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American Impressionist Society 2022 Catalog

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American Impressionist Society 2021 Catalog

2021 22 nd Annual National Juried Exhibition September 9 - December 12, 2021

C. W. Mundy AISM “Near Williams Creek”Oil on Canvas • 36 x 24

Gallery 1516 • 1516 Leavenworth • Omaha, Nebraska

Letter from the CEO / President and AIS Officers

Greetings andawarmwelcome tobeautiful Omaha, Nebraska, andGallery1516…homeof our 22ndAnnual American Impressionist Society National Juried Exhibition and the headquarters of AIS! Don and I are so excited for you to experience the warm Midwest hospitality of our home town and all it has to offer. After all of the challenges of the last eighteenmonths, we are looking forward to seeing many of our members, guests and art lovers here live and in person! This year’s exhibition features 174 juried works from our members as well as works from our AIS Masters, Founders and Officers, for a total of 200 paintings. This is an exceptional collection of work by some of the finest American Impressionist painters living today. Sincere congratulations to this year’s juried artists for their outstanding achievement in being selected for this prestigious exhibition. TheAmerican Impressionist Societywas founded in1998by FloridaartistsWilliamSchultz, CharlotteDickinson, andMarjorieBradley of Vero Beach, and Pauline Ney, of Ellenton. Their goal was, and our goal continues to be, to promote the appreciation of American Impressionismand to provide artists working in the Impressionist genre with exhibition, educational and networking opportunities. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. We currently have over 2,000 active members across the United States, including 125 right here in Nebraska. Membership in AIS is open to American Impressionist artists who are legal U.S. residents and anyone who would like to support AIS as a supporting member or patron. Please visit our website, or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date on the latest events and opportunities we offer and for membership information. Our Executive Director, Liz Ahrens, has nowbeenwith us for 20months and has been an incredible asset to our organization. Thanks to her efforts, we now offer four annual exhibitions: a small works showcase in the spring, two online shows (one for associate members and one for all members) and of course, this, our crown jewel, our annual national juried exhibition held in the fall. Putting together an exhibition of this caliber takes an extraordinary amount of time and hard work, and we would personally like to thank everyone who has had a part in this year’s show. Fromour Executive Director, Liz Ahrens, to Pat Drickey and his staff at Gallery 1516, to all of our generous publication and merchandise sponsors, our volunteers, members and donors, all who submitted work for jurying this year, the jury panel, our esteemed AIS Masters including C.W. Mundy AISM (judge of awards and program), Carolyn Anderson AISM (lecture), and Howard Friedland AISM (demo and workshop), and our AIS Board and Founders, sincere thanks to you all. Special thanks to the Omaha Community Foundation for their support of this exhibition. This would not be possible without each and every one of you. Thank you for your time, your hard work, and your dedication to AIS. Finally, it’s our pleasure to invite you to enjoy this beautiful collection of Impressionist works of art. We encourage you to contact us when you find one that speaks to your heart. On behalf of our Board, founder Charlotte Dickinson, and Co-founder Pauline Ney, thank you so much for your support of American Impressionism and the American Impressionist Society, and thank you for celebrating with us as we mark our 22nd National Juried Exhibition. Welcome to Omaha!

Warmest wishes,

Debra Joy Groesser, AIS CEO/President Don Groesser, AIS National Treasurer Cheryl St. John, AIS Vice President Doreen St. John, AIS Secretary

Show catalog produced by Pixel Perfect, Omaha, Nebraska Printed by Digital Express, LaVista, Nebraska *All information current at time of printing


Letter from the AIS Executive Director

We did it!

