feeding Programs. Best place to LEARN– Dothan Leisure Services offers a variety of classes and progr

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Program Guide

Program Guide UMA Virtual Commencement UMA Virtual Commencement TABLE OF CONTENTS Healthcare Pledge

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Recreation Guide - Winter 2021/2022

7 wks 60 ! ACCESS TO POOL The ONLY access to the pool area is the West Entrance, using the exterior

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Libertyville Recreation Summer Program Guide 2022

$95NR You will be notified if class is canceled for weather, and a makeup class will be scheduled. N

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Activity Guide - Winter 2019

$144N 12402 Mon Jan 7-Feb 25 7–8pm 24

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HWC-NWI Program Guide


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5 at the dish, something no Birmingham player has done since Tim Anderson in 2015. In August, Barons

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2021 Fall Program Guide

Scan here to report concerns or damage. This park is regularly inspected by Miamisburg Parks & Recre

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EXPLO | Program Guide

Day 45 44 Collaborative. Creative. Interconnected. The future of medicine combines talents and speci

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Zionsville: Winter Survival Guide

show or a concert to attend with a family member or friend. Here are a few of the ZPT staff favorite

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2022 Winter Program Guide

2 0 2 2

Wi n t e r

A guide to all things Parks & Recreation  P l a yMi am i s bu r g . com • 9 3 7 . 8 6 6 . 8 9 9 9

Updates from Parks & Recreation

    The C i t y of Mi ami sburg Par ks and Rec rea�on Depar tment ’s mi s s i on i s to prov i de par ks & rec rea�on exper i ences that pos i �ve l y impac t the commun i t y.

Letter from the Director

Happy Ho l i days Mi ami sburg!

As th i s program gu i de i s ar r i v i ng i n homes i n l ate December, we find ourse l ves i n the mi dd l e of the wi nter ho l i day season . A �me when we o�en spend �me wi th f r i ends , fami l y and a �me when we are i n a “new year ” mi ndset . What are your goa l s for the new year? What sk i l l s do you want to l earn?

Andy Ke i th Megan Ga i l Adr i enne L i l l y Ke l l y Shannon Jeff

Al ford Bas i nger Co l e F i nk Gor reta Keesee Lee Marker Rupper t Thompson

Over the past year, th i s depar tment has wor ked to refocus on our mi s s i on of prov i d i ng exper i ences that pos i �ve l y impac t s the commun i t y. Our new year mi ndset i s about tak i ng what we ’ve l earned and pu�ng that i nto ac�on . We have so l i d i fied the v i s i on for the depar tment as a imi ng to l i sten to and respond to the needs and des i res of those we ser ve . We a im to p l ant , grow and mature a h i gh-qua l i t y of l i fe , and we want to be the source i n the commun i t y of p l aces , memor i es , exper i ences , sk i l l s & oppor tun i �es . Throughout th i s program gu i de you wi l l find many examp l es of our st rong des i re to prov i de a l l of these th i ngs . The past year has con�nued to be a d ifficu l t year, we have a l l faced cha l l enges i n numerous areas . At the same �me , the depar tment has brought on some new faces and wi th that comes a renewed energy and exc i tement about where the depar tment i s headed . Over the nex t year, you wi l l see s i gn i ficant i nvestment and improvement i n our par ks , f rom an update to the tenn i s & basketba l l cour t s at Sycamore Tra i l s Par k ( south ent rance off Maue Rd . ) and the i nsta l l a�on of a new Sp l ash Pad wi th i n the Sycamore Tra i l s Aqua�c Center. Throughout ear l y 2022 , we wi l l be do i ng some p l an updates to the Depar tment Master P l an ( l ast updated i n 2006) . Th i s proces s wi l l be ver y i nst rumenta l i n shap i ng the future of our par ks , fac i l i �es and ser v i ces mov i ng forward . I f you ’d l i ke to be i nvo l ved i n shap i ng that future , scan the QR Code be l ow and j o i n our ma i l i ng l i st to get updates about how and when your vo i ce can be heard i n th i s proces s . We are exc i ted to be head i ng i nto 2022 focused , i nten�ona l i n our pursu i t of ser v i ng th i s commun i t y i n a pos i �ve way !

Mi ke Dus�n

Tu�l e St ru�on

President Vice President

      Al l individuals and fami l ies are welcome to enjoy our programs and faci l i�es, regardless of race, color, rel igion, sex, na�onal or igin or abi l i ty. The Ci ty of Miamisburg offers recrea�onal opportuni�es in the most integrated se�ng and wi l l provide reasonable accommoda�ons for al l abi l i�es. Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on encourages people of al l abi l i�es to explore al l ac�vi�es and special events offered in the Program Guide. For more informa�on and support wi th accessibi l i ty for al l other programs and faci l i�es, please cal l 937-866-8999.

I n Hope , Hea l th and Happ i nes s ,

Ryan Dav i s Di rec tor, Par ks & Rec rea�on

Welcome Rachel!

Welcome Kevin!

Rachel Goforth was promoted from part-�me to ful l -�me and wi l l focus on planning and execu�ng recrea�on and communi ty wide events. Rachel has a Bachelor of Science in Tour ism and Event Management from IUPUI and wi l l u�l ize her educa�on and program

Kevin Evers has a Bachelor of Science in Recrea�on Studies from Ohio Universi ty. He most recent ly worked wi th the Ci ty of Ke�er ing Parks, Recrea�on and Cul tural Arts Department and the Centervi l le

and event exper ience wi th The Salva�on Army and the YMCA to provide a wide-range of fun & engaging events in Miamisburg!

