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3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

SUN LAKES 480.802.8730 GLENDALE 623.934.1154

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Empower: 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

athletic injuries, myofascial neurological, geriatric and vestibular dysfunction. Ramesh also brings

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Fit4Life: 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to get you moving... Knee Extension Sit in a chair with good

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FyzicalHazleton: 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

migraines “Highly recommend this gym.” “The gym is always clean and the staff is super friendly and

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PTII: 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees

PTII: 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For

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FyzicalElPaso: 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

2 tsp of sea salt • 1 cup unsalted butter, softened • 8 ounces of full-fat cream cheese, softened DI

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ImotionPT_3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees

ImotionPT_3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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Advanced Wellness_3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

10-ways-be-more-thankful-person CALL TODAY! (732) 431-2155 N O V E M B E R

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Innovative PT: 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees


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SOS Physiotherapy: 3 Easy Steps to Healthy Knees

Saturday, Jan. 18th @ 10:00am Workshops are free but seats are limited. Don’t delay, register today

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3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

“ Discover How You Can Quickly Gain Pain Relief Guaranteed To Get You Back On Track With Your Active Goals! ” 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

For many people, knee pain can be a way of life, limiting their ability to climb stairs, squat down to get something off the floor, enjoy long walks, shopping and a host of other daily activities. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and has to bear up to 6 times your body weight with running or jumping. This incredible joint has to move over a million times each year and over 80 million times over a lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, causing injury and pain.

Just like taking care of your heart, your joints need attention to maintain a healthy state. Here are easy ways for you to take care of your knees, avoiding arthritis and other joint problems: 1. Stretch your hamstrings, quadriceps and adductor muscles each day. By keeping these muscles flexible, the forces on your knee joints can be balanced, allowing your joint to bend, rotate and for your patella (kneecap) to track properly. (continued inside)

Inside: • 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees • Improving SPORTS Performance

• Patient Success Spotlight

• Practice News

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


“After Experiencing Constant Pain InMy Knees, I Decided ToDo SomethingAbout It!”

2. Keep the muscles around your hips and knees strong. Especially the gluteals and quadriceps muscles. Studies show that those adults, especially over 55 who have stronger gluteals and quadriceps, tend to have less back pain and more ability to do daily activities. 3. Exercise regularly. While this is good for the whole body, the knees especially need exercise to keep their cartilage healthy. The cartilage does not have much blood supply and requires its nutrition from joint fluid. Most of the joint fluid absorbs into the cartilage only through movement and compression of the knee. Therefore, it is important to do weight bearing exercise such as walking, running and other sports. However, if you have arthritis, it is advised to do less impact activities such as biking, elliptical machines, aquatic exercises, etc. Having a regular physical therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any problems will be discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you do have arthritis or have had surgery, then a regular physical therapy check up is especially important. If your attention is on that sore knee, then it is time you called us for a free knee joint analysis. Talk to one of our expert physical therapists today and see how life can be with freely moving knees. 3 Easy Steps To Healthy Knees

“I am happy with BackTo Action Physical Therapyandtheirservice. Ihavebeenthere onseveraloccasionsandtheyalwaysmade me feelbetter.The therapyhashelpedme get off of my pain medication and got me back to my normal duties at home. I am very satisfied and thankful for everyone’s help there.” - Angelita P. Helped me get off my pain medication!


Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to that nagging knee pain and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle!

“ Don’t Let Knee Pain Sideline You!”


Joint Stability Improve your sports ability through joint stability. When a joint is more stable, muscles can function better. For knees, ankles and hips try balance exercises on uneven surfaces such as foam or a folded towel. Try standing on one leg while doing small knee bends. Joint Flexibility Joints need to be flexible in order to move through their proper range and allow muscles to pull correctly. For many people who are runners, stretching must be done every day to maintain muscle and tissue elasticity. Dynamic stretching is often best, where the stretch is done in a moving fashion, such as in Yoga. This is different than a prolonged stretch.

Joint Strength Incorporate strengthening exercises into your sports routines. This is especially important for runners and weekend warriors. A little strengthening exercising can go a long way to prevent sports injuries and soreness. The stronger your muscles are around your joints, the better ability you have to play and avoid injury. Joint Coordination You have an inherent sense of where your joints are in space (proprioception) and how they are moving in space (kinesthetic sense). This allows your brain to coordinate the muscle movements around your joints. By improving your balance and coordination with specific exercises, you greatly reduce the chance of injury and will enhance your sports performance.

