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50 Years of Kappa League

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5 years of GATE impact Through rigorous research, the Rotman School’s Institute for Gender and the E

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25 years of Castle Fine Art

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Johns Creek: Celebrating 15 Years Of Service

15years I can’t thank you enough for being part of the past 15 years! I certainly hope we have 15 mo

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50 Years of Kappa League


2020: Kappa League TVon YouTube

Orlando Conclave Showcase

National Kappa League Conference

1970: Los Angeles Alumni Kappa League Ball




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Journal Notes


Grand Polemarch's Message

10 Junior Grand Vice

Polemarch's Message 12 National Guide Right Chairman's Message 22 Kappa League Directors Roll Call 80 Alumni News 102 To the Chapter Invisible 128 The Kappa Alpha Psi® Directory





54 59



The Kappa Alpha Psi ® Journal Established 1914 First Editor Frank M. Summers, Esq. Past Permanent Editors Lionel F. Artis 1921–1937 G. James Fleming 1938–1950 William L. Crump 1950–1975 Earl S. Clanton 1975–1985 Jonathan P. Hicks 1985–1989 Van Jordan 1989–1990 Mel L. Davis 1990–1999 Keflyn X. Reed 1999–2010 Jonathan P. Hicks 2011–2014 Thomas L. Cunningham IV 2014–2015 Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. 2016— Editor Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq. Jacksonville (FL) Alumni Chapter [email protected]



Copy Manager Aaron Williams Chicago (IL) AL [email protected] Features Editor Clarence Tucker Norfolk (VA) Alumni Chapter [email protected]

Feature Writers Nicolas Cole Dr. Charles H.F. Davis III Quentin Mitchell Earl T. Tildon Dr. Samuel Odom Aaron Williams

National Photographer Michael L. Hume

Published quarterly by Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., 2322-24 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA, 19132-4590. Periodic postage paid at Philadelphia, PA and additional mailing offices. Subscriptions: $10 per year. USPS 291-300. No responsibility may be assumed by the Journal for receipt or return of material, news stories, photographs or creative pieces. Postmaster: Send address changes to: 2322-24 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590. International Headquarters 2322-24 North Broad Street Philadelphia, PA 19132-4590 Phone: (215) 228-7184 Belleville-O'Fallon (IL) Alumni Chapter [email protected] Photographers Kevin Sellers Justin Tyson Gregory L. Williams Grand Historian Kevin P. Scott Chicago (IL) Alumni Chapter [email protected] Advertising Sales Director Clifford D. Franklin St. Louis (MO) Alumni Chapter [email protected] Cell: (314) 406-3472




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A Salute to 50 Years of Kappa League: Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go, and a Look Ahead to Singular Achievements in grades 6 th -12 th .

holds, their education, our relationships inure to their training. They will take what they see from us and our behavior during this time into their adult years. How we train our children, edify our Kappa Leaguers, mentor community youths, equipping them with the tools and resources to preserve their men- tal, physical and spiritual health, to make good decisions by showing them outcomes from our personal or corporate experiences, better ensures a firm foun- dation for their future endeavors. And so we salute the Kappa League Program for 50 years of continuous service. *** Next issue: While The Journal has pub- lished several gatefold covers in the past, Journal staff is excited to publish only the second dual cover issue for the next issue featuring Talen J. Horton-Tucker (Omega 2019) and Elijah C. DeVaughn (Theta Iota 2019) in recognition of their outstanding achievements.