Washington Park Distr ict . U�l izing his educa�on, recrea�on exper ience and passion for our field, he wi l l coordinate our preschool , youth, adul t , fami ly, and senior programming. We look forward to the impact Kevin wi l l have in our recrea�on program offer ings!

n a g e

r s !


Table of Contents

We want to hear from you!

We want our programs and event s to be des i gned j ust for you . Scan the QR code to the r i ght to prov i de feedback on how we are do i ng , what you wou l d l i ke to see i n the future and any sugges�ons you have .

4. 6.

Seasonal Employment Communi ty Event s Sycamore Trai l s Aquat ic Center

10. 14. 19. 20. 23. 24. 26. 28. 32.

Summer Day Camps Preschool Programs Youth Programs Fami ly Programs Adul t Programs Adul t Fi tness Senior Adul t Club Senior Meal Menu

Archery @ Day Camp 2021

Ryan Davis, Parks & Recreation Director  

• 937.847.6473

[email protected] Stephanie Sercu, Marketing & Communications Manager

• 937.847.6459

[email protected]

 Kevin McKinney, Parks & Facilities Superintendent

• 937.847.6645

[email protected] Isaac Morton, Facilities Supervisor [email protected] Aaron Stonecash, Parks Supervisor [email protected]

• 937.847.6645

Wilderness First Aid

• 937.847.6645

 Alison Longworth, Recreation & Special Events Superintendent [email protected] Sarah McPherson, Recreation Operations Supervisor

• 937.847.6983

• 937.847.6475

[email protected] Sheila Russell, Program & Events Supervisor [email protected] Derek Ary, Mound Golf Course Manager [email protected] Kevin Evers, Program & Event Manager [email protected] Rachel Goforth, Program & Event Manager [email protected] Shelby Spurlock, Community Center Manager [email protected]

• 937.847.6670

• 937.866.2211

• 937.901.0682

• 937.361.7247

• 937.847.6471


Play • Discover • Grow

2022 Recruitment



Whether you are working in an office, in a day camp, at our Aqua�c Center, Golf Course or out in the parks, a career in Parks & Recrea�on means enhancing the quality of life for all people in and around Miamisburg. Learn to lead, work hard, overcome challenges and have fun while making someone’s day. If this is your first job, dream job, encore career or something in-between, going to a job you love every day is something everyone desires. Do you have the passion for parks, recrea�on, helping people and be�ering your community? Then apply today for one of our many opportuni�es at Miamisburg Parks & Recrea�on!


                                •  Aqua�c Assistant Manager • L i feguard • Crew Leader          • Mound Go l f Course As s i stant Manager   • Par k Ma i ntenance       • Recrea�on Team Member

• Aqua�c Team Member


• Sports League Manager

• Program and Event Coordinator     • Day Camp Di rec tor

• Day Camp Coordinator

Al l open pos i tions are l i sted on the nex t page .

For a full lis�ng of current job opportuni�es visit

The C i t y of Mi ami sburg i s an equa l oppor tun i t y emp l oyer, emp l oyment offers are con�ngent upon succes s fu l drug sc reen i ng and background check , seasona l h i r i ng quan��es are con�ngent upon COV ID rest r i c�ons and opera�ona l impac t s .


2022 Recruitment



         Averaging 10-28 hours per week, this posi�on is responsible for assis�ng the overall management of the golf course; including supervision of all seasonal staff and volunteers, management of the clubhouse equipment, cleanliness, concessions, sales desk and customer service.        Averaging 24-28 hours per week, this posi�on will be working on cleaning shelters, parks, green spaces, opera�ng mowers and small engine equipment, assist in special event setup and tear down, tree removal, string trimming and other du�es as assigned. The posi�on requires staff to work in all weather condi�ons and can use physical labor for long periods of �me.

Averaging 20 hours per week, this posi�on plans, organizes, schedules coordinates and implements recrea�onal ac�vi�es, programs, events and classes in city parks and facili�es. Knowledge of a variety of ac�ve and passive games, ac�vi�es as well as the ability to teach and lead programs in various recrea�onal categories preferred.             Averaging 10-28 hours per week, This posi�on is possible for assis�ng in the overall implementa�on of the Miamisburg Baseball So�ball League; including the supervision of prac�ces and games, field and facility prepara�ons and customer service.



          Plan, organize and supervise the full array of day camps in Miamisburg which includes two tradi�onal full-day camps and mul�ple specialty camps. Posi�on also assists with a variety of youth programs.

       Ensures a safe and cleanly environment for aqua�c facility patrons and provides basic life saving measures as needed. Lifeguards are cer�fied in-house, no previous cer�fica�on needed.      Assists in overseeing pool deck and/or cashier opera�ons. Acts as first line of supervision for seasonal staff and customer service. Tasks and ac�ve roles in the training and development of seasonal staff through regular in-service trainings, coaching and evalua�on.                Responsible for the overall management of the aqua�c facility; including supervision of all seasonal facility staff, management and care of desk equipment, management & care of all equipment, cleanliness and orderliness of facility entrance, bath houses and sand volleyball areas. Responsible for STAC employees and more.

        Oversee the daily opera�ons and camp staff of a tradi�onal day camp or specialty camp. Camp staff typically work for 10-12 weeks, including 8-10 weeks of camp plus training.

         Implement the day to day opera�on of the Camp & Recrea�on Programs, which includes small and large group games, cra�s, field trips, nature hikes and more. Camp staff typically work 10-12 weeks including 8-10 weeks of camp plus training.

