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Advanced Nerve & Laser - April 2018

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Advanced Nerve & Laser October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Nonstick vegetable oil spray • • • DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Co

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Advanced Nerve & Laser July 2018

4 cup fresh lime juice DIRECTIONS 1. 2. Gently fold in mint leaves. In a large mixing or salad bowl,

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Advanced Nerve & Laser September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • • • • • • 20 basil

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center June 2018

2 lemon • • 2 cloves garlic, crushed DIRECTIONS 1. Blend balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon, rosemar

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Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018

Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018 MAY 2018 3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218 www.nervean

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Advanced Nerve & Laser November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup canned coconut milk • • • DIRECTIONS 1 ta

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Advanced Nerve & Laser February 2018

1 large carrot, roughly chopped • • • • • • • • ¼ cup rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018

Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018 MARCH 2018 3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218

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Advanced Nerve & Laser - August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano Salt and pepper, to taste 1 medium

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Advanced Nerve and Laser Center January 2018

3cup goji berries DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a large skillet over low heat. Add oats in a thin layer and toa

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Advanced Nerve & Laser - April 2018

APRIL 2018

3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218

The Doctor’s Word Isn’t Law WHY PAT I E NTS N E E D TO BR E AK UP W I TH B L I ND FA I TH

Not long ago, a new patient came in who was struggling with diabetes. He was formerly in the military, but you wouldn’t have known that by looking at him. The diabetes was ruining his overall health, causing nerve pain and making him gain weight. “I know I look bad,” he said when we sat down to talk. “But everything is fine. My doctor says my numbers are great!”

“When patients let doctors fall back on a treatment plan of “Take these pills every day for the rest of your life,” their quality of life will always diminish in the long run.”

This isn’t the first time someone has reassured me their numbers are great, so I asked him, “Are you taking medication?”

Medications can certainly help someone who faces a serious health risk, but patients should make sure their doctor is taking into consideration how their lifestyle might be impacting their condition. When a patient comes to the doctor while they are on their medication, of course the numbers will come up positive when the doctor runs their test. That’s what the medication is supposed to do. But those are fake numbers! If the patient stops taking their medication, they are going to feel terrible again, because the doctor hasn’t given them any instructions on how to get better. Nothing good comes from relinquishing control of your health to someone else, no matter how many letters they have behind their name. This includes me, too! When I talk to patients about the treatment I recommend, I don’t want them to trust me unquestioningly on blind faith. I want them to speak up if they feel some strategy might not be the best for them and ask questions if they don’t understand. When starting a new treatment, patients shouldn’t think, “I’m doing this because the doctor told me to.” They should be able to say, “I’m doing this because it makes sense and I know how it will help me get better permanently.” One day, we will all meet our maker. I believe until that day comes, we should do what we can to live better and not just longer. I mean, we already have to pay taxes. Why cause ourselves even more pain on top of that?


“What would happen if you stopped taking your medication?”

“I guess my numbers would go back up.”

“Then are you sure everything is really fine?”

I see a trend these days that I find deeply troubling: Patients trust their doctors too much. I understand why this is the status quo. Doctors are “the experts,” and when a person feels terrible, they want to believe their expert knows exactly the right answer that will help them. But it’s not wise to put all your faith in a doctor while ignoring your own body. What people don’t realize is that they need to be in charge of their health more than anyone else. They say the only guarantees in life are death and taxes. With Tax Day in April, we are reminded of how true the latter is, but thanks to medical and technological advancements, the former guarantee feels farther away. People are living longer, but they aren’t necessarily living better. Too often, people are able to live until they are 90 or even 100 years old, but the last decades of their life are spent in pain. Quantity of life should not be prioritized over quality of life. When patients let doctors fall back on a treatment plan of “Take these pills every day for the rest of your life,” their quality of life will always diminish in the long run.

–Dr. Bao Tha i

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Have you ever fallen asleep on the beach after swimming

Earth gives off a mild electric charge, with plenty of electrons to balance out our overabundance of free radicals. There has yet to be a large-scale scientific study about the benefits of earthing, but current research is promising. One study published in The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found earthing helps reduce blood viscosity, which is a major factor in cardiovascular disease. Another study in the Journal of Inflammation Research showed that earthing might speed up healing. Firsthand accounts from individuals who practice earthing often report lower stress levels, increased energy, and better sleep. Many people who practice earthing make it a point to walk outside barefoot on grass, soil, or sand at least once a day. You have to be careful where you walk, as you don’t want to get cut on sharp rocks or broken glass. An alternative to walking barefoot is to use an earthing pad, which can imitate the negative charge of our planet inside your home. Earthing is quickly gaining a following in the health community. If you are looking for a natural way to improve your overall health and sleep better, why not try taking a walk? Just remember to leave your shoes behind.

in the ocean? If you have, you know it’s the most restful and relaxing sleep imaginable. You might have thought it was just the result of warm sunlight and vacation vibes, but research suggests you may have been experiencing the effects of a practice called “earthing.” Earthing, sometimes referred to as “grounding,” helps bring our bodies into a natural balance. The theory states that our bodies naturally develop a positive charge. As leading nutritionist Dr. John Briffa explains, “During the normal processes of metabolism, the body generates what are called ‘reactive oxygen species,’ which are commonly referred to as ‘free radicals’ ... Free radicals lack sparks of energy known as ‘electrons.’” When a molecule lacks electrons, it gives off a positive charge. An unbalanced positive charge contributes to inflammation, which can then cause many chronic diseases, including heart disease. You should balance your natural positive charge with a negative charge. How can you safely expose yourself to a negative charge? Just let your skin touch the earth.


