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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - November/December 2021

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Accelerate Therapy & Performance - November/December 2021


A Season of Gratitude and Generosity How Accelerate Gives Back

NOV/DEC 2021

“Serving dinner is very special. It’s

rewarding to have the opportunity to interact with shelter guests — and even more rewarding to offer our love by providing them with a meal.”

The holiday season is one of giving back, and at Accelerate, we always try to do our part. Our charity of choice is Rowan Helping Ministries, which helps people get back on their feet during hard times. Whether someone is experiencing homelessness, food scarcity, job loss, or utility shutoffs, Rowan Helping Ministries provides food, shelter, and financial assistance to those in need.

Our mission as a practice is to help people be well and feel well. Sometimes that means helping people reduce their pain through physical therapy, but other times, it means giving them clothes to wear, a hot meal to eat, or resources to find employment. However we help, we want to ensure we’re doing so in ways that give people dignity. Serving dinner is very special. It’s rewarding to have the opportunity to interact with the shelter guests — and even more rewarding to offer our love by providing them with a meal. It’s also nice to come together as the Accelerate team to do something good for the community, strengthening our mental health and bonds with each other. And while the holidays are a great time to talk about the great things Rowan Helping Ministries does, we actually try to volunteer at other times of the year. Many additional volunteers tend to show up around Thanksgiving and Christmas, but the need is year-round. We like to sign up during months when many have forgotten the need, but it is no less acute. Rowan Helping Ministries can always use more resources to help more people, so you can find out more about how to get involved at . No matter how you and your loved ones choose to help the community, doing so will fill your heart and soul.

I first got involved with Rowan Helping Ministries

through my church. The organization began as Rowan Cooperative Christian Ministry back in 1967 when a few women who I personally regard as saints stepped up to the challenge. They saw a need in the community and decided to fill it. What started as lunch served in a basement of First Presbyterian Church during winter months eventually became Rowan Helping Ministries, which now has a shelter, kitchen, clothing center, food pantry, crisis assistance network, and more. All of this started with an idea and willingness to take action. Now it persists because of so many generous people and organizations in our community. All of us at the practice are now involved with the RHM. As a team, we usually fix dinner for them once or twice a year, and any time we have an event or fundraiser, we try to contribute money to their work. About 90% of our patients come from Rowan County, and not everyone has the same resources. It’s great to give back to an organization that will help our neighbors in need. We can see the good they do with our own eyes.

Happy holidays!

- Delaine Fowler , PT, DPT



Improving Your Mental Health One Step at a Time OVERCOMING THE IMPOSSIBLE TASK Almost everyone at some point has encountered a task that is seemingly simple, but no matter what they do, they can’t complete it. These tasks can be as straightforward as making the bed or something bigger, like cleaning an entire room. For many, this is an obstacle that they may want to do but can’t, which weighs heavily on them and becomes detrimental to their mental health. It’s important to understand that the impossible task is not a sign of laziness; depression and anxiety can make any task feel much bigger and more difficult than it actually is. If you find yourself unable to do the things you need or want to do, try these techniques to help overcome your obstacles. Break up the task. When the overarching task feels daunting, breaking it up into smaller segments can help you manage it. If you’re cleaning the kitchen, clean for only a few minutes at a time before taking a break. It might take longer, but the space will be clean at the end of the day.

Make the task more enjoyable. Play music or involve your pet in some way to make the task fun or create a reward system for yourself. For example, tidying a specific area of the house or folding a basket of laundry may earn you time to play video games or watch TV. Alternating tasks and rewards is a great way to overcome any task, big or small. It can help to consider why the task feels so impossible, especially if you used to enjoy it. Try to remember what made it enjoyable and see if you can return to that state of mind. If the objective is not so urgent, determine its importance and if the task can be saved for another day. When all else fails, you can always ask someone for support or even pay someone else to do the task for you. No matter what you decide, there are ways to defeat the impossible task.

Veterans Day is almost here, but unfortunately, the holiday tends to get a bit less attention than many others. We think that’s unfair and believe strongly in the holiday as a time to reflect and be thankful for the veterans who have served America. Veterans Day was originally known as Armistice Day and commemorated the end of World War I. The war ended in 1918 on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, which is why we still celebrate on Nov. 11. Having later gone through both World War II and the Korean War, the U.S. made the decision to rename the holiday Veterans Day in 1954. While many people confuse Veterans Day with Memorial Day, the holidays are quite distinct. Memorial Day honors service members who died in battle or while otherwise in the course of duty. Veterans Day, however, is a day set aside to honor and thank the veterans who are still alive today, whether they served during a war or not. Today in America, there are approximately 19.5 million living veterans, about 18.2 million of whom served in at least one war.

Of veterans who served in the Iraq or Afghanistan wars, an estimated 20%will suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression. Further, veterans often have trouble finding work after they leave the military, and about 11%will experience homelessness. That’s why it’s so important to thank our veterans and help them whenever we can. At Accelerate Therapy and Performance, we’d like to thank all veterans, but we also have some who are especially near and dear to our hearts. We’d like to extend an extra-special

thank-you to our many patients who have served in the military, as well as our own physical therapist Mitch, who has served as a Hospital Corpsman 1st Class, Fleet Marine Force for 21 years of Active Duty Service. If you have a veteran in your life, we hope you’ll also take the time to thank and honor them on this Veterans Day. And if you are a veteran, thank you for your service!



NOV/DEC EVENTS Thankful for YOU Day Nov. 18 from 12–4 p.m. Normatech compression, Hypervolt massage, or Laser 15-minute sessions for all past patients. IF you purchase THAT DAY after your time slot, you receive a buy-one, get-one- 50%-off Laser packages as well as Normatech compression: $25 for a 30-minute session.

What Is Cupping? And Is It Right for You?

Cupping is a traditional Chinese medical (TCM) practice that involves placing heated cups on the skin to create suction. It has existed for over 2,000 years, but the treatment has only recently become popular in Western nations as a treatment for many different ailments.

While it’s unclear exactly how cupping works, it’s believed that the treatment increases blood flow, which stimulates the body’s natural healing process. The treatment is used by many elite athletes — most famously, Michael Phelps — to shorten their recovery time between competitions or practices. Cupping is also used to treat chronic pain, with many sufferers reporting good temporary relief. Other conditions that may benefit from cupping are high blood pressure, migraines, irritable bowel disease, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Cupping is generally performed with cups made of bamboo, glass, or earthenware. The cups are heated by setting a small flammable substance on fire and placing it inside the cup. Once the fire is extinguished, the heated cup is placed upside down on your skin. The process of cooling creates a vacuum that causes your skin to rise and swell inside the cup. The placement of each cup usually only lasts a few minutes. Some people experience pain during cupping, while others liken it to a strong massage. For this reason, your PT will only use a few cups during your first treatment. After cupping, some people experience soreness, but the most common side effect is the presence of bruises where the cups were used. Bruising happens because the suction from the cup breaks tiny blood vessels under your skin, and it generally fades in about a week or two. If you’re interested in cupping, ask your physical therapist if the treatment might be right for you. While cupping is safe for most people and beneficial for many, it’s not recommended for everyone. Your PT can evaluate your particular case to determine the benefits and possible side effects you might experience. As always, you should share your entire medical history with your PT to

Call the office at 704.630.9656 or email Leslie at [email protected] to sign up.


Inspired by


• • • •

1 lb Mexican chorizo

1/4 cup cilantro, chopped

1 white onion, chopped

• •

1/2 cup chicken stock 1 tbsp unsalted butter, for greasing

1 carrot, chopped 1 celery rib, chopped

• 3 garlic cloves, chopped • 2 cups premade

• Cilantro, for garnish • Cotija cheese, for garnish

cornbread, crumbled


determine your best course of treatment.

1. Preheat your oven to 350 F. 2. In a large skillet over

3. While stirring, slowly add the chicken stock. Stir until absorbed. 4. Butter a small

medium heat, cook the chorizo for 5 minutes. Add the onion, carrot, celery, and garlic. Cook for 10 additional minutes. Stir in the cornbread and cilantro.

casserole dish, then add the stuffing in an even layer. Bake for 20 minutes, garnish as desired, and serve!



1508 West Innes St. Salisbury, NC 28144




• Giving Back This Holiday Season PAGE 1 • Overcoming the Impossible Task • Honoring Our Veterans PAGE 2 • Is Cupping Right for You? • Baked Cornbread and Chorizo Stuffing PAGE 3 • Lowering Holiday Stress PAGE 4

Have a Low-Stress Holiday 3 TIPS FOR A MERRIER TIME

The holidays are right around the corner, and while many people can’t wait to eat turkey and swap presents, others only see stress on the horizon. Especially for those hosting parties, between decorations, big dinners, excited kids, and visiting family, it can all feel overwhelming. If celebrations are happening at your house this year, here are three tips to lessen the strain and keep up the holiday cheer. Recharge First Ensure you’re rested and recharged before the holidays by taking time to relax, getting enough sleep, and engaging in activities that make you feel good. When you’re rushing to get everything done, it can be tempting to skip self-care routines, but that will cost you in the long run. Your daily exercise and other health activities keep you balanced and ready to face challenges head-on. Get Started Early Holidays always arrive faster than we expect, so begin preparing early. If shopping for presents is a pain point, don’t wait until the last minute. Decorate earlier than you need to — or better yet, get

the kids to do it for you. There’s only so much cooking you can do ahead of time, but ensuring you have all of the equipment and

nonperishable ingredients you need a few weeks in advance will reduce both your workload and anxiety. Don’t Expect Perfection

The sooner you let go of the idea of a “perfect” holiday, the sooner you’ll be able to have a happy one. Face it: Something will go wrong. Whether it’s an overcooked dish, a child throwing a temper tantrum, or your uncle talking politics at the dinner table, nothing will ever go just how you planned. So, embrace the imperfections. Whether you’re celebrating this year with a group of two or 20, holidays can be a stressful time — but they don’t have to be. With these tips, your festivities may not be picture-perfect, but they will be a lot of fun.