              Assists with general facility opera�ons including tee �me reserva�on & processing, food & beverage prepara�on and sales and overall patron enjoyment. Provides excellent customer service to golf course patrons.

           Assists with general facility opera�ons, rule enforcement and patron enjoyment. Provides excellent customer service to aqua�c facility patrons.

       For the Parks & Recrea�on Department, Mound Golf Course and/or Hillgrove Union Cemetery. Up to 40 hours a week of work. • Equipment opera�ons and maintenance • Facility maintenance: general, turf, irriga�on, athle�c field & playgrounds • Communica�ons, professionalism and pride • Perform related du�es assigned or as the situa�on dictates

              App l y by v i s i �ng P l aymi ami sburg . com or by scann i ng the QR code be l ow for the seasona l app l i ca�on on page 4 . Di sc l a imer : The C i t y of Mi ami sburg cons i der s a l l app l i cant s for a l l pos i tions wi thout regard to race , co l or, re l i g i on , gender, nationa l or i g i n , age , d i sab i l i t y, veteran status , or any other l ega l l y protec ted status .

• Park facility maintenance • Athle�c field prepara�on


Community Events

January 21st is National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Stop by the Community Center to grab a kit which includes a family game, story, coloring pages, supplies and instructions to make a squirrel feeder. Snap a photo and compete to win a prize! National Squirrel AppreciationDayKits Miamisburg Community Center $10 8:30am-7:00pm Thursday 01.20 Pick up kits on:

Gather your best gal pals to celebrate Galentine’s Day for an afternoon of yoga, painting and fun! It’s guaranteed to be a good time. Registration includes cocktail, yoga session and art supplies. Galentine’sDay Ages: 21+

Pipestone Golf Course $25

Sunday Time:




APRIL 23 9am - 12pm


Family Cornhole Challenge

Ages: 6+

$18/team Miamisburg Community Center Friday, 02.04 6:30-8:30pm Compete in our family indoor cornhole challenge! The winning team will take home the trophy and some parks and recreation swag. Don’t worry, pizza and refreshments will be available for everyone! Team are comprised of two players, register ahead of time to compete!


Community Events

It’s Back In 2022!

Save The Date May 20-22, 2022

Disaster + Travel + Wilderness First Aid

Bring your family for a pizza lunch on us! Start the morning off with crafts and games, then head outside for a totally egg-cellent hunt. Mr. Bunny will be hopping in for a photo opp so bring your camera! Lunch & Hunt Ages: 3+ $10/child Community Park Learning Center Saturday, 04.09 10:00am-12:00pm

MEDIC SOLO hosts the Wilderness First Aid Certification (WFA). This course will teach you to identify and manage life-threatening injuries. You will learn the knowledge and skills to identify and treat injuries and illnesses. No prior medical experience required. You can learn more about this course and register by scanning the QR code below.

April 2-3 9:00am-5:00pm (both days) $260

Community Park Learning Center


Facility Reservations

                   Miamisburg Parks & Recreation is home to two large indoor rentable spaces for your birthday, baby shower, anniversary party, graduation party and more. Each space is cleaned and ready to go for you on the date of your event. If you have specific needs, please give us a call! Facility reservations can be made by can be made in-person, over the phone or by emailing [email protected]. Or, you can submit your request online, look for the facility reservation request form on

Miamisburg Community Center

Community Park Learning Center



• 100 per son capac i t y • pro j ec t or screen • pro j ec t or • sound sys t em • t ab l es & cha i r s

• ADA ba t hrooms • newl y renova t ed • c l ose t o down t own • amp l e par k i ng

• 60 per son capac i t y • t ab l es & cha i r s

• nex t t o p l ayground • p i ck l eba l l cour t s • baske t ba l l cour t s • l arge open grass area

• sound sys t em • en t i re f ac i l i t y • ba t hrooms

   • $60 / hour f or t he f i r s t f our hour s

   • $60 / hour f or t he f i r s t f our hour s

• $30 / hour a f t er f our hour s • $75 re f undab l e depos i t

• $30 / hour a f t er f our hour s • $150 re f undab l e depos i t

• Tab l es and cha i r s can be ar ranged i n any l ayou t f or you by our s t a f f f or an add i t i ona l $25 • Avai lable every day of the week f rom 7am-10pm.

• Tab l es and cha i r s can be ar ranged i n any l ayou t f or you by our s t a f f f or an add i t i ona l $25 • Avai lable every day of the week f rom 7am-10pm.



| | 937.866.8999 | [email protected] | 305 E. Central Ave.

r e c e i v

e d .


Shelter Reservations

                 Miamisburg hosts multiple outdoor shelters throughout our parks. Each shelter has its own unique amenities for your birthday, family reunion or other special occasion! Shelter reservations are free to use and begin on January 3rd for residents, February 1st for non-residents bookings must be made at least 3 days in advance and are available for reservation between April 15th and October 15th, 2022. Regardless of the time of use, Shelter Reservations are reserved as full day reservations.

