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Agent Link May 2019

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Agent Link - May 2020

business.) Next, agents and advisors should get to work on their website. A website should have, at

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Agent Link February 2019

IMOs what their biggest challenge is when it comes to expanding distribution.The following graph sho

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Agent Link - May 2021

- 3%. - Stu Gramajo 800 535 4545 1130 Cleveland Street, Ste. 120 Clearwat

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Agent Link - August 2019

Agent Link - August 2019 AGENT LINK To empower those who change lives for the better FIRST TOP PRODU

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Agent Link March 2019

advisor recruiting.We believe that implementing metrics is one of the most — if not the most — criti

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Agent Link - April/May 2022

MAY 2022 INSIDE A Great Lesson Learned in 20 Years of Agent Recruitment A Great Lesson Learned in 20

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Agent Link - December 2019

fact-sheet -Stu Gramajo

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Agent Link April 2019

Agent Link April 2019 AGENT LINK To empower those who change lives for the better APRIL 2019 RECRUIT

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Agent Link July 2019

Agent Link July 2019 AGENT LINK To empower those who change lives for the better RECRUITMENT EVENT C

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Agent Link- September 2019

Agent Link- September 2019 AGENT LINK To empower those who change lives for the better SEPT 2019 wha

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Agent Link May 2019

AGENT LINK To empower those who change lives for the better

MAY 2019

MEET OUR SECRET WEAPON How Producer Liaisons Empower Agents

We call them our secret weapons at Agent Link. Their honed sales instincts, combined with their knack for building relationships, makes for a killer combination. Who are they? Our producer liaisons.These talented individuals develop relationships with agents or advisors, and through in-depth conversations, they discover what these agents need and want supported within their business or practice. Then, they go about finding resources and connections that can provide such support. In a nutshell, producer liaisons empower agents and advisors by making introductions and referrals to our clients that create the foundation for a successful match. As the lead for our producer liaisons, Toby is an excellent example of the importance of this role. He and his team connect insurance producers and advisors as they explore new relationships and opportunities with BGAs, carriers, and BDs. With 30 years of sales experience, Toby is no stranger to connecting people with what they need. He used to lack experience in the insurance industry, but that all changed when he met Agent Link. “Stu gets all the credit,” Toby says. “The training he puts together is impressive and helped me improve my knowledge of the field. His passion motivates the heck out of you.” Producer liaisons don't only learn the lingo; our training exposes them to every segment of the industry.They study the profiles of many different agents and advisors to get familiar with their needs. As an example of how effective the training is, Toby shares the story of running into a friend

to agents and advisers. “They're motivated, down-to-earth people,”Toby says. He enjoys the genuine communication he gets to engage in every day. Most of all, he loves the results clients get through the process he is part of. At Agent Link, our emphasis is on quality and connecting the right agent or advisor to the right company.That makes our producer liaisons key to providing results to our clients. Agent Link is passionate about helping insurance and financial services professionals take their practice to new heights. Our purpose is to empower those who change lives for the better. Thank you for being part of this. -Senia & Stu Gramajo

after he completed his training with Agent Link. His friend is a licensed agent, and Toby found himself not only able to connect with him on industry topics but also able to share valuable insights. “My friend was thoroughly impressed,” Toby says. “It speaks to Stu’s training.” At Agent Link, producer liaisons like Toby empower agents and advisors. “Our role is to help producers find an opportunity that will help their practice,”Toby sums up. He appreciates the variability of his work and the dynamic environment of Agent Link, where there's always something new to learn. Toby's increasing levels of productivity reflect not only the volume of connections we facilitate but also how many agents and advisors we empower. At the end of the day, what Toby enjoys most is facilitating these connections by talking

