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Active Health: Neck Pain & Headaches

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Active Health: Relieving Neck Pain


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Pro-Active PT: Neck Pain and Headaches

Pro-Active PT: Neck Pain and Headaches Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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FyzicalCentralIllinois: Neck Pain & Headaches

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Global: Neck Pain & Headaches

red-snapper-arugula-salad Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to relieve neck pain... SCAPU

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BridleTrails: Neck Pain & Headaches

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Spaulding: Neck Pain & Headaches

Ankle Appointments are free but limited; each therapist has 7 spots available. Don’t delay, register

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WAPT. Neck Pain & Headaches

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Canyon: Neck Pain & Headaches

4 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Add the broccoli, onions and golden raisins to

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Active Health: Neck Pain & Headaches

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

LIVE WITHOUT NECK PAIN & HEADACHES “Wake Without An Ache In The Morning!”

Do you suffer from frequent neck pain and headaches? People literally live on Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for years because they constantly have a nagging headache, induced by muscle spasms in the neck. Many people who suffer from frequent headaches fear they have an underlying neck problem that may go undiagnosed or untreated.

(continued inside)

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

LIVE WITHOUT NECK PAIN & HEADACHES “Wake Without An Ache In The Morning!”


• Focus On Neck Pain To Relieve Headaches • Healthy Recipe • Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes • Patient Success Spotlight

The Cause of Most Headaches Headachescan range fromminornaggingpains to full-blownmigraines that knock you off your feet for a day or two. Any headache, whether tremendous pain or not, should be a warning sign that the muscles around your spine and neck may be too tight and tense. Prolonged muscle tension may cause you to feel stiff and achy. One may feel pain in the shoulders, neck, upper back and even radiating out to the upper arms. Most people who have headaches complain about having neck and shoulder pain. The most intense pain usually lies directly in the upper back sides of the neck. The pain then radiates into the shoulder area. This is why many people who have headaches treat themselves to seek frequent neck and shoulder massages.

Relief That Works Physical therapy goes beyond massages to evaluate and treat the root cause of your pain. Muscular tightness may lead to poor joint movement and weakness. Our medical physical therapy experts are trained in specialized, hands-on treatments to quickly reduce your pain. Furthermore you can enjoy the added benefits of corrected posture and improved motion. We help to train you in gentle exercises and self- help techniques to relieve neck pain and headaches independently and prevent the problem from reoccurring. Physical therapy can help you to relieve the tightness and tension in your muscles, helping you live a happy, pain-free life.

FOCUS ON NECK PAIN TO RELIEVE HEADACHES The neck can be a hidden and debilitating source of headaches. Very often neck pain and headaches go hand-in-hand, leading to a miserable time coping with everyday activities. According to the National Institute of Health Statistics neck pain and headaches are the second most common form of pain experienced by Americans, with 59% reporting it affected their enjoyment of life. Some headaches are often grouped under the term “cervicogenic headache” meaning that the primary source is from the neck.

Therearewellmappedoutpatternsofheadaches thatcome from thedifferent parts of the neck, shoulder and upper back areas. The discs between your bones (vertebrae) and joints in the upper neck often contribute to headaches. Even headaches located in the forehead or behind the eyes are often referred pains stemming from problem areas in the neck and base of the skull. The joints connecting the top three vertebral levels of the neck handle almost 50% of the total motion of the entire neck. This means they absorb a lot of repetitive strain.These joints bear the main load of the weight of the head (about that of a bowling ball). With fatigue, poor posture, injuries, disc problems, arthritis, muscular stress and even prior surgeries, the wear and tear on this critical region of your body can prove too much, resulting in pain. It is also possible that you may develop a narrowing of the spinal canal itself. Since the spinal cord runs through the spine, a narrowing of the canal or where the nerves exit, can lead to a condition called spinal stenosis. There is much that can be done to treat neck pain and headaches. Our expert physical therapists have years of experience helping people with neck pain

and headaches. By finding the root cause of your neck pain and headaches we can relieve your pain quickly, reduce the need for medication and get you back to the activities you enjoy. Discover how our team of specialists at Active Health Performance Therapy can eliminate your neck pain and headaches allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life. Call today for more details!