Sycamore Trails Park

Mound Park







• 120 per son capac i t y • charcoa l gr i l l • wa t er f oun t a i n • l arge open grass area • near p l ayground

• 40 per son capac i t y • charcoa l gr i l l • ada p i cn i c t ab l e • nex t t o h i k i ng t ra i l s • near creek bed

• 100 per son capac i t y • ha l f -wa l l s t one border • wa t er f oun t a i n • l arge open grass area • near p l ayground

• 30 per son capac i t y • charcoa l gr i l l • next to Adena Indian mound • l arge open grass area • near bathroom bui lding



• 18 -ho l e d i sc go l f cour se • sma l l f i sh i ng pond ( ages 15 and under ) • h i k i ng t ra i l s • creek runn i ng t hrough par k • l arge open grass areas • ba t hroom f ac i l i t y • p l ayground

• Adena I nd i an mound • Oh i o h i s t or i c l oca t i on • nex t t o Mound Go l f Cour se • l arge open grass areas • ba t hroom f ac i l i t y • p l aygrounds

                        | | 937.866.8999 | [email protected] | 305 E. Central Ave. ONLINE CALL EMAIL IN-PERSON

All shelters within Miamisburg parks are available on a rst come rst serve basis except for these four shelters, when reserved in advance. 9



           The Sycamore Trails Aqua�c Center Turns 25! Beginning in 1938, as part of President Roosevelt's New Deal, residents have had a public pool to frequent with friends and neighbors. The current Sycamore Trails facility opened in 1997 with funds from a Federal Department of Energy grant. The STAC is proud to con�nue this 84 year aqua�c tradi�on today. As the world of aqua�cs has evolved, so too has the vision for the Sycamore Trails Aqua�c Center. Industry wide, splash pads are a major hit. In celebra�on of this "Silver" birthday, the STAC will unveil a new, shiny splash pad of its own. This feature brings to life more accessibility to patrons of diverse needs and is a safer op�on for non-swimmers and li�le ones. We hope your family will enjoy this offering. Join us at the 2022 Block Party for a ribbon cu�ng and to be among the first to explore over 120 spray nozzles sure to be a soaking-good-�me!






$230 $40/person Free    

  P l aymi ami sburg . com

Fami l y Add’l FamilyMember Todd l er (4 persons )

$170 $30/person Free

     Mi ami sburg Commun i t y Center 305 E . Cent ra l Ave .

(3 & younger )

Youth Adu l t Sen i or            (4-17) (18-54) (55 & o l der ) $65 $75 $65

$85 $95 $85

         Pre - Season Sa l es : May 17th-May 27th Monday- Thursday 4 : 00pm – 7 : 00pm Saturday 10 : 00 am – 1 : 00pm *Fr i day, May 26th 11 : 30am-7 : 00pm Regular Season May 27th- August 14th Monday-Thursday 12-7pm Fr iday-Sunday 12-7pm

Unl imi ted dai ly entry, early dai ly entry at 11:30am, & a reusable water bo�le. Sunday swim is reserved for Residents, Season Passholders and their guests only.




Th i s camp i s great for those who l ove the water or wou l d l i ke to improve the i r swimmi ng sk i l l s . Ever y day campers wi l l par�c i pate i n swim l es sons , rece i ve i nst ruc�ons on bas i c d i v i ng , water sk i l l s and en j oy f ree swim.

   Sat-M: 12-7pm Sa - Su : 12-7pm

May 27 - Aug 14 Aug 20 - Sep 5

| |

| M- Th : CLOSED



(3 & younger )                       Todd l er       

FREE $5 . 00 $6 . 00 $5 . 00 -$1 . 00/ rate $4 . 50

FREE $8 . 00 $9 . 00 $8 . 00 -$1 . 00/ rate $6 . 50

Youth Adu l t Sen i or Twi l i ght Group



(55 & o l der )

( a�er 5pm)

(20+ peop l e )


Sat-M: 12-7pm Sa - Su : 12-7pm


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Pr i vate renta l s at the Aqua�c Center are ava i l ab l e to fami l i es , bus i nes ses , churches , and commun i t y organ i za�ons . The l i ghted outdoor env i ronment i s a great l oca�on for any ce l ebra�on or gather i ng . Renters can u� l i ze the poo l and l arge deck area per fec t for games , danc i ng and more . For added enter ta i nment the fac i l i t y can accommodate DJ s or recommend cater i ng . Renta l s are ava i l ab l e Fr i day, Saturday and Sunday star�ng at 7 : 00pm. for two or three hours .

  100 peop l e or l es s - $325/hour 101-249 peop l e - $375/hour 250+ peop l e- $450/hour

             Explore the real world of Lifeguarding with Sycamore Trails Staff! Begin the day training on in-water scenarios and honing swim skills to increase strength, endurance, and water safety knowledge. Enjoy lunch as a team and spend a�ernoons prac�cing CPR and First Aid scenarios. Successful candidates will become cer�fied in layperson CPR, AED and First Aid. These are excellent creden�als to help find a first job or show emergency readiness. This camp is the perfect mix of readying for a future job and having all the fun of summer camp!                         

           • Un l imi ted da i l y ent r y • Ear l y ent r y at 11 : 30am • Reusab l e water bo�l e • Sunday swim i s reser ved for Res i dent s , Season Pas sho l ders and the i r guest s on l y



                     A new sp l ash pad wi l l be i nsta l l ed i n the 80 foot d i ameter former sand p l ay area th i s year at Sycamore Tra i l s Aqua�c Center. Th i s new amen i t y i nc l udes 12 l arge features and over 120 spray i ng noz z l es . The ma i n feature i s the “F l ash F l ood”, a 17 foot h i gh l arge dump i ng bucket that once fi l l ed wi th water, un l eashes a flash flood of water atop those p l ay i ng be l ow. V i s i tors can expec t to en j oy a wi de range of i nterac�ve p l ay that i nv i tes cur i os i t y and fosters exc i tement . The water area has d i fferent se�ngs wh i ch wi l l a l l ow ch i l dren and fami l i es to c reate the i r own path to p l ay. Th i s add i �on of the sp l ash pad mar ks the 25th Ann i versar y season . We we l come ever yone to j o i n us and coo l off th i s summer !

