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Agent Link - March 2021

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Agent Link March 2019

advisor recruiting.We believe that implementing metrics is one of the most — if not the most — criti

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Agent Link - September 2021

Agent Link - September 2021 SEPTEMBER 2021 INSIDE The Recruitment-Boosting Power of the Buying Journ

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Agent Link- March 2020

14, the first three digits of the mathematical constant pi. Pi is special because it’s used to calcu

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Agent Link - April 2021

RIA channels, our >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Made with Fl

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Agent Link - May 2021

- 3%. - Stu Gramajo 800 535 4545 1130 Cleveland Street, Ste. 120 Clearwat

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Agent Link - July 2021

Agent Link - July 2021 JULY 2021 INSIDE Next Generation Method to Find Top Annuity Producers Make Yo

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Agent Link February 2019

IMOs what their biggest challenge is when it comes to expanding distribution.The following graph sho

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Agent Link December 2018

measurement-myopia 1 +800 535 4545 THE CHICKEN OR THE EGG? Why Nurturing Employees and Customers Is

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Agent Link - November 2020

Ancillary products. Target Profile: Financial Advisors CampaignType: Telephone Appointments Less Eff

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Agent Link - May 2020

business.) Next, agents and advisors should get to work on their website. A website should have, at

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Agent Link - March 2021

MARCH 2021

INSIDE 1. Distribution Growth and Producer Recruiting Successes 2. Why I Chose to Become an American Citizen 2. What’s in a Rebrand, Anyway? 2. Netflix’s CEO on Pursuing Your Ideas 3. Producer Recruitment and Distribution Growth Case Studies 6. New Citi CEO Shakes Things Up

Case Studies and Successes From Across the Industry

And a Look Ahead in 2021

examine whether that event can help you bring your company and message in front of growth- focused producers. As the world continues to turn, we look forward to helping you with your producer recruiting and expansion goals in 2021. We take this opportunity to thank you for the kind comments and the great feedback you continue to send us regarding our newsletter. We hope you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

We have just conducted another large-scale survey of producers, and this helps us assess the current mindset and opinions at a producer level, something that can effectively inform us on how to best implement the promotional campaigns we develop and execute on your behalf. It is truly remarkable how organizations, staff, and producers have adapted and how many have continued to succeed and even thrive. In the year 2020, our fully virtual national conference for agents and advisors, Top Producer Summit, saw even greater success than the year prior. And as we plan and prepare for an even better one in 2021, we invite you to connect up with us and

Agent Link is proud to exclusively service the insurance and financial service industries for well over a decade. Our clients represent every segment and level of the industry, including manufacturing, distribution, and retail. And while much could be said about how you could leverage our experience to grow your organization, your distribution, your client base, and your revenues, what better way than sharing case studies and successes from organizations you may be able to relate to.That is why inside this issue, we bring you five case studies from a variety of different markets — each with unique marketing needs and goals.

1 +800 535 4545 -Senia Gramajo

The Importa What’s in a Rebrand, Anywa

In recent days, I celebrated my 10th anniversary as an American citizen, and I’d like to share why this is such a special time for me. I arrived in the U.S. in November 1993. I was in the middle of studying mechanical industrial engineering back in Guatemala, the beautiful country I was born in, where the culture forged my never-forgotten roots. I came to continue my studies here, and I was able to do so while also growing as a person in so many ways, well beyond my expectations, in this wonderful country. I still fondly remember the day I landed in Tampa International Airport, especially crossing the enormous causeway over the scenic beauty of Tampa Bay. I just couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. The opportunities I encountered in this country seemed never-ending. I’m not just talking about material things but also the means to increase my personal ability as well as my spiritual life. In time, I would come to understand that the fantastic measure of these opportunities was directly tied to the philosophical tenets of this nation and to the empowering freedoms the Founders reminded us we could live with, should we have the courage to safeguard them, through the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Among the most amazing things that happened to me here, I also met the person who later became my wife, and who also happens to be my business partner today. After years as a resident of the U.S., I found myself devoting well-spent time to understanding those documents — something that required effort and more than one good dictionary. My deep admiration for this charter and my growing interest in cherishing it led to my decision to become a citizen, and so I started the process to do so. I found that becoming a U.S. citizen cemented my gratitude, commitment, and love for the USA. I believe that each of us owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to not just have good familiarity with the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights but to also gain a greater understanding of them.They don’t only empower Americans. I believe that by bringing their tenets to life, we are also empowering an entire planet. For my 10th anniversary as a citizen, something that is a huge deal to me, I had to celebrate my joy and share my thoughts with you, and I appreciate that you took the time to read this. Why I Chose to Become an American Citizen

What Can a Netflix CEO Teach You About Business? If you ask Marc Randolph about his favorite place, he’ll mention an office building in Dallas, where Blockbuster had its corporate headquarters on the 27th floor. Randolph, one of the founders of Netflix and its first CEO, has no illusions about what happened to the former retail giant. In his new book, “That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea,” Randolph shares how Netflix disrupted an industry and took the world by storm, an example every business leader can learn from. Randolph himself is fascinated by the nuts and bolts of business and entrepreneurship: “How does your business test new ideas? Can it happen faster? What’s the cost of having sloppy content hit the internet if it gets you out there sooner?” He examines how quickly you can put an idea in front of a customer where “you will learn more than you could in five months of R&D.” Randolph addresses these issues and more in “That Will Never Work,” all the while explaining their relevance to entrepreneurs.

