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Adirondack PT. Herniated Discs

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Breckenridge PT: Herniated Discs n° 315994 - LevelHard Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solut

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Orthosports PT: Herniated Discs

Orthosports PT: Herniated Discs Health & Fitness UNDERSTANDING HERNIATED DISCS Back pain can develop

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Avenues PT: Herniated Discs

2 cup oat flour ground DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease or line a baking sheet with parchmen

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Kinetix PT: Herniated Discs

rehab • Sports physical therapy • And many more!

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AgeWell PT: Herniated Discs


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Choice PT: Herniated Discs

4 cup Italian Bread crumbs • 3 - 4 tbsp of Olive Oil • Salt and Pepper to taste • Gallon size Ziploc

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Nestor PT: Herniated Discs

Paste: Add all dry ingredients to the food processor: 2-3 bunches of chopped scallions, 6 pimento le

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Lewy PT: Herniated Discs n° 329837 - Level Hard The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to

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Ascent PT. Herniated Discs

Ascent PT. Herniated Discs Our Monthly Climb The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Bo

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Roadside PT: Herniated Discs

Roadside PT: Herniated Discs P T N E W S L E T T E R ROA D S I D E Get A Better

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Adirondack PT. Herniated Discs

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Leave Back Pain Behind in 2019! Understanding Herniated Discs

Backpaincandevelop forallsortsof reasons.From a car accident to bad posture, to an uncomfortable seat for a prolonged period of time, back pain can come out of nowhere and cause no small amount of discomfort once it arrives. Therearesomeback injuries,however, thatareeven more painful than your run-of-the-mill back pain. A herniateddisc isoneof themostpainfulback injuries that you can experience, and it is far more common than you may be initially aware. What is a herniated disc? Your spine is made up of a series of interlocking bones with small cushions in-between each joint socket. The structure of your spine is what allows you to move freely from side to side. Every time you crunch your abdomen by bending forward, or lean to one side or another for a deep stretch, those little vertebral bodies move with you, keeping you comfortable and your back strong. Without

cushioning in between each of those sockets, the bones would rub against one another with every movement, and this would be incredibly painful. When a disc becomes herniated, the cushioning in between the vertebrae will rupture, essentially deflating thecushioning inbetween thevertebraeand causingthebonestobegintorubagainstoneanother. This is painful enough as it is, but can become even more painful if the herniated disc actually begins to presson theadjacentspinalnerves,causing thepain to spread even further up the spine. Themostcommonplacement foraherniateddisc is at the lumbarvertebrae in the lowerback.While it is not the only reason that pain can become severe in the lowerback, it isdefinitelyoneof themostsevere forms of back pain. If you suspect that you may have experienced a herniated disc it is important that you seek medical attention, such as from your physical therapist. A herniated disc will not heal on itsown,andworkingwithaphysical therapist isone

of the best ways to experience relief from the pain associated with this common concern. How does this happen? The vertebrae in the spine are stacked closely together, with only a small amount of space for the discs in between each bone. A disc can become herniated as a result of injury, car accident, or even simply from overuse. One of the most common causes of a herniated disc is heavy lifting. Weight liftershave tobeespeciallywarynot tosuddenly lift something too heavy, otherwise risk experiencing a slipped disc. But experienced gym goers are not the only ones at risk. Every time you attempt to moveapieceof furniture, aheavy box, or even abig bag of books you need to be wary to lift correctly, otherwise face the risk of potentially herniating a disc in your back.

Formore informationaboutphysical therapy options for herniated discs, call Adirondack Physical Therapy at 315.207.2222!