                       Sp l ash pad wi l l be open dur i ng norma l bus i nes s hours and i s l ocated i ns i de the aqua�c center. I t can be acces sed through da i l y admi s s i on or by season pas s ho l ders .



Our Swim Lesson Program is custom-tailored to fit the needs of the community. Small class sizes are used to ensure individual student needs are met. Our professional and seasoned instructors provide an inclusive, safe, and fun environment for learning. All of our classes offer a curriculum specific to various ages and stages of development, ensuring the effec�ve learning of how to remain safe in and around the water for a life�me. Check out our offerings at or stop by our sales booth for more informa�on.  $30- Guppies, $40- All other age groups. $50- Private swim lessons.         




1-3 YRS

3-5 YRS

This class will offer introductory instruc�on on submerging, bobbing, gloa�ng, gliding, jumping in the water and beginning arm ac�on.

This class will offer instruc�on on water explora�on and basic water skills such as bobbing, floa�ng and gliding. One parent must accompany child in each class.





3-6 YRS

5-7 YRS

Students will expand learned skills to build confidence. Students will learn unsupported floa�ng and gliding.

Students will build on basic water skills with the support of their instructor. Students will learn gliding with kicks, front crawl, elementary backstroke and water safety skills.





5-8 YRS

6-12 YRS

Students will review previously learned strokes while increasing distance and proficiency. Scissor kick and sidestroke arm ac�on will be introduced.

Students will con�nue perfec�ng learned strokes in varying depths of water while emphasizing safety skills. Students will be introduced to diving and breaststroke.






7-15 YRS

Learn to swim at your own pace. Our pa�ent and knowledgeable instructors will help you gain basic water safety knowledge and prepare you to reach your individual goals. Small class sizes allow for customiza�on and skill development no ma�er your background.         

Students will review previous stokes with added emphasis on efficiency, distance, underwater swimming and water safety skills. Dolphin kick, bu�erfly and treading water will be introduced.




Each instructor will provide 30 minutes of personalized instruc�on. No previous swimming experience is required. Contact the Aqua�c Center to schedule private lessons. Lessons may occur before or a�er normal opera�ng hours depending on availability.


       • Teaches swim safety • Inc rease parenta l awarenes s around the water • Become comfor tab l e around water



h i p s


    Nature Awaits us this summer! The City of Miamisburg is exited to present Camp Miamisburg 2022. Our camps will be available for children ages 3-17. Tradi�onal day camps will be offered as well as a variety of specialty camps sure to engage all interests! Each camp will provide its own fun, excitement and adventure that will create lifelong memories for children during their summer break.


“The counselors are the absolute best. They play with the kids and don’t just watch them. This camp is the best one around hands down. We drive from Lebanon so our son can attend this camp it is so good (it’s an hour to take him to camp and come home to work then repeat for pick up). They keep the kids active and engaged. We can’t wait to come back next year!”

Registration opens February 14th!

“Thank you for such a well-run program. I know it takes a TEAM to do excellent programs and from the reports of an 11 year-old, you hit it out of the ballpark!!!”

What kind of camps are offered?

“We had just moved and were in a season of transition. I was concerned about my son meeting new kids and having fun. The camp counselors made sure he had the best time! He made some great new friends, had a blast with the activities and was super sad to see camps come to an end. I can not thank you enough for what a great program you put together and the kids that worked the camps were amazing!!”

Traditional Camps: We offer tradi�onal camps for ages 3-6, 6-9 & 9-12. Before and a�er care are available for ages 6-9 & 9-12. Themed Camps: Themed Camps are designed around a specific theme. Each camp becomes a fully immersive experience for your child to have fun and explore all week long!



Traditional Camps

ThemedCamps Ages vary by camp. See details in the 2022 Camp Guide.

Camp Sammie

Camp Nova* Camp Orion*




*Before and After Care available for these camps

We can't wait for Camp 2022, here are some themes we are bringing to you!



g w

e r

Registration Opens February 14th! Look for the Camp Magazine Online

Play • Discover • Grow


Miamisburg Baseball & Softball League

America's Pas�me right here, in your hometown. Whether its your li�le one's first �me on the field, or they're a seasoned all-star, the Miamisburg Baseball & So�ball League is a great way to learn the game, and enjoy recrea�onal baseball & so�ball at its best. Our mission is to provide the community an opportunity for recrea�onal youth baseball, so�ball and t-ball, join us this season as we bring ball back to Miamisburg.

4 years old 5-6 years old 5-6 years old

7-8 years old 9-10 years old 11-12 years old 13-14 years old

7-8 years old 9-10 years old 11-12 years old 13-14 years old







         



Join MBSL for a parade of teams and day-�me game at Day Air Ballpark. Tickets are just $5 for ou�ield sea�ng. Teams will align and parade across the major league field! Be on the lookout for an emailed link to purchase a�er your registra�on to MBSL for 2022.

