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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center June 2018

2 lemon • • 2 cloves garlic, crushed DIRECTIONS 1. Blend balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon, rosemar

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Advanced Nerve and Laser Center January 2018

3cup goji berries DIRECTIONS 1. Heat a large skillet over low heat. Add oats in a thin layer and toa

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center September 2017

3 cup chopped red onion • • • • • • • • • Kosher

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center December 2017

4 of the peanut sauce and combine. 6. Add spaghetti squash and crushed peanuts. Stir to combine unti

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Advanced Nerve & Laser October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Nonstick vegetable oil spray • • • DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Co

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Advanced Nerve & Laser July 2018

4 cup fresh lime juice DIRECTIONS 1. 2. Gently fold in mint leaves. In a large mixing or salad bowl,

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Advanced Nerve & Laser - April 2018

4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish 1 tablespoon agave nectar • • • • 6 cups fresh or frozen

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Advanced Nerve & Laser September 2018

2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds • • • • • • 20 basil

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Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018

Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018 MAY 2018 3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218 www.nervean

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Advanced Nerve & Laser November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup canned coconut milk • • • DIRECTIONS 1 ta

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018

MARCH 2018

3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218

Don’t Just Feel Better — Be Better! ASS E SS YOUR H E A LTH FOR LONG -T E RM WE L L N E SS

Who has plans for spring break? Every year, spring break tends to fall around my son’s birthday, so we take advantage of the school-free week to take a family vacation. Last year, my wife and I took Connor to Italy, and we had the best time. It was an amazing experience, and I was thrilled to introduce my son to some truly unique life experiences. I know how blessed I am to enjoy such trips with my family.

“It’s important to periodically take a step back, look at the progression of your health, and consider if it’s the direction you want to go.”

When you’re in good health, it can be easy to take for granted how much you are able to

enjoy as a result of your health. I see so many patients who struggle to walk or even stand, and they miss out on making new family memories as a result. Playing on the beach with your grandkids is out of the question when you can barely get out of bed. The work I am able to do often allows my patients to enjoy adventures with their own families again, and I’m really grateful for the opportunity. When a new patient comes in to talk to me, the first thing I ask them to do is assess their health. I do this by asking a simple question: “If you don’t follow my program, where will you be a year from now?” Nearly every single person gives me the same answer: “I’ll be worse.” There are a hundred different ways our life choices play into our overall health and well-being. I’m talking about our dietary habits, exercise routine, and even the medication we may be taking. Unfortunately, we don’t sit down and assess our health as often as we should. It’s important to periodically take a step back, look at the progression of your health, and consider if it’s the direction you want to go. One example of a health assessment is to ask yourself, “If I stopped taking this medication, what would happen?” If you know you would start to feel horrible again, then you’ll know you are going down the wrong path. Please note, I’m not suggesting anyone should stop taking their medicine just to see what would happen. Instead, I am asking everyone who relies on prescription medication to recognize

those pills are not healing them. Yes, they can help you feel better temporarily, but if your doctor diagnosed a problem, wrote you a prescription, and left it at that, then you should be concerned that your doctor isn’t thinking of your long-term health needs. Everyone deserves to have a doctor who really cares for them. You can tell if a doctor cares right away based on their bedside manner, and whether or not they are willing to go against the mainstream in the name of helping you achieve long-lasting health. These are the doctors with an exit strategy. When they write patients a prescription, they say, “You need to be on this medication for a while, but here’s my plan to get you off the medication and well again.” Just “feeling better” should never be the endgame of seeing a doctor. When patients walk into my office, I want to help them truly be better. Looking at where their health is, where it’s going, and what we can do to put them on the right path can help empower patients to enjoy the simple things in life — like spring break with their family.

–Dr. Bao Tha i

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flavor isn’t for everyone, but if you’re looking for a natural sleep aid, it’s worth trying. If the flavor proves too strong, a great alternative is chamomile, which shares many of the same properties as lavender tea. Peppermint Tea It’s no surprise this is one of the most popular herbal teas around. Thanks to its not-so-subtle aroma and natural sweetness, it delivers on flavor and packs a healthy punch. Peppermint tea is known for its ability to aid in digestion. Plus, it works wonders on stomach inflammation, alleviating everything from minor aches to nausea. Rooibos Tea A South African tea, rooibos is noted for its high levels of vitamin C and antioxidants. If you’re looking for an immune system boost, rooibos is here to help. Thanks to its antioxidant powers, it’s also great for the skin. Stressed out? Anxious? Have a cup of rooibos tea. It helps ease stress and lowers blood pressure. Furthermore, rooibos tea lacks oxalic acid, an organic compound that plays a role in the formation of kidney stones. If you’re prone to kidney stones but love tea, rooibos may be the answer.

