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Activa: Where Is Back Pain Coming From?

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KinetixPT: Where Is Back Pain Coming From?

out of the car. I wanted to return to my prior level of function ASAP, so I came to Kinetix. Such a

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CoreSolutions: Where Is Back Pain Coming From? 6 7 1 UNDERSTANDING THE BENEFITS OF PHYSIOTHERAPY Physiotherapistshelppeopleaffectedby i

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PerformanceTherapy: Where Is Back Pain Coming From?

avoiding-and- recovering-from-work-related-injuries According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, wor

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Valley Rehab: Where is Your Back Pain Coming From?

2 tsp honey • 2 cups baby arugula • 3 tbsp chopped pecans, toasted DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 450°.

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CompletePR-Where is your back pain coming from?

20 ELIZABETH (908) 527-6001 JERSEY CITY (201) 433-6001

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FYZICAL Therapy. Where Is Your Back Pain Coming From?

moist-orange-cranberry-bread SIDELYING TRUNK ROTATION While lying on your side with your arms out-st

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Choice PT: Where Is Your Back Pain Coming From?

10” after a single session and is now able to touch her toes for the first time in years! •Mike has

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Avenues PT. Where Is Your Back Pain Coming From?

2 tsp paprika powder • 1 cup spicy BBQ sauce • 1 tsp sriracha sauce (optional) • 2 green onions, cut

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Movement Matters. Where Is Your Back Pain Coming From?

2 cup dried cranberries and cherries Directions Preheatoven to350°F.Greaseor lineabakingsheetwithpar

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Total Care PT: Where Is Your Back Pain Coming From?

2 tsp honey • 2 cups baby arugula • 3 tbsp chopped pecans, toasted DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 450°.

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Activa: Where Is Back Pain Coming From?

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


On behalf of the Activa team, we would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Kevin, one our therapy technicians. Many of you have had the chance to work with Kevin during your time in therapy with us, and he has undoubtedly been a great asset to the Activa team during his 4 years with us.

since early in his college career. One of our first staff members to join Activa upon opening in 2015, Kevin has assisted in clerical duties, insurance a n d b e n e f i t verification, patient transportation, and guiding patients i n t h e o f f i c e

throughout their therapeutic exercise. We wish Kevin the best of luck as he heads to Minnesota, and thank him for his years of faithful service to Activa and our patients. We will dearly miss you Kevin!

Kevin will be leaving Activa in early June to attend the Doctor of Physical Therapy at The College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minnesota. Originally from Orland Park and a recent graduate from North Central College, Kevin has had an interest in pursuing an education in physical therapy

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body



• How Can I Tell If My Neck Is Causing Back Pain?

• Healthy Recipe

• Relieve Back Pain In Minutes

• Patient Success Spotlights

Your spine is a complex part of your body – it requires proper posture, flexibility, coordination, and strength, in order to do its job correctly. When one of these elements is altered, your spine can emit painful responses that can settle in other nearby parts of the body. According to theNational InstituteofHealth,approximately80%ofadultswill experience lower back pain at some point in their lives. Back pain is actually the most commonly reported location of pain across the globe. But how often is the source actually another part of your body? Pain is usually connected. Your spine is a lengthy structure, and pain can travel along it. Let’s say you are prone to neck pain – perhaps you have a slouched posture from sitting at a desk all day and the pressure radiates in yourshoulders.Or,maybeyou’vehadaprevious injury,suchaswhiplash, that still elicits painful stings every now and then. Now, let’s say you begin feeling pain in your lower back in addition to your neck pain. Why does this happen? Basically, the pains are connected to each other. Your head weighs about 10-12pounds,which isroughly theweightofabowlingball.Whenyouslouch, orcompensatepainby realigningyourbody,yourbackmuscleshave towork extra hard to keep you from toppling forward. Have you ever been so tired that your head begins to bob and it jolts you awake? That’s because your head is heavy!The weight from the motion wakes you back up because your body isn’t used to carrying it in that way.

This is also why pain in your lower back may occur as a result. Your back muscles are working in overdrive and may be constricting to try and hold you up. If you notice neck and back pain at the same time as one another, try sitting up straighter – it should help ease some of the stress! Isyournecktheculprit? Themostcommoncombinationofpain is in theneck and theback. Ifyouareexperiencingboth, it ismost likelystemming from the neck. We don’t typically think about it, but we use our necks for a lot of our daily activities. Even simple things, such as turning to grab something out of the cupboard or looking over your shoulder when backing out of a driveway, use a lot of neck muscles. When you do simple tasks such as these, do you find yourself turning your entire body, as opposed to just your head? If so, you could experience back pain along with your neck pain. Whenyouhave limitedmotion inyourneck,yourbodycompensatesbytwisting more than it usually would, thus over-rotating your lower back. This could cause a source of pain or general discomfort in the area, due to abnormal overuse. If you are experiencing neck pain, back pain, or a combination of both, our physical therapists would be more than happy to meet with you for a consultation to discuss how they can help. Call us today to talk to an expert about how we can relieve your aches and pains! If you are suffering with aches and pains, discover our programs today and learn more about how to gain relief.

