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THE BEST TIPS FROM THE PROS They sharing with you their personal experiences for success.

WHAT IS IT THE KNOWLEDGE BUSINESS BLUEPRINT?! Students are calling it the best course they’ve ever taken!

See where the numbers say you should be going.

KRISTINE TRAVIS “I was tired of making money for assholes.” She is sharing her story and wisdom with others, largely thanks to the guidance of the KBB Method.

JENNA KUTCHER She bought a camera for $300, now runs her own 7-figure empire. “I’m a small town Minnesota photographer, podcaster, educator and puppy rescuer, my happiest days are spent behind my computer screen sharing my secrets with the world.”

Dear Current and Future Knowledge Brokers, Welcome to K N O W L E D G E M A G A Z I N E Whether you’re exploring the self education industry for the first time or you’re a certified Knowledge Business Broker, let us assure you… You’ re in the r ight place. The self education and knowledge sharing industry is BOOMING. 100s of Millions are made every day in this industry, and many knowledge brokers absolutely love what they do. So if your goal was to explore what might lie ahead of you…This magazine is a crucial resource. It can help you get happier and healthier, reveal the secrets of the knowledge and self education industry, and open the door to the life of passion and purpose you’ve been searching for. Welcome to a community of do-ers, dream followers, fire walkers and leading entrepreneurs. Our question for you is simple… Where will you go?


Professional Do-ers


With an influx of online classes and industry professionals becoming educators, the education industry has turned on its head.way? Learn how to get unstuck.

The Better Life Challenge


Learn simple ways to alter your daily routine for a happier, more successful life.

Graduates and Superlatives


See what some of the top students in the Knowledge Business Blueprint have said about the course.

Get Plugged In


Save the dates for when Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi will share their knowledge and motivate the next wave of entrepreneurs.


A thought from entrepreneur Dean Graziosi on how to keep growing, find happiness and make the most of your life


Life is full of tough decisions. They can be painful. They can be scary. They can cause you to fear the unknown.

So, what do we do? We tuck it away, put it out of our mind and move on to something else.

That’s how we get stuck.

If we don’t make those tough decisions – to quit that dead- end job, to start that business, to finish that training course – nothing will change. In fact, our situation might actually get worse. Use these tools of thought to break out of that rut and make the changes that will lead to a happy and successful life. Imagine if you don’t change anything for five years. How will it feel when you’re in the same exact spot and haven’t made any progress? Rather than fear the unknown, let yourself fear what will happen if you stay where you are right now.

a new office in 5 years. Maybe you’ll continue to eat that unhealthy diet and rarely exercise, and in a few years you don’t love how you look or feel. Whatever tough decision or change you’re avoiding, map out the course of your life if you continue to avoid it. You might find that you’re okay with where your life is currently headed. Or, you might be unhappy with what you realize. Either way, continue on your second piece of paper by mapping out where your life might go if you make that change. You might think that you’d feel insecure…and that’s totally fine… but you might also find that this change leads you to pursue your passion, take better care of your health, or open lines of communication in your relationship. Write it all out. Think about your future, and how you’ll feel about your life if you never make a decision. Ten years from now, are you going to look back and be excited about the security you got from never making a change? Are you going to smile when you think about the passion you never pursued? Or, are you going to wish you took that chance, embraced that risk and followed the unknown path? And the last step…

“If you don’t make a decision, the pain of that inaction will do nothing but grow.”

Identify the decision that you’ve been pushing away. Are you questioning your relationship? Your job? The next step in your career? The thing that’s holding you back can come from any area of your life. If you follow any of these steps, follow this one. Find two pieces of paper (a whiteboard will work too) and, starting with the first sheet, map out what your life will look if you don’t make a decision. Where are you right now? And where will you be in six months, a year, 5 years, 10 years if nothing changes? Draw a flowchart and think about the small things… maybe you’ll get a raise or a promotion in 2 years, then you’ll have

“Your next level of life, of happiness, of joy, always lives on the other side of your biggest challenge.”