Over the past 12 months, AIS presented our annual gallery exhibitions in person. This was quite a feat considering the challenges of travel, local/state/federal guidelines and the comfort of our members. We are grateful to the gallery owners, art purchasers and of course, our AIS members for your dedication and participation. The most meaningful component of my work with AIS is the opportunity to engage with our AIS members and those yet to be members. The conversations whether in person, over the phone, via email, text, Facebook messenger or old fashioned snail mail are so important for our organization. It’s a great day when I start my morning with an early call from the east coast and end my day with a late night text from the west coast! We truly want to know what you value about your AIS membership and how we can improve our organization. Believe me, we all make mistakes or assumptions and constructive feedback is key to the advancement of the mission of AIS. We know the camaraderie at our annual exhibitions is very important tomany of our members. The downtime we’ve all experienced over the past 18 months is therapeutic for some of us and maddening for others. Check out these photos fromSt. George, Utah fromthe 2020 AIS National Exhibition and the 2021 Small Works Showcase in Charleston. The energy that builds when we gather is good medicine for the soul.

The power of communication and connection. It’s what fuels my tank. I eagerly anticipate a phone chat with you soon or an energizing visit together in Omaha, Taos or Boulder!

Liz Ahrens AIS Executive Director 231-881-7685 [email protected]


Rooted in French Impressionism and Carrying on the Tradition Today

In Paris, France, in the mid 1800’s, there was a famous annual fine art ex- hibition originally held in the upper rooms of the Louvre Palace. “The Sa- lon des Beaux Arts” was an arduously juried exhibition of works meeting the highest standards of realist aca- demic quality. The Salon was hostile toward any bold new art and stood by their rigorous approval methods. Often as many as 3,000 works were denied entrance. In 1863, there were a great many works refused to the Sa-

French Impressionism spread not only to other areas of the world such as Russia, but had a profound impact on some im- portant Americans studying abroad in France. Mary Cassatt, John Singer Sargent, James McNeil Whistler, Guy Rose and many more, all picked up influences from this new style of painting and began to incorporate its colors and effects into their works. Unlike the newspapers and buyers in Paris, American collectors seemed to be more open and accepting of this new style of work. One very important art dealer from the time, Mr. Durand Ruel, took this influence one step further by bringing over 300 Impressionist works by Eduard Monet, Edgar Degas, Berthe Mor- isot, Auguste Renoir, Camille Pissarro, Gustave Caillebotte, and more to NewYork in 1886 in an important exhibition that would reach and directly influence more American painters such as Childe Hassam andWilliam Merritt Chase. These early American Impressionists later formed groups such as The Ten, including Robert Reid, John H. Twachtman, Edmund Tarbell, Willard Metcalf, Whistler and Chase. They would funnel down the Impressionists techniques, colors and influence to the rest of America in their own schools and ateliers. Impressionism had spread from these first schools on the East coast all the way to the West by 1910 and lasted till about 1935 creating legend- ary California Impressionists artists such Edgar Payne, William Wendt and Guy Rose who had painted alongside Monet himself. AIS is very proud to have grown to be one of the most respected national art organizations in America. Rooted in this rich history, we aim to continue the tradition. AIS preserves the Impression- ist values and endeavors to bring you new works from artists working in the tradition today each year in our annual exhibi- tions. We thank you for your continued support.

lon and Napoleon, not wanting to upset the artists and voters as it was an election year, created the Salon de Refusés, for the refused works to be shown together. It was here that new works by artist Edouard Manet were shown depicting everyday scenes and using more lively visual brushwork. Instead of the usual iconic heroic, historical or mythical based themes, Manet’s works allowed the viewer into the scene them- selves - paintings from daily life. His bold work influenced many artists, in particular, Claude Monet who had begun painting landscapes. Following his friend Eugène Boudin painting on the shores of the Normandy coast and later in- fluenced by the Barbizon School’s landscapes in the country, Mon- et became one of the first Impressionist painters. Before this time, every day scenes and simple landscapes were not considered final works of art, suitable to exhibit or sell. “Impressionism” as it later became known was a brand new form of art. Born from this new subject matter and using more color, bold visible brushwork, and especially portraying the effects of light and atmosphere, Impres- sionism, at first looked down upon as unfinished works, became one of the most well known art genres.

