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Advanced Rehabilitation: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

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Richmond: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

4 cups pasta mixture on each of 4 plates; top each serving with about 1 tablespoon crumbled cheese.

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Complete: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

2018 ELIZABETH (908) 527-6001 JERSEY CITY (201) 433-6001 Think Complete Physical Rehabilitation FIRS

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FYZICALPBC: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief n° 312259 - Level Hard g the codes below :

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Arlington: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Reverse Chronic Disease: • Clean Food, Raw Food, Real Food, Plant Food • Generally Are Alkaline • He

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Finding Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

kneebook Exercise Essentials Try these exercises to keep your body strong and flexible... HIP ADDUCT

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WisePT: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

bed. Strengthens Hips Relieve Hip Pain In Minutes Try this movement if you are exp

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Advanced Balance. Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Stretch Class FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA (310) 833-0300 CALL NOW TO SCHEDULE! Call Today! (310) 833-030

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Kinetix: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

rehab • Sports physical therapy • And many more!

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Kewanee: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

kptrs Howmany days per week should you walk for exercise? Aim for a minimum of 3 walking days per we

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OSR: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

OSR: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief Ne w s The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Bo

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Advanced Rehabilitation: Effective Hip & Knee Pain Relief

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


BECKY MATHIES, PTA Questions &Answers With Jasper Clinic’s

Where did you attend school? Jasper High School

What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip What is the craziest food you’ve ever eaten? Octopus What’s a good book you would recommend? The Janitor by Todd Hopkins What is your most memorable vacation? Disney with my kids, husband and neighbors What is a favorite quote of yours? Treat others as you want to be treated What pops into your head when you the words “scary movie?” Friday the 13th- I think that is the only and last scary movie I ever watched, can’t do it, I have nightmares! Family life. I live in Jasper, IN with my husband and puppy dog. Our kids are in college now which has been an adjustment.

Inside: • Effective Hip, Knee & Leg Pain Relief • Can You Perform These Simple Movements? • FREE Workshop • Patient Success Spotlight • Healthy Recipe

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


EFFECTIVE HIP & KNEE PAIN RELIEF “Don’t Let Pain Postpone Your Adventures!”

Do you find it harder to walk, run, or exercise? Is hip, knee, or leg pain keeping you from being active? If so, understanding how your body walks and moves can be the key to putting the spring back in your step. Put the Spring Back in Your Step. Think of your body as a big spring that stores and releases energy with every step.The efficiency of your walk

Brandi Labhart, PT

comes from the effectiveness of your flexibility, strength, and balance. When any one of these is off, it affects your ability to walk efficiently and takes a lot of energy. This results in increased forces through different joints and makes muscles work much harder than they need to. This leads to possible pain in the back, hips, and knees. It also causes fatigue after walking, even for a little while. If you have finished a course of treatment and you are experiencing pain again, it may be because muscles or joints have tightened or become weak again. The Remedy. The simple solution is to put the spring back in your step. This is accomplished by first analyzing how you walk. There are slight changes in the way that you walk and move, that our trained medical experts can identify. This analysis tells us what joints or muscles are stiff, stuck, or weak. By pinpointing the exact areas of your body that are not moving as they should, we can make a plan to increase motion, strength, and improve coordination. Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to that aching joint pain!

“I have no more pain and can sleep all night!” “I came to ARI because I was having severe pain in my left knee. I could tell my leg along the outside of my knee did not feel right. Amanda did ASTYM treatments and stretching exercises to my IT band which was really tight and knotted up. She also gave me strengthening exercises to make my muscles stronger in my back and hip which affect the muscles down to my knee. The staff is very helpful in guiding you to do exercises and stretches properly. I have no more pain and can sleep all night! Yay!!” - Marilyn H. Patient Success Spotlight

Stay updated on times and dates of our beneficial workshop sessions. Check out our website for more info about our upcoming workshops!


Find Out If You Are Moving Like You Should. Can you do these simple tests to see if your hips and legs are as flexible and strong as they should be? Try them for yourself and let us know how you did. Use caution and common sense when attempting these tests; do not continue if they cause pain or discomfort. Do not attempt if you have had a hip replacement. • From standing, can you touch your toes? This indicates hip and low back flexibility. • In sitting can you comfortably cross your legs so that your ankle is resting on the other knee? Does one knee go further down than the other? This indicates hip flexibility. If one hip is tighter than the other, it can wreak havoc with your walking and even cause knee pain. • Keeping your feet flat on the floor and holding onto something solid, how far can you squat down? You should be able to squat all the way down so your buttocks almost touch your heels. Don’t let your heels pop up! If you favor movement to one side, you probably have hip weakness on that side or limited motion in the hip joint. • Standing near a counter top put one foot in front of the other so that you are touching heel to toe. Without putting your hands down, see if you can balance for 10 seconds, keeping yourself steady. If you cannot, then you have trouble with the coordination of your balance from the nerve endings in your hip, knees, ankles, and feet. Restoring Normal Pain Free Motion. Restoring normal motion is key to alleviating pain and allowing you to do the activities you love to do safely. Physical therapy is the key to restoring normal joint and muscle motion. Our medical experts pinpoint the key problem areas that you may not CHERRY-BERRY OATMEAL SMOOTHIE Healthy Recipe

even be aware of and focus on a custom treatment plan that will restore your normal pain-free motion. Performing at Your Best. Whether you are just out for a walk or an avid athlete, we can help you walk, run, and play better. With our motion analysis, strength testing, coordination testing, and more, we can spot your muscles and joints that need flexibility, strength, or coordination. A specific training and treatment plan is then put together to help you reach your peak movement with the least effort. If you are suffering with hip, knee, or leg pain, call us today to learn more about how we can help you return to a more active, pain-free life!

INGREDIENTS • ⅓ cup quick-cooking rolled oats

• ½ cup fresh dark sweet cherries • 1-2 tbsp almond butter • 1 tbsp honey • ½ cup small ice cubes

• ½ cup light almond milk • ¾ cup fresh strawberries

DIRECTIONS In a medium bowl combine water and oats. Microwave 1 minute. Stir in ¼ cup of the milk. Microwave 30 to 50 seconds more or until oats are very tender. Cool 5 minutes. In a blender combine oat mixture, the remaining ¼ cup milk, and the next four ingredients (through honey). Cover and blend until smooth, scraping container as needed. Add ice cubes; cover and blend until smooth. If desired, top each serving with additional fruit.

FREE WORKSHOP AUGUST 25TH • 10:00AM The Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop will be held Saturday, August 25th at 10:00am at our Tell City clinic. Register by calling the Tell City location, or online by using the following link: workshop?source=Newsletter ATTENTION BACK PAIN SUFFERERS!

ARI, We Can Fix That!

TELL CITY 1020 11th Street #C Tell City, IN, 47586 • 812-547-7770

Why You Need To Come Back In For A Tune- Up: � Move without pain

� Sit for long periods comfortably

� Bend and move freely � Balance confidently and securely

� Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

Get Easy Relief For Your Pain With A Simple Click... Free Mobile Download

Exercise Essential

Do you or someone you know have hip, knee, or leg pain? As a current or past patient, you have access to this valuable information, at your fingertips. Start feeling better today in the privacy of your home. Go to, and scroll down to the middle of the page for your free download. This is the easiest way to get this information to our patients. Download and share with friends and family today!

Strengthens back and hips


Lieonyoursidewithyourbottom legstraight, topkneebentat90degrees. Place a rolled towel between your waist and the floor, directly above your hips. Position your top hand on the top of your hip. Lift your top leg as high as you can keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees. At the top, bring your raised leg behind you as far as you can. Return to the start position in reverse order.

You can find the FREE Hip, Knee Or Leg Pain ebook download on our homepage at:

If you are not sure about how to do this exercise, please consult with your physical therapist before starting.