-Stu Gramajo


Producer Recruitment and Distribution Growth Case Studies

Campaign and Results: With a long track record of experience generating interested prospects for their in- house recruiters before, the Agent Link team trained a select group of Producer Liaisons at our office in every aspect of the carrier’s products and value proposition. Agent Link launched a campaign through Facebook, email, LinkedIn, and direct contact via telephone using our proprietary list of active producers we built in the last 10 years. Agent Link generated hundreds of interactions with producers across the nation in a short span of time; after vetting and pre-qualifying agents, many set up an appointment with our own staff for a presentation. Our team executed on a strategic process with multiple touches and a regimented follow-up technique, resulting in more than 80 independent agents fully contracted by our own team at Agent Link and turned over to the carrier’s onboarding team for training and activation.

Case Study 1: Direct-to-Carrier Producer Contracting

Marketing Need and Goals: A major insurance carrier wanted to establish yet another channel to contract producers not yet appointed with them. The carrier called on Agent Link to handle everything, including promotion, agent presentations, and actual contracting. Target Market: Licensed and independent agents active in the senior market or interested in expanding their activities into that market. Geographical Target: Nationwide with the exception of five states.

Case Study 2: Med Advantage Expansion Marketing Need and Goals: In preparation for AEP, a regional IMO wanted to acquire producers to cover strategic geographical areas.They wanted their recruiters to only deal with pre-qualified agents, thus increasing their focus on getting producers writing business. Target Market: Licensed independent agents with experience in or interest in expanding into the Medicare Advantage market. Geographical Target: Specific regions across nine states in the Northeast and upper Midwest.

Campaign and Results: The IMO had a value proposition that offered exceptional lead and marketing support for a limited number of producers by territory. During the first and second quarters of the year, Agent Link followed a plan involving 30,000 promotional monthly impressions, using offline and online channels. Responders were vetted by our team and pre-qualified telephone appointments were set for recruiters in a round-robin way. Our team utilized special software tools to interface with each recruiter’s calendar to coordinate availability.The campaign concluded earlier than expected, as recruiters reached their goal and the IMO filled every territory they needed at the start of the campaign.


+800 535 4545

Case Study 5: Software Demos for Agents Marketing Need and Goals: An industry software provider wanted to identify qualified producers and agencies open to implementing their quoting software solution and schedule demos with their reps. Target Market: Health licensed, actively producing agents likely to need ancillary, under 65, and senior health products for their clients. Geographical Target: List of 20 states in the U.S. Campaign and Results: Agent Link worked with the client’s sales and marketing staff to fine-tune the message and offer for the campaign. 100,000 promotional impressions were executed through email, telephone calls, and social media. Campaign responses were handled and agents pre-qualified by Agent Link, resulting in software demo appointments with the client’s reps. Metrics were closely managed, and the process was supervised in a close collaboration between our team and the client’s. An initial closing percentage of 21% after the first month grew with a great follow-up to 28% after the third month. Client reached a Cost of Acquisition in the vicinity of their original goal with metrics continuing to up-trend.

Case Study 3: Life Producers Recruitment Marketing Need and Goals: A regional IMO focusing on growing their life production and independent distribution wanted to create a steady inflow of qualified prospects to their recruiter. Target Market: Licensed and independent insurance agents or financial advisors with a track of writing permanent life products. Geographical Target: As designated by the IMO. Campaign and Results: After the marketing team at Agent Link developed the best presentation of the IMO’s story and value proposition, a four-month effort was launched, resulting in over 200,000 promotional impressions across email, telephone calls, and social media with robust response. Upon engaging producers, a vetting process was then executed to pre-qualify interested prospects and determine a certain eligibility. Over 100 pre-qualified and pre-set telephone appointments for the recruiter were delivered.

Case Study 4: Financial Advisor Recruitment

Research and Study: Agent Link conducted qualitative research consisting of special interviews with a group of the client’s advisers. Through our proprietary process, our trained team identified each advisor persona more or less likely to have success with the client. Recruiting journeys were mapped for each in a number of advisor personas. A comprehensive report presenting findings was very well received. The >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6

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