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Advanced Rehab: Neck Pain & Headaches

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Advantage Rehab: Neck Pain & Headaches

chopped almonds • dried cranberries • ground cinnamon DIRECTIONS Spraya2-quartor4-quartslowcooker in

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Advanced Rehab Inc: Neck Pain & Stress

arirehab If you are not sure about how to do this exercise, please consult with your physical therap

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FyzicalCentralIllinois: Neck Pain & Headaches

central-illinois Exercise To Do At Home PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHT I started here after having broke

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Global: Neck Pain & Headaches

red-snapper-arugula-salad Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to relieve neck pain... SCAPU

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BridleTrails: Neck Pain & Headaches

HYHO+DUG      CALL TODAY! 425-889-0776

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FYZICALPBC: Neck Pain & Headaches (561) 331-5508 2 6 1 5 5 n° 35225 - Level Hard Are you in pain? Have you sustained an in

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HandsOn: Neck Pain & Headaches

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Spaulding: Neck Pain & Headaches

Ankle Appointments are free but limited; each therapist has 7 spots available. Don’t delay, register

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WAPT. Neck Pain & Headaches

19 Feel free to call us and ask to speak to your therapist. Mention or bring in this coupon for a

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Canyon: Neck Pain & Headaches

4 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Add the broccoli, onions and golden raisins to

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Advanced Rehab: Neck Pain & Headaches

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


2019 CUPID’S DASH 2 & 4 MILE RUN/WALK Race For Cole’s Recovery

February 16th at 10am

Pre-Registration: $25 by January 26th Race Day Registration: $30 8:30am-9:45am

Jasper Youth Sports Complex 1401 W. 12th Ave. For more information contact: [email protected] or call 812-309-8699 them from rupturing again. Let’s spread the word about the event and come together and help Cole and his family. The registration fee includes a race entry fee, technical race shirt, and snacks after the race. There will also be awards presented for female and male runners, age groups, and top 5 overall walkers. Register today to hold your spot for the race!

The Southern Indiana Wolfpack has chosen Cole Johnson to receive the money this year. While running in a cross-country race, Cole collapsed. Unknown to his parents, Cole was born with an AVM, arteriovenous malformation. This is a collection of blood vessels in his brain that ruptured. Cole spent five days in the Intensive Care Unit, and then went on to Frazier Rehab in Louisville, Kentucky. Cole will eventually have surgery to clip the blood vessels in his brain to prevent

ADVANCED REHABILITATION, INC. P H Y S I C A L T H E R A P Y Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body THE CONNECTION BETWEEN NECK PAIN & HEADACHES “Start The New Year With Permanent Relief!”

Inside: • The Problem With Posture • Exercise Essential • FREE Workshop • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe

Headaches have a bad habit ofmaking theirappearanceat the most inconvenient times. The middle of the workday, early in the evening when you have hours of responsibilities ahead of you, or even first thing in the morning when youare trying topayattention

When Neck Pain Leads to Headaches. The majority of the time, neck pain starts out as a seemingly small concern. A crick in your neck here or there may start to develop more frequently, and before you know it, your experienceofneckpain issomethingyouaredealingwith daily. It isn’t always the result of something large. While being in a car accident or experiencing another sort of injury can definitely lead to chronic neck pain, the cause of the issue isn’t always as simple to identify. Sometimes it is a bad habit that you don’t really think twice about, like your habit of watchingTV as you fall asleep, keeping your neck at an odd angle as you rest for the evening, or maybe as a result of your posture as you type at your desk every day, hunched over at the shoulders with your neck catching the brunt of your slouch. These poor habits are common, and most of us consider them to be harmless. Sure, you know it isn’t great for you, but what is actually going to happen? It’s a lot easier to slouch as you type, and who doesn’t want to catch a few late-night laughs as they fall asleep? But the reality is that these seemingly irrelevant habits could be putting undue stress on your neck, and if you aren’t careful, this could translate to regular and uncomfortable headaches that are difficult to get rid of. Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to pain!

Cyndi Fortune, PT

to your morning meeting — headaches don’t care how important the work ahead of you is. When they start, they are hard to stop. There are all sorts of reasons why headaches may develop. From environmental factors like weather changes and exposure to certain perfumes or other scents, to stress and allergies, headaches happen to the best of us. However, there are some headaches that may be a bit more predictable than others. Factors like your posture, the type of mattress you sleep on, the pillow you use, or even the desk chair you sit in at work can all impact your risk for experiencing regular headaches because of the intricate network of nerves and muscles in your neck.