Call us today at (207) 878-5002 to schedule an appointment!

Enjoy A Healthy Recipe!

Turkey Meatballs

Ingredients • 1 lb ground turkey • 1 large egg beaten • 1/4 cup shaved parmesan • 1 tsp garlic powder

• 1 tsp onion powder • 1 tsp basil • 1 tsp salt

• 1/2 tsp ground black pepper • 1 (24 oz) jar red pasta sauce • 1/2 lb whole grain spaghetti

Directions Preheat broiler on high for 5 minutes. Combine all meatball ingredients in large bowl. Use your hands to mix the ingredients. Use a 1.5 tablespoon cookie scoop to scoop 18 meatballs onto a rimmed cookie sheet. Broil on top rack for 5 minutes. In a large skillet, bring pasta sauce to a low simmer. Add in cooked meatballs and simmer together for 5-10 minutes or until meatballs are completely cooked through. Serve with your choice of pasta, fresh basil, more parmesan and enjoy!

Rebecca’s Thoughts: Coping With Stress

Well, my newsletter was very late this month. Why? I guess because I am overwhelmed – kids got sick, a friend passed away, the business changed – you know, life happened. And I thought with the other article here being on headaches, maybe this was a good essay. How are we supposed to manage our stress? There is SO much going on all the time and then forget even looking at Facebook or turning the news on… right? So how are we supposed to deal?

3. Make time for yourself. It is really easy to give up the “me time” when the sky is falling – but that is when it is most important. Keep exercising, spending time with your spouse or whatever it is that recharges you. But how do


you go to the gym when you have looming deadlines and so much to do – well – you just go. The deadlines will be there every month and if one or two are flexible – take advantage. 4. Sleep. I do whatever I need to do to sleep. I will kick my husband out of the room, sleep in my son’s room, take melatonin – whatever. A poor night or more of sleep makes everything feel and seem worse, reduces the ability to cope, reason and dulls all the other tools you need to make sound and sharp decisions. 5. Eat well. Comfort food is not necessarily comforting to your body. A glass of wine to relax is great – but beyond that alcohol, sugar, fried food etc. all negatively impacts sleep, digestion, energy levels and so on. So stick with the good food and save the comfort food for cheat day. This month Taylor is raising money for the American Heart Association. It is SO important to be on top of your heart health so get to the doctor, get a stress test, manage your cholesterol and get plenty of exercise! If you would like to donate stop in at 512 Warren Ave or give us a call at 878-5002.

How are we supposed to stay happy, keep up with all of our obligations and also take care of the people in our lives that need us? Here’s how I do it… 1. I stay off of social media. The last thing you need is all the arguments over gun rights and politics and the pictures of abused children and then negativity. I’m not saying keeping your head in the sand makes it all go away but there is no reason to overload yourself when you already are feeling bad. 2. Prioritize – of course EVERYTHING is important. But I have no problem just pushing things off if they are not going to make the world end. Sometimes I won’t even check my email – this past week with the flu and the passing of a friend in a very traumatic way, I felt pulled in all directions. It’s very easy to get overwhelmed but you’re not going to do anyone any good if YOU have a breakdown too. So figure out what is MOST important – keep earning, keep paying the mortgage and take care of the kids. After that for me it was all 2nd.


Relieve Neck Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing neck pain.

CERVICAL RETRACTION Stand with your back against a wall. Position a rolled up towel behind your neck.Tuck chin like you are nodding ‘yes’. Draw your chin closer to the back of your throat. Repeat 3 times. Loosens Tight Neck Muscles

“I’ve been through a lot this past year. I wasn’t sure if anything was going to get me back to normal again – or even where I felt OK and could exercise and keep up with my wife. This worked terrific. I feel good and I am back at the gym and doing things such as traveling. I’m relieved and happy. This was exactly what I was looking for – thank you. And you even kept it fun.” - D.H. I am back at the gym!

