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Advanced Nerve & Laser September 2018

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center September 2017

3 cup chopped red onion • • • • • • • • • Kosher

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Advanced Nerve & Laser October 2018

8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Nonstick vegetable oil spray • • • DIRECTIONS 1. Heat oven to 300 F. 2. Co

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Advanced Nerve & Laser July 2018

4 cup fresh lime juice DIRECTIONS 1. 2. Gently fold in mint leaves. In a large mixing or salad bowl,

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Advanced Nerve & Laser - April 2018

4 cup fresh mint, plus more for garnish 1 tablespoon agave nectar • • • • 6 cups fresh or frozen

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center June 2018

2 lemon • • 2 cloves garlic, crushed DIRECTIONS 1. Blend balsamic vinegar, olive oil, lemon, rosemar

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Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018

Advanced Nerve & Laser MAY 2018 MAY 2018 3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218 www.nervean

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Advanced Nerve & Laser November 2018

2 cup dark brown sugar 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup canned coconut milk • • • DIRECTIONS 1 ta

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Advanced Nerve & Laser February 2018

1 large carrot, roughly chopped • • • • • • • • ¼ cup rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons

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Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018

Advanced Nerve & Laser Center March 2018 MARCH 2018 3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218

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Advanced Nerve & Laser - August 2018

2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese, ideally Parmigiano-Reggiano Salt and pepper, to taste 1 medium

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Advanced Nerve & Laser September 2018


3941 FM 2181, Corinth, Texas 76210 940-202-1218


Not long ago, I realized the office had fallen into a certain kind of groove. It was like we were on autopilot, following a set of routines each day. This sounds like the peak of productivity, but when you get too comfortable with your habits, you stop paying attention to the things that matter. We needed to rebuild everything from the ground up, and to do this, we needed to open the door to change. The next time you visit the office, you’re going to see some brand-new faces. Our new office manager is Summer Stone, and Coeli (pronounced “Chay-lee”) Lawhead is our new Master of First Impressions. They both have the kind of bright, passionate personalities

that make them perfect for the medical field, and they were both looking for an avenue where they could really help people. Bringing new people onto the team is always a bit of a challenge, but things have been going great so far. This change wasn’t easy, but it was necessary, and I am very excited to have Summer and Coeli on our team. We’re able to look at everything we do and rebuild from scratch, forcing us to pay attention again and try new things.

“This change wasn’t easy, but it was necessary, and I am very excited to have Summer and Coeli on our team.”

future, and that they have to learn how to grit their teeth and bear it. Then they hear about Advanced Nerve and Laser. Maybe they saw me on TV or found my book on Amazon or read about us online. Regardless of how they found us, these patients are suddenly faced with something new. The work we do here isn’t like what you find at other medical offices. It’s new, it’s different, and that can be intimidating. For this reason, I am so proud of the patients who are brave enough take control of their health and try something new. It’s scary to take a leap of faith on something you’ve never heard of before. But sometimes the only way to save yourself is by going into the unknown. One of the most important traits we can develop is the willingness to change. If you are unhappy with something in your life, whether it’s your health, your relationships, or your career, things only get better when you change your habits. Change is never a simple thing, but if you are willing to put in the effort, you will have so much more to gain.

As my office went through this change, it got me thinking about what our patients go through when they decide to come to us for the first time. Before coming to the office, our patients spend years going to the same doctors over and over again, hearing the same news and being told to take the same medications. They’ve been conditioned to believe they have to accept their situation, that there is no brighter

–Dr. Bao Tha i

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Long commutes will always be a pain in the neck, but the discomfort doesn’t have to be literal. Developing stiffness or soreness in your upper back and neck is all too common in the driver’s seat. It’s annoying at the time, and repeated incidents can lead to more chronic problems down the road. Luckily, there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent this pain from developing behind the wheel. Make Adjustments If you frequently experience neck pain while driving, the position of your seat and mirrors may be the issue. Ideally, you want the back of your driver’s seat to be almost straight, at about a 100-degree angle to the seat. If you find yourself leaning forward to reach the steering wheel from this position, shift the whole seat forward. In older cars without built-in lower back support, it’s a good idea to slide a small pillow between your back and the lower part of the seat. After you have your sitting position figured out, make the necessary adjustments to your mirrors. You should be able to glance at each with minimal head movement. Constantly bobbing or craning your neck to see what’s behind you is a surefire way to develop neck and shoulder pain. Stay in the Clear A dirty windshield can be just as bad as poorly adjusted mirrors. Having to lean forward to see when sun and dust cut your visibility

causes stress as your neck muscles accommodate. In general, poor vision is a consistent source of

these sorts of aches and pains, so it’s a good idea to ensure you have the right pair of glasses (including shades) every time you drive.

Let Off the Gas Normally, good sitting posture entails having both feet firmly planted on the floor. Drivers don’t typically have that option unless they literally put the pedal to the metal. During long drives on the highway, cruise control is a great option to give your feet a welcome rest. Otherwise, pull over to take a break and stretch your legs if you feel your neck beginning to tense up. There are also preventative measures you can take to avoid pain and discomfort before your next road trip or traffic jam. If you find yourself haunted by chronic neck, back, or shoulder pain no matter how long you drive, it may be time to contact a trusted physical therapist. These may be signs of more serious issues, but physical therapy can help you live and drive pain-free again.

Find the Right Food Balance


The food you eat plays a major role in how your body functions on the cellular level. Some foods can wreak havoc on your body, while others can make you feel great. This is especially true when it comes to that all-too-common ailment, inflammation.

those detox diets? They don’t work. In fact, the only way to detox is to let your liver do its job. When you consume alcohol, it’s harder for the liver to pump out the toxins in your body. When it can’t do its job properly, the result is inflammation.

Here are a few examples of foods that lead to inflammation:

Now, for the good stuff. Eat these foods to reduce inflammation:

Sugar: One of the biggest culprits behind inflammation, sugar is far worse than eating fatty foods. It’s best to skip foods that have added sugar (and this includes sugar of any kind, including corn syrup, fructose, and sucrose). Many manufacturers now label food with more specific kinds of sugar to hide the fact that they added sugar to their product. Be sure to read labels carefully! Refined carbs: Basically anything made from white flour falls into this category, including bread, pasta, baked goods, and cereals. Research suggests that refined carbs may be a bigger contributing factor than fat in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Blueberries: Many studies call blueberries one of the best fruits you can eat to ease symptoms of inflammation. These blue orbs of goodness are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, polyphenols, and so much more. Eat a handful every day! Salmon: As a source of healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is one of the best protein choices for people with inflammatory conditions, or for those who want to keep inflammation at bay. Broccoli: One of the most nutritious and easily accessible vegetables around, the little green buds that cover the tops of broccoli are loaded with anti-inflammatory compounds.

Alcohol: Too much alcohol puts a burden on your liver, an organ that helps flush toxins out of the body. You know all of

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We’re in the midst of some big changes at the office, and some of those changes include new team members. This month, we want to introduce you to one of the new faces you’ll be seeing at the office. Meet Summer Stone, our new office manager. Summer has been with us for about a month, but she comes ready to cheer you on and support patients as they begin, continue, and complete their treatments. Her goal is to make the patient experience as positive as possible, so feel free to talk to Summer about anything that’s on your mind when you’re at the office. Summer’s current focus is working with our Care Team, stretching their talents and expanding their abilities so the whole team is prepared to build an even more valuable patient experience. We could tell Summer was a great fit for Advanced Nerve and Laser right away. She’s passionate about helping patients and eager to support our mission to grow, connect, and expand our technology and patient outreach. We’re tempted to say it was meant to be, especially when we heard Summer’s story about finding Advanced Nerve and Laser.

“I wasn’t specifically looking for a career change until I learned about Dr. Thai,” Summer says. “I was immediately intrigued by his insights, talent, and objective to heal the world of neuropathy. Before I even applied, I watched every video, read about his books, reviewed his past interviews, and got to know his team via the company website. I knew I wanted to be part of Dr. Thai’s success, so I set out to make that happen. Not only am I honored to be working with Dr. Thai, I have the privilege to lead his dedicated care team. “There’s a sense of accomplishment that comes with learning. I truly enjoy the challenge and reward of gaining new knowledge to better serve the team and our patients. I’m very fortunate to work with Dr. Thai, and I look forward to each day at Advanced Nerve and Laser.” Every member of our team is part of Advanced Nerve and Laser’s mission to heal. We’re thrilled to have an office manager like Summer Stone on the team to help us live our company vision and make the world a better place.



Inspired by Food Network

Panzanella, a Tuscan favorite, is a salad that features hearty chunks of bread instead of leafy greens as its base. What could be better for a late-summer cookout?


1 small loaf French bread, cut into 1-inch cubes (6 cups) 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 large tomatoes, cubed

2 red bell peppers, seeded and cubed 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cucumber, sliced into rounds

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20 basil leaves, chopped

Salt, to taste Vinaigrette



2. In a large bowl, mix

Place a large sauté pan over medium-low heat and add olive oil. Add bread and 1 teaspoon salt, and toss often for 10 minutes or until toasted.

vegetables and herbs. Toss in bread and your favorite vinaigrette and mix again. 3. Serve immediately or let

sit 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.

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Big Changes

3 Steps to Staying Pain-Free in the Car The Best and Worst Foods for Inflammation Introducing Our New Office Manager Late-Summer Panzanella




Dentist-Approved Treats for Your Teeth

Don’t Fal l for These ‘Heal thy’ Snacks THE THAI REPORT:

the sugar, the artificial dyes used in some fruit juices can really stain your teeth. Stay hydrated by drinking water instead. You can even toss in some sliced cucumbers or strawberries for flavor. Pretzels

Dental and oral health advice from Dr. Bao Thai’s other half at Swisher Dental.

A lot of people are trying to eat healthier, and that’s awesome! I am always happy to see my patients make healthy choices that are good for their teeth and their bodies. Unfortunately, there are a lot of foods that have been marketed as “healthy options” but are really quite terrible for you. Here are some common snacks you should avoid and some legitimately healthy alternatives. Fruit Snacks Do not be fooled by the word “fruit” in the name. Fruit snacks are basically candy. And like any gummy candy, these snacks will stick to your teeth, which means all that processed sugar increases your risk of tooth decay. If you are craving something fruity, reach for some real fruit. Apples, pears, and melons are excellent alternatives. Fruit Juice Unless you have the time to squeeze juice out of fresh fruit yourself, this is a drink you should skip. Store-bought fruit juice is often full of just as much harmful added sugar as a can of Coke. In addition to

Pretzels are often seen as a healthier vending machine option when compared to cheese-dusted corn chips. But although they are low in calories, pretzels lack protein, fiber, and vitamins. Pretzels are also really high in sodium. If you want a filling snack with a satisfying crunch, grab some almonds instead. Almonds are full of calcium, which is great for your teeth and gums. This does not mean you should never indulge in these treats. Snacking is all about moderation. But if you are looking for something to tide you over until your next meal, reach for a truly healthy option. You will stay full longer, and your teeth will really thank you! –Dr. Suzanne Thai

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