“I started pushing everything to the side because I was afraid people would see me limp. I just didn’t feel

confident. But now, I do. When I first came over here, I had drop foot. I don’t feel like I’m stepping on electric shocks anymore. I don’t feel like I’m slipping all the time. I can’t thank Dr. Thai and his staff enough!” –Deborah “My neuropathy is 50–60 percent better than when I started. In addition, I was on a nutrition program where I lost 30 pounds in 3–4 months. I think it is a great service they do. I am really pleased with everything they have done. They really care about you. When you walk in, they know who you are.” –Andy At Advanced Nerve and Laser, we do our best to help every patient who walks through our door. If nerve pain has kept you from enjoying life’s gifts, don’t wait any longer. Give us a call at 940-202-1218, and let us see if we can help you improve your health and love your life again!

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Losing weight should be easy, right? Just work out and stop eating junk food. But setting aside how difficult it is to establish new habits, exercise and good nutrition don’t guarantee you’ll lose that stubborn weight. Struggling with weight loss doesn’t mean you’re a failure. It just means no one has ever told you the truth about how to lose weight. Here are three weight loss mistakes that might be holding you back. Your Mindset Matters simultaneously building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, so when you weigh yourself, the scale’s number might not be going down. This can be discouraging and lead to stress. When you’re stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which causes high insulin levels and makes your blood sugar drop. Your body starts to crave sugar and fatty foods, and if you’re not careful, you can negate your entire workout. Carbs Are Not Equal Cutting all carbs has become a trendy weight loss technique, but people forget there are good carbs and bad carbs. Healthy, good carbs are digested slowly, meaning you Approaching exercise with the wrong mindset can sabotage your weight loss efforts. When you work out, you lose fat while

feel full longer and burn more calories. Fatty acids in healthy carbs, like whole grains and black beans, help preserve muscle mass and create a healthy metabolic system. Healthy carbs increase fat-burning enzymes and decrease fat-storing enzymes. Not All Proteins Are Healthy Proteins are made of amino acids, which we need to function but cannot synthesize ourselves. Animal protein sources like meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs are complete sources of protein because they contain all the amino acids your body needs. However, being a source of protein doesn’t automatically make it healthy. Oven-roasted chicken breast is very different than a double bacon cheeseburger. Many people struggle to lose weight because they haven’t been given the right tools and knowledge to succeed. The weight loss experts at Advanced Nerve & Laser Center want to change that. Call 940-202-1218 today and let our team teach you how to make a permanent change to successfully reclaim your life.

Adapted from M I NT PEA SOUP


With the beautiful spring weather, peas will soon be ripe enough to slip out of their pods. In honor of the season, this recipe pairs peas and pearl onions with mint to make a refreshing soup.


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3 pearl onions, diced 3 tablespoons olive oil

3/4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish 1 tablespoon agave nectar

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6 cups fresh or frozen peas 5 cups vegetable stock

Juice of 1 lemon

Salt to taste

Pistachios for garnish


1. Place pot on stove over medium heat. Add olive oil. Add onions and cook until translucent. 2. Add peas and stock. Cook until peas are just tender and still bright green. Remove from stove and allow mixture to cool for 5 minutes.

3. Put the mixture in a blender. As you blend, add mint, agave, lemon juice, and salt. 4. Once blended, pour into a bowl, garnish with mint and pistachios, and serve!

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3941 FM 2181 Corinth, TX 76210 940-202-1218



The Joyful Topic of Death and Taxes Have You Tried This Natural Healing Remedy? Testimonials Stop Making These Weight Loss Mistakes Spring Greens Soup





Is Smiling Contagious?

Want to Make the World Happier? Just Smi le! THE THAI REPORT

With offices right next door to each other, Dr. Bao Thai of Advanced Nerve and Laser Center and Swisher Dental’s Dr. Suzanne Thai are a couple who strive to promote wellness in their family and community. The Thai Report will provide patients with additional resources to take control of every area of their health. When I started in the medical field, my plan was to be a doctor. I worked hard in school and volunteered in my free time to make sure I got into medical school. However, during my clinical rounds at the hospital, I realized that environment left me feeling unhappy. Making the change to dentistry was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Dentistry is my true calling, and I am so fortunate to have such a positive, energetic atmosphere at my office at Swisher Dental. The moods of the people around us have a huge impact on our emotions. They say smiling is contagious, and it is true! In 2016, psychologists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that when we see another person smiling, our brains prompt us to subconsciously mimic their expression. This is called sensorimotor

simulation, and it is something we do to better understand how the people around us are feeling.

Here is the best part: Mimicking a smile does not stop at a mere expression. When we smile, even if we are mirroring someone else, our brain triggers the happy feelings associated with a smile. Smiling really can make you feel happier! Unfortunately, smiling isn’t the only expression that can affect the mood of those around you. Sensorimotor simulation will also prompt us to mimic an angry glare or uncomfortable frown, triggering the negative emotions associated with these expressions. There is nothing wrong with being down if you had a hard day at work, but what about those occasions when we avoid smiling because we do not want anyone to see our teeth? If you find yourself with a perpetual frown, you could be causing your friends and family to frown, too. If your teeth keep you from sharing a smile with your loved ones, please give me a call at 940-312-6939. We can work together to help the whole world smile! –Dr. Suzanne Thai

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