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Advanced PT Terryville - April 2021

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Advanced PT | Terryville - April 2022

Walk on Sunday, May 1. Registration begins at 8 a.m., the race begins at 9 a.m. at Terryville High S

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Advanced PT Terryville - June 2021

4 tsp cayenne pepper • 2 tsp turmeric • 1 tsp ground ginger • 1 tsp ground black pepper • 2 tsp alls

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Advanced PT Terryville - March 2021

4 tsp salt. 4.Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 5. Remove both

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Advanced PT Terryville - July 2021

2 cup cotija or feta cheese, crumbled DIRECTIONS 1. In a cast-iron skillet over medium- high heat, a

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Advanced PT Terryville - February 2021

4 cup strawberry fruit spread, divided (we recommend Bonne Maman INTENSE) • 3 TERRYVILLE 860-506-412

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Advanced PT Terryville - August 2022

4 cup of zucchini mixture into the skillet. Cook for 3–5 minutes, then flip. Cook for another 3–5 mi

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Advanced PT Torrington - April 2021


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Advanced Physical Therapy - Terryville - April 2020

2 tbsp creamy, unsweetened almond butter DIRECTIONS 3. Add sesame oil, ginger, garlic, and vinegar a

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Advanced Practice PT April 2019

or dress attire can be uncomfortable. For people who don’t have the time, try taking a short walk ar

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Advanced Physical Therapy | Terryville - February 2022

2 tsp paprika • Salt and pepper, to taste MEDITERRANEAN STUFFED CHICKEN BREAST Inspired by DiabetesS

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Advanced PT Terryville - April 2021

APRIL 2021




One of my favorite things about running Advanced Physical Therapy Terryville is that the clinic is a community gathering place. People show up with all kinds of life experiences, but ironically, over the last few years, I’ve noticed that we draw a lot of teachers. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether I’m working in a PT clinic or a teacher’s lounge with a gym! Honestly, I love having so many teachers around. As cliche as it sounds, having a great teacher can make a huge difference in your life. When I see someone come in with transition lenses (that fade from sunglasses back to normal ones), I still think of my freshman high school English teacher, Mr. Gorski. Every time he stood by the window to teach, his glasses did the exact same thing. It has been decades since I was in Mr. Gorski’s classroom, but I can still remember his lessons on “Lord of the Flies” and “Animal Farm.” You’d think that as a physical therapist I would have loved math, science, and anatomy, but nope — it’s my English teacher who stood out! Mr. Gorski was a real pillar in my Catholic high school in New Hampshire. He had already been a teacher for 40 years by the time I took his class as a freshman, and he told stories in a way that made me hang onto every word. The way he connected literature to our real lives kept me engaged and even made subjects like grammar interesting. I’ll never forget the parallel he made between the kids stranded on an island in “Lord of the Flies” and my freshman class cluelessly entering high school. If I close my eyes, I can still picture Mr. Gorski in his sweater and slacks with those infamous transition lenses. He was a bit thick around the middle and on the short side, with a bald head and a big mustache. Back then I always imagined him smoking a pipe at home while he graded our papers side by side with his wife, who taught history and came to support us at every sporting event. It’s amazing how clear those images still are, but that’s what happens when a teacher makes a real impact on a student! I can already see that same thing happening with my youngest son, Ben. His second-grade teacher, Mr. Pereira, is a fantastic teacher — just like Mr. Gorski. He won Ben over completely by playing guitar in the classroom and incorporating music into his lessons.

I know that I’m lucky to have incredible teachers as patients. I like to think that teachers flock to our clinic because they know it’s wise to ask for help when they need it! Some of the educators I treat are still teaching right now through the chaos of online learning; others are retired, but they all share the same zeal for their subjects and the kids they connected with. I know that the current teachers I see (you know who you are!) can’t wait to get back in the classroom full time. If you’re a current or retired teacher, thank you so much for your dedication and hard work. No matter what subject you teach, your effort really does make a difference, even in places where you’d least expect it. Mr. Gorski probably didn’t realize that his liberal arts lessons would have such a big impact on a math and science mind like mine, but they did! You never know whose career you’re shaping. I count myself lucky that I can help ease your pain along the way!

–Jarred Parker


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As people grow older, they’re more likely to find themselves at home with less company. If your family members live far away or you have physical limitations that make it difficult to leave the house, you may be at an increased risk of experiencing loneliness. This is why adopting an animal can be so helpful. Pets offer comfort and love, and many encourage physical activity. Integrating a pet into your life as you grow older can be just what you need to lift your spirit and keep you healthy. The Benefits of Pet Ownership A lack of purpose can take a significant toll, but the sense of duty pet owners have around caring for their animals helps them avoid this. The daily tasks of feeding, playing with, and walking your animal can help provide structure and bring meaning to your life. They also give you something to look forward to each day. What’s better than waking up or coming home to a wagging tail or loud meow? This is how pets help improve their owners’ mental and physical health. Studies also show that those who care for pets have less stress and lower blood pressure and cholesterol than their petless counterparts. You’re also more likely to maintain a daily exercise routine. FELINE FRIENDS OR CANINE COMRADES HOW PETS IMPROVE OUR HEALTH AND HAPPINESS

Humans have an innate need to be social, and without someone to talk to regularly, our mental well-being can start to deteriorate. Pets may not be the best conversation partners, but they may increase your social activity. Walking a dog to a local park every day, for example, can provide an opportunity for you to interact with other people. If you live alone, this simple activity can increase your social circle and improve your mental health. Find the Right Pet Before taking advantage of the many benefits pets offer, it’s crucial to consider which pet is right for you. Doing research can help answer important questions about which animals might be a good fit for you and your lifestyle and which aren’t. Finding a perfect match may take some time, but once that connection is made, there is nothing that will bring more joy into both of your lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a list of questions that will help guide you to the perfect pet. Take a look at .


Sleep is essential for good health. It recharges your body and helps you start your day refreshed and alert. With so many wearable devices and sleep tracking apps on the market now, you may be wondering if you should be tracking your sleep. If any of the following apply to you, you may benefit from using a sleep tracker. • You have difficulty sleeping soundly. You wake up repeatedly throughout the night, either due to environmental noises (a snoring partner) or a sleep disorder (sleep apnea). • You feel exhausted during the day. When you don’t get enough sleep at night, you’ll feel tired during the day and may have difficulty focusing and be less productive.

table. Many track your heartbeat and movement. It’s important to keep in mind that while sleep trackers can provide valuable insights, the >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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