One of the best ways to become a successful entrepreneur or knowledge broker is to learn from those who have had the most success. Dean Graziosi swears by these books as some of the most influential in his own ultra-successful career. Take the time to read them, you won’t regret it!

Measure What Matters OKRs: The Simple Idea That Drives 10x Growth By John Doerr, with contributions from Bill Gates and Bono

Shoe Dog

A Memoir by the Creator of Nike By Phil Knight

When you think about the biggest company in the world, which one comes to mind first? Google? Amazon? I love this book because it reveals the strategy that John Doerr introduced to grow Google, Amazon, and so many other companies into the absolute forces they are today. In 1999, Google had cutting-edge technology and plenty of passion and ambition – but it lacked a true plan for growth. This story is all-too-familiar, isn’t it? Doerr, a venture capitalist, invested nearly $12 million into Google that year and showed its founders the power of Objectives and Key Results, or OKRs. OKRs allow a company to constantly evolve and evaluate by setting new goals depending on what works and what doesn’t. They show that anything can be accomplished by breaking big ideas into smaller, more manageable steps. It seems simple, but Doerr’s book shows how powerful this model has been! Doerr’s biggest contribution to Google – probably not his money, but a highly successful business model – resulted in unprecedented growth. Dozens of other companies have adopted Doerr’s model and, thanks to the idea that businesses need transparent goals and honest evaluation from CEO to secretary, have all become immensely successful!

I’d be willing to bet you own at least one piece of clothing with a swoosh on it. This biography is one of my favorites because I love the story of how Knight created his own path and overcame adversity. Phil Knight turned Nike into one of the most iconic companies on the planet, and this book is his secret formula. I won’t give away too much other than to tell you that, well, there is no secret formula! Knight’s strategy was one that most of us could adopt today if we had the mindset to do it. He followed three basic principles: 1. Find a mentor who can teach you and believe in you. 2. Hire competent people and give them direction, but not directives. 3. Go for broke. You’re only getting older – so why not follow your dream right now? These are all ideas I’ve tried to adopt in my own life. I’ve had so many great mentors in my life; I always want my team to feel empowered; and I never want to take anything for granted. Read this book – you won’t regret it. If it worked for Nike, it can work for you!

There Are 1,700 New Millionaires Created Every Day In America Alone... Could You Be Next? Get Your FREE Hardcover Copy Of Millionaire Success Habits!

Hurry & Get EVERYTHING Below Today Before It’s Gone...

• ​Free Millionaire Success Habits Hardcover Book (On Amazon For $19.95)

Dean Will Donate To Feeding America And Provide 20 Meals To Those In Need (Priceless)

• The 5 Best Ways To Make Money In 2018 - A Round Table Training With Dean & His Dream Team (Rare Training - Value $297)

• Access To The Better Life Challenge & A Shot To Win Dean’s Tesla (Priceless)

• Get A Seat To An Online Webclass Training Where Dean Will Reveal What They Believe What He Believes Is The #1 Way To Profit From Today’s Economy (Value $297)

• Exclusive “Confidence Builder” InterviewWith Tony Robbins (Value $97)

“Professional teachers are slowly being replaced by professional do-ers, turning the education industry on its head.”


But it shouldn’t be your only power.

Companies such as LinkedIn Learning (also called Lynda. com), Masterclass, Udemy and Skillshare are leading the charge toward connecting people who have certain skills to people who want to learn those skills. They recognize that professional teachers are slowly being replaced by professional do-ers, turning the education industry on its head. Though it may sound intimidating, the path toward becoming a graphic designer, web and app developer, master public speaker AND writer is easier than it’s ever been through these rapidly growing self-education tools. In order to maintain a successful business in today’s world, where information travels fast and is presented in more attractive and accessible ways than ever, you need a few things. A website is important, as is a marketable brand and logo. Depending on your business, you may want

Don’t let your superpower be your only power We all have superpowers. If you’re a Knowledge Business Broker, it’s likely that you’ve identified yours already. If you’re unsure what yours is, rest assured that there is something uniquely valuable about you that no one else has. Your superpower can be, and probably should be, the basis of your career.

an app, a presentation, a publication or a strong public- speaking presence. But what if you don’t have those skills? Are you going to pay someone to design your logo and website? What about hiring a writer to handle your weekly newsletter? While this is certainly a possibility, the costs can add up. Instead, what if you taught yourself everything you needed to know to build your business? Following the trend toward online education and the informal sharing of skills can benefit you tremendously if you choose to take advantage of it.