CALL TODAY! (207) 878-5002


1. Regular exercise. Migraine patients are at a slightly increased risk of stroke, and lack of exerciseisariskfactorfor cardiovacular and cerebrovascular disease. Vigorous, regular exercise can help reduce these risks. 2. Adequate sleep. Getting enough sleep on a regular basis is part of the migraine hygiene you should practice to keep your headaches at ease. Sleep also includes darkness. Light is painful when you’re suffering from a minimal headache, a hangover, and especially a migraine. Its brightness can trigger an even greater head pain, so don’t be afraid to turn things down a bit. 3. Balanced diet. Eating regular meals, avoiding foods that trigger headaches, and

staying hydrated will also help reduce the pain and frequency of your headaches. If you suffer from migraines on a regular basis, consider making one small switch to your diet: more nuts. Nuts can work as both a pain reliever and a preventative method to stave off future onsets. Many varieties of nuts contain an important “ingredient” called salicin. Salicin is a pain blocking agent that’s present in many of today’s medications. Though you may want to reach for an over the counter pain reliever when migraines strike, choose nuts—they offer the same important ingredients. 4. Work on improving your posture. Hold your shoulders back and your head level, parallel to the ground, instead of hunching forward. This technique helps improve headaches most frequent during work.

Are you still having migraines after following these steps? Call us today at (207) 878-5002 to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll guide you to a new and pain free lifestyle with exercises and movements catered to your pain level.

512 Warren Ave. Portland, ME 04103

P : (207) 878-5002 F : (207) 878-5007

Need A Positive Distraction From Stressful Days? HEALTH BENEFITS OF PET OWNERSHIP

For some people, the idea of welcoming a dog or cat into their home seems like an influx of responsibility and obligation they would rather avoid. But for devoted pet owners, their furry friends are beloved members of the family with whom they share a mutually beneficial relationship. Whichever camp you fall into, it can’t hurt to brush up on the many benefits of owning a pet. If you’re reluctant to take the plunge, these facts may convince you. And if you’re a longtime pet parent, they’ll serve as a welcome reminder as to how your little fur ball has improved your life. From the emotional and social impact of their presence to the physical and mental benefits, having Fido the dog or Garfield the cat around the house might just be the boost you didn’t even know you needed. Fitness Pets need regular activity and, if a dog becomes your pet of choice, you’ll also be signing up for brisk daily walks to help your furry friend keep in shape. In turn, you’ll also feel the benefit of regular, low-impact exercise. According to a recent survey, 36 per cent of pet owners said that having a pet has helped them lose weight. Who needs a personal trainer? Social Believe it or not, having an animal can even have an impact on your social life… in a good way. Walking the dog around the local park or taking it to obedience lessons are just two settings where you’ll have the opportunity to meet new faces and interact with people you might not otherwise have come into contact with. And don’t be surprised if you’re stopped by strangers in the street who are eager to pat your furry friend and find out more about her. Childhood learning and responsibility Having a pet in the home is a great way for children to learn valuable life lessons in a fun, rewarding way. From the daily responsibility of feeding, exercising and caring for the animal to understanding more about illness and loss, it can equip your children (or grandchildren) with the emotions to cope better with important life events as they grow up.

Companionship The sheer presence of a pet in the home can boost your mood, especially after a hectic day at the office or even following a difficult conversation. The stresses of life can melt away as soon as you walk through the front door and see your beloved pet, desperate for your affection. Said animal will also be your go-to companion of choice to watch a movie with or cuddle up to read a book with on a cold winter’s day. What’s better than a furry hot water bottle who listens to every word you say and doesn’t answer back? Mental health Not only do pets provide companionship and help improve your physical health, they can also provide therapeutic and emotional benefits. According to Ingrid Collins, a consultant psychologist at the London Medical Centre, “A pet is better than Prozac. Animals have a completely different agenda to humans, and bring things back to basics. They want comfort, feeding and love. In return, they give huge affection.”