For centuries, people around the globe have relied on the power of herbal tea. Today, there are more herbal teas on the market than ever before. Finding a flavorful tea that also offers the right health benefits can be a challenge. Here are three varieties of herbal tea that are among the best of the best, both in flavor and healing power. Lavender Tea For some people, lavender tea is great for reducing headaches, arthritis pain, and general joint aches and pains. For others, however, it improves sleep. Lavender tea is often recommended to people who suffer from insomnia or who have trouble falling asleep. Drink some before bed and let it do the rest. It helps you feel relaxed and eases you into the Land of Nod. The flowery


“For 10 years, I have had numbness in my feet due to peripheral neuropathy. My feet were always swollen and painful, and I could not

feel hot or cold. My condition was getting progressively worse, and I was expecting to be in a wheelchair. When I saw Dr. Thai’s ad in the newspaper, I called that day to see if there was hope for me. When he described how his procedure worked to regenerate nerves and blood flow to the feet, it was the first time anyone has ever explained to me in any way I could understand what my problem was and how it could be treated. After the second treatment, the pain that kept me awake at night was gone, my balance improved, and the sensation of cold returned. I can walk again without pain and wear pretty shoes. Each treatment has brought improvements, and the quality of my life is on the upswing. Thank you so much, Dr. Thai. You are working miracles.” –Jill

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Proper Nutrition — Healthy eating is good for everyone and can really benefit someone trying to overcome Type 2 diabetes. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and beans are much better for you than processed foods. Meal planning can help with this and ensure you don’t have to swing by a drive-through for a last- minute meal. Exercise — Again, this is something everyone should do. You don’t even have to lose weight for exercise to help control your Type 2 diabetes. Physical activity helps push glucose from your blood into your cells, resulting in healthier blood sugar levels. We do not treat diabetes at Advanced Nerve and Laser. However, we can help people control their condition through good nutrition and weight loss. If you’re ready to stop controlling your Type 2 diabetes and start curing it, give us a call! We’d love to help you get on the right track.

Anyone who has been diagnosed with a disease knows one of the first questions they ask their doctor is, “Can you cure it?” Depending on the disease, the doctor will either give you good news or bad. Type 1 diabetics, for example, always get bad news after being diagnosed. The result of the body’s own immune system destroying beta cells in the pancreas, Type 1 diabetics are unable to naturally produce insulin to control their blood sugar. Scientists are not certain what causes some people to develop Type 1 diabetes, but at the moment, there is no cure. Type 1 diabetics face a lifelong struggle to maintain their blood sugar levels through insulin therapy. On the other hand, Type 2 diabetics have the ability to cure their disease. While many people are under the impression they only control their disease and not cure it, the truth is that Type 2 diabetes does not have to be a life sentence. With Type 2 diabetes, your body either resists insulin or can’t produce enough insulin to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. This is often the result of certain lifestyle choices, and making a lifestyle change is exactly how you can cure your Type 2 diabetes. Weight Loss — It doesn’t require overwhelming weight loss to help improve your diabetes. Even just dropping 10–15 pounds can help lower your blood sugar levels drastically.


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For a lighter take on enchiladas, go carb- free by swapping tortillas for zucchini!


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4 large zucchini

2 teaspoons cumin

1 tablespoon olive oil or ghee 1 large onion, chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced

2 teaspoons chili powder 3 cups cooked, shredded chicken 2 cups shredded cheese

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Heat oven to 350 F. In a large skillet, heat oil. Add onion, garlic, cumin, chili powder, and salt to taste. Stir to combine. Add chicken and 1 cup enchilada sauce.

chicken mixture on top. Roll the zucchini “tortilla” and place on baking sheet. Repeat until all zucchini and chicken is used. with remaining sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bake 20 minutes, and enjoy!

3. Cover the enchiladas

2. Use vegetable peeler to thinly slice zucchini. Lay out three slices, slightly overlapping, and spoon

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3941 FM 2181 Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218



Does Your Doctor Have an Exit Strategy?


3 Herbal Teas to Boost Your Health Testimonial



Control Your Diabetes Go Carb-Free for Dinner

Is Your Smile Holding You Back?



With offices right next door to each other, Dr. Bao Thai of Advance Nerve and Laser Center and Swisher Dental’s Dr. Suzanne Thai are a couple who strive to promote wellness in their family and community. The Thai Report will provide patients with additional resources to take control of every area of their health. I fell in love with my husband’s smile. On our first date, he started out so nervous, and we were not clicking at all. I wasn’t sure if we would go out again. When he finally began to relax and smile, we had so much fun that night. The rest is history. It is so easy to underestimate the importance of our smile, but having confidence in our pearly whites has a huge impact on the way we approach the world and on how other people respond to us. Dr. Alex Jones, a lecturer in psychology at Swansea University in Wales, called our smile “the best accessory.” This statement came after Swansea University psychologists discovered individuals who smile more are

perceived as being healthier, “glowing” even. These findings aligned with a Kelton Research study which determined 38 percent of people will not go on a second date with someone who has crooked teeth. Smiling does not just impact our love life. A brilliant smile makes a great first impression, and that boost in confidence helps us pursue our career goals. The National Bureau of Economic Research reports losing one tooth can result in an annual earning loss of at least $720 per year. If you have ever hesitated to smile because you’re embarrassed by your teeth, now is the time to act. Patients from Advanced Nerve and Laser Center who schedule an appointment at Swisher Dental will receive a full exam, digital X-rays, and intraoral photos worth $330 for just $29! Just call 940- 312-6939 and mention this newsletter. I want to help you get on the path to having a beautiful smile you and everyone else can fall in love with. –Dr. Suzanne Thai

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