The beauty of this trend toward online self-education is that any skill you want or need to learn is available with a few clicks and a small fee (you may even have free access through your public library). But that’s also the challenge – since it’s now easier than ever to be a multi- skilled, DIY business owner, you’ve got competition. If you aren’t constantly learning how to become a more engaging speaker or staying up-to-date with the latest website capabilities, someone else is. Right now, it’s more crucial than ever that you constantly learn and grow. Self- evolution is a daily endeavor. Online self-education courses are just like any other business venture – you’ll get out what you put in. If you dive headfirst into courses and dedicate yourself to the material, you will master skills that will allow you to build and run your business on your own. If you don’t give much effort, your results (or lack of results) will show. In short, you (and all of your competitors) have access to online self-education that can turn you into a master of many things. It’s on you to dedicate the time and effort to learn.

“Self-evolution is a daily endeavor.”

LinkedIn Learning offers courses in everything from the basics of using Adobe Photoshop (need to create a logo?) to the nitty-gritty

details of developing websites and apps through various coding languages. Udema has 100,000 courses from which to choose. And Masterclass features writing classes taught by Malcolm Gladwell and cooking classes with Gordon Ramsey.

Jenna Kutcher bought a camera for $300 on Craigslist when she was 22 with the dream of leaving her stuffy corporate job to pursue her passion her passion for photography. Her investment paid off – she now runs her own 7-figure empire.

We sat down with the small-town Minnesota success story to her advice on becoming a successful business owner.

Questions for Jenna Kutcher:

Why did you pursue a career in the knowledge-sharing industry? To me, knowledge is power and sharing knowledge is the best way to add joy, save time, or help others to make money… isn’t that kind of what life is about? For me, sharing knowledge is like grabbing the hands of people I care about and leading them to bigger results faster and thus, it’s how I make a greater impact not just on those directly exposed to my content but to anyone they then share it with. What was your biggest challenge to reaching success? Time! It’s easy to wonder how it’s possible that we have the same amount of hours in a day as Beyonce. Time is my currency and so making the time to create the content, share the knowledge, and get it out into the world is always the biggest obstacle, especially as a mom. I’m pretty much a naptime warrior these days and fighting to spend every minute well. Understand that you are an expert in something… even when you don’t feel like one or don’t feel ready. When you start to harness your genius and honor it, that’s when the magic happens. If you keep doubting that you have something of value to offer, then you’ll never move forward. The world needs what you’ve got and what you know. In your opinion, what’s the biggest myth about becoming a successful business owner? That it happens overnight…. nothing happens over night. The most successful people are the most relentless people, the people who believe in the power of their dreams and are in a pursuit without caution. Nothing happens overnight, you have to want it bad enough to wake up every day to take just one imperfect step towards those dreams. Forward is forward but it’ll take time… and the best thing about time is that it will pass, so start today. What’s one thing you think everyone who wants a career in the knowledge-sharing industry needs to know? The things that come easy to you aren’t easy to everyone else – they are your genius spots… and truth be told, a lot of times we’re too close to our own genius to recognize that not everyone knows what we know. I’d like to start a business that makes an impact. What’s the first thing I should do?


Being successful takes way more than a good business idea. Sustained success requires attention to every detail – starting with your health. If you don’t take care of yourself first, it’s nearly impossible to take care of your loved ones, your business, or anything else in your life. Keep your mind and body sharp with this month’s Peak Performance Recipe!