“I’ve never had such a great experience with therapy before!” “I came to ARI with muscle spasms in my neck. I’ve never had such a great experience with therapy before. My motion is much better and the pain is gone. No more headaches, no more stiffness. Dry needling really did the job. I would recommendARI toanyone inpain.” -CharlottiaW. Patient Success Spotlight

Stay updated on times and dates of our beneficial workshop sessions. Check out our website for more info about our upcoming workshops!


Working with a physical therapist can help you to identify whether or not your headaches may be the result of neck pain or strain. One of the most common causes of headaches due to neck pain is forward head position. Forward head position means that when you are resting your head, you are continuing to hold your head slightly forward, which is a type of slouching position. You can identify whetheror notyou havea forwardheadposition by standing straight against the wall and determining whether or not your head rests against the wall as your back does. If your head does not touch the wall when you are standing straight, then you aren’t fully standing up straight! As years go by and day after day you continue to hold your head in this forward position, you can start to experience pain as a result of strain in the muscles of the neck. When this is an issue, working with a physical therapist may be able to help. Stretching the muscles in your neck to alleviate neck strain can reduce the severity and regularity of your headaches. Stretching the muscles that have grown tight along the back of your neck as well as those along the shoulders can help you find relief from the tension that is causing your pain. When dealing with neck pain, it is important to remember that safety has to come first. While there are many simple activities you can try at home to begin stretching your neck muscles, working with a physical therapist is the only way to ensure that you are stretching in a way that won’t potentially lead to greater injury. For more information, contact Advanced Rehabilitation Inc. today!. OATS WITH APPLES & CRANBERRIES Healthy Recipe

INGREDIENTS • 1 cup oats • 1 large Granny Smith apple, diced • 1/2 cup fresh cranberries • 3 tbsp maple syrup • 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract • 1 tsp ground cinnamon • 1/2 tspn ground cardamom

• 2 pinches of kosher salt • 4 1/2 cups unsweetened almond milk Toppings: • chopped apple • almond slices/chopped almonds

• dried cranberries • ground cinnamon

INSTRUCTIONS Spraya2-quartor4-quartslowcooker insert lightlywithcookingspray.Combine thesteel cut oats, diced apple, cranberries, maple syrup, vanilla extract, cinnamon, cardamom, salt, and almond milk. Stir to mix thoroughly. Cover and cook on low heat for 6 hours (for firmer oats) to 8 hours (softer oats with the slightest chew), stirring once or twice if possible. As the oats are cooking a thin, dark colored skin may form on top of the oats and they will look slightly dry at first glance. Don’t worry. Go ahead and stir the oats well until they are creamy and smooth. If you prefer looser oats, stir in an additional half cup or so of almond milk. Serve hot and garnish with toppings as desired.

FREE WORKSHOPS BACK WORKSHOP: JANUARY 23 • 6PM SHOULDER WORKSHOP: FEBRUARY 16TH • 10AM The Back Pain Workshop will be held Wednesday, January 23rd at 6:00pm, and the Shoulder Pain Workshop will be held Saturday, February 16th at 10:00am, both at our Tell City clinic. ATTENTION BACK & SHOULDER PAIN SUFFERERS! 5 4 5 2 7 2 3 8 6 4 2 1 7 9 5 7 3 2 1 4 5 8 2 9 4 7 8


7 1 6 8

1 9 8 5 3

4 9 1 4



5 3 8 8

3 4 6 1 9

9 8 6 5


3 5 9 2


Register by calling the Tell City location, or online by using the following link: n° 229777 - Level Medium

n° 222047 - Level Medium

ARI, We Can Fix That! 3 2 4 1 8 4 Why You Need To Come Back In For A Tune- Up: � Move without pain � Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle 5 7 6 8 1 5 7 2