Vanessa Françoise Rothe AIS Signature Member

The History of AIS as told by Charlotte Dickinson, Founder

Transcribed from Charlotte’s video on the “About Us” section of our website.

“Many years ago, while taking my mentor, Charles Movalli, to the airport after a wonderful workshop, he asked me, “Do you know William Schultz? He’d be like a finishing school for you.” When I got home, I called Bill Schultz and studied with him for the next ten years with his teaching, his mentoring and his inspiration. He was the most wonderful teacher! I wanted to pay it forward and help him find more venues to exhibit his work. I approached the Lake Wales Art Center in Florida and asked if they would be willing to show our work. They said they only show affiliated artists and asked if we were affiliated and I said, “Oh yes!”Then as I left the building I thought to myself “oh liar, liar pants on fire!” But I made up for it…and when I got home I called Bill Schultz, Marjorie Bradley and Pauline Ney, and we got affiliated. Hence our first show was held at the Lake Wales Art Center with six artists showing. And look how it has grown. The AIS loves to help artists fulfill and reach their goals by having great venues all over the country to show their work.”

For the rest of the story, you can view the entire video on the “About Us” section of our website.


AIS Exhibition History

American Impressionist Society Exhibitions – 1999-2020 First group exhibition- works by seven AIS artists - Wales Arts Center, Florida, Jan. 7 - Feb. 15, 1999. Annual National Juried Exhibitions and Best of Show AwardWinners 1st Annual - Holiday Inn Oceanside, Vero Beach FL. Nov. 27-28, 1999. Kevin Macpherson, Best of Show 2nd Annual - Cincinnati Art Club, Cincinnati, OH. Aug. 25 - Sept. 3, 2000. Ray Roberts, Best of Show 3rd Annual - William Lester Gallery, Port Reyes Station, CA. Oct. 2001. Frank Gannon, Best of Show 4th Annual - Morro Bay Art Association, San Luis Obispo, CA. Oct. 2002. Calvin Liang, Best of Show 5th Annual - Charlotte Flinn Gallery, Vero Beach FL. Nov. 2003. Erin Rosen, Best of Show 6th Annual - Nichols Taos Fine Art Gallery, Taos, NM. June 2005. Kathleen Newman, Best of Show 7th Annual - Rockport Center for the Arts, Rockport, TX. Apr. 5 - May 6, 2006. Diane Eugster, Best of Show 8th Annual - Hilligoss Gallery, Chicago, IL. May 2007. Marci Oleszkiewicz, Best of Show 9th Annual - Coda Gallery, Palm Desert, CA. Nov. 22 - Dec. 21, 2008. Kathleen Dunphy, Best of Show 10th Annual - Saks Gallery, Denver, CO. Oct. 23 - Dec. 2, 2009. Dan Schultz, Best of Show 11th Annual - Richland Fine Art, Nashville, TN. Oct. 7 - Nov. 3, 2010. Forrest Formsma, Best of Show 12th Annual - Mountainsong Galleries, Carmel, CA. Oct. 15 - Nov. 15, 2011. Kathryn Turner, Best of Show