Oven-Baked Salmon

Ingredients 12 ounce salmon fillet, cut into 4 pieces Coarse-grained salt Freshly ground black pepper Toasted Almond Parsley Salsa, for serving Baked squash, for serving, optional

Toasted Almond Parsley Salad: 1 shallot 1 tablespoons red wine vinegar Coarse grain salt 2 tablespoons capers, rinsed 1 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley 1/2 cup toasted almonds Extra-virgin olive oil

Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F.

2. Season salmon with salt and pepper. Place salmon, skin side down, on a non-stick baking sheet or in a non-stick pan with an oven-proof handle. Bake until salmon is cooked through, about 12 to 15 minutes. Serve with the Toasted Almond Parsley Salad and squash, if desired. Toasted Almond Parsley Salad: 1. Mince the shallot and add to a small bowl. Pour the vinegar over the shallots and add a pinch of salt. Let sit for 30 minutes. 2. Roughly chop the capers, parsley and almonds and add to the shallots. Add the olive oil, tasting as you go. Mix again and adjust the seasonings.

Nutrition Facts: Calories 177 Total Fat 11 g Saturated Fat 2.5 g Cholesterol 47 mg Sodium 170 mg Carbs 0 g Dietary Fiber 0 g Protein 17 g Sugar 0 g

The Better Life Challenge is a 30-day journey of making small yet powerful changes to feel more fulfilled, motivated and prepared for success and happiness. The great thing about the Challenge is that it applies to anyone, and you can follow the exercises on your time. It’s super simple, but it requires a commitment to a better life!

Try doing this one every day for a week. Use your phone to remind yourself. 1. Before you go to bed, put your phone on airplane mode. If you can, put it another room. 2. Sit on the edge of your bed. Take four deep breaths that look like this: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds with your lungs full of air, exhale for 4 seconds, then hold with your lungs empty for 4 seconds. Remember “4, 4, 4, 4,” and repeat the cycle 4 times. 3. Think about two things that you’re grateful for today. 4. Think about two things that you wish could happen tomorrow, and envision them happening. Ask yourself: “What would it look like if these things happened for me?”

That’s it, you’re done. If you liked how that felt, do it every day. And don’t forget to share the routine with your family and friends!


SEAN STEPHENSON – Fairness Is An Illusion Sean has shared his message for decades across the country and around the world, sharing the stage with U.S. Presidents, billionaire business moguls and the Dalai Lama. He’s appeared on The Oprah Show and Jimmy Kimmel. He’s a board-certified therapist, doctor of Clinical Hypnosis and a bona fide coach and mentor.

No one got more than you. No one got more than me. Looking at me, you might think you got dealt a better hand. And looking at others, you might think they were born into success. Let me tell you something:

Look at my picture. What are you thinking right now? It’s probably something like, “I can’t imagine having to deal with what he has.” Let me tell you what I have that you don’t. If you give someone a business card without a photo on it, they won’t remember you in six weeks. But look at me.

Fairness is an illusion.

The moment you start feeling sorry for yourself, you’re playing the card of “I didn’t get enough.”

You can’t scrub me from your mind for the rest of your life. Isn’t that an advantage in marketing? I’ve been stared at since birth. Isn’t that an advantage?

Are you going to give up because you don’t think you have what it takes? Are you going to convince yourself that your dream isn’t possible? Don’t tell me something isn’t possible just because you can’t see it. Love others. If you don’t, you can’t love yourself. You’ll always let jealousy and anger and resentment control you. You’ll become a parasite, seeking approval of others and focusing on why you don’t have what they have. Money is a lover. If you become a parasite chasing after others to earn money, it will avoid you. Money doesn’t like clingy people. It doesn’t like when you talk about it and think about it too much. It doesn’t like when you obsess over it. Money will come to you if you don’t pay too much attention to it. Money likes when you focus on producing and following your own heart rather than following others. Money is attracted to confidence. let jealousy and anger and resentment control you. You’ll become a parasite, seeking approval of others and focusing on why you don’t have what they have.

I get a lot of attention. That’s my advantage. And the moment I know what to do with that attention, I become a tribal leader.