If you would like to enhance your ability to run, play sports and prevent injury, then talk to one of our physical therapy specialists today.

• Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Does hip, knee or leg pain put a frown on your face? • Do you feel really stiff when you try to get out of bed in the morning? ATTENTION Pain Sufferers

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Learn 5 Simple Ways To Stop Your Hip, Knee Or Leg Pain Naturally With This FREE eBook IfYou’reNoddingYesTakeOneEasyStep inThe RightDirectionToTakingChargeofHowYouFeel. DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK TODAY!

Take Care Of Your Aches & Pains Before It’s Too Late.



Harlingen 956-428-8951

Del Rio 830-775-9118

Brownsville 956-621-0397

Eagle Pass 830-757-2497

PRACTICE NEWS: Keeping Our Patients Up To Date!

Brownsville. BackToActionBrownsvillehelpedcollectand gather can tabs from friends, families and co- workers tohelpsupportachildwho isbattling Leukemia. The Director Of Physical Therapy participated in the 27th Annual Jalapeno 100 bike ride to support the Boys And Girls Club Of Harlingen Texas on the 25th of February. We alsoparticipated intheRGVWinterTexanExpo Senior Fair on the 2nd of February to cater to the needs of the Winter Texans in Brownsville by providing them with information about our services. We celebrated the birthday of our PT Tech Christopher Sanchez this month. BackToAction inBrownsvillewasgivenaplaque for “CustomerServiceAward”byourcorporate office during our Annual Director’s Meeting in February2017reflectingourperformancewith our patients for the year 2016. Eagle Pass. Eagle Pass is proud to announce they were awarded the “Busy Bee” and “Chicago Cubs” AwardthisyearatourDirector’smeeting.Outof our4 locations,ourclinichad themostpatient visits for the year and was also named the most improved clinic largely due to the great performance of our front desk staff. Nohemi and Susan have been doing a great job as our patientcarecoordinators.Keepupthegreat job ladies.Doreen,ourphysicaltherapistandclinic director also was awarded “Clinic Director of the Year” for having the best staff satisfaction and least turn over for the year. We continue to strive for excellent customer service and patientcare.Weareworkinghardtobringmore awards home next year. OurstaffhadadinnernightoutatWhataburger tosupporttheLadyEagleSoftballBoosterClub at their “Whata Night” Fundraiser.They had a great turn out! We even got a picture with WhataGuy and our former patient, Heather Ruiz, won cool prizes, and signed up to win Whataburger for a year!

Harlingen. OnJanuary2ndourtechnicianJonathan leftus topursuehismedicalcareer.Wewillmisshim as he did a great job for us and we would like towishhimallthebest inhis futureendeavors. OnJanuary13th,wehiredanew technician to takehisplace.WeareconfidentthatJoeyFlores will do an equally great job. On January 5th, Joey Vasquez celebrated his eighth year with our company. We attended two Winter Texan showsthismonthand itwasgreattoseesome familiar faces.Aspecial thankyou toallofyou that stopped by our booth. On January 12-14, wewereattheAllValleyRVShow inMercedes. On January 16th, we were at the Winter Texan Appreciation Day in Harlingen. We hope you were all winners and won a nice prize with our wheel. On January 20th, we donated winter clothing to Harlingen CISD’s Clothing Closet. They have helped many HCISD students and families. As of today, the Clothes Closet has been able to assist 803 HCISD families with clothing.Wewould like to thankallofyouwho donated winter clothes for this very worthy cause. Del Rio. BacktoActionclinicdirectorsandadministration met for the annual director’s meeting this month and had a productive time reviewing the previous year’s statistics and discussing changes and opportunities for growth for the new year. It was held at the Del Rio and Eagle Pass locations for the first time. Awards were givenouttoclinicsforvariousachivements.Del RioclinicwontheCommunityServiceAwardfor themostcommunityactivitiesparticipated in, aswellas the “ArnoldSchwarzeneggerAward” for the most referral growth last year, and the “Windmill Award” for the most cost efficient clinic! In keeping with our committment to community service BTA in Del Rio teamed up with Amistad Denistry to help with their Smile Drive- collecting oral hygiene products for childrenwhichwillbedonated to theValVerde CountyChildWelfareDepartment todistribute to needy children.