3 9 6

1 6

TELL CITY 1020 11th Street #C Tell City, IN, 47586 • 812-547-7770 2 8 9


3 5

4 8 2



4 5


7 8

6 1 5 2 6 4 9 Sudoku Puzzle


9 2 5

4 1

6 1 2 8 5

4 2 6


Exercise Essential n° 228310 - Level Medium

n° 26328 - Level Medium

5 2






Strengthens Neck Muscles


2 6

7 9



3 5 9 7 6

Tilt your head towards the side, then return back to looking straight ahead. (Be sure to keep your eyes and nose pointed straight ahead the entire time.) Repeat 4 times. 2 6 3 8 1 3 7 6 2 9 4 9 7 2 7 3 5 7 4 3 1

5 2







2 4

8 1 2 3 9

3 8




n° 28718 - Level Medium

n° 225044 - Level Medium

If you are not sure about how to do this exercise, please consult with your physical therapist before starting. Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below : n° 229777 n° 222047 n° 228310 n° 26328

n° 28718

n° 225044


Becky “This year marks my 27th year as a physical therapistassistantatAdvancedRehabilitation. There have been a lot of changes over the years but one thing remains and that is how much we care about each and everyone of our patients. Beinga therapistatARI ischallenging but also so very rewarding. I am sure that this is why I have stayed so long. It has never been justa job forme. Whenouroldestdaughterwas deciding what career path to choose in college,

Wendy “In 2018, I had the opportunity to spend time with my son, Blake, in Philadelphia and visit the historic Liberty Bell. I vacationed in sunny Ft. Meyer’s Beach in November with my husband Bill, and we took several walks on the beach. The highlight of 2018 was finding out that my daughter Mariah is expecting a baby girl and that I will be a grandma! I hope that your 2018 was filled with joy and that the coming year will Alynn “In 2018, our oldest officially made us empty nesters when she bought her first house. Being empty nesters didn’t last long when our second child moved home. She decided to commute to I.U. for her final three classes. Our third child started his Sophomore year at IUPUI. No family trip this year, but my husband and I traveled to Mississippi for some crappy fishing. We had so much fun. We went back two months later with our friends.Another trip I tookwas toSt.Charles, Holli “Thisscariest thing thispastyear ismyyoungest daughter, Camryn, received her driver’s license but she has proven she can drive. My oldest daughter,Baylie, isa junioratUSIandmakingme very proud by maintaining her grades and being named on the Dean’s List! I can not wait for this new year hopefully we will be planning a family vacation to a relaxing beach!” Tina “Mydaughtergotherdriver’s license!She isa junior atPerryCentral.Westarted looking intocolleges asshe is thinkingaboutbecomingapharmacist. She is going to tour Manchester University over FallBreakandhope to tourPurdueUniversityand Butlersometimesoon.Hopeeveryonehasasafe and happy holiday season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”

shewasasked,doyouwant justacareeroragoodbalancebetweenacareerand family. I heard the answer that she gave and she said, “my mom’s job has always beenvery important toher,butshewasstillable tobe thereformysisterand Iwhen we needed her and she never had to miss any of our school or other activities.” “I want to be like my mom!” Wow, that comment, I think every mom wants to hear! Ouroldestdaughter is inher3rdyearat IUPUINursingProgramandouryoungest daughter is in her 2nd year at USI and just got accepted into the nursing program this Fall. I had the chance to be THEIR patient this summer and they took great care of me. Sometimes the therapist needs a little therapy herself! I had a minor back surgery in May and I am doing great and of course the doctor told me I need

bring you happiness and exciting adventures!”

to take care of my patients but also myself. I am still working on that! 2018 is coming to a close and I hope that each and everyone of you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!”

Jennifer “In 2018, I took a much needed week long vacation to Panama City Beach, Florida with my husband and two daughters. We mostly wereonbeach listening tomusicandenjoying beverages. My sister also made me an aunt again this year when she had her second daughter. Hope your 2019 brings you joy!”

MO.Thiswasourannualgirls tripand itmarkedour10thyeargetting together.My husband and I will close out the year celebrating our 27th anniversary. Looking forward to 2019!”

Meghan “2018 was a great year for me and my family! Wevacationed inChattanooga,Tennesseewith family in July, and Memphis, Tennessee with friends inOctober.Gavinstarted1stgradethisfall andplayedbaseballandbasketball thisyear. It is so funwatchinghim improveeachgame!Reese started preschool and loves it! She is asking to start dance classes next year as well. We also foundoutweareexpectingour3rdchild,coming in May! We are very excited what next year will Rebecca “It is hard to believe that 2018 has come and gone. It has been such a busy year. My kids and Ihadagreatvacationoverspringbreak inFlorida. Legoland was a huge hit as well as spending a day pretending to be Harry Potter at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. Many sand castles were built while at the beach, now we just have to plan our next trip back. Wishing everyone a great new year!”

bring. Happy Holidays to all!”