The National Guide Right Committee is led by Kevin Burnett. He and his team gathered these stories as representative of the efforts being undertaken from chapters across the world. We salute the Province Chairmen (see page 16) as well as Kappa League leaders in a Roll Call (see page 22). The effects of the pandemic and concomitant governmental (in)actions at the local, state and federal level has caused Kappa’s leadership to respond in a variety of ways to keep us safe and still conduct the business of Kappa. For example, we held the Second National Kappa League Conference (see page 28) as well as a National Virtual CRWLC (see page 70). We continue to shine light on the foun- dational injustices that plague the fabric of society, through commentary, virtual fora, and physical rallies. We continue to take care of the business of Kappa, remaining safe in the process. And we

Cleveland Ferguson III, Esq., Editor P roverbs is a book of The Bible filled with wisdom for the ages. One verse particularly reso- nates during this observance of 50 years of Kappa League. "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6 (KJV). Even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in which so many pasto- ral leaders have reminded us to stay focused on whose we are, to maintain our faith in the One who is in control regardless of who occupies the White House, there has been a steady beat of our sometimes weary feet, to mentor, to educate, to support young men for decades. In this issue, we feature some of those men who matriculated through the Kappa League program, and are now brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi, achiev- ing in their respective fields of human endeavor. Kappa League was founded on, Febru- ary 12, 1969, by the Los Angeles (CA) Alumni Chapter at Alain LeRoy Locke High School. Kappa League was ad- opted by the Grand Chapter at the 56 th Grand Chapter which was held August 12-15, 1970. Kappa League, a subset of the National Guide Right Program focuses on the educational, occupation- al, and social guidance of male students

discharged our collec- tive civic duty as part of the millions who voted in the 2020 elections (that are still ongo- ing through January in the South- eastern Province). Through- out it all, our chil- dren are watching and learn- ing. How we manage our house-


Publishing achievement for more than 105 years


Publishing achievement for more than 105 years


Moving Through the COVID-19 Pandemic Towards the Kappa Future of our Dreams A s we continue on the second century of achievement of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc., it is expected that each

changed how people of the world con- duct their day-to-day business. Kappa Alpha Psi is no exception. Fortunately, our leaders have a history of overcom- ing obstacles, and have taken expedient measures to keep the mighty ship of Kappa on course. The Grand Board is grateful for the willingness of Kappa leaders at all levels to make the extreme sacrifices necessary to carry us through these perilous times. Since the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis hit, it is amazing how many phone and video calls we find ourselves on each day. It’s probably becoming a frequent phenomenon for most brothers. We are experiencing new technology chal- lenges, including alternative ways of communicating safely, enabling us to meet our statutory and ritualistic responsibilities. Most of us are getting used to the world of virtuality. For those of you have ad- justed to this new-norm, help our broth- ers get up to speed. Help them to con- nect in new social ways, hosting virtual parties, happy hours and with reunions with friends who have not connected in decades. People have been having church or just hanging out on Facebook and other social media platforms. All of these things are holding us tightly in the BOND. We’re grateful to our diligent COV- ID-19 task force for keeping us vigilant during these tumultuous times. Together, we continue to unceasingly

of us is reflecting on the great accom- plishments of all who have knelt at the sacred Delphic Shrine. We look back at the history of our beloved Founders, who were compelled to look through the windows of classrooms at Indiana University just to seek access to educa- tion that was gratuitously afforded their White counterparts. We continue to empathize with their inherent ability to achieve and persevere. One of the major problems in our nation during the pandemic has been the lack of human compassion by the nation’s national leadership. Let us be champions of compassion and empathy where we live. Disrupting one’s usual routine for the benefit of others may not be to everyone’s liking, but throughout history, humans have been willing to make sacrifices to protect the health of others. The willingness to do so seems to be part of human nature. There is some evidence from early history of human groups supporting elderly and disabled individuals who would have been unlikely to survive on their own. Let us reach out as our Founders envisioned and do unto others as all Kappas should. More recently, we have been strug- gling with a novel pandemic called “COVID-19.” This contagious virus has

Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq., Grand Polemarch


Publishing achievement for more than 105 years


Voting Matters and Kappas Voted!

“ New Jersey Kappas: On the front lines conserving life, alleviating suffering, pro- moting health, and serving unselfishly with strength, courage, compassion and honor.

