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3 cup sugar, orange zest, and orange juice. Cover and refrigerate for 45 minutes. 2. In a medium bow

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GRANDCHILDREN? This is one of the most important factors to consider when creating an estate plan. B

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Absolute Law Group - May 2022


(352) 205-4455 • ABSOLUTELAWGROUP.COM • MAY 2022

You Care for Us Our nurses and frontline workers labor tirelessly every day to care for people in need. They work long, hard hours every week to ensure we are healthy and safe, and I can’t thank them enough. So, I want to help our nurses and frontline workers in any way I can, and one of those ways is to share how they can begin estate planning. Estate planning is an essential part of everyone’s lives. It helps protect your assets and ensures that your family is left with the least amount of stress possible. It’s also a way that you can form a lasting legacy. Nurses and frontline workers are busy every day while taking care of others, but have they taken the time to care for themselves? The one thing in life we wish we had more of is time; this is especially true for our nurses and frontline workers. IT’S OUR TIME TO CARE FOR YOU

as signing checks and opening bank accounts. This is a helpful tool if you become bedridden, incapacitated, or unable to engage in these transactions. You will be able to create a document that outlines the assistance you want and when you need it. You have all the power to determine what you want your agent to control.

Likewise, medical power of attorney is an agent who can communicate your medical needs and wishes if you’re unable to do so. Therefore, it’s crucial that you outline your needs and end-of-life wishes, so your agent will know how to handle your needs properly. You should also execute a HIPAA authorization form so your agent can access your medical information. I understand that this is a lot to think about and that our nurses and frontline workers have a lot on their plates every single day. But they’ve done so

“I understand that this is a lot to think about and that our nurses and frontline workers have a lot on their plates every single day. But they’ve done so much for us, and this is the least that we can do for them.”

To help you begin your estate planning journey, here are a few things you should consider.

A REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST This is a great way to manage and protect your money and property. When dealing with a trust, there are two leading players: the trustee and the beneficiary. You can act as your trustee during your lifetime and manage and control the money and property within your trust. You will also

be the beneficiary of the trust. Even if you transferred your money and property into a revocable trust, you could still receive the benefits of that money and property. If you happen to pass away, the person you assigned as your successor trustee will then manage the money and property within your trust. They will follow the instructions you left within the trust agreement to ensure your needs and wishes are met. This transition is designed to have your wishes granted without court involvement. This makes the process quick and private for your loved ones. FINANCIAL AND MEDICAL POWER OF ATTORNEY Perhaps you want to assign someone to speak on your behalf for financial matters. The financial power of attorney allows you to do so. Your trusted person, or agent, will be allowed to handle various transactions such

much for us, and this is the least that we can do for them. If you’re a nurse or frontline worker and have any questions about estate planning, allow your friends at Absolute Law Group to assist you. We are available to meet in person, by telephone, or video conference. We want to adjust to your schedule and ensure that you are prepared for the rest of your life. Give us a call so we can get started on caring for you and your needs.

To all of our nurses and frontline workers — thank you for everything you do. We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.

–Sarah K. Elyaman



Studies show that over half of the children in foster care also have a sibling in the foster system. Of those children, more than 75% are separated. In North Carolina, Fostering Hopes joined forces with another nonprofit, H3 Collective, to build foster homes so they can keep large sibling groups together. Some of these homes are big enough to house five children, which is usually the maximum number of children the foster system allows under one roof. Alex Williams, the founder of Fostering Hopes, explained that the need for foster homes and foster parents is so high that, many times, children are sent out of their home county. He estimates that roughly 50% of the 20,000 children in North Carolina’s foster program will be placed outside of their home county. Adam Ponder of H3 Collective was proud to announce that Fostering Hopes and H3 are currently working together on a 3,600-square- foot, five-bedroom home for a licensed foster family, and the group hopes to have it ready for occupancy this summer. As if living in the foster program isn’t hard enough on a child, being packed up and moved across the state — sometimes counties away from their brothers and sisters — is traumatizing. The goal is to provide children a home where they feel comfortable and safe with enough room for all siblings. Once this initial build is complete, Fostering Hopes and H3 plan to build many more large foster homes in Western North Carolina. They’ve even made the goal of expanding into 10–15 counties in the western part of the state!

“The intention is to provide hope to children who typically find themselves without it,” Alex Williams told Fox News. “We hope to keep siblings together, to keep children in their home communities, and to provide dedicated families or parents for children who need them the most.” There is no better feeling than helping children grow, thrive, and flourish. The efforts of Fostering Hopes and H3 Collective are inspiring, heartfelt, and are bound to make a difference in the lives of many children and families.

As you age, you may find yourself where you need additional health assistance. It’s important to plan for this stage of your life, and long-term care insurance is an important tool. This gives your loved ones peace of mind knowing there will be money set aside specifically for this purpose. If you’re considering purchasing long-term care insurance, here are the do’s and don’ts you need to consider. How Do I Plan for Long-Term Care Insurance? THE DO’S AND DON’TS

have to take out any personal funds to cover expenses. An easy way to calculate your daily benefit is by taking the average cost of care where you live (or where you will be getting care) and then subtracting that from your daily income. Once you’re receiving benefits from an insurance company, the premiums on the policy will be waived. It is essential that you understand the “waiver of premium” feature for your policy. If you recover and can do things on your own (and you are no longer eligible for benefits), the premiums will resume. Since premiums can rise, you may want to consider purchasing a “paid up” policy. These policies no longer require you to have a premium once you reach a certain age or are given several years.

shouldn’t be a consideration for purchasing long-term insurance. Some of your premiums may be tax- deductible; therefore, you don’t want to forget to notify your tax preparer. Depending on your age, you qualify for a certain amount of deductibles. For more information on this, reach out to your tax preparer or your attorney for more information. You may worry that you will pass away and never need your policy benefits, but don’t worry about if your benefits will go unused. It’s better to be prepared in case you do need it, instead of needing it and not having it available to you.

At Absolute Law Group, we care about you, your family, and your needs. We want to be there with you every step of the way as you plan. If you have any questions about long-term care insurance, give us a call. We will be happy to assist you. For more information, our new book “Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home” provides more information about this topic and much more. Go to to receive your FREE copy.



Sometimes when people decide to purchase long-term care insurance, they no longer qualify for it due to health conditions. Because of this, you don’t want to wait too long to purchase a policy. Your age

Nursing homes or assisted living facilities can be expensive, so you want a sufficient daily benefit plan to cover your costs. This will ensure you won’t


(352) 205-4455

It’s Older Americans Month!


It’s Older Americans Month! This is a holiday that the majority of people haven’t heard of. Older adulthood is not universally celebrated or valued, and that’s because people have negative attitudes and beliefs about old age. But aging isn’t something we should dread — it’s something to cherish. There are so many life experiences to share with others when you’re older. Older generations should be celebrated because of all the things they’ve accomplished and seen. Here are a few ways you can celebrate Older Americans Month. CREATE A FAMILY HISTORY BOOK The elders in your family probably have a lot of information about your family’s history. You can use this knowledge to learn more about yourself and where you come from. Interview your elders about their memories and experiences so you can gain an insight into their lives and early years. If they have pictures of people in your family, you can create a memory book of all of your ancestors and relatives. This is a great activity to pass time and learn about your lineage. VOLUNTEER TO HELP OLDER ADULTS You can volunteer at a program that helps older adults with different activities and errands. You can also help these

organizations by picking up medication, groceries, or delivering and preparing meals for those in need. Many libraries and community facilities host events just for seniors. You can see if they need any help with preparation beforehand or during the actual event.


Not all older adults have family members nearby — and some people don’t even have families at all. You can make an elder’s day by visiting them and hanging out for a couple of hours. This will give you an opportunity to learn more about someone else and their life experiences. You can play a game with them or assist them with anything they are doing. By spending time with elders, they will feel heard, seen, cared for, and valued. A small act of kindness can do wonders in other people’s lives. This May, spend some time with older adults. They have done so much for us, and now it’s our time to do something for them. From all of us at Absolute Law Group, happy Older Americans Month! We’re lucky to have you, and thank you for allowing us to make this part of your life the best it can be.

Summer Strawberry Spinach Salad

Take a Break

Ingredients • 3 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1/4 cup olive oil • 1 garlic clove, grated or finely minced • 1/2 tsp Dijon mustard • 1/2 tbsp strawberry jam • Freshly ground salt and pepper, to taste • 1/3 cup raw, sliced almonds • 5 oz organic spinach • 2 cups strawberries, halved • 1 large avocado, sliced • 1/2 small red onion, thinly sliced • 1/2 cup feta crumbles • 1/4 cup roasted pistachios, chopped This refreshing and seasonal salad will go great with whatever meat you throw on the grill this Memorial Day.

Inspired by

Directions 1. In a small bowl, combine balsamic vinegar, olive oil, chopped garlic, Dijon mustard, and strawberry jam. Mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste. 2. In a pan, toast the almonds over medium heat until they are golden brown. 3. In a large bowl, add spinach. Then layer on strawberries, avocado, red onion, feta, toasted almonds, and chopped pistachios. 4. Toss dressing in salad or serve on the side.







6035 SW 54th St. Suite 200 Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 205-4455

1 Thank You to Our Nurses and Frontline Workers! 2 A Blessing for Foster Families 2 Don’t Worry If You Don’t Use All Your Benefits 3 Aging Is Something We Should Cherish 3 Take a Break 3 Summer Strawberry Spinach Salad 4 3 of the Best Anti-Aging Supplements

ENJOY THE LATER YEARS IN LIFE 3 Vitamins and Supplements for Healthy Aging

Growing old is an inevitable part of our lives. There isn’t a magic potion to drink or secret spell to cast that will turn back time, but we can do things to slow the effects of aging. Our life expectancy is longer than it used to be, so it makes sense that you would want to enjoy those extra years. While staying active and eating well play a huge role in healthy aging, there are also some anti-aging supplements and vitamins that will help your body stay strong.

medicinal properties with the most important being curcumin. Curcumin has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties but is also believed to improve memory issues and lower your risk for heart disease. Using more turmeric in your dishes will increase your intake of curcumin.

If you’re looking to try some anti-aging supplements but don’t know where to begin, give these a try.

RESVERATROL Resveratrol is a class of micronutrients that plants make to survive drought or attacks from disease. It has fantastic antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, so it’s great at protecting you from diseases like cancer, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s. Additionally, it can be used as a strong remedy for arthritis and skin inflammation. You can increase your intake of resveratrol by drinking red wine or by eating more peanuts, berries, and grapes. CURCUMIN For years, the spice known as turmeric has been used as a nutritional supplement with great benefits for your mind and body. As science has progressed, they’ve found that turmeric does contain compounds with

VITAMIN C Vitamin C is an incredibly beneficial vitamin for people of all ages but becomes even more useful for those over the age of 50. A study by Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience found that older adults with higher blood levels of vitamin C performed better on tasks involving focus, attention, recall, and recognition. Additionally, vitamin C can also help with skin health and can even improve immune function in older adults.

There are various things you can try to slow down the aging process, but if you’re unsure where to turn, give these vitamins and supplements a shot.


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