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Achieve PT_Helping Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

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gender Sincerely, Kimball Taylor Kimball Taylor, DPT Physical Therapist Kimball grew up around physi

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OptimumPerformance_Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

or shoulder. Due to the complexity of the hand and upper extremity, a hand therapist should be your

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Fyzical_Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

NPTM. Also visit Juvent’s Clinically Proven Micro-Impact Platform ® You can Ex

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Outpatient PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

or get an electrician to install additional outlets. Remove clutter from walkways to reduce the chan

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TaylorRehab_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

rotator cuff workshop on Saturday June 13th from 10-11 am at our Gateway location! You will learn th

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ArrowPTR_Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain n° 315994 - Level Hard EXERCISE ESSENTIALS WAND SHOULDER FLEXION While holding an elasti

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Nestor PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

Nestor PT_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain NEWSLETTER LIVE YOUR LIFE FREE F

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Achieve Physical Therapy_Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain

Performance For Life NEWSLETTER

Prevention, Performance & Rehabilitation All in One SKILLMILL ™ Achieve Therapy is turning heads with the addition of the TechnoGym’s SKILLMILL™ to its line of services in our Turning Point Health & Wellness location. This non-motorized treadmill with a unique, curved surface, allows the user to progress from a walk to an all-out sprint without hesitation. It also gives you the ability to add resistance to your movement so you can do progress from a resistance free walk into an all-out sled push. Achieve Performance is currently the only facility in the region with the SKILLMILL™.

The MultiDrive Technology of the SKILLMILL™ allows the user to perform a large variety of exercises in multiple planes of movement. The ergonomic, non-motorized surface is very joint friendly and produces less impact and jarring than a standard treadmill. Because it is non-motorized, the user can set their own pace whether; it is walking, jogging or all out sprinting. This versatility is ideal for not only enhancing athletic development, but accelerating rehabilitation following injury and surgery. It offers you the ability to improve strength, speed, power, mobility, proprioception, and balance with a single appliance.

(Continued Inside)

Performance For Life NEWSLETTER

INSIDE: • Did You Just Suffer A Sprain or A Strain? • Do You Have Shoulder Elbow or Wrist Pain? Are you in Pain? Call Today And Start Feeling Better Fast! • Exercise Essential

DidYouJust Suffer a Sprainor aStrain?

You’ve probably had a sprain or strain at some point in your life. Chronic sprains and strains are not good as they lead to lasting problems such as weakness and joint damage. However, did you know that being strong, flexible and having good posture can go a long way to stopping sprains and strains? Sprains and strains are extremely common injuries to the musculoskeletal system. What is a sprain? A sprain is an injury that overstretches or tears a ligament (tissue that connects bone to bone), which provides joints their stability. A severely damaged ligament during an injury or accident can cause a joint to become unstable. Symptoms may include

pain, inflammation and in some cases, the inability to move a joint (elbow, wrist or shoulder). Sprains occur when a joint is forced beyond its normal range of motion, such as bending your wrist back during a fall. If you still have pain from a past injury, this is probably because you never fully recovered from the sprain or the joint is unstable. Sprains can be mild, or they can be traumatic, such as in the case of an automobile or workplace accident . What is a strain? A strain is an injury that overstretches or tears muscles or tendons (connects muscles to bones). A strain typically occurs at the point where the muscle is becoming a tendon and is stretched too fast, then suddenly contracts, as with quickly grasping for a falling heavy object.

For an updated list of upcoming events/workshops please visit our website!

The entire design of the SKILLMILL™ makes it a great tool to introduce a non-exerciser to aerobic exercise. Seniors and people with conditions like metabolic syndrome, heart disease, osteoporosis or other chronic conditions will find the curved, ergonomic surface very easy to use and gentle on their joints.The benefits of aerobic exercise for individuals with these conditions are well established and better clinical improvement is seen in people of any age who people participate in aerobic exercise. To see the SkillMill™ in action, visit the Achieve Performance Facebook page and view the uploaded videos. If you are ready to roll and would like to give the SKILLMILL™ a try, request your free 30 minute training session by requesting a consult at a-consult/ or by calling us at 701-757-1322. Let Achieve Therapy help you Move Better, Feel Better, Play Better. SKILLMILL ™ (Continued)


Laurie Holte, MPT

Laurie Holte, MPT, is a Grand Forks native and proud alum of Grand Forks Central. She received her master’s degree in physical therapy from the University of North Dakota in May of 2001. She worked as a staff therapist for HealthSouth Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation from 2001-2003. In 2003, she along with three other clinicians founded Achieve Therapy, LLC. Laurie practices at our clinic located in the Turning Point Health & Wellness Center. She specializes in outpatient orthopedics, chronic pain issues such as fibromyalgia and other forms of arthritis, lymphedema management and women’s health services for the treatment of urinary incontinence and pelvic/low back pain. She has advanced training in Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT) and is an ASTYM certified provider. Laurie and her husband Rick enjoy spending time at the lake, athletics of any kind, and family time with their three young daughters.

Exercise Essential


Strengthens Arms Always consultyour therapistorphysicianbefore startingexercisesyouareunsureofdoing. Try this movement if you are experiencing arm pain.

While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand away from your stomach, then pull the band towards your stomach. Keep your elbow near your side the entire time. Repeat 10 times on each side.

DoYouHaveShoulder, ElboworWristPain? You try to get through the day, but that nagging pain in your shoulder, elbow or wrist just keeps your attention focused on it. It sure is hard to concentrate on work, your family and other activities you need to do! We can help you get back to living!

It is common to fixate on that body part that hurts. The thought is that because it hurts there, the problem is right there! However, this is often not the cause. You see, the body part that is painful is usually the one that is doing all the work, because other areas are not doing their job. The body is truly amazing and all the parts work together as one whole, most of the time. However,whenanareaofyourbodybecomes weak or stiff because it was abused from poor posture, stress or injury, even an old one, other areas strain from the overwork to pick up the slack. A common word that is used for this type of repetitive injury strain is called “tendonitis”.This is simply an inflammation of the tendonsof thatarea,whichattachmuscles to bones. For example, a very common complaint is tennis elbow and even pain in

the forearm or wrist area. However, why is this happening in the first place? The upper extremity works in 3 parts, the shoulder, elbow and wrist. They rely on each other to make the incredible movements of your arm so you can reach grasp and do ordinary daily tasks we take for granted. They rely on your posture to be good in order to function properly. When you slouch or sometimes do a repetitive task, like reaching acrossyourdesk,certainmusclescanbecome too tight or strong while others become weak. This muscle imbalance leads to that area not working as well as it should. For example, you sit at a desk all day and you slouch your shoulders. Now, your shoulder doesn’t work as well, but you still move your mouse around with your arm, which causes your wrist and forearmmuscles tooverwork.As thishappens

over time, you start to notice aches and pains in your wrist and elbow. If this goes on too long, it becomes severe and you seek out medical help. Typically a brace may be put on the area, but that is not where the problem is, right? It’s because your shoulder was stiff and weak from your slouching. Now, a good occupational therapist has the right medical training to spot where your posture is not optimum and how you are compensating. With the right evaluation and treatment from you can be back to doing what you like to do, quickly and easily. Then with the training we give you, you can help yourself stay well for the long haul and know what to do to prevent the problem from happening again. Give us a call today if your shoulder, elbow or wrist is hurting, we can help!

SAVEMONEY WITH PHYSICAL THERAPY Research shows patients on average than referred patients, decreasing costs tremendously. COME BACK IN FOR A CHECK UP! who went straight to Physical Therapy had 86% fewer visits

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