Adam “I joined the ARI team in August. Since that time, IhavebecomeAstymcertified and have progressed my knowledge of running related injuriesandgaitanalysis. I remained active with the running community as an assistant coach for Jasper cross country teams. The team when to the regional’s and three runners competed at state. I ran my first full marathon and was able to qualify for the Alfredo “Another busy and successful year for the Sandoval family. This year has been full of home improvement projects as my wife, Crystal and I prepare to welcome our first baby in late March of 2019. With help from familyandfriendswewereabletogutaroom down to thestuds inorder to turn room into officespace.We installednewflooring intwo room, living roomandhallway.Afterseveral months of work a newly remodeled room Amanda “Over this past year, many things have changedfortheBickfordfamily. Icompleted mysecondhalfmarathon in thespringand have continued to teach Zumba to keep myself active and in shape. Not only did my step-son Landon start living with us full-time, my daughter Gabby became the middlechildaswewelcomedOwen toour family in October. Going from a full-time familyof3 toa full-time familyof5 isquite a change! I’m very excited to see our little Andrea “2018 was a very exciting year. I had the opportunity to take a Babymoon with my husband to California. We visited San Francisco and traveled down the coast enjoying thebeautifulviewsandendedour trip inSanDiego.Thehighlightof2018was our new Baby Boy Maitland Mark Maddox born Oct. 12th weighing 7lbs 13oz. I hope your had a wonderful 2018 and wish you a blessed new year.”

Ashley “Busy year for me. I added to my home by building a new garage and now am faced with new landscaping in the spring time (yeh!!). I switched locations from Jasper to Santa Claus. My daughter Mackenzie startedfirstyearpre-school thisyearand is veryactive ingymnastics, t-ball,soccerand basketball. Overall ithasbeenaverybusy but exciting year and I am looking forward to what is coming in the future.” Brandi “Ican’tbelieveanotheryear isover. Istarted thisyearwithanew titaniumhip,sonomore limping for me! Yay! My little girl Alivia started kindergarten and Jackson started 2nd grade showing his sissy the way at her new school. Both kids keep me and the hubby busy in many sports. I trained all summer for RAIN: Ride Across INdiana in which I rode 160 miles on a bike from Terre Haute, IN to Richmond, IN. It was an amazing experience with friends. We Debbie “2018 marked Advanced Rehabilitation’s 30th anniversary. Oh how time flies!! What an amazing journey it has and continues to be! Our oldest son, Ian, bought a home in Michigan and got engaged, daughter, Hana, started her second year of dental school and got engaged, son, Eli, started his 3rd year of college at IU, and son, Elliot, started his senior year of high school and has committed to running cross country for Austin Peay University next year, Go

2019 Boston Marathon. On November 20, my family grew to 5 with the addition of my son, Lukas Adam Gilbert. On December 21st I will celebrate my 5th wedding anniversary as well as my twin girls’ 3rd birthday.”

welcomes our new baby. Happy one year anniversary to Rock Steady Boxing!! With Partnership between ARI and the FerdinandTri-County YMCA, Rock Steady Boxing, a program designed to serve individuals who have Parkinson’s Disease celebrated it’s first year anniversary October 30th. As head coach of RSB, two other coaches and many volunteers, we have been busy spreading the word of our new program. Hard work has payed off as our class doubled in sized. We have 23 RSB members and expect to continue growing. I’ve enjoyed working with many new faces in the past year and hope our ARI family keeps growing.”

vacationed in Lake Michigan with family and had many pool parties this summer. Weenjoyed theholidayswith familyand friendswithmanyparties. Thankyou toall my clients and can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for all of us.”

Governors! I was able to go to Florida for Spring Training to watch Eli play baseball and thenon toBreckenridge,COwith theotherchildren toski for theirSpringBreak. MyhusbandTimand Ialsoenjoyedattendingconcertsandmusic festivals.Weare excited for 2019! Wishing everyone a Blessed New Year!” HAPPY NEW YEAR!

family keeps changing and I hope that your family is doing well also!”