      Teams wi l l p l ay a fu l l season end i ng wi th a s i ng l e e l imi na�on tournament . P l ayers fees i nc l ude a j ersey, baseba l l hat and socks . Teams wi l l star t prac�ces i n Apr i l . Parent s wi l l be no�fied of team rosters i n ear l y Apr i l .    Coach i ng a youth spor t program i s a pr i v i l ege that i s not to be taken for granted . As a vo l unteer coach or as s i stant coach , you have an impor tant ro l e i n the deve l opment of the young ch i l dren i n our commun i t y. We st r i ve to teach each ch i l d the pos i �ve va l ues of t rust , good spor t smansh i p , good c i �zensh i p , respons i b i l i t y, respec t , fa i r p l ay, and teamwor k – va l ues they can use throughout the i r l i ves . Ema i l today to beg i n shap i ng the future of Mi ami sburg at MBSL@c i tyofmi ami sburg . com

   


Join MBSL for a homerun derby, cook-out and cele - bra�on. MBSL pl ayers wi l l be el i g ible to enter age- spec ific derbies and enjoy pass i ve games and amusements around Ri ce F ield. Be on the look out for an RSVP ema i l in May!

       9131 Dayton Cincinna� Pike, Miamisburg, OH 45342 MBSL@c i t yofmi ami sburg . com


Sports & Races

June25 Community Park 8:00am Formore informationor to register visit: Speedy-

April 1st Community Park 4:30pm

Register Online at:

Aportionof the proceedsbenefit the HumaneSocietyof GreaterDayton.

SpringPickleball Lesson

Intro toDiscGolf

Thursday, 03.26 9:00-10:00am

Community Park Pickleball Courts

Tuesday, 04.26 6:00-7:00pm

Sycamore Trails Park North

Join Pickleball volunteers for a one-hour introduction to Pickleball! Learn the rules, a few techniques and play with friends. This is a great low-impact sport for the former tennis enthusiast or someone looking for a mild to moderate new way to exercise.

Learn from Professional Disc Golfer Christine Jennings the fundamentals of disc golf including form, throws and putting. After the session Christine will hold a Q&A about the world of disc golf. Free goodie bags to the first 10 registered. register at: $10/person


register at:

Senior Adult So�ball- Men’s 69+ League. Games scheduled Friday mornings. To inquire about joining a team call 937-866-8999. Fees are paid as a team.

               Coed League. Registra�on open 2/1/22 – 4/4/22. Games begin week of April 25th and scheduled weekdays, Monday through Friday.


Programs & Activities

Make new memories together this winter with us!

Start here for fun with programs! Throughout this winter, Miamisburg Parks and Recrea�on will be an amazing place to try new things, enjoy old hobbies, make memories, play, and learn new skills! We aim to offer unique and fun ways to get out and Play together this winter!

Program Age Breakdown

0-5 6-12 13-17

18+ 55+

Preschool Youth Youth/Teen

Adult Senior/Older Adult

Learn to Fish Page 21

Traveling Playground is a FREE program open to all children. Our recrea�on staff will have planned games and sponsored meals will be available. Beginning Summer 2022! Stay tuned for addi�onal informa�on. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Traveling Playground reaches families and children in the Miamisburg area to promote socialization, being active, and having fun!

Ukrainian Egg Decorating Page 24

Email now to get involved in the 2022 season!

Hamilton Live Page 31

Sponsorship contact info: 937.866.8889 [email protected]

S p r i n g

All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 18

PreSchool Programs

Pre-registration is required for all PreSchool programs. Register Online by scanning the QR code below or by calling 937.866.8999.

Children will learn gymnastics body positions as well as beginning skills on the bars, floor, springboard and balance beam. Noah’sArkGymnastics Ages: 3-5

With the help of parents, participants will learn skills related to jumping, skipping, rolling, climbing and balancing, as well as participate in gymnastic events! Parent &Tot Gymnastics Ages: 1.5 - 3

$61 Twigs Gymnastics

Session A Saturdays: Session B Session C Session D

01.08-01.29 01.08-01.29 04.09-04.30 04.09-04.30

10:00-10:45am 11:00-11:45am 10:00-10:45am 11:00-11:45am

$42 Twigs Gymnastics

Session A Saturdays: Session B

$61 $61 $61

01.08-01.29 04.09-04.30

9:15-9:45am 9:15-9:45am


Ages: 5 & under Valor Martial Arts, along with Kwan, will help your toddler develop skills such as listening, balance, jumping and more! This is a unique and fun way to spend time with your active toddler! Parent &TotTaekwondo

$40 Miamisburg Community Center North

Session A Mondays: Session B Session C Session D

01.03-01.27 02.03-02.28 03.07-03.31 04.04-04.28

10:00-10:45am 11:00-11:45am 10:00-10:45am 11:00-11:45am

$40 $40 $40

Ages: 3-5 Spend your morning creating a work of art with your children or grandchildren! Little artists will work with paints, clay, canvas, you name it! Instruction by Dabble Creative Studio LittleArtist Circle

$25 Community Park Learning Center

Session A Saturdays: Session B Session C

02.19 03.19 04.16

10:00-11:30am 10:00-11:30am 10:00-11:30am

$25 $25

Spend time outdoors with your little one and connect to our planet. In a guided experience each week, your child will be allowed to explore the natural world around them at Sycamore Trails Park. Sammie’sAdventureWalk Ages: 5 & under

Sycamore Trails Park North

Fridays Time:

9:45am 04.01, 04.08, 04.15, 04.22, 04.29



Youth Programs

We’re going to THE WEB Extreme Entertainment in West Chester for a kid’s night! Kids will enjoy an evening of laser tag, go carts, arcade games and more. Registration includes transportation to and from The WEB, unlimited attractions pass and dinner! Kid’sNight Out @ WebXtreme Ages: 10-15

Meet at Community Park Learning Center $20

Friday Time:



Leave the kids with us for a night of fun and games while you enjoy a date night for an evening out on the town! Multiple gaming systems will be set up for competitions all night long. Dinner and snacks provided. GameNight Lock In Ages: 6-15

Gamers unite! Join us on the 3rd Friday of the month to play video games and compete with other gamers. Battle it out in Fortnite, Minecraft, Wii Sports and more. Dinner and snacks provided. GameOn! Ages: 6-15

$20 Community Park Learning Center

Session A Fridays: Session B Session C

Community Park Learning Center

01.21 02.18 03.18



6:00-9:00pm 6:00-9:00pm 6:00-9:00pm

$20 $20




Dress in your favorite superhero or super-villan costume and compete in exciting challenges! Superhero sandwiches, juice and WONDER treats served. Duos will go home with commemorative photo, prizes and more. This is a caregiver-child activity; caregivers must enroll, attend, and actively participate, even if you show up dressed as Captain Underpants. DynamiteDuos SuperheroChallenge All Ages

Community Park Learning Center $10/person

Thursday Time:



Taekwondo is much more than kicking and punching. It’s focus, teamwork, discipline, concentration and control. This class teaches the basics of Taekwondo with the life skills your child needs to suceed! Taught by 5th dan black belt Sara Schwab from Valor Martial Arts. Taekwondo Ages: 6-14

Do you love solving mysteries? Special agent recruits will learn what it takes to be a spy. Can you pass the ultimate spy test and earn your secret spy name? Join us and find out! Spy School Ages: 6-12

Miamisburg Community Center North

$40 Community Park Learning Center

Session A Tuesdays &Thursdays: 01.04-01.27

Wednesdays Time:

6:30-7:30pm 02.02-02.23

$40 $40 $40 $40

6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 6:30-7:30pm

Session B Session C Session D

02.01-02.24 03.01-03.31 04.05-04.28

All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 20

Youth Programs

Do you love horses? Learn to ride and care for them in this introductory program. Skills such as grooming, general handling and basic saddle seat riding will be reviewed. Participants must be at least 8 years of age and weigh under 150 pounds. Lesson days/times vary due to small group sizes. HorsebackRidingLessons Ages: 8+

Children will learn basic gymnastic skills together including bars, beam, floor, parallel bars, rings, trampoline and vault. Co-EdGymnastics Ages: 16-17

$66 Twigs Gymnastics

Session A Saturdays: Session B Session C Session D Session E Session F

01.08-01.29 01.08-01.29 01.08-01.29 04.09-04.30 04.09-04.30 04.09-04.30

10:15-11:10am 11:15am-12:10pm 12:15-1:10pm 10:15-11:10am 11:15am-12:10pm 12:15-1:10pm

$66 $66 $66 $66 $66

$145 Elliott Stables

Offered year-round. Dates and times will be finalized with Elliott Stables after purchase.

Ages: 6-12 Spring into camp! Join us as we bring a little bit of camp back into your life before summer. Campers will experience indoor and outdoor activities each day and meet new friends! Driving and walking trips to local Miamisburg establishments will occur during the week. SpringBreakCamp



$125 Community Park Learning Center

M,T,W,TH,F 04.11-04.15

Bring your family for a pizza lunch on us! Start the morning off with crafts and games, then head outside for a totally egg-cellent hunt. Mr. Bunny will be hopping in for a photo opp so bring your camera! Lunch&Hunt Ages: 3+

Did you know that scientists are a type of explorer? Using all your senses, uncover the mysteries of a park through basic camping skills, wildlife and plant finding, fishing, hiking and so much more! WildlifeExplorers Ages: 6-12

$10 Community Park Learning Center

Sycamore Trails Park North



Saturday Time:

10:00am-12:00pm 04.09




Ages: 6-15 Come and learn how to fish! Basic instructions on how to bait a hook, cast your fishing pole and catch and release a fish are covered with help from the Kiwanis Club of South Metro. Learn toFish

$7 Sycamore Trails Park Pond 8:00-9:00am 9:00-10:00am $7

Session A Saturday: Session B

04.30 Ages 6-12 04.30 Ages 13-15


Youth Programs

Did you ever want to create your own cartoon character? Learn the basics of cartoon drawing and design with Instructor Ginny Baughman. No supplies needed, just bring creativity! Cartooning forKids Ages: 7-15

This fun one-day cooking program will teach future mini chefs three new recipes and the in’s and out’s of cooking. Chefs will also learn about kitchen safety, cook mini pizzas, waffle-fry nachos and chocolate fondue. Taste testing required. Mini Chefs Ages: 6-12

Miamisburg Community Center North

Miamisburg Community Center





Wednesdays 03.16-04.06





Young scientists will make huge messes while conducting experiements, learning how and why they work. From lava lamps and magic milk to ice cream and slime, these scientists in training will test out the experiments they have watched on YouTube, including an erupting volcano! HissBamBoom! Ages: 6-12

Community Park Learning Center $30





Bob Ross certified instructor, Gary Waits guides you through how to paint mountains and trees the easy way using his style of painting. This course does not use paint thinner chemicals. Participants will receive a canvass, all supplies and instructions needed to for the workshop. Paint likeBobRoss Ages: 13+

Share a Frozen-themed enchanting evening with your little one. Enjoy an Italian dinner with dancing, pictures and warm hugs! The gates are finally open and we can’t wait to share all the frosty fun with you! FrozenEnchantment Ball Ages: 3 & up

Miamisburg Community Center

Miamisburg Community Center



Sunday Time:

6:00-8:00pm 02.05





It's time for a tea party! Bring your American Girl doll for an afternoon of fancy treats and tea for two! The American Girl Doll of the year will be raffled at the party. This is a parent-child activity; caregivers must please enroll and attend. AmericanGirlTeaParty Ages: 3 & up

Session A Session B

1:00-2:30pm 3:00-4:30pm

Miamisburg Community Center




All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 22

Family Programs

Ages: 10-14 In partnership with Goodwill-Easterseals, we welcome your family to join YOU-niversity. Youth and their caregivers will navigate the challenges of social and communication skills, learn stress management techniques, improve self-image, and find common ground. Discover the best YOU in a safe and professional environment. Caregiver must register and participate. FamilyYOU-niversity

Time: 5:30-7:00pm Tuesdays 02.01-03.22

FREE Miamisburg Community Center

Bring the whole family for an evening of hot dogs, snacks and of course, BINGO! Springtime themed prizes are up for grabs. SpringFamilyBingo All Ages

Cupid’s arrow doesn’t just hit adults! Spread the love and make a special date with your little one to enjoy an evening of Bingo, cookies and popcorn! Win an awesome Valentine’s themed prize. Valentine’sBingo All Ages

Miamisburg Community Center

Miamisburg Community Center









Saturday 02.14

Ages: 6+ Compete in our family indoor cornhole challenge. The winning team will take home the trophy and some parks and recreation swag. Don’t worry, pizza and refreshments will be available for everyone! Team are comprised of two players, register ahead of time to compete. FamilyCornholeChallenge



$18/team Miamisburg Community Center



Are your bikes safe and ready for the season? Bring your bike and join Sandy Talley of Whitman’s Bike Way Bike Shop to learn basic techniques and proper care for your bicycle. Bring your helmet to get properly fitted or take one home for free if you do not own one. BikeMaintenance 101 Ages: 13+

Paw on in to celebrate Spring with your pup! Stop by the Community Park Learning Center for your photo with The Bunny. Open play inside Canal Run Dog Park during this event. Pet Photosw/TheBunny All Ages

$10 Community Park Learning Center



$5/tail for non-members Community Park

Tuesday Time:

7:00-8:00pm 03.22

Saturday 04.09


Adult Programs

In Central and Eastern Europe, people have decorated real chicken eggs with nature and folk designs using wax and other mediums for hundreds of years. Join us in this ancient tradition and learn how to decorate your own egg with this technique! Take home your own beautifully decorated egg and learn the history of this ancient process. UkrainianEggDecoratingWorkshop Ages: 18+

Miamisburg Community Center

Sunday Time:




Learn the basics of still-life drawing through different exercises with instructor Ginny Baughman. Students will draw objects displayed in class as well as from their own imagination. Work your way from drawing to sketch to a finished work of art! Keep all your supplies you use during this class. DrawingBasics Ages 16+ Miamisburg Community Center $75 03.16-04.06 Wednesdays Time: 6:30-7:30pm

Join Pickleball volunteers for a free one-hour introduction to Pickleball! Learn the rules, a few techniques and play with friends. This is a great low-impact sport for the former tennis enthusiast or someone looking for a mild to moderate new way to exercise. SpringPickleball Lesson Ages: 18+ Community Park Pickleball Courts FREE 03.26 Saturday Time: 9:00-10:00am

Join the Star City Community Bank under the direction of Miamisburg High School Band Director Steve Aylward. This group includes musicians with general band experience. Band members will perform at various venues including performances at Riverfront Park. Bring your own insturment or borrow one from the school, depending on availability. StarCityCommunityBand All Ages

Miamisburg High School Band Room $20

Tuesdays Time:



All information related to programs, events & facilities are subject to change pending current public health & safety guidance. 24

Adult Programs

Look for the DORA (Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area) sticker! This sticker means that the program/event is located inside the Miamisburg DORA boundaries. To compliment your experience, show up a little early and grab a drink to enjoy during your program. To see all DORA locations and rules, scan the QR code under the DORA sticker to your left!

Gather your best gal pals to celebrate Galentine’s Day for an afternoon of yoga, painting and fun! It’s guaranteed to be a good time. Registration includes one cocktail, yoga session and art supplies. Galentine’sDay Ages: 21+ Pipestone Golf Course $25 02.13 Sunday Time: 1:00-3:00pm

National Puzzle Day, the perfect day to do a little brain exercise. Join us as we celebrate with an evening of friendly competitions. Compete for prizes in various puzzles styles such as jigsaw, Rubik’s Cube and crossword. National PuzzleDayChallenge Ages: 18+

Market Square Building Auditorium

Saturday Time:




Ages: 18+ Learn a new technique of canvas painting and take home a stunning abstract masterpiece. Participants will use various colors of paint to pour on top of a canvas with different technique options, you don’t have to be an artist to create something awesome! Paint &Pour Market Square Building Auditorium

Certified instructor Gary Waits will teach you how to Paint the Bob Ross Way as he guides beginners through intermediate painters to create happy little accidents. Paint LikeBobRoss Ages: 18+

Miamisburg Community Center

Session A Sundays: Session B

Thursday Time:

6:30-8:00pm 03.10

$75 $75

03.20 04.03

1:00-6:00pm 1:00-6:00pm


Savor an evening of creativity, comradery and drinks if you wish while you create your own custom wooden “Welcome Home” decor! The team at Handmade by S&J will create a custom, laser cut template to your specifications. Sand, stain, detail, decorate and be inspired as you create your own unique design! Please register by March 14th. CustomWoodenHomeDecor Ages: 18+

Market Square Building Auditorium

Friday Time:


