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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - July/August 2022

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - May/June 2022

JUNE EVENTS May 26 Knee Workshop June 23 Cervical Neck Workshop Imagine this: You’ve been injured, s

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - March/April 2022

4 cup Thousand Island dressing 1 tsp paprika our physical therapists are here to help. We are experi

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - November/December 2021

2 cup chicken stock 1 tbsp unsalted butter, for greasing 1 carrot, chopped 1 celery rib, chopped • 3

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - January/February 2021

cow, lower down onto your forearms and keep your neck neutral, staring down at the floor. Sit your b

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - July 2020

Accelerate Therapy & Performance - July 2020 THE Recovery Review YOU CAN BECOME YOUR BEST SELF! July

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Accelerate PT. Laser Therapy

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Accelerate Therapy. Holiday Newsletter

Accelerate Therapy. Holiday Newsletter Health + Fitness N E W S L E T T E R W I S H I

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Accelerate Therapy. Back Pack Safety


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Proof Physical Therapy Performance - March 2022

Proof Physical Therapy Performance - March 2022 LETTERS OF PROOF (928) 440-3106 | Ma

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - July/August 2022


Let the Sparks Fly


Our Family’s July 4 Blowout

Daytona Beach has a special place in my heart. My parents always took the family there over the summer, and they eventually bought a place on the beach when I was a teenager. My husband asked me to marry him in Daytona, and we also got married there. Now, I continue that history and share a little bit of my childhood with my kids every summer. We visit every Fourth of July for a family vacation. The kids attend surf camp, and we do everything else you’d expect on a beachside vacation: sleep in, get ice cream, ride our bikes, play in the water, and so on. But the real draw of the holiday weekend is watching the fireworks from our condo balcony — even though they’re not quite legal. Fireworks aren’t usually allowed, but they go off for hours on the Fourth. The authorities tolerate it with minimal intervention. In fact, you can watch the fireworks stop as the police drive down the beach and start again once they’re about a quarter-mile away. The beachgoers understand the police are doing their job, and the police understand people will keep setting off fireworks, just like they have for decades. In any case, the amateurs manage to put on a pretty good show. And you can always tell when a big one is about to go off because someone lights the firework and then starts hauling buns down the beach. Watching them scramble gives everyone a good laugh.

Before the condo, we used to stay at a hotel by the water. It was like a mini-resort for families that considered kids’ needs, and we enjoyed being around other families that looked for the same type of experience. There were games for everyone, and they managed to make it fun even for adults. We used to wear ourselves out surfing, boogie boarding, playing volleyball, swimming in the pool, and so on. We’d all crash into bed at night and sleep very well! Now, things are a little more relaxed. Believe it or not, one of the kids’ favorite things is to go to the 7-Eleven across the street and get Slurpees. It reminds me of when I was a kid, and my mom would only let us eat sugar cereal like Lucky Charms and Fruit Loops while we were on vacation. The taste of those foods now takes me straight back to my childhood. We also used to get treated to McDonald’s on the way down to Florida. It’s funny to think about how the world has changed. Back then, people mostly ate at home, and any restaurant was a treat. Even fast food seemed like a big deal, and it definitely wasn’t something we got all the time. I’ll never forget those Happy Meals and toys, just like I’ll never forget those summers at the beach. I can’t wait to get down to Florida so I can relax with the family and enjoy the explosions lighting up the night sky. Whether you’re at home or away, I hope you’ll have a similar opportunity to unwind with the people who matter most. Happy Independence Day!

- Delaine Fowler, PT, DPT



3 Tips for Seniors Before Buying an RV EMBARKING ON AN RV JOURNEY

You can tour the country without ever having to leave your home — motor home, that is! Seniors around the country are all hopping aboard the RV train because it’s a great way to get up close and personal with nature while being free to go where you want. One morning, your backyard can be Yellowstone National Park, and the next, you’re in the Mojave Desert! If you’re looking to purchase an RV in your golden years, here are some tips. Rent one first. Renting an RV before you make the commitment to buy one is the way to go, especially if you’ve never taken a trip in one before! This way, you can take it for a nice long test drive and determine which features are must-haves and which you can do without. It’s also a great way to make sure you’re okay being in such a small space with

Do your research. There is much more to buying an RV beyond the actual shopping experience. You have to also learn to drive and/or tow it! Before making a purchase, be sure to research and look up reviews on the driving experiences of other owners of the same make and model. An RV can be a second home, so take your time and make sure you’re getting exactly what you want. Before making your decision and pulling the trigger on your brand- new RV, make sure you’ve done your homework and are prepared for life on the road! A huge adventure awaits — the best thing you can be is prepared!

your family, partner, or travel buddy! Don’t rule out pre-owned RVs.

RVs can be expensive, depending on which model you are looking into. In some cases, opting to purchase a pre-owned RV can save you a great deal of money. And, if you get a great deal on a pre-owned one, you can repair, renovate, and redecorate it to your liking with the money you saved. An additional perk is that insurance is usually cheaper on pre-owned RVs!

People usually end up in our office for one of two reasons: either they’re in severe pain or their doctor has referred them to us. (Sometimes, both!) But physical therapy isn’t reserved for major injuries. A condition doesn’t have to be debilitating to affect your life, and there’s no need to suffer on your own when help is available. Approximately 23,000 Americans sprain their ankles daily, and sprains represent 45% of U.S. sports injuries. Worse, 73% of people who sprain their ankle will do so more than once. Often, reinjury happens because the sprain didn’t fully heal before the person resumed their usual activity. It’s a risk physical therapy can help you avoid. Ankle sprains happen when the ligaments in your foot move beyond their normal range of motion, stretch too far, and tear. They result in pain, swelling, and weakness in the affected area. Though outer ankle sprains are most common, inner ankle injuries also happen. Sprains typically start feeling better with rest after a couple of weeks, but it can take months for the ankle to regain the strength it had before the injury.

That’s where physical therapy can help. Your physical therapist will ask questions about your recovery goals and tailor your treatment plan to them. In addition to reducing pain and swelling, a physical therapist can help you improve your range of

motion, flexibility, balance, and endurance. They’ll also introduce strength-building exercises since sprained ankles often result from weak muscles. These techniques help you heal quicker and more fully so you can get back to doing what you love. A physical therapist can also teach you techniques to avoid ankle sprains in the future. They may prescribe at-home exercises designed to keep your muscles strong and make reinjury less likely. Other strategies include always completing proper warmups, wearing the correct shoes, and using ankle wraps and braces as instructed. The physical therapists at Accelerate Therapy and Performance are experienced in treating musculoskeletal conditions and would be glad to help you get back on your feet. The next time you sprain your ankle, give us a call. Don’t treat your sprain at home when experts are available to help you heal faster!



AUG/SEPT EVENTS What to do before & after surgery August 25 - 6 pm

Soaking Up the Sun?

Do It Safely With Sunscreen

Whatever you’re doing this summer, you’re probably doing it outside. Swimming in the

pool, visiting a beach, riding your bike, lounging on your deck, or attending a backyard barbecue are all popular seasonal pastimes. But they also expose you and your family to a frequently overlooked danger: the sun’s damaging ultraviolet (UV) rays. Luckily, sunscreen offers simple and affordable protection. Ideally, you should wear sunscreen all year — yes, even when it’s cloudy or you’re indoors. Many doctors believe it’s good for our bodies to get 10–15 minutes of sun directly on your skin daily, but more than that puts you at risk. Even when it’s not bright, UV rays penetrate the clouds and affect our skin. Meanwhile, light coming through windows or the high-energy visible light from our phones, computer screens, and televisions can cause damage. But wearing sunscreen on exposed skin when you are outdoors in the sun is most crucial of all. Our skin faces the highest risk of damage during the harshest conditions. Research shows that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70, and it’s the most common form of cancer in the U.S. Though many skin cancers are treatable, others are deadly. Sun exposure increases the risk of developing skin cancer later, and using sunscreen every day cuts the risk in half. We hope your health is important to you, but there are other aspects to this as well. Sun exposure breaks down the collagen in our skin, which results in sagging and wrinkles. People who wear sunscreen tend to have younger-looking skin for longer. Sunscreen also helps protect against leathery, blotchy, or discolored skin. The sooner you start applying sunscreen, the better off you’ll be — but it’s never too late to start. Experts recommend wearing at least a 15 SPF (sun protection factor) sunscreen daily and a 30 SPF sunscreen when you are outdoors. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays, as they each cause different types of damage. And choose

Posture Workshop September 22 - 6pm

Call the office at 704.630.9656 or email Leslie at [email protected] to sign up.


Inspired by

Craving a healthy dog for National Hot Dog Month? We’ve got you! Follow our recipe for a dog packed with protein, fiber, and vitamins. (Serves 8)


• 2 tbsp vegetable oil • 1 green apple, peeled and diced • 1 red onion, thinly sliced • 1 small head red cabbage, cored and shredded • 2 tsp ground cumin

• 1 tbsp grill seasoning • 2 tbsp maple syrup • 8 organic chicken sausage links • 8 whole-wheat hot dog buns, toasted 3 tbsp apple cider vinegar •


water-resistant sunscreen if you plan on being near water or might engage

1. In a large skillet over high heat, warm the vegetable oil. Sauté the apple, onion, and cabbage and toss until wilted. Season with cumin and grill seasoning and cook for 10–12 minutes, until tender. 2. Add the vinegar and maple syrup, then toss to combine. Cook for 1 minute and set the slaw aside. 3. On the grill, cook your chicken dogs according to the package instructions. 4. Assemble the works, starting with the bun and piling in the chicken dog and slaw. 5. Dig in! For an extra health boost, serve with grilled summer vegetables.

in any activity where you could sweat. Finally, don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. The long-term benefits are well worth the minor inconvenience.



1508 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC 28144




• How Delaine Celebrates the Fourth! PAGE 1 • What to Consider Before Buying an RV • Sprained Ankle? PT Can Help! PAGE 2 • Don’t Forget the Sunscreen! • Healthier Hot Dogs With Slaw PAGE 3 • Handcraft Homemade Bird Feeders With the Family PAGE 4

Get Crafty With Mother Nature WITH HOMEMADE BIRD FEEDERS!

Our feathered friends may need a hand when their food sources are scarce or when winter rolls around, which is where bird feeders come in! Making homemade bird feeders is a fun way for you and your family to be creative while learning about birds and other local fauna. You can create a bird feeder in many ways and encourage kids to get crafty! Gather your supplies. Most homemade bird feeders can be made with materials you can find in your own home! Recycled items such as toilet paper rolls, cereal boxes, egg cartons, milk jugs, paper plates and bowls, or even pine cones from the yard are perfect building blocks. Whatever you choose to build with, make sure the feeder is accessible to the birds! Cut holes so the birds can peck at the food and craft a place for them to perch on. If you’re hanging the feeder, cut holes for twine and ensure it won’t hang too low. For food, you can use regular bird seed from the store, or you can use items from your own fridge. (As part of the project, take a little time to look online for safe bird food suggestions if you don’t

use seed.) You can adhere seeds and pieces of fruit and veggies to the side of the feeder with peanut butter — no glue required! Jazz it up! This is where kids can personalize their own bird feeder. Using bird-safe

paints (such as oil-based, latex, acrylic, or watercolor), your kids can design their own bird feeders with bright colors or designs that express their personalities or interests. Be sure not to paint the inside of the feeder, as birds may scratch and consume the paint while trying to reach the food. Then all you have left is to find the perfect spot. Try to find a space where you can see the birds but with enough distance so you don’t scare them away. After that, hang it up and watch the flocks come to you! Homemade bird feeders can be a great way to get your kids involved with Mother Nature and teach them how to care for and observe wild animals, all while being good to the environment.