13th Annual - Eckert & Ross Fine Art, Indianapolis, IN. Nov. 2012. (Included a Master Symposium at the Herron School of Art & Design, Indianapolis/Purdue University, Nov 9-11, 2012, with eight AIS Master Artists instructing.) Gladys Roldan-de-Moras, Best of Show 14th Annual - M Gallery/Principle Gallery, Charleston, SC. Oct. 2013. John Cook, Best of Show 15th Annual - Abend Gallery, Denver, CO. Oct. 2 - Nov. 1, 2014. Mark Boedges, Best of Show 16th Annual - Trailside Galleries, Scottsdale, AZ. Oct 1 - 29, 2015. James Richards, Best of Show 17th Annual - Howard Mandville Gallery, Kirkland, WA. Sept. 29 - Oct. 30, 2016. Adam Clague, Best of Show 18th Annual - Montgomery Lee Fine Art, Park City UT, Sept. 28 - Oct. 29, 2017. Jason Sacran, Best of Show 19th Annual - Guenzel Gallery, Peninsula School of Art, Fish Creek WI. Sept 27 - Oct. 28, 2018. Nancy Boren, Best of Show 20th Annual National Juried Exhibition - Salmagundi Club, NYC. Sept. 19 - Oct. 2, 2019. Jing Zhao, Best of Show 21st Annual - Illume Gallery, St. George, Utah October 22-November 21, 2020. Brent Jensen AIS, Best of Show 22nd Annual - Gallery 1516, Omaha, Nebraska September 10 - December 12. Best of Show announced at opening. AIS Impressions Small Works Showcase Juried Exhibition Inaugural Exhibition - Randy Higbee Gallery, Costa Mesa CA. March 11-25, 2017. C.M. Cooper, Best of Show 2nd Annual - Greenhouse Gallery, Cincinnati OH. March 2018. Melanie Thompson, Best of Show 3rd Annual - Crooked Tree Arts Center, Petoskey MI, June 1 - Aug. 31, 2019. Abigail McBride, Best of Show 4th Annual - RS Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, Texas March 6 - July 4, 2020, Rosanne Cerbo, Best of Show 5th Annual - Reinert Fine Art, Charleston, SC - April 1- April 30, 2021, Valerie Craig AIS, Best of Show

2022 AIS Exhibition Schedule 6th Annual AIS Impressions Small Works Showcase Wilder Nightingale Gallery Taos, New Mexico May 12 - June 19, 2022 Awards Judge James Richards AISM

23rd Annual AIS National Juried Exhibition MaryWilliams Fine Art Boulder, Colorado

September 15 - October 22, 2022 Awards Judge Huihan Liu AISM


Awards Judge C.W. Mundy AISM

Charles Warren Mundy, b.1945, Indianapolis, Indiana

Charles Warren Mundy, an American Impressionist Artist, was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. He gradu- ated with a Fine Art Degree and a Secondary Education Teaching Degree from Ball State University in Indiana in 1969 and then worked on a Masters of Fine Art at Long Beach State, California. From an early age, Mundy demonstrated a propensity for drawing and athletics. In 1978, he combined his love for art and sports and worked as a sports illustrator for over a decade. For a time, he lived in Nashville, Indiana and was the official illustrator for Bobby Knight, head basket- ball coach at Indiana University. His company “Champion Illustrated Sports” also received important commissions from the Pro Golfers Association, the United States Golf Association, and the National Basketball Association. In the early 1990’s, Mundy sought a different approach to painting and took on the challenge of painting in a more impressionistic style, going out of doors and painting “en plein air” and “from life.” This painting style led Mundy to a series of European Plein Air painting trips as well as the coasts and harbors of the US. Mundy was invited in 2003 to Master Signature Member- ship in the national organization Oil Painters of America. In 2007, he achieved Master Status in The American Im- pressionist Society. He is also a Signature Member, and re- cently elected Fellow of The American Society of Marine Artists. Mundy was elected in 2012 to Signature Member- ship in the prestigious California Art Club. In 2016-2018, Mundy was invited to participate in the American Masters Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club, NYC. C.W. Mundy is represented by Eckert & Ross Fine Art (IN), Castle Gallery (IN), Mary Williams Fine Art (CO), Vanessa Rothe Fine Art (CA), Gallery 1261 (CO), Guarisco Gallery (DC). Mundy enjoys playing banjo with the bluegrass band The Disco Mountain Boys. In 2011, he recorded his debut al- bum, Road Trip, published by Moon Surf Records. He has recently recorded his 2nd album, “The Impressionists.”

