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6 Benefits Of Good Posture, Poor Posture & Back Pain

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6 Benefits Of Good Posture

pains” that are slowing you down. Staff Spotlight Matthew Alheim, PT malheim@repsherphysicaltherapy.

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6 Benefits Of Good Posture

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6 Benefits Of Good Posture, Poor Posture & Back Pain

H e a l t h & F i t n e s s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

6 Benefits Of Good Posture | Why Do Your Muscles Ache? | Exercise Essentials | Patient Spotlight


Are you like many people, suffering from aches and pains? If you suffer fromback or neck pain, poor posture could be to blame. Poor posture can be a serious danger to your health. If you have poor posture, your bones are not properly aligned, which increases strain on your muscles, joints and ligaments. Poor posture causes fatigue, muscular strain and pain. In addition, poor posture can affect the position and function of your vital organs, such as your heart, lungs and intestines. Maintaining good posture can have a dramatic improvement on your back or neck pain, health, energy and the way you look and feel. Some of the perks of good posture include: 1. Constant exercise for your back and abdominals. Holding good posture takes effort andmakes you use themuscles in your back and abdomen properly. 2. It greatly improves your breathing. Good posturemakes room for your lungs to function at their best – rather than being compressed when you hold your body in a slouch. Good lung function has a healthy impact on all aspects of your body’s functions and helps to reduce pain. 3. It protects your organs, bones, joints and muscles. Holding correct posture reduces unnecessary strain and pressure

on these body parts. Most neck and back problems develop from poor posture over time. 4. It prevents arthritis. With poor posture, unnatural pressure is placed on your joints, leading to wear and tear. This in turn can lead to arthritis. Good posture gives your joints the chance to function at their best. 5. It helps you use your muscles more efficiently. With your bones and joints in correct alignment, you are likely to feel more energetic since your body will require less energy to move about. 6. It can have a dramatic impact on the way you feel. When you hold yourself in good posture, rather than a slumped one, you send signals to your brain that makes you feel happier and more confident. It also changes the way that people see you – you’ll appear more confident and assertive. Making simple changes in your daily habits can improve your posture and reduce your pain. Postural restoration at Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists helps the body recruit the right muscles for the task at hand, improving pain restoring prior to function. Our experts have years of training in reducing back and neck pain associated from poor posture.

How Poor Posture Contributes To Back Pain

Does your head jut forward? Is your head tilted to one side or the other? Are the spaces between your arms and sides unequal? Is one shoulder lower then the other? Are your shoulders drooped forward or pulled back? Is one hip higher then the other? Do either of your knees turn in or out? Do your ankles roll in so that your weight is on the inside of your feet? Is your chest sunken-in and your upper back rounded? Do you suffer from back or neck pain? If you experience any of the following call Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists to improve your posture today!

When your spine is not in proper alignment, the muscles, ligaments and joints are all under excessive strain, causing most episodes of back pain. The lower back supports most of the weight of the body and therefore is the most vulnerable to the effects of poor posture. Discs, which provide support between the spinal bones (vertebrae), are also affected from poor posture. However, with good posture, the spine is in proper alignment and the shock absorbing discs are not as subject to injury. Often with poor posture, the spine will become fixed in an abnormal position. This leads to the constriction of blood vessels and nerves over time. Furthermore, this causes problems with the joints, discs and muscles. It is important to take care of your spine. Good posture eliminates many of the health problems that can develop when the spine has

an unhealthy posture. Since you performmany different movements and positions throughout the day (sitting, standing, bending, stooping, lying down, etc.) it is important to learn how to keep correct posture. Maintaining good posture during the day results in less back pain. When you correct bad posture habits, the new and improved movements tend to become more automatic and require very little effort tomaintain. At Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists we train you on the best way to attain and hold your posture throughout the day. We help you relieve your back pain quickly while improving your posture for maximum, long term results! Discover how our therapists can improve your posture and relieve your back or neck pain, allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life.

Are You 40 Years of Age or Older? Do You Have Back Pain When Sitting?

If You Answered Yes To These Questions, THEN:

Simply Email John: [email protected] Subject Line: Sitting Pain Free *Please make sure to include your Name & Address!

GET MY FREE REPORT The 7 Keys To Sitting Pain Free

*For A Physical Therapy Appointment, Please Call: 517-545-3200

*Most insurances require a PT referral

Offer valid thru 12.30.16

Patient Success Story

I’d rather wear out, than rust out!

with more confidence. The hands-on techniques they used along with the exercise they prescribed really worked! Then, my therapist started to focus on my shoulders. X-rays confirmed the presence of bone spurs in both shoulders and when he noted that I couldn’t get my arms above shoulder level, he let me know we had a lot of work ahead if I hoped to avoid surgery! Once again, with the joint stretching techniques he used, following his advice and doing the exercises prescribed, I was able to fully raise both arms overhead within a few weeks and NO pain! At the conclusion of my therapy, I had full use of my arms for all the things I love to do and best of all, my therapist reviewed exactly what to do to help avoid any future problems. For anyone with neck or shoulder problems, I would readily recommend Mid-Michigan PT. If you follow their directions and do your part, you’ll enjoy great results, just like me!” - Ellen N.

“Hi, my name is Ellen Nowicki and I’m 71 years young! For the past several years, my personal motto has been:

‘I’d rather wear out vs. rust out!’ So, as you’d guess, I like to be active! I like to cook, I like to garden, I like to travel and I don’t like to be limited! But when my neck stiffened up, whereby I could hardly turn my head and I had started to have to difficulty lifting my arms above shoulder level, I knew I was in trouble! I met with my family physician and got a referral for Physical Therapy. I of course, choose Mid-Michigan PT for my therapy, as they had helped me in the past (several years ago) after back surgery, while I was equally confident they could help me again! But this was the amazing part - within just 3-4 sessions, my neck pain and headaches were almost gone I was able to turn my head with no difficulty and I was able to drive

Patient Success Spotlight I once again have full use of my arm! “When I came for therapy at Mid-Michigan PT, I was almost without hope that the pain I felt in my shoulder & wrist would ever improve. But now, I’m almost pain free and I once again have full use or my arm!” - Sharon H. I would rate Mid-Michigan PT A+! “After my program of PT, I feel better than I have in 20+ years! I would rate Mid-Michigan PT A+++” - Cathleen M. It got me back on my feet! “My experience at Mid-Michigan PT has been great. It got me back on my feet after pain had prevented me from living my life, while I feel that my improved strength will help me avoid further injuries! ” - Margaret K. Recent Patient Testimonials

A Happy Holiday Recipe

Christmas Jam Cookies Recipe DIRECTIONS

12 INGREDIENTS • 3/4 cup of butter at room temperature • 2/3 cup sugar • 1 egg, beaten • 1 tsp vanilla • 2 1/2 cup Gold Medal all purpose flour • ½ tsp baking powder • 1/8 tsp salt • Jam of choice

Cream butter and sugar together, add egg, mix well. Add remaining ingredients and mix with spoon, don’t use a mixer. Mix until the dough is mealy. Use hands to mix until the dough doesn’t stick to hands. If it’s still sticky, add just a little bit of flour. Make a log, cut into four pieces. Roll each piece into four little breadsticks the length of the cookie sheet. Take the edge of the knife and make a trough down the middle of each row. Fill with jam. Put in 350-degree oven on bottom rack for 10 minutes then on top rack for 10 minutes. Take out and let cool for about 10 minutes. Cut into diagonals and serve.

Don’t Wait Until 2017 To Take Care Of 2016 Pain & Aches OPTIMIZE YOUR INSURANCE BENEFITS!

If you have Medicare, you have a Rehab allowance every year, while if you don’t use it, you lose it. Take care of any problems that Physical Therapy can assist with THIS year. Also, for those of you that have Medicare Plus Blue, the opportunity to receive PT in 2017 will be subject to an authorization process, that will likely limit your care! If you have another insurance, the likelihood is that many of you

by now have fully paid your 2016 deductible, while attending for PT is now significantly more affordable compared to when your deductible starts over in January. Lastly, for those of you who have a high deductible that you are now unlikely to meet before the end of the year, you should be aware, that if you need PT, we have a number of affordable self-pay plans that might interest you!

A Special Thank You

PEOPLE’S CHOICE WINNERS Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists

People’s Choice Winner

A Special Thank You to the following for referring their family & friends to our practice for Physical Therapy this October. Thank You!

Thank You! We would like to thank the Livingston County community and our current & past clients for voting for our practice, Mid-Michigan PT Specialists, in this year’s People’s Choice Awards. We truly appreciate your support, while we will continue to strive every day to continue to be deserving of this Award! Glenda & John

Frank & Penny Woody Lynn Keelar Don Owens Barb Skym Kristen Perkins

Jeanne Clum Linda Woessner Julie Hogland Linda Campbell Rhonda Campbell

Who do you know that needs our help?

Refer a Friend Do You Have Friends or Family Unable to Do The Following? � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle Call Today! 517-545-3200 � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Mid-Michigan Physical Therapy Specialists today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly for a Free Pain Relief Consultation.

Practice & Community News

2016 Tour de Livingston! Our team was again in action this year at the Annual Tour de Livingston which was organized by the Howell Rotary Club. As many as 800 riders participate in this local cycling event every year which supports the Livingston County United Way, which in turn supports numerous local charities and organizations. This was the 4th year we were a sponsor, while this year we had our hospitality tent at the Island Lake State Park where many riders were happy to see us, as they hit the 29 mile mark!

Pictured: Glenda and a scout from Troop 362 (early morning) making PB&J sandwiches before the cyclists arrive! Two of our team (Aaron & Kelly Treiber) who completed the 34 mile route! Some of our Mid-Michigan PT Volunteers for the day ( Brianna, Katrina & Renee) If you are a cyclist and you missed this event, make sure to pencil this in on your calendar for 2017. There are at least 4 different routes to choose from of varying distances AND we should mention that both Glenda & John are Certified Bike Fit Specialists if you need help with any cycling related injuries!

2016 Predict The Score Contest Winner

The winner of our UofM vs MSU ‘Predict The Score’ contest is Michelle Schoemer who won a $25 Gift Card! Congratulations Michelle!


Howell 2810 W. Grand River, Ste. 100 Howell, MI 48843 Phone: 517-545-3200 Fax: 517-545-3236

Brighton 7701 W. Grand River, Ste .100 Brighton, MI 48114 Fowlerville 125 E. Grand River, P.O. Box 323 Fowlerville, MI 48836

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We Listen, We Care, We Get Results • Post-Surgery Rehab • Pediatric to Senior Care • Women’s Health Program • And Much More! PHYSICAL THERAPY SERVICES • Physical Therapy • Sports Therapy • Spinal Care • Balance and Fall Prevention

H e a l t h & F i t n e s s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Avoid Aches & Pains NATURALLY Find Out How Inside...

INSIDE: • 6 Benefits Of Good

Posture, Poor Posture & Back Pain • How Poor Posture Contributes To Back Pain

• 2016 Aches & Pains

• Patient Spotlight