Have we been able to assist you in your recovery well? If so, please leave us a review on Google, Yelp or Facebook!


It can sometimes to be difficult to determine if your back pain is rooted in your neck. This simple, at-home test can assist you in figuring it out:

1. Stand straight in front of another person. They will be your eyes regarding the movements you make. 2. Once they are watching you, turn your head as far as you comfortably can to the left. Repeat the same motion to the right. Have them take note of how far you are able to go. 3. Now, sit down in front of the same person. Repeat the same turning motions from a chair or couch. Again, have them take note of how far you are able to comfortably turn your head. 4. Ask if there were any differences in the turning movement. Did one side seem to turn further than the other? Was there a difference in standing vs. sitting? This test is helpful in finding out if your neck is causing (or is at risk of causing) pain in your lower back. If your movement is limited, especially sitting down, it means that the muscles in your back or upper back are tight. These constricted motions can cause pain in the lower back. How can physical therapy help me? Physical therapy is the leading recommendation for back pain. Physical therapists are trained to evaluate muscle and joint movement, and they can easily assist you in finding the root of your problem. They will thoroughly evaluate you to figure out why you are experiencing pain, determining the source and treating all

affected areas. After your initial consultation, they will create a specialized treatment plan for you, based on their diagnosis of your specific needs. A physical therapist’s end goal is the same as yours – to get you feeling better, healthier, and more comfortable! If you are experiencing lower back pain and think it may be caused by an issue occurring in your neck, give us a call today. We’ll get you moving comfortably again in no time.

Source: Back-Pain-Fact-Sheet


Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.

Strengthens Back

QUADRUPED ALTERNATE ARM & LEG RAISE While on your hands and knees, slowly raise up an arm out in front of you. Then, slowly raise the opposite leg behind you, while keeping your back straight. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times on both sides.

INGREDIENTS • ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided

• ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes

DIRECTIONS Blend raspberries, banana, almond milk, 3 tablespoons almonds, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla in a blender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.


I am now back to my normal workout routine! “I came in after spending 6 weeks in a boot due to an ankle fracture. At the time I had difficulty with balance and mobility. I am now back to my normal workout routine. My ankle feels stronger and I ammore confident with mobility.” – Tempest H. I now have a full range of motion throughout my body! “Before coming to Activa I was unable to walk, sit, or stand without assistance. Iwas inextremepainallday,everyday.From themoment I came into Activa I was cared for with great attention, patience, and knowledge. Thanks to the team at Activa I now have a full range of motion throughout my body, pain-free.” – Elisabeth B. I am back to normal! “Activa therapy has been my home for 6 months. I had a rotation cuff surgery on August 16th, 2018. When I first started my therapy I couldn’t do much with my right arm. I actually lost the use of it. I work at a place where you have to wear your hair up. That was the first task I couldn’t do; I had to wear my hair to the side. Eventually, as time went by I was able to manage the task. There were times I didn’t feel I was going to get back to the full use of my arm. With the care and motivation of the staff, I am back to normal.Thank you all so much!” – Lucy F. GetMoreExercise. Itmightseemcounterintuitive,butbeingactivecanreduce your inflamation.This isbecauseobesity forcesyourbody tooverexert itself. You don't have to adopt a full workout routine—just two hours of common activities such as cleaning the house or taking a walk each day may help. Drink GreenTea. Fullofantioxidants,green tea tampsdownstress thatcan cause excess swelling. It takes a few cups each day to get the most benefit, but the results may be well worth it. Lower Stress Levels. Losing your cool forces your blood vessels to work extra hard. Find a pleasurable activity to keep your blood pressure and heart rate at more manageable levels. Eat More Nuts. Snacking on almonds, walnuts, and cashews gives you a powerful combination of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber. These combine to reduce inflammatory eefects in your system. Avoid Environmental Toxins. Your body can't help how it reacts to certain substances.These include toxins found inhouseholdcleaningproductsand other chemical. Try to switch to all-natural cleansers or use makeup that doesn't contain artificial ingredients. Sleep Better. When you don't get enough sleep, your body has a harder time fighting inflammation.That'sbecause tirednessmakesyoumoresusceptible What our recent graduates had to say...

to stress. Make sure you get at least seven to nine hours of sufficient rest each night. Make A Salad. Green leafy vegetables contain high levels of magnesium. People who are susceptible to excess swelling might have low levels of this mineral. Get Some Sun. SunlightexposurehelpsyourbodyproducevitaminD,which can strengthen your immune system and keep inflammation at bay. Just 15 minutes of sun a day could do wonders for you. Enjoy A Massage. A good rundown does more than make you feel relaxed. It also could increase your white blood cell count and decrease levels of inflammatory hormones.

Inflammationusuallymeansyou'rehealing,buttoomuchcanbeharmful.When your immune system overreacts, it could cause health issues ranging from arthritis to cancer. Here are some tips to keep inflammation under control.

- Lucy with Samir, Carson and Jennifer