C.W. Mundy AISM

C. W. Mundy AISM “Cloudscape Over The White River”Oil on canvas • 24 x 24

For more information, gallery representation, and images, refer to


Lecture and Panel Discussion Carolyn Anderson AISM OPAM AIS Masters Presenters

Originally from the Chicago area, Anderson attended school at Illinois State University. While there, she took time off to join VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) and was assigned to the Rocky Boy Reservation in north central Montana. Many years later she returned to make this part of the West her permanent home. Over the years, she has received numerous awards for her paintings, including twice winning the C.M. Russell Museum Auction Best of Show. She has also received several Master Awards of Excellence at the American Impressionist Society show, several Northwest Rendezvous Merit Awards and the NWR President’s Choice Award. She has participated in major national shows for over thirty years, including the Prix de West, C.M. Russell Museum Show, and the Coors Western Art Exhibit.

A respected workshop instructor, Anderson teaches several classes a year. She has taught for the Fechin School, Scottsdale Artists’ School, Frye Museum, National Cowboy andWestern Heritage Museum, and Walt Disney Imagineering. While doing work for Walt Disney Imagineering in California, she was contracted to research and write about visual language. She has continued her research in that area of art and science and uses this information in her writing and workshop instruction.

Workshop and Painting Demonstration HOWARD FRIEDLAND AISM OPAM

Howard Friedland was born in Bronx, New York; lived in Miami, Florida, Albuquerque, New Mexico and Bozeman, Montana. He and his wife artist Susan Blackwood now reside in Arkansas. He studied fine art and commercial art at New York’s High School of Music and Art. He went to college at The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Art and Science in the department of Art and Architecture in New York.

Howard has studied oil painting with Ned Jacob, Michael J. Lynch, Mark Daley, Laura Robb, William Schultz, Robert Kuester, Charles Reed, Carolyn Anderson, Mitch Billis, Scott Christensen, Matt Smith and Joshua Clare. Oil Painters of America inducted Howard as a Signature Member into their organization in 2003. He recently was the winner of the Second Place and the Artist’s Choice Awards at the American Impressionist Society National Show. Howard has painted, taught and exhibited extensively in numerous states in the U.S. as well as Mexico, France, Italy, England, Spain, Portugal, Croatia and China. Friedland’s work is featured in many private and corporate collections around the world including museums in China. Howard was invited to join renown Chinese American artist Zhiwei Tu and several prominent American and Chinese master painters to paint and exhibit large plein air paintings created in China in 2011 and 2014.