Whenever you feel like you’re not enough, you’re going in a downward spiral called insecurity. You are enough. Your ego has you in a chokehold the moment you think you’re not enough. Who told you that anyway? Where did you hear that you aren’t enough? Your neighbor, your parent, your boss? I’ve got some news for you – they lied. Don’t let anyone keep your glow on low. We tear each other down so no one passes us in life. It happens to all of us, and we do it to others. We don’t want anyone to have or to be more than us. We live with the illusion that fairness should exist. And it will never stop. The more you do cool shit, the more other people are going to turn up the volume on that. You have a choice to make when people try to tear you down. Are you going to stop and be apathetic? Are you going to get really angry? That isn’t going to do anything good for you, for them, or for the planet.


How two women went from selling ice cream in a postage truck to making millions.

Incredible stories of entrepreneurs who started from the bottom and built hugely successful business aren’t as rare as you might think.

Natasha Case and Freya Estreller bought an old postal van, paid to get it towed to Coachella and started a business that brings in millions of dollars in revenue.

Recently featured on, Coolhaus is the ice cream company born in 2009 from Case and Estreller’s brilliant decision. They sold their elevated ice cream sandwiches to Coachella attendees, realized they were onto something, and ran with it. According to the article, Coolhaus sold $7 million in revenues in 2016 and projects more than $15 million for this year. Not too bad for a company that started in a broken-down van. Coolhaus’s story is filled with lessons for entrepreneurs. First, it’s anexampleof usingexpertise innewandunexpected ways. Case and Estreller have backgrounds in the design and real estate fields with particular interest in architecture. They built their business on this foundation – using the names of architects and architecture that inspired them for their frozen treats. Next, they found their niche with flavors that can’t be found anywhere else. Their company website explains that their sweet-meets-savory flavors come from real meals that they’ve eaten. One of the strangest ice cream sandwiches is made with ginger cookies and chocolate wasabi ice cream…an idea they got while eating pickled ginger radish and wasabi at a sushi dinner.

A commitment to women’s empowerment, which is near to the founders’ hearts, has defined the business. Both founders are women and the team of 14 is composed of “empowered women leaders,” the article said. The business is successful for many reasons – but its essential ingredient is an authenticity of purpose. “It speaks to how we make things and how we think about the product and our audience,” Case told

”We have authenticity in that dialogue with our audience.”

T h e K n o w l e d g e B u s i n e s s B l u e p r i n t

The Knowledge Business Blueprint (KBB) is the premier knowledge-sharing course available right now. The proven and tested 4-module, in-depth implementation program teaches you how to extract your wisdom, find those willing to pay for your knowledge and create and run wildly profitable and impactful small groups,

workshops, communities or Masterminds (whether in person or online!). It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program by three of the greatest entrepreneurs of this generation:



The Mindmint Software separates KBB from any online offer ever created. With the Mindmint Software there to act as your “personal assistant,” you will be able to use the Wisdom Extractor, Agenda Builder and Page Builder to market, sell and manage your events.

With our easy to follow checklists, you can have income flowing in, lives being impacted and events being run in weeks or even days from enrolling in the Knowledge Business Blueprint.

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Not only will you learn from the likes of Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi & Russell Brunson inside KBB, but you will also have access to monthly ongoing training with Dean as he holds your hand to true success!

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Best Community On the Planet Our students join a worldwide community of people just like them; cheering them on to their next level DAILY! Plus, this is the only group in the world where Tony & Dean go LIVE with bonus training!

To learn more today: DGACHIEVE.COM


Kristine Travis has battled divorce and the death of close family members throughout her life. After realizing she was sitting out on what life was offering her, she decided to use her experiences to serve others. Travis invested in the Knowledge Business Blueprint course two months ago to jumpstart 1Life Strategy, her coaching business that helps couples “divorce nicely.” She has mastered this in her own life and is now sharing her story and wisdom with others, largely thanks to the guidance of the KBB Method.


Students in the Knowledge Business Blueprint course are turning their lifelong passions and stories into meaningful businesses. Here, we highlight those who go above and beyond by turning the knowledge they learned in KBB into businesses that make a difference.

“Stop acting like you get to live twice.” Kristine Travis doesn’t remember which website she was on three years ago when she saw this quote for the first time, but she does remember the feeling she had. The words ignited something inside her. They motivated her to turn years of unfulfilling jobs, family trauma and detachment into a life of purpose. ç

Kristine Travis is defined by her undeniable charm and a friendly disposition that makes strangers feel that they’ve known her for many years. She admits that she sometimes carries around the sadness that can accompany those with a powerful personality, but it does not consume her. “She’s really a positive person, no matter what’s going on,” said Stephanie Sperry, her friend of eight years. “She’s always given me really good advice. That’s her natural talent.” As is the case with her business, her personality is also a direct result of her past. Travis, now 46, was born and raised in Spokane, Washington, as Kristine Bender. The oldest of three siblings, she had first dibs at her parents’ best attributes. Her father’s allure (in his case, more of a guile) and her mother’s intensely loving nature exude from Kristine today, despite the absence of both in her life – for very different reasons.

After Travis first saw this quote, she made wholesale changes in her everyday life. She started saying “now” instead of “next time.” She decided to work for herself following her true passion: helping others. It started with general life coaching, but over the course of three years her career has evolved into a business defined by her life experiences. Travis founded 1Life Strategy, an homage to her favorite quote, in 2018 and now uses her experiences as a child of divorce and a divorced parent herself to help others. Her business counsels couples on how to maintain peace and cooperation throughout and after a divorce – she calls it “divorcing nicely” – with the ultimate goal of co-parenting in a way that is not at all disruptive to children. “I never want my kids to worry about seating charts,” she said. “Whether it’s high school graduations, weddings, whatever it is, my kids will never have to worry about where they put their parents.” Travis says she wouldn’t be where she is today, self- employed in a career that gives her purpose for the first time in her life, without the guidance of the Knowledge Business

When Travis was a kid, her parents’ relationship was far from copacetic. There was no abuse in her family, but her parents separated and got back together many times, she said. Their arguments rumbled through the house for her and her siblings to hear. In an attempt to calm the storms, as only kids can, the children wrote notes pleading for peace, turned them into paper airplanes and tossed them across the open floorplan toward their arguing parents. Travis and her siblings didn’t stop there to combat the disruption of their family. After their parents fought, the Bender kids would deeply clean whichever room of the house in which the argument occurred. Travis says this was a chance, in their young minds, to start fresh – an attempt to undo what ultimately could not be undone. Following many years of continual disagreement, her parents divorced when Travis was in her 20s. Her father went on to marry another woman within six months, and eventually divorced and remarried a number of times. Her mother never remarried.

Blueprint (KBB). The KBB course allowed Travis to connect her past to her present and showed her that she should focus on divorce counseling. KBB pulled her story out of her and infused it into her business. “Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins speak my energy,” she said. “These are my people, but I didn’t even know these guys existed. I had heard of Tony, but it’s different when you see them getting after it. “I was like, ‘Oh, I want that.”

At the time of the divorce, Travis was waiting tables at a local Spokane restaurant called The Onion. Because of her wit and charm, Travis was a natural in her waitressing role, which she held for much of her 20s while living in Washington and later in California. A career-placement test in high school indicated to Travis that she’d be proficient following any path, a result that was far less helpful than it was confusing. Though she excelled in the restaurant, she has spent most of her adult life unsure of her true purpose. This lack of direction led to jobs that included organizing a celebrity golf tournament – “These weren’t A- or B-list celebrities; these were D and F-listers” – working as a leasing agent, a live-in nanny and at a child development center.

When Travis was 28, she went to work for a company called Chassis Plans in San Diego. Her then-husband, Steve Travis, was working there at the time. Before she was hired, Steve had asked her to cover the front desk for a day because the office was short- staffed. Rather than sitting quietly, Kristine decided to reconcile and balance some of the company’s budget >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42

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