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Alleyn Club Newsletter 2015

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Alleyn Club Newsletter 2013

Alleyn_Club Search for the ‘Old Alleynians in Business’ group Join the new online OA directory by si

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Alleyn Club Newsletter 2016

DulwichCollege 3 Alleyn Club News The President: Peter Lyon MA (52-60) .............................

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Alleyn Club Newsletter 2014

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Alleyn Club Newsletter 2015

The Dulwich College Yearbook

– 110th Issue & Alleyn Club Newsletter – Number 55 2015

The 133rd Alleyn Club Dinner Friday 30 October 2015 With more than 200 guests filling the Great Hall in each of the past three years, this year’s Annual Dinner promises to be another memorable occasion. We hope you will join Old Alleynians of all ages and interests on 30 October, whether coming with a friend, a large group or as a member of one of the OA clubs and societies. The Alleyn Club & Development Office will be happy to help you to gather a group of your peers.

Further information: Page 43 alleynclub @ +44 (0)20 8299 8436

Contents ............................................... Alleyn Club News The President 04 From the Secretary’s Desk 05 Secretary of the Alleyn Club 07 2014 AGM Minutes and Accounts 07 Notice of 2015 AGM 10 OA News 11 Clubs & Societies Alleynian Sailing Society 19 Association Football Club 21 Boat Club 22 Chess Club 22 Cricket Club 20 Cross Country Club 22 Football Club 23 Golf Society 24 Lodge 25 Shooting Club 25 Squash Club 26 Hollington Club & DCM Hollington Trust 26 OA Endowment Fund 27 College News 30 College Development Report 33 Roll of Benefactors 36 Events Dates for Your Diary 40 2014 UK Events 44 2014 Overseas Events 56 Overseas Contact Details 59 Obituaries 60 Booking Forms 87 Presidents of the Alleyn Club 93 Staff & Honorary Members 94 and OA Governors

Alleyn Club Committee 2014-15 ............................................... President: I W Warburton MA MSc (57-65) Vice President: P G R Lyon MA (52-60) Secretary: C W Field JP MA ARAM LRAM ARCM (51-59) Hon Asst Secretaries: N R Robinson FCIArb (62-71); T J Walsh BA Hon Treasurer: J D P Kendall MA FCAA (59-67) Committee: A Bhola (95-00) {2019}; J R M Boote (95-00) {2019}; A T Frankford (62-69) {2018}; S J W Martin (83-90) {2018}; T O C Saunders (01-06) {2018}; J F Thornton R H Boultbee (66-75) {OACC}; A N Capon (73-80) {ASS}; G O Curtis (56-64) {OAGS}; J B St L Franklin (90-98) {OAFC} Common RoomRepresentative: J H Rosslyn-Smith BSc (97-04) The Master: Dr J A F Spence BA PhD ( ex officio ) Immediate Past President: Dr C H R Niven OBE Palmes académiques (52-60) Trustees: J D P Kendall (59-67); P G R Lyon (52-60); E C J Walsh (73-81) (67-75) {2016}; A Turnbull (87-92) {2019} Sport Club Representatives:

Christopher Field (51-59) Secretary Laurie Hindley Director of Development Guy Lawrenson Development Manager Contact Us .......................................................................................................... Alleyn Club & Development Office Dulwich College, Dulwich Common, London SE21 7LD +44 (0)20 8299 8436 alleynclub @ Joanne Whaley Development Manager Katie Cullen Alumni Events Officer Alison Cole Development Administrator

Join the online OA directory at @ Alleyn_Club

Old Alleynians in Business



Alleyn Club News

The President: Ivor Warburton MA MSc (57-65) ..........................................................................................................

Ivor Warburton was at the College between 1957 and 1965, during which time he played bassoon in the orchestra, was a member of the Scouts and, in his final year, was School Captain and received an honours cap for playing 1st XV rugby. At Queens’ College, Cambridge, he read Mathematics and then Oriental Studies (Chinese). Graduating in 1968, he joined British Rail London Midland Region as a management trainee. In a career of more than 30 years (including a year doing a degree in Management and Business Studies at Warwick) his jobs included local operations, selling the rail passenger business around the world and senior positions such as Director of Passenger Marketing, principal negotiator with the trades unions and Director of Rail Operations. He went on to serve as General Manager of the London Midland region in 1990, a post held when he had joined 22 years earlier by Sir Robert Lawrence OA. Upon privatisation he served as both a director of Virgin Rail Group and Chairman of the rail passenger franchise trade association, ATOC. Ivor was a Fellow of the Chartered Institutes of Marketing, and Logistics and Transport, and a Liveryman of the Marketors’ Company. After several seasons as a tour manager, leading groups across North America, Europe and North Africa by train, he spent three years living in China as General Manager of a joint venture with part of the Ministry of Railways to develop luxury tourist trains. His current interests include walking, classical music and high speed rail developments in China, together with an insatiable appetite for world travel, particularly to Arctic and Antarctic regions. He became a trustee of the OA Endowment Fund in 2006 and is currently its Chairman. During 2015 Ivor will be travelling throughout the world to meet Old Alleynians and strengthen the bonds between the ‘Dulwich Diaspora’. He will be visiting Vancouver, Denver, Dallas, Toronto and New York in May, and plans to travel around Europe later in the summer. If you live in any of these regions and would like to meet Ivor, please contact Miss Katie Cullen in the Alleyn Club & Development Office: alleynclub @ or +44 (0)20 8299 8436.

It is a great honour to be your President this year. It is exactly 50 years since my last year at the College and it is interesting to see both how much has changed and how much is familiar. Our Club has three lasting objectives: • to provide activities for members and to keep them informed of OA matters • to make grants • to help strengthen links between the Club and the College I hope to be able to contribute in each of these areas: improving communication and contact with Old Alleynians everywhere; ensuring that the sporting and social clubs and societies are robust and receive appropriate support; and to continue to lead OAs in working with the College to assist in its evolution and development. When Alleynians leave the College they do not all live in southeast London! The ‘Dulwich Diaspora’ sees OAs in many corners of the world and I hope to visit many of the established groups in the UK and elsewhere during the coming year. I am preparing my schedule of events, so if you are away from SE21 and have a small group of Alleynians who already meet, or if you would like to arrange a small event for OAs locally in the UK, Europe or further afield, then do let the Alleyn Club & Development Office know. They will assist you; and I, as your President, will make every effort to join you!

Ivor Warburton (57-65)


Alleyn Club News

From the Secretary’s Desk ..........................................................................................................

Sitting, with pencil poised, wondering how to start this review of the Alleyn Club year, lines from Cole Porter’s 1948 musical Kiss Me, Kate flashed through my mind:

Another op’nin’, another show In Philly, Boston or Baltimo’, A chance for stage folks to say hello, Another op’nin’, of another show. So, with sincere apologies to you, Mr Porter: Another op’nin’, the AC show

In Cooden, Sherborne and Toronto, A chance for ‘A-team’ to say hello, Another op’nin’ of the AC show. Just as a new musical will start touring in the provinces before reaching the West End or Broadway, so the Alleyn Club roadshow involving the Master and the President has its fixed points around the UK and overseas before reaching its climax at the Annual Dinner in late October or early November. Incidentally, as the President reminded the committee recently, the Club’s rules state that the only event the committee is required to organise is an Annual Dinner. For all that there are fixed points (including, of course, Founder’s Day and the College Remembrance Ceremony, both occasions when the President lays a wreath at the College War Memorial), no two Alleyn Club years are ever exactly the same. Indeed, it is hoped that Alleyn Club years will become ever more varied as committee plans to engage, Heineken-like, with as many parts of the membership as possible gradually come to fruition. Returning to 2014, it gives me great pleasure to place on record the sincere thanks of Alleyn Club members to those of you who have organised the local and overseas events. These events do not just happen: their success depends on the enthusiasm and meticulous organisational skills of the organisers, together with the splendid backroom support given them by the members of the Alleyn Club & Development Office team, in particular the Development Manager, Guy Lawrenson, and the Alumni Events Officer, Katie Cullen, whose unfailing cheerfulness, courtesy and efficiency make it a pleasure to work with them. As a means of strengthening and sustaining links between the Alleyn Club and the College, the presence at these events of the Master, or one of his deputies, and the President of the Club speaks eloquently. In this latter respect, the Club was especially well served by its President for 2013-14, Dr Colin Niven, who embarked on his round of visits to events large and small, at home and abroad, knowing full well that he was likely to have to undergo major surgery as soon as his presidential year came to an end. It was, therefore,

with great gratitude, warmth and affection that Colin was greeted at the Club committee meeting in January this year, just two months after undergoing successful by-pass surgery. It also gives me pleasure to record that the work begun three years ago by Dr Bruce Smith to bring greater effectiveness to the committee’s deliberations has recently been given added impetus: during autumn 2014 a sub-committee met on three occasions to examine and report to the full committee with recommendations, including timescale, on: 2. Relations between the Club, the College and franchised Dulwich Colleges overseas and sporting clubs using the Old Alleynian or Alleyn Club name (whether closed or open) Details of recommendations made by the sub- committee and actions taken are likely to be made known later in the year. It was, however, abundantly clear from the initial debate on the sub-committee’s recommendations that the full committee wished to make the Alleyn Club relevant to the broadest spectrum of members possible. A section concerning The Life Cycle of an Alleynian, for example, addressed the need for the Club to establish and maintain effective links with OAs as they move from school to university and on to building a career and, most probably, taking on family commitments. Another, dealing with Communications, highlighted the importance of embracing modern means of communication including social media, and further developing the emerging role of OA professional networking groups. Watch this space! 1. Purpose, aims, membership and objectives of the Club


Alleyn Club News

Looking back over 2014, some of the highlights for me included: • The inaugural networking meeting on Thursday 15 May of OAs in the Arts and Media held, courtesy of Mike Kennard (61-68), at the Concert Artistes, Association in Covent Garden, which was much enlivened by the contribution of the guest speaker, Sir Peter Bazalgette (62-71), Chair of Arts Council England • The successful move of lunch back to the Christison Hall on Founder’s Day which allowed the College caterers to lay on a superb buffet lunch • The 36th OA Reunion on Saturday 20 September when Terry Walsh’s span of 60 years at Dulwich was celebrated by the unveiling of a bust of him which is now on permanent display in the Lower Hall • The Annual Dinner when, for the third year running, the Great Hall was well-nigh packed to capacity thanks to the sterling work of James Thornton and his team of table champions who managed not only to fill the tables but to reduce the average age of attendees yet again An event I much regret not having been able to attend last year was the Annual Dinner of the OA Boat Club. Of all the fixed points in the Old Alleynian/Alleyn Club year, this relative newcomer (OABC celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2015) ticks all the boxes for the future health of OA clubs and societies, including the Alleyn Club itself: its membership is young and active, it retains close links with the College and makes old-stagers from the Alleyn Club like me feel completely at home in their company. Long may it continue thus! In four years the College will celebrate its 400th anniversary; in eight years the Alleyn Club will reach its 150th anniversary. With these important milestones in prospect and as preparations are being made for them, I believe it will be important for the Alleyn Club to be in younger hands than mine – I shall be 75 just after Easter. Therefore, I have indicated to the committee that I intend to stand down as Club Secretary at the end of the year. As a result the committee will seek to appoint an OA to succeed me in time for him to work alongside me during the autumn before taking over on 1 January 2016. A job description and details of how to apply can be found on page 7. It has been a great privilege to have been able to serve the Alleyn Club over the past 14 years and to have had the pleasure of meeting so many fellow OAs of all ages at events large and small in venues as familiar as the OAFC pavilion, as ancient as an Oxbridge college, as friendly as a country hotel or as rarefied as Christies’

boardroom in New York with Picassos worth millions of dollars hanging on the walls. Regardless of the event or venue, I have always known in advance that I could rely on being welcomed warmly and that the same, genuine warmth of welcome would be afforded my wife, Eileen, whenever she has been able to accompany me. Thank you, all, very much.

37th OA Reunion Saturday 3 October

For a variety of reasons, the Reunion will have a different format this year. Those who follow international rugby will know that the 2015 World Cup is being hosted by this country during the autumn. What many may not know is that the College’s fine new 1st XV pitch will be used as a training venue for international sides from abroad. As a result, the College 1st XV will be playing at home on just four occasions during the Michaelmas Term including Saturday 3 October when they will be pitted against Brighton College. The undoubted success of last year’s Reunion, when a number of ladies were invited to join OAs to mark the 60th anniversary of Terry Walsh’s arrival at Dulwich in September 1954, has led to the decision by the College to open this year’s event to OAs and their partners. However, because the official calendar of events for the Michaelmas Term will be particularly full, it has been decided to hold the Reunion immediately following an earlier function to which recent benefactors are to be invited. A modest charge of £10 per head will be made towards the costs of College hospitality for the afternoon. In order to support those involved in organising an expanding range of Alleyn Club activities we are working with the College to change the way in which we gather and share OA contact details. This is with the aim of making it easier for individual OAs and the sports clubs to make contact with the rest of the OA community, while providing peace of mind for those who wish their contact details to remain private to the College and Club. With this in mind, please take the time to complete the update form that accompanies the Yearbook . OA >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93

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