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Advanced Medical Consultants November 2017

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Advanced Medical Consultants October 2017

Advanced Medical Consultants October 2017 October 2017 Exercise Is Medicine What Health Care Workers

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Beautique Medical Spa November 2017

january-soup-swap- gatherings-from-the-kitchn-214906. CLIENT TESTIMONIALS | page

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TZ Medical - November 2019

Internship-Program.html to learn more and print an application. 800-944-0187 | 3 PRST STD US POSTAGE

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Beautique Medical Spa - August 2017


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Beautique Medical Spa - July 2017


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Beautique Medical Spa December 2017

star-cookies. HOLIDAY STAR COOKIES INGREDIENTS • 2 ½ cups blanched almond flour (not almond meal) ½

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Beautique Medical Spa - September 2017

3 cup chopped red onion • • Snipped fresh basil 2 cloves garlic, minced Grated Parmesan cheese 1 (19

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Beautique Medical Spa - October 2017

Athens-Tours to find the perfect guide for your trip. THE ACROPOLIS OF ATHENS: Tips for Your Trip Ba

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Spectrum Therapy Consultants: Coronavirus

PLIEGUE DE MENTÓN Lentamente, tira la cabeza hacia atrás para que las orejas se alineen con los homb

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Advanced PT - November 2020

4 cup almond milk • 1 tsp vanilla extract • 1–3 tsp maple syrup, to taste • Fresh berries, for garni

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Advanced Medical Consultants November 2017

November 2017

Words of a Mentor Who Helps Us Find Our Path?

We don’t always end up where we expect to be in life. I understand this truth quite well. When I started my career in the medical field, pain management wasn’t on my radar. In fact, when I got out of medical school I didn’t even know pain management was a real specialty! I set out to be a surgeon, and when I decided that career path wasn’t for me, I would have ended up in anesthesia were it not for my mentor. My mentor was Dr. H, a well-known neurosurgeon. To call him “tough” would be a massive understatement. I never really knew if he liked me or not. Dr. H was really strict and hard to impress, but I learned more about surgery from him than I did from any other doctor during my residency. Dr. H would later tell me that, among all the interns I worked with, I was the one who impressed him the most! Of course, he would only tell me this after I told him I was leaving the surgical field in favor of another career path. He was disappointed in my decision, but offered me some parting advice: “If you’re going to switch, I would recommend you go into pain management. You have the technical skills and are more than capable of learning the field.” This would turn out to be some of the best advice I have ever received, though I didn’t follow it right away. Instead, I went into anesthesia training and more or less forgot about pain management. But Dr. H had planted the seed. Sometime later, during my anesthesia residency, someone came in to give a presentation about possible specialties we could pursue. That’s when the subject of pain management re-entered my life. For the first time, I recognized the potential in the developing field. Pain doesn’t come from the same source. Each day, you’re faced with a unique case and unique patients. It’s your job to find a solution that can best help them. It is a complicated field, with resources and technology still developing. There was a “Pain doesn’t come from the same source. Each day, you’re faced with a unique case and unique patients.”

degree of challenge I found really appealing. Plus, in pain management, I could start my own business, rather than remain tethered to a big hospital throughout my whole career. After the presentation, I told my colleagues how excited I was about pain management. I considered taking a year off to learn more. At the time, my excitement was met with sarcastic remarks about the validity of the field. Fast- forward to a few years later, and more than a few of my former colleagues are wishing they’d followed my lead. Today, I have more diverse training and skills than if I had stuck with anesthesia. I can put patients to sleep before surgery, but I can also perform the surgery, diagnose problems, run tests, and even consult with insurance companies on other cases. Plus, the field of pain management is rapidly developing, and there is always some new breakthrough to look forward to. I have the opportunity to learn something new all the time, and that is really exciting. I am thankful to Dr. H for putting the idea of pain management in my head. He was right; this is the field I was meant to be in. I cannot imagine doing anything else with my life. Dr. Chi Izeogu


3 Cleaning ‘Rip-Offs’ That Actually Work

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But sometimes we stumble across a few hidden gems that make our lives easier. And, when it comes to cleaning house, we can all use a little “easier.” Check out these products you may have already written off and let them surprise you. Dollar Store Cleaning Products If you’ve ever ducked into the local dollar store to buy some Mylar balloons for your niece’s birthday party, you might have noticed the jugs and spray bottles plastered with the word “Awesome.” Surely, this knock-off soap can’t work as well as your brand-name products, right? You’d be surprised. Online reviewers sing Awesome’s praises, suggesting it should really be a higher price for how well it works. Just make sure you wear gloves when you use it.

Detergent Pods You use too much soap in your washing machine and dishwasher. At least, that’s what the New York Times reported as the No. 1 complaint from repair people and appliance experts. Modern appliances are designed to use less water, and as soap becomes more concentrated, using too much can damage your machine. That’s what makes detergent pods so handy. They don’t look like they can clean all your dishes or an entire load of clothes, but they actually provide the perfect amount for modern machines. You save money on detergent and machine repair! Foam Cleaning Blocks Anything with “magic” in the title sounds like a scam. For this reason, you may have avoided the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and similar melamine foam products. But this is one case where the product lives up to its wild claims. Melamine foam is abrasive and can break down and remove material from fine cracks and textures, making it an effective cleaner. It can be used to whiten sneakers, clean tub scum, and remove permanent marker from your fridge. Since the snake oil salesmen in the days of old first tricked trusting folks out of their hard-earned cash, consumers have wised up and are quick to write off perceived scams. Still, every now then you get lucky, and the cheap white sponge really does make the stove look like new again. But you should still think twice before you say yes to gas station sushi.

How to Calculate the Lifetime Value of a Customer

The lifetime value of a customer is an easily overlooked and often underutilized concept. Don’t risk doing yourself and your business a huge disservice. Why track customer lifetime value, or CLV? When you know the CLV, you have >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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