1 800-535-4545

Could you get more done with one less day in the week? Of course not! Most of us need more time in the week, not less. At least, that’s the assumption. But a New Zealand company recently proved that when it comes to company productivity, less may mean more. In March of 2018, Perpetual Guardian, a finance management company in New Zealand, began testing a four-day workweek for its 240 employees. Researchers from the University of Auckland and Auckland University of Technology studied the firm before, during, and after the trial. Perpetual Guardian isn’t the first company to test-drive a four-day workweek, but during the trial period, they did something unusual: They didn’t reduce employees’ salaries. Paying employees for five days of work while only requiring four days sounds like a surefire way to bankrupt a company, but researchers found the change had the opposite effect. By trimming the hours down and maintaining pay, Perpetual Guardian saw a 20 percent increase in productivity.The shorter workweek motivated employees to get their work done quicker by cutting down meeting times, becoming more self-motivated, and telling their colleagues when they were being distracting. After the trial, employees at Perpetual Guardian also reported feeling 7 percent less stressed and a 24 percent improvement in work-life balance. Considering the fact that burnout — and the sick days that come with it — is such a problem in the United States, providing employees with a better work-life balance may be the secret to a happier, more productive workplace. After the successful trial, Perpetual Guardian opted to stick with the four-day workweek permanently.They provide several tips for implementing a four-day workweek at your company. • Do your own web and local research. • Speak to your staff and be clear about your objectives. • Ensure policy is well-supported and resourced. • Create a policy that can flex depending on workloads, projects, or customer requirements. • Let your customers know what’s going on and assure them there will be no drop in service. • Ensure the new employment structure doesn’t cut across legal requirements. • Be clear that the aim of the initiative is to benefit the company as well as the employees. • Recognize that flexible working initiatives aren’t magic bullets. If you’re interested in learning more about Perpetual Guardian’s four-day work week, check out the white paper written by The University of Auckland researchers at . MONDAY–THURSDAY Are 4-Day Workweeks the Secret to Productivity?

It’s Not Rocket Scie

In our February edition, we shared the three easy steps that get great results for our clients. We have some updates about (our client) Danny’s experience with Agent Link and the great results he’s getting. Here’s what he had to say when Senia spoke with him. Senia: Danny, tell us what Agent Link has done for you. Danny: Agent Link is awesome. If you’re looking for a marketing company and want to add agents or if you’re an agent who wants to add producers, you want to go to Agent Link.They’re the absolute best. I’ve been using them for over five years and have never been

disappointed.Their entire team is top-notch. Senia: How do we compare to other companies?

Danny: There’s no comparison. It’s about as simple as it could be. We tried many other companies, and they came from many angles, but Agent Link is always No. 1.


Celebrating Cinco De Mayo in Ybor City A Hidden Gem Along the Gulf Coast

to enjoy this holiday with a Cuban sandwich in one hand and a margarita in the other.The Columbia, a family run restaurant that's been around since Ybor City’s early days, offers delicious food, including the legendary Cuban sandwich, which originated right here. On Sunday, May 12, the Columbia is also hosting Mother’s Day dining. As for kicking back with a cigar to commemorate the May holidays? While many of Ybor City’s cigar factories have closed since the neighborhood’s heyday, some have been revitalized by passionate business people of the 21st century, providing you the perfect opportunity to enjoy a cigar here this spring. J.C. Newman Cigar Co., one of the few companies that hand rolls its own cigars, has given new life to one of the historic factories of Ybor City, even returning its famous clock tower to working order. Possibly the only thing better than visiting a 108-year-old factory is smoking a cigar from one. Go on, enjoy spring in Ybor City and soak up the cultural influences, from a freshly stacked Cuban sandwich to the cigar by the same name.

If you find yourself in Agent Link’s home base of Tampa, Florida this time of year, consider yourself lucky.There’s plenty going on, from festivals to fiestas. One unique neighborhood we suggest you make time for is Ybor City.This cultural hub, just northeast of downtown, has a distinctive feel and rich history. No visit to Tampa would be complete without a stop here. Designated as a National Historic Landmark, the preserved buildings of Ybor City are physical proof of the booming cigar industry that thrived here in the 19th century after Vicente Martinez-Ybor, a Spanish entrepreneur, relocated his enterprise to Tampa. Ybor's cigar business thrived here, and his success created a cultural melting pot in the region: Spanish, Cuban, and Italian immigrants all came to work in the cigar factories. Martinez-Ybor offered affordable housing, and he used his wealth to build up the neighborhood. He also started the first brewery in Florida: Cigar City Brewing. Stop by to get a pint and say, “Salud,” to what Ybor built. It’s no wonder the historic neighborhood bears his name. On Sunday, May 5, many cities across Mexico and the United States celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Ybor City is the perfect place

ce ... Agent Link Gets Results Senia: Danny, thank you for sharing your experience. It’s been great catching up with you!

3. We deployed our wonderful team of producer liaisons. We leveraged existing connections and made introductions for Danny. Danny already brought a lot to the table, and now he’s delivering on that proposition. How did we contribute to that momentum? At Agent Link, we used analytics and our honed instinct, aided by the superpower of our producer liaisons, to match Danny with agents who are going to thrive at his organization. Looking for great results? We promise it’s not rocket science. Agent Link will connect you with the people you’re looking for. Call us to begin your journey toward great results.

HAVE A LAUGH! Like so many of you, Danny struggled to connect with consistent, quality leads.That’s where Agent Link came in. Using three easy and powerful steps, we got results for Danny: 1. We created a producer profile for Danny. We answered the question, “Who is going to be the right fit?” 2. We crafted a home run narrative. This communicated the great value Danny brings to the table and resonated with producers.

3 800-535-4545 800-535-4545


1212 Court Street STE. D Clearwater, FL 33756

INSIDE 1. The Crucial Role of Producer Liaisons 2. Is Your Company Ready for the 4-Day Workweek? 3. Celebrating Cinco De Mayo It's not Rocket Science; Agent Link Gets Results 4. How Being Open to Growth Leads to Success

THE POWER OF ‘MINDSET’ How Being Open to Growth Leads to Success

do to change your circumstances, you’ll never strive to improve them.The same is true of positive fixed opinions of yourself. Dr. Dweck points out that those who believe themselves to be “a great boss” or “an amazing athlete,” are also doing themselves a disservice. Once you think your skills are tied to who you are as a person, you’ll avoid challenging them for fear they might be found wanting.This leads your talents to atrophy as you seek detours rather than facing challenges head-on. Dr. Dweck argues that, instead of falling victim to the pessimism and self-delusion that defines fixed mindset thinking, we need to recognize that the path to success lies in open-minded perseverance. “A person’s true potential is unknown (and unknowable),” she says. “It’s impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training.” Not only does “Mindset” drive this point home with well-documented experiments and studies, but it also provides a workshop to help people break free of their fixed mindset and find success.

For decades, Dr. Carol S. Dweck studied the phenomena of success. How is it that some people are able to grow their business, stay fit, or achieve their personal goals while others in similar situations stall out? “Mindset” is Dr. Dweck’s answer to this question. Subtitled “The New Psychology of Success,” this book chronicles the Stanford psychologist’s findings, which suggest an inseparable link between belief and achievement. According to Dr. Dweck, people tend to think about the challenges in front of them in one of two ways. They either have a “fixed” mindset — believing that their talents and abilities are static, intrinsic properties of who they are — or a “growth” mindset — believing they can improve every aspect of themselves with practice and perseverance.Those who approach life's hurdles as an opportunity for growth are the ones who find long-term success. If you’ve ever said “I’m just not good at math” or “I’m not a natural leader,” you’ve fallen into the fixed mindset trap. If you believe there’s nothing you can


ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS Craft A Value Proposition That Will Bring The Right Producers To You

You have a solid list, an amazing email opt-in process, and seamless deliverability management. Your mailing addresses are routinely maintained for accuracy and processed to USPS standards. Yet you struggle to generate quality lead traffic and convert prospects into

contracts and active producers. Why? Because your copy is off.

It’s the most effective of factors, but you’re not spending any time crafting your message. Good sales copy attracts the right type of producers (while ideally discouraging others) and creates a flow that guides individuals from a “before” to an “after” stage. Consistently sending a compelling message can evolve an individual from being a prospect to a hot lead ... to a contracted producer ... to someone who’s actively writing business and doing it again and again, all while telling others about it. Producers and advisors feel attracted to your company only to the degree by which they perceive you will advance them toward their goals. Trivial as it may sound, a vital question to ask yourself is, “Does my copy quickly and effectively show my ideal producer how we’ll help them thrive?” A key part of any marketing plan is understanding the value your organization brings to the marketplace and conveying that to your ideal producer. Think Like Your Ideal Producer When hunters track their prey, they think like the animal they are hunting. It’s not entirely different from what you seek to do. In order to evaluate how effective your recruitment sales copy is, you have to put your organization aside and think like your target audience. Think like the people you want to attract. Imagine the ideal producers you want to recruit for your organization. Consider that a group of these producers aren’t satisfied where they are.These producers are in a before state. As you attempt to recruit them, understand that you are reaching them as they stand in this before stage. Leaping into the future, imagine some of these producers have now contracted with you and are writing business under your distribution channel, not your competitors’. Now they stand in an after stage. Ideally, the producers are feeling happier, more prosperous, and closer to their desired state. I cannot overemphasize how vital it is for you and the people writing your recruitment copy to analyze these before and after stages.This shift is the value your organization brings to that segment of the marketplace.

ArticulateThe Shift Given that your copy is crucial to your success, you can’t make any assumptions. Below, we share an actionable plan that will help you gain insight from your ideal producers to form the basis of your effective copy. Start by thoroughly inspecting your complete list of producers. Identify the ideal target audience you want to reach and recruit. If there are different types of producers you want to recruit, undertake the process with each type, one at a time.

Before you brush it aside, let’s look more closely at why this process is crucial to your short- and long-term success. Differentiate Yourself And Build Relationships Through Authentic Copy Did you know that more than 60 percent of active independent producers already have two or three active relationships with BGAs or IMOs? If you want to appeal to producers who are building their practice or trying to expand their business, you have some serious competition. The average independent producer has approximately 20 years of experience in the market, so he’s seen a lot of promos — so many that they all start to blur together. What is a powerful way to differentiate your brand and service? Through authenticity in your message. Sales copy that simply promotes your “great service,” “back-office support,” or “underwriting support” doesn’t convey what makes you different.This copy gets lost in the shuffle. In contrast, story-based copy is compelling and effective because it conveys what your organization alone can do for your ideal producer. Write your copy around your ideal producer’s journey and share the value you bring to the table. I promise that when you go through this process, you’ll be amazed not only by your producers but also by the amazing stories you’ve had all along. Remember: Producers are traveling journeys of their own. Your copy needs to show how you will help them along the way. Contact Agent Link today to develop and implement effective copy based on what you bring to the table.We know it’s good, and we’ll help you communicate that to the right producers.

Contact and interview a few of the ideal producers actively writing business in your channel and find out the following information: 1. What situations or circumstances occurred prior to coming on board with you that prompted them to become open to an opportunity like the one you offered? What made them open to a new relationship with an organization like yours? 2. What changes in their business or personal lives did they expect as a result of partnering with or coming on board with an organization like yours? 3. Did they have any hesitations prior to coming on board? How did they solve those hesitations or worries? 4. Were there sources or individuals who influenced their decision to come on board with you? 5. Did they use a process to decide they wanted to come on board with you? Did they compare you to other companies? If so, what were the specific attributes they compared? We find that many groups and companies recruiting producers underestimate the need to interview their ideal audience and gain in- depth insight with the purpose of promoting their company to new producers. Taking the time to go through this process and apply your insights to your copy yields an irresistible message. Why? Because it speaks to the people you want to attract. If you don’t have enough ideal producers to follow this process, reach out to the ones outside your ranks. You can also hire a professional to conduct this qualitative research. I would recommend against using email surveys to gain this valuable insight. Phone or face-to-face conversations are much better methods for this in-depth procedure. There might be a voice in the back of your head (or from your partner) that’s saying, “ But I already know what my producers want. And that process is way too complicated. ”