2021 Awards

Over $75,000 in cash and merchandise 2021 Juried Cash Awards funded by AIS

Best of Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12,000 Second Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8,000 Third Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,000 William Schultz Memorial Award in Oils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Marjorie L. Bradley Memorial Associate Member Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Dickinson Signature Member Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Ney Founders Masters Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 President’s Choice Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Award of Excellence for Pastels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 Award of Excellence for Watermedia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,000 AIS 2021 Publication Sponsor Awards - Master Artists: Southwest Art Magazine Master Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,380 value American Art Collector Master Award of Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,400 value AIS 2021 Publication Sponsor Awards - Juried Artists: Western Art and Architecture Award of Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $4,250 value Fine Art Connoisseur Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,995 value Plein Air Magazine Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,995 value Southwest Art Magazine Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,380 value American Art Collector Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,400 value Art of the West Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Full page ad $3,045 value Artists Choice Award: Fine Art Connoisseur Digital Featured Artist ($850), Method Lights $130 gift certificate, Artframes $100 gift certificate, 500 Cash (AIS) Merchandise Sponsor Awards: Artwork Archive Award of Excellence - Blick Art Materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Artwork Archive 5 year Master Plan ($1,140 value) Bella Muse Productions $250 gift certificate, Raymar $125 gift certificate, Blick merchandise certificate $100 Artwork Archive Award of Excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Artwork Archive 5 year Master Plan ($1,140 value) Fredericksburg Artists School $600 Scholarship FASO Artist Websites Award of Distinction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two Year Website Hosting ($600 value), $500 cash (AIS) FASO Artist Websites Award of Distinction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two Year Website Hosting ($600 value), $500 cash (AIS) Sennelier/Savoir Faire Award of Distinction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sennelier/Savoir Faire $500 Gift Certificate, $600 cash (AIS) Gamblin Artist Oils Awards of Distinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gamblin Artist Oils $500 gift certificate JFM Enterprises $250 gift certificate, Princeton Brushes $300 gift certificate Blue Ridge Oils Award of Distinction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Blue Ridge Oils $500 gift certificate, JFM Enterprises $250 gift certificate Cheap Joe’s $250 gift certificate JFM Enterprises Award of Distinction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .JFM Enterprises $500 gift certificate, Blue Ridge Oils $250 gift certificate Wind River Arts $300 gift certificate Princeton Brushes Award of Distinction . . . . . . . . . . Princeton Brushes $300 gift certificate, Golden Artist Colors $100 gift certificate FASO Artists Websites 2 year Web Hosting ($600 value), $100 cash (AIS) Award of Merit . . . . . . . . . Method Lights $320 gift certificate, Airfloat $150 gift certificate, MultiMedia Artboard $150 gift certificate Award of Merit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master Pak $300 gift certificate, Method Lights $130 gift certificate, $150 cash (AIS) Award of Merit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SourceTek Panels $300 gift certificate, Blick Art Materials $100 gift certificate, $200 cash (AIS) Honorable Mention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blick Art Materials $100 gift certificate, $200 cash (AIS) Honorable Mention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rosemary Brushes $100, $200 cash (AIS) Honorable Mention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300 cash (AIS) Honorable Mention . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Ridge Oils $250 Gift Certificate, $50 cash AIS Southwest Art All Member Plein Air Paintout “Wet Wall” Exhibition Best of Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 Cash (AIS), Williamsburg Color Set ($40 value), Fine Art Connoisseur Subscription ($40 value) Second Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Blick Art Materials $100 gift certificate, $200 cash (AIS) Third Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Blick Art Materials $100 gift certificate, $50 cash (AIS) Three Honorable Mentions . . . . . Williamsburg Colors Set ($40 value), Fine Art Connoisseur subscription ($40 value) for each winner


2021 Sponsors Platinum Publication Sponsors:

Platinum Award Sponsors

Contributing Award Sponsors: Golden Artist Colors MasterPak Multimedia Artboard Sourcetek Wind River Arts

Premium Award Sponsors: Blue Ridge Oils Gamblin Artist Oil Colors JFM Enterprises Princeton Artist Brush Co. Supporting Award Sponsors: Bella Muse Productions Blick/Utrecht Cheap Joe’s Fredericksburg Artist School Method Lights Sennelier/Savoir-Faire Program Sponsors: American Art Collector: Happy Hour Reception Art of the West: Education Day Lunch

Friends of AIS: AirFloat Systems Raymar Art Rosemary and Co.

Southwest Art: “Southwest Art Saturday” All Member Paintout, Closing Party Western Art and Architecture: Collector’s Presentation, Tim Newton/Publisher



Use the coupon code AIS to receive 50% off of our All Access or Basic online subscription courses. Two award winning, nationally acclaimed artists and teachers Elizabeth Robbins and Shanna Kunz offer each month two full length instructional video courses, two concept videos lessons, art history, product reviews, tips & Techniques, Back to Basics, Critiques, Guest Artists and NO CONTRACT! Plus so much more!

Shanna Kunz

Elizabeth Robbins


AIS Master Artists AIS Masters are invited by the AIS Board of Directors and may sign “AISM” after their name. Masters are selected carefully and are considered to be leaders in the art community. Nationally known, they epitomize the highest level of impressionism and passionately give back to the society by sharing their knowledge.