Treatment for Herniated Discs

What are My Treatment Options? Pain associated with a herniated disc often develops in the sciatica nerve, and doesn’t subside with simple rest and relaxation. While hot and cold therapy will help alleviate the pain associated with many different back issues, it won’t make the pain of a herniated disc go away. The pain is often frequently associated with numbness, weakness, and tingling in the legs. In many situations, the pain will feel more severe after initial movement, such as standing up or laying down. Many people mistakenly refer to having a herniated disc as having “pinched a nerve,” but that is not the case. Physical therapy is a great resource for attempting to overcome the pain associated with a herniated disc. A combination of passive and active techniques is typically employed, including deep tissue massage, electrical stimulation,andhydrotherapy,aswellasdeepstretchingandstrengthbuilding. Ifyoususpect thatyoumayhaveaherniateddisc,contactaphysical therapist right away. Attempting to engage in therapy at home could lead to further injury. It is best to have an experienced therapist assess your injury before attempting any treatment options.

For more information about physical therapy options for herniated discs, call Adirondack Physical Therapy at 315.207.2222!

5 Tips For Shoveling Snow

Snow shoveling can lead to a number of health risks for many people, from back injuries to heart attacks. The following tips can help keep you safer when you set out to shovel: Warm up. Warm your muscles before heading out to shovel by doing some light movements, such as bending side to side or walking in place. Push rather than lift. Pushing the snow with the shovel instead of lifting can help reduce the strain on your body. Lighten your load. Consider using a lighter-weight plastic shovel instead of a metal one to help decrease the weight being lifted. Considermultiple trips. Considershovelingperiodically throughout thestorm to avoid having to move large amounts of snow at once. Keep up with snowfall. Try to shovel snow shortly after it falls, when it is lighter and fluffier. The longer snow stays on the ground, the wetter it can become. Wet snow is heavier and harder to move.

Patient Success Spotlight

Health Tips For The New Year

“The best place in town!”

1. Shop Well For Yourself Have healthy snacks handy. The more convenient they are, the more likely you are to eat them. Instead of thinking about what you shouldn’t eat, promise to eat your 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. 2. Schedule Your Exercise Schedule your workouts just as you would any other appointment. It’s okay if you can’t make it to class, but make sure that you get some activity in at least three days per week. 3. Just Say No Youprobablyaren’tawareofhowmuchextra foodyouconsume just frompeople offering it to you. A sample at the market and an extra cookie at the office party all add up.Think twice before you take that food and decide if you really want it. 4. Skip the Baking Chances are you eat much of what you bake. Who wouldn’t? Instead, make non-food gifts, or prepare ingredients for baked goods and put them in pretty jars—this year, let your gift recipient bake it. That way, they can eat it when they want it and you don’t have to be tempted in the kitchen. 5. Hydrate Keepyourwaterbottlewithyouatall times.Youshouldbedrinkingeight,8-ounce glasses of water each day. One handy trick is to buy a 64 ounce water jug. Fill it up in the morning and know that you need to finish it by the end of the day.

“This is a great facility. They are very attentive to your needs. The best place in town. Won’t go anywhere else. The new therapists are great.” – Isabelle C.

Print sudoku

Fun & Games Sudoku • Level Hard

Back Pain Relief In Minutes Try this movement if you are suffering from back pain.


 Thoracic Rotation Kneel down buttocks to heels, elbow between knees. Place one hand in the small of your back Rotate your trunk upwards and breathe. Return to the start with control. Repeat 6-10 times, then repeat the exercise for the other side.


















 Instructions The goal of Sudoku is to fill in a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, row, and 3×3 section contain the numbers between 1 to 9. At the beginning of the game, the 9×9 grid will have some of the squares filled in. Your job is to use logic to fill in the missing digits and complete the grid.





Call Today! (315) 207-2222

Attention all Pain-Sufferers!

Are You Suffering from Herniated Discs?

Consultation Mention or Bring in this Offer Today for a FREE

At Adirondack Physical & Occupational Therapy, we can help you:

• Decrease your pain • Increase your strength • Increase your activity level

• Increase your flexibility • Improve your health • Get back to living

Call Today: (315) 207-2222

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 1-31-19. FREE CONSULTATION!

Healing People One Client At A Time!

WATERTOWN LOCATION 18564 US-11 Watertown, New York 13601 Phone: (315) 207-2222 Fax: 315-343-6923

OSWEGO LOCATION 127 East First St Oswego, NY 13126 Phone: (315) 207-2222 Fax: 315-343-6923