One of the major problems in our nation during the pandem- ic has been the lack human compassion by the national leadership. Let us be champi- ons of compassion and empa- thy where we live. Disrupting one’s usual routine for the benefit of others may not be to everyone’s liking, but through- out history, humans have been willing to make sacrifices to protect the health of others. The willingness to do so seems to be part of human nature. There is some evidence from early history of human groups supporting elderly and disabled individuals who would have been unlikely to survive on their own. Let us reach out as our Founders envisioned and do unto others as all Kappas should.”

work on our established core programs. We continue to seek your assistance in identifying the place(s) you can be of help. The 34 th Administration believes you can find a place you can help at the local, province or national level, perhaps in: Guide Right, Undergraduate Risk Management, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Mental Health; Education Aware- ness and Treatment, Learn to Live (with N.O.B.L.E.), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Financial Literacy, Military and Veterans Affairs, Youth Literacy, or Room to Read. Make sure you can say that you helped us make a difference in the communities we serve. Finally, I can’t thank you all enough for the way you have represented the Brand through this pandemic and the recently concluded presidential election. All of you were masterful in mobilizing our constituent groups to ensure our votes counted and our interests were protected. Because of you, our national partners in this election cycle have praised the brothers for the way you stepped up, turned out and produced the desired results. We still have work to do as we make

some tough decisions in the coming months. We are working toward having a Spring membership intake class and I pray we can get it done. We are closely monitoring the situa- tion in Phoenix as we continue to plan for the 85 th Grand Chapter Meeting. I pledge that we will do nothing to threaten the health and welfare of our brothers and we will protect the invest- ment of the brothers who have already registered and return your funds if we have to pivot in a different direction. These are still difficult times but I am so proud of how the Bond has re- sponded so far. You can’t have fear and faith at the same time and you have shown WE HAVE NO FEAR. Together we will continue to, BROTHER TO BROTHER, BREAK BARRIERS AND BUILD BRIDGES. God bless you all.

Yours in the Bond, Reuben A. Shelton III, Esq. Grand Polemarch


Publishing achievement for more than 105 years


I n the wake of a polarizing election, racial disharmony, and a global pandemic that has illuminated the frailty of our society, I reflect on the impact that 2020 has had on myself, our Kappa Brothers, and our nation. No one could have predicted the events that would correspond with the chang- ing of the decade, yet we are all forced to confront the present adversities with a steadfast determination to reach a destination beyond our view. While it seems that every day presents a new challenge, I am proud of the resilience that I see all around me. The resilience of my fellow undergraduates to alter learning habits and adapt to an online course curriculum; the resilience of our front line healthcare staff to care for the millions of those afflicted with COVID-19; the resilience of our nation to fight against a hateful spirit rooted in racism; and the resilience of our fraternal leaders to continue steering Kappa Alpha Psi toward the vision cast by our founders nearly 110 years ago. Just as they bravely faced the challenges

of their day, future members of Kappa will gaze and wonder how we remained strong through this unprecedented year. I have never been more proud to call myself a member of Kappa Alpha Psi than now as I watch the bravery dis- played by my fraternal brothers in this difficult time throughout the United States and abroad. The course that lies ahead of us is unfamiliar and at times will be daunt- ing. If this year is any indication, there is no way to fathom the events that loom ahead. However, I know without a shadow of a doubt, that these challeng- es will lead to uncanny innovation, revo- lutionary leadership, and an unbreak- able bond amongst all of us sharing this common experience. I stand in solidar- ity with all of you brothers and will fight alongside you as we push to break barriers and build bridges. Together, we will leave an indelible mark of excel- lence on our fraternity and the world at large. I thank you for the opportunity to serve and help lead you during this memorable 2020 year and will continue

to give all I have to guide our fraternity on its path of excellence.

Yours in the Bond, Evan R. Jackson Junior Grand Vice Polemarch

I stand in solidarity with all of you brothers and will fight alongside you as we push to break barriers and build bridges. Together, we will leave an indelible mark of excellence on our fraternity and the world at large.”


Publishing achievement for more than 105 years

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