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Activa: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

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Paradigm: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain n°315994 - LevelHard Play on your mobile these puzzles and f

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Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

or pain. (continued inside) Life Is Good Without Neck Pain (continued) See our physical therapists f

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Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

pennsylvania Hershey 32 Northeast Drive, Suite 203 Hershey, PA 17033 P: 717-533-0215 F:

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Kinetix: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain


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Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

CentraRehabilitation Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Without Pain Medication! Try these movements if yo

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Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

2 teaspoons almonds. Serve immediately.

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Beyond Limits: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

spinebook HAVE YOUMET YOURANNUAL INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE? Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movemen

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Core Solutions: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain


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Nestor PT_Life is Good Without Neck Pain

ribs for any of the carnivores in the group. Enjoy! BONUS ITEM: I make a horseradish cream to go wit

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Avenues PT. Life Without Neck Pain

stretching of my neck muscles and teaching me some regular exercises to improve my posture (sitting

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Activa: Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


We are excited to announce that this past monthwe won the Best of Naperville Award, for best Physical Therapy clinic in 2017. We were nominated for this award by a past patient and are extremely honored to be both nominated and chosen for this award over themany other physical therapy clinics in the area. We are proud to see that our mission of a patient first mentality is recognized in this community. We thank you to all of our satisfied patients and are grateful to be acknowledged as the “Best of Physical Therapy” in Naperville! With Gratitude, Samir Sharma, PT, DPT Founder, Activa Physical Therapy

Inside: • Life Is Good Without Neck Pain

• Are You Hurting Your Neck While You Sleep?

• Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes

• Patient Success Spotlight

“It’s Time To Do Something About That Constant Pain In Your Neck!” LIFE IS GOOD WITHOUT NECK PAIN Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Neck pain can be a constant ache or sharp pain with movement, stopping you fromenjoying life’sactivities.Neckpain isverycommonaffectingapproximately 2/3 rds of the population at one point or another. People with neck pain suffer mainly from one of the following conditions: Degenerative Disc Disease. The discs are the fluid filled sacs between the bones of your neck. The normal aging process shrinks the discs and dries them out. Repeated stress and strain also weakens the tissues that make up a disc. When this happens, the disc loses its ability to absorb shock. In turn, this causes rubbing and changes in the shape of the joints in your neck, which can be painful. Muscle Strain. When there isan injury to theneckoryouoveruse theshoulder and neck muscles, a strain can occur. When this happens, the neck muscles may go into spasm to help support and protect the sore area. MechanicalNeckPain. Mechanicalpainusuallystartsfromchanges intheneck joints. As discs start to collapse, the space between the neck bones narrows, andthe jointsmaybecome inflamed.Thepain isusuallychronicand istypically felt in the middle part of the neck. However, it may spread from the neck into the upper back or to the outside of the shoulder in some cases. Radiculopathy. Pressure or irritation on or around the nerves of the neck can affect the nerves’ electrical signals. The pressure or irritation can be felt as numbness on the skin, weakness in the muscles or pain along the path of the

nerve. Weakness in the spine muscles can cause abnormal pressure on the nerves and increased chance of radiculopathy. Ifyouaresuffering fromneckpain,ourSPINEProgram is idealtoquicklyrelieve yourpainandprevent it fromreturning.From long-termneckpain,torecovering from a complicated surgery, we can relieve your pain quickly, returning your natural mobility and strength. Our treatments are designed to help ease pain and to improve flexibility,strength,postreand function.Weeven teachyouhow to protect your neck in the years ahead. Look inside to learn more about our SPINE Program and say good-bye to that aching neck!

Patient Success Spotlight

I gained more flexibility!

“I gained more flexibility, reduced pain and was given a home program tomaintain theprogramprovided formebyActivaPhysical Therapy.” – Jerry R. THIS COULD BE YOU! SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! (630) 637-9955

Have we been able to assist you in your recovery well? If so, please leave us a review on Google, Yelp or Facebook!

“Is It Possible To Injure Myself While Inactive?” ARE YOU HURTING YOUR NECK WHILE YOU SLEEP?

Wespendone thirdofour livessleeping.Therefore,howyousleepand thebed yousleeponcanhaveadramaticeffectonthesupportofyourbody.Whenyou sleep you need to be aware of how your neck and spine are supported. There are many different types of beds on the market today which can be very confusing for consumers. The best type of bed is the one that you try out and feel most comfortable using. Typically, a bed that is firm underneath, with a softer top helps to provide support as well as contour your body. If your mattress is old, then think about investing in a new one so that your neck and spine are supported well. The best positions to sleep in for your spine are on your back or sides. Avoid sleeping on your stomach since your spine ends up twisted, especially your neck. Over the hours of repetitive sleeping on your stomach, you can damage the jointsofyourspineandcompressthenervesexitingyourspine.Useapillow tohelpsupportyourbodyand take theweightofyour legsoffyourspine. Ifyou

like to sleep on your back, place a pillow under the backs of your thighs and knees. This should place your knees in a slight, supported bend which takes pressure off your lower back. If you sleep on your side, be sure to put a pillow between your knees. This helps keep the alignment of your spine, and takes the pressure of your upper leg off the spine. Have1-2pillowsunderyourhead tokeepyourneck inproperalignment. Ifyou need2pillowsstaggerthemsothatonepillowoverlapstheotherbyonehalf.The lower half goes under the shoulders, while the upper half supports the neck. Our physical therapists at Activa Physical Therapy can show you exercises, stretches and techniques to relieve your pain and prevent it from returning. Ifyouaresufferingwithneckorbackpain,callustodayto learnmoreabout how we can relieve your pain, returning you to a more active, pain-free life!

Healthy Recipe: Cocoa Banana Walnut Bread

Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

INGREDIENTS • 1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour • 3/4 cup cocoa powder • 1 tsp. baking soda • 1 tsp. cinnamon

• 2 Tbs. molasses • 2 ripe bananas, mashed • 1 tsp. vanilla extract • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts

• 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. allspice • 2 large eggs • 1/2 cup brown sugar

Good stretch if you sit at a computer all day

• 3/4 cup plain, low-fat yogurt • 1/3cupcanolaorgrapeseedoil

LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH Grasp your arm on the affected side and tilt your head downward into the armpit. Use your opposite hand to guide your head further into the stretch.

DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9-by-5-inch loaf pan. In a large bowl, sift together flour, cocoa, bakingsoda,cinnamon,saltandallspice. Inaseparate bowl, lightly beat eggs, then stir in sugar, yogurt, oil, molasses, bananas and vanilla. Add dry ingredients to wet and mix gently. Fold in walnuts and pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean. Let cool several minutes before unmolding.

Refer A Friend

Think Activa PT First

If you are experiencing these symptoms talk to us at Activa Physical Therapy

Do You Have Friends Or Family Unable To Do The Following:

Inability to look up comfortably Difficulty getting in and out of bed Joint pain and/or stiffness Unable to enjoy leisure activities Difficulty reaching for high things

Who Do You Know That Needs Our Help? � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently & securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

Limited ability to exercise Unable to work due to pain Pain or trouble driving

If you know someone suffering with aches and pains give the gift of health. Refer them to Activa Physical Therapy today. Pass along this newsletter or have them call us directly to schedule an appointment.

• Have loved ones stopped listening to your complaints because they have heard it so many times before? • Does back or neck pain put a frown on your face? ATTENTION Pain Sufferers

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Learn 5 Simple Ways To Stop Your Back Or Neck Pain Naturally With This FREE eBook IfYou’reNoddingYesTakeOneEasyStep inThe RightDirectionToTakingChargeofHowYouFeel. DOWNLOAD THIS eBOOK TODAY!

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Springbrook Square Drive (630) 637-9955