Our AIS Masters

Carolyn Anderson Kenn Backhaus Clayton J. Beck III Dan Beck Anne Blair Brown Roger Dale Brown Scott Burdick

Nancy Bush Betty Carr Scott Christensen Kim English Jerry Fresia Howard Friedland Lois Griffel

Huihan Liu Albert Handell Quang Ho Peggi Kroll-Roberts Calvin Liang Weizhen Liang Kevin Macpherson

Ned Mueller C.W. Mundy Camille Przewodek James Richards William Schneider Zhiwei Tu Dawn Whitelaw

Kenn Backhaus AISM “Essex Interior”Oil 24 x 30 • $10,500

Carolyn Anderson AISM “Coachman”Oil 12 x 9 • $5,000


AIS Master Artists

Anne Blair Brown AISM “Welcome In”Oil on Linen 24 x 24 • $4,800

Dan Beck AISM “Almost Spring”Oil 28 x 22 • $5,800

Nancy Bush AISM “Autumn Storm” Oil on Belgian Linen 20 X 20 • $6,000

Roger Dale Brown AISM “All Lit Up”Oil on Linen 24 x 34 • $9,000


Betty Carr AISM “Cool Morning Shadows”Oil 12 x 16 • $1,600

Howard Friedland AISM “Take Me Home Country Road”Oil 18 x 24 • $4,800

Albert Handell AISM “Near Baronof Falls”Oil 22 x 28 • $14,500

Calvin Liang AISM “Sailing in Newport Beach”Oil 18 x 24 • $4,200


AIS Master Artists

Hui Han Liu AISM “Taos Cloud” Oil on canvas 18 x 24 • $8,500

Weizhen Liang AISM “Bright Dream”Oil on canvas 18 x 24 • $3,500

Kevin Macpherson AISM “Quetzaltanango”Oil on linen in pochade box 6 x 8 • $4,400

Ned Mueller AISM “Summer’s Roses”Oil on linen 19 x 10 • $2,900


Camille Przewodek AISM “ Vernazza Snapshot”Oil on panel 20 x 16 • $6,500

CW Mundy AISM “Near Williams Creek”Oil on canvas 36 x 24 • $18,500

James Richards AISM “All in the Family”Oil 24 x 20 • $10,000


AIS Master Artists

Dawn Whitelaw AISM “Overnight Accumulation”Oil on Linen 16 x 18 • $2,100

William Schneider AISM “ Wildling Warrior” Pastel 20 x 16 • $3,250


AIS Leadership

AIS 2021 Officers and Board Members:

Founders: Charlotte Dickinson AIS

Debra Joy Groesser AIS President/CEO Cheryl St. John AIS Vice President

Doreen St. John AIS Secretary Don Groesser National Treasurer

Charlotte Dickinson AIS Theresa Proctor AIS Mark Daly AIS

Pauline Ney AIS, Co-founder Marjorie Bradley (1933-2016) William Schultz (1919-2005)

Debra Joy Groesser AIS, CEO/President “Rebirth: Into the Light”Oil 20 x 24 • $3,200

Cheryl St. John AIS, Vice President “Rose Garden”Oil on Linen 12 x 12 • $1,450

Doreen St. John AIS, Board Secretary ”Bright Hope for Tomorrow” Soft Pastel 18 x 24 • $2,200


Founders and Board Members

Charlotte Dickinson AIS, Founder, Board Member “Blue Cup with Persimmons”Oil 12 x 16 • $3,950

Mark Daly AIS, Board Member “Flag Crossings”Oil on Linen 16 x 12 • $3,750

Pauline Ney AIS, Co-Founder “ House with a Green Door”Oil 12 x 16 • $2,600

Terry Proctor AIS, Board Member “February’s Blanket”Oil 12 x 24 • $5,250


Juried Works

Bill Angresano “The Garden Table”Oil on canvas 16 x 20 • $3,200

Marla Baggetta “Piazza Santo Spirito”Oil 6 x 6 • $600

Tom Balderas “Impression - Figure in Studio” Oil on canvas 24 x 20 • $3,500

Stacy Barter “Unfolding”Oil on linen 20 x 16 • $3,500

Jill Basham “The Windy City”Oil on linen 30 x 24 • $6,200

Chula Beauregard AIS “Fish Creek Falls Evening”Oil on linen panel 12 x 9 • $1,000


Juried Works

Bob Beck AIS “Almost Spring”Oil 20 x 24 • $2,300

Brian Belfield “Fortitude”Oil on canvas 24 x 30 • $2,100

Carole Belliveau “Relic of the Past”Oil 12 x 16 • $1,095

Don Biehn AIS “The Hustle”Oil on linen panel 9 x 12 • $1,000


Nanette Biers “Summer Vineyard”Oil on panel 10 x 20 • $1,300

Karen Blackwood “Luminance”Oil 10 x 20 • $3,200

Stan Bloomfield AIS “Morning in the Canyon” Soft Pastel 16 x 21 • $4,500

Beverly Boren “White Roses”Oil 14 x 11 • $1,250

Nancy Boren AIS “Turquoise Dream”Oil on canvas 16 x 12 • $2,000

Richard Boyer “Last Light”Oil on board 30 x 30 • $6,500


Juried Works

Lily Braff “Farm Chef at Work”Oil 20 x 24 • $1,200

Lon Brauer AIS “Saturday’s Project”Oil on panel 20 x 20 • $4,250

Marla Brenner “Passel of Pigeons” Gouache 8 x 8 • $750

J M Brodrick “The Pollock” Acrylic 24 x 30 • $3,500

Jenny Buckner AIS “Unfolding Grace”Oil 20 x 14 • $2,800

Brienne Brown AIS “Walking Together”VarnishedWatercolor on Panel 12 x 16 • $1,450


Michele Byrne AIS “Unity IV”Oil on Linen Panel 20 x 16 • $2,500

Ken Cadwallader AIS “Gentle Character”Oil on Linen 16 x 12 • $2,500

Jim Carson AIS “Black Eyes”Oil on linen panel 16 x 20 • $1,900

Kim Casebeer “Pillsbury in Fall”Oil on linen 8 x 10 • $900

Rosanne Cerbo AIS “Cooped In” Oil on linen 12 x 9 • $1,050

Marc Chatov “Pumpkin Heart”Oil on canvas 20 x 20 • $4,200


Juried Works

Robin Cheers AIS “The Art of the Farrier”Oil on linen 14 x 18 • $1,450

Kristin Clark AIS “With a Faery Hand in Hand”Oil on linen 16 x 20 • $1,650

Valerie Collymore “Pointu Fishing Boats in Cagnes-sur-mer”Oil on linen on panel 8 x 16 $1,100

James Coe AIS “Vermont Afterglow”Oil on linen 18 x 24 • $3,600

C.M. Cooper “Peaceful”Oil on linen 10 x 20 • $2,500

Gary Cooley “4/3/21 Selfie”Oil on linen 19 x 13.50 • $1,900


Erin Cordle “Smoke Break”Oil on Canvas 20 x 20 • $1,200

Nancy Crookston AIS “Just a Summer Kind of Day”Oil on masonite 36 x 20 • $6,000

Richard Dahlquist AIS “High Country Homestead”Oil 18 x 24 • $3,200

J. E. Daly “Winter Marsh”Oil on linen 20 x 24 • $4,200

Tony D’Amico AIS “Barn Sale Treasures”Oil on linen panel 18 x 14 • $3,000

Julie Davis AIS “The Turning”Oil on panel 11 x 14 • $1,150


Juried Works

Dee Beard Dean AIS “Aspen Path”Oil 20 x 24 • $3,680

Rick J. Delanty AIS “Sashay!” Acrylic on board 16 x 20 • $3,200

Katie Dobson Cundiff AIS “Cracker Barn”Oil on canvas board 14 x 18 • $1,800

Fred Doloresco AIS “Social Climber”Oil on canvas 30 x 24 • $5,200

Frank Eber AIS “Schