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Advanced Balance. Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

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TBTW_ Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

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ValleyRehabCenter: Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist Pain


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Advanced: How To Relieve Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

shoulder pain. Now I no longer have spasms in my upper arm and I’m getting strength back in my hand

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NOVAphysiotherapy_Relief from Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain

NOVAphysiotherapy_Relief from Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain HEALTH & FITNESS The Newsletter About Yo

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OneSite Therapy: Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

4 tsp wasabi powder (optional) Instructions Mix all ingredients (except those for the garnish) toget

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STAR PT: Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain

GENTILLY April 21st & May 26th SLIDELL April 14th & May 12th COVINGTON “I will be a returning custom

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Restore PT: Shoulder Elbow and Wrist Pain

2 cup peanut butter • 3 tbsp coconut oil melted • 2 tsp vanilla extract Preheat oven to 350°F. Greas

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SOS: Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist Pain

Golfers Elbow & Braces at SOS Physiotherapy SOS Physiotherapy has a variety of bracing options to he

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MSR: Shoulder, Elbow and Wrist Pain


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Spaulding: Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

3 of the lime juice. Season with salt and pepper. Add shrimp to a baking dish and pour over mixture.

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Advanced Balance. Shoulder Elbow Wrist Pain

NEWSLETTER The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


(continued from outside)

Think about the tasks that make up the majority of your day-to-day life. It is often said that life in the 21st century is way easier on the body than life during any other time in human history — and it’s true that there is a fair amount of evidence to support this idea. Rather than spending all of your days working in a factory or on a farm, the vast majority of Americans work indoors, often at a computer for a predetermined number of hours week after week. But this new lifestyle isn’t exactly harmless for the body, either. There are plenty of ways in which the common tasks of 21st-century life put the body under a great deal of stress. Sedentary lifestyles frequently contribute to weight gain, which increases your risk for a long list of obesity-related diseases. This puts additional stress on your body, which could result in pain in crucial joints like your shoulders, elbows and yes, even your wrists. But even aside from that, therearea lotofpotential issues thatyourbodycan faceas a result of sedentary behavior in the workplace — including shoulder, elbow and wrist pain.

Elbow,wristandshoulder injuriesareespeciallycommonasa resultofworkplace injuryandoveruse.While it issometimes possible to takeaction topreventan injury fromdeveloping, it is especially important to be able to recognize when an injurydevelopsand tounderstandways thatyoucancombat that injury by identifying what may have caused the pain to develop in the first place. Common issues that can lead to shoulder, wrist and elbow pain include: • Issues with poor posture • Carpal tunnel syndrome, which can develop from overuse of the wrist and regular, repetitive motions, such as typing • Heavy lifting

• Muscle strain • Dislocation or hyperextension of the joints

One of the biggest concerns regarding pain in the wrist, elbow and shoulder is that it is difficult to actually allow these parts of the body time to rest. Every movement and action requires these body parts — and when the pain develops in both arms, as it often does, treating the pain becomes even more complicated. It is impossible to care for your basic needs without involving your shoulder or wrist, let alone get through a day at the office. This is why so many issues regarding pain in the wrists, elbows and shoulders typically become chronic. Since it is difficult toallow thesebodyparts time toproperly rest, they continue being overused and the pain can actually worsen.

• Athletic injuries • Muscle sprain

Treating Shoulder, Elbow & Wrist Pain

Treating Shoulder, Elbow, & Wrist Pain Addressing the pain early on is the best way to prevent an issue from becoming chronic. Turning to medication and braces for pain management is not a long-term solution and will only push off the inevitable truth — that you need to find a solution for the problem that is causing you pain. Physical therapy is the ideal tool for support in this regard. Working with a physical therapist will provide you with an opportunity to understand what movements may be causing further discomfort, and can help you to strengthen the surrounding muscles while improving range of motion, which together will likely alleviate some of the pain associated with your injury. Don’t assume that pain in your elbows, wrists or shoulders will go away on its own. It is more common for the pain to worsen, and compensating for the pain by overusing the opposite arm can cause further injury to develop. For support with learning how to manage the pain, and to learn exercises and techniques that can help you overcome the injury and restore proper strength and functionality to your shoulders, wrists and elbows, contact your physical therapist.

For more support in finding relief from neck pain, visit or call Advanced Balance Physical Therapy at 310.833.0300!

Relieve Shoulder Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are experiencing shoulder pain.

Healthy Recipe: Spinach-Stuffed Mushrooms

Ingredients • 20 medium mushrooms • 1/4 cup chopped shallots, scallions or onion • 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar • 1/2 tsp soy sauce

Relieves Shoulder Pain

• 2 cups chopped fresh spinach • 1/2 cup Plain Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt • Salt and pepper to taste

Shoulder Pattern 1 Stand with good posture with your arm down at your side, rotated in and thumb pointed down. Bring your arm and hand upward and across your body. As you do so, rotate your hand outward. Finish with your thumb pointed upward and your hand slightly above your head. Repeat 6-10 times for both shoulders.

Directions Wash the mushrooms and carefully remove the stems without breaking the caps. Finely chop the stems. Combine the shallots, garlic and vinegar in a small skillet or saucepan and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the chopped mushroom stems and soy sauce and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3 to 5 minutes, until the mushrooms soften and release their juices.Add thespinachandcook, continuing tostir, until it is wilted and the liquid in the pan is absorbed. Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes, then stir in the yogurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Stuff the spinach filling into the mushroom caps. Place the mushrooms in a baking pan and bake for 20 minutes, until tender. Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes for the filling to set before serving. Yields 20 mushrooms.

CALL TODAY! (310) 833-0300

Advanced Balance Services

Have You Scheduled Your Post-Rehab Follow-Up?

It’s time to schedule your annual examination! Expect to stay in touch with your surgeon and physical therapist for the next year following your surgical procedure or rehab. The frequency of follow-up appointments depends on your surgeon, medical institution, and insurance plan, as well as your specific condition. However, a typical scenario would be a surgical follow-up appointment at three and six weeks, three and six months, and one year. After that, expect to see your doctor and physical therapist annually to assess how well you are doing. This schedule will be modified based on your age, degree of activity, and any complications. It might take six months to a full year to get back to the activity level you desire. Your Physical therapist will help identify and address any limitations as well as progress your current level of wellness and fitness so you return stronger, faster and happier.

Check out the following services guided and developed by doctor of physical therapy, Gerard Donayre, DPT, MPT, OCS Physical Therapy

• Computerized Balance training • Sports Medicine TRX • Cold laser/NMES/Ultrasound

• Orthopedic rehabilitation (in-home and outpatient) • Graston Technique IASTM • Dynamic and Kineseo Taping

Fitness Studio

• Group stretching classes • Sports Injury Prevention Programs

• Private stretching • Private personal training • Post Rehab fitness

For more information, visit or call Advanced Balance Physical Therapy at 310.833.0300!

Call 310.833.0300 to schedule today!

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Discover How To Live Pain Free! At Advanced Balance Studio, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring health experts during focused and individualized sessions.






(310) 833-0300 CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE!

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Post-Rehab Movement Fitness Program.

The self guided movement program is designed to continue your current specific development fitness routine in a fun and evidenced based environment. You can focus on your balance, coordination, agility, speed, and body weight strength. Learn from a supportive environment, increasing your knowledge base of fitness preparedness and recovery techniques, resulting in superior movement quality and injury reduction. You will have access to our ‘Health Coaches’ to answer your fitness questions, as well as access to your Doctor of Physical Therapy to address movement dysfunctions if they arise. Routines will incorporate TRX suspension training, Yoga poses, Mat Pilates techniques, foam rolling, Dynamic and static stretching, agility and coordination drills as well as body weight exercises in a clean and friendly environment.

The Perks

• Required scheduled appointment times to keep you on track to make the changes you deserve available Monday, Wednesday and/or Friday. • Gym access to work on stretching, cardiovascular fitness or specific exercise independently. (with purchase of monthly package). • Receive 15% off on Stretch services, Graston technique IASTM, High frequency massage (TheraGun) or supplies (with purchase of monthly package). $ 20 Pay Per Session $ 180 Monthly Package PayableMonthlybyautomaticcreditcardchargeorcheckspayable toDr.GerardDonayreprior to start of month. Maybe canceled at any time after the initial two (2) months of sessions; no refund forunused sessions. 4 weeks @ $45 per week

Terms & Conditions Packages are good for 1 month from date of purchase and non-refund- able. This offer may not be combined with other offers. It is up to the participant to attend 1 or 3 times per week and may not be carried over to the next month.

Call Today! (310) 833-0300

5 Health Tips For The New Year Stay On Track With Your Healthy Resolutions!

4. Skip the Baking Do you make baked goods for giving? Chances are you eat much of what you bake. Who wouldn’t? Instead make non-food gifts, or prepare ingredients for baked goods and put them in pretty jars—this year, let your gift recipient bake it up. That way, they can eat it when they want it and you don’t have to be tempted in the kitchen. 5. Hydrate Keep your water bottle with you at all times. You should be drinking eight, 8-ounce glasses of water each day. One handy trick is to buy a 64 ounce water jug. Fill it up in the morning and know that you need to finish it by the end of the day.

1. Shop Well For Yourself It is more important then ever to stock your kitchen with healthy foods. Have healthy snacks handy. The more convenient they are, the more likely you are to eat them. Instead of thinking about what you shouldn’t eat, promise to eat your 3 to 5 servings of vegetables each day. 2. Schedule Your Exercise Your schedule will be very hectic this year, like every year. Scheduleyourworkouts justasyouwouldanyotherappointment. It’s okay if you can’t make it to class, but make sure that you get some activity in at least three days per week. 3. Just Say No You probably aren’t aware how much extra food you consume just from people offering it to you. A sample at the market here, an extra cookie at an office party there and it all adds up. Just think twice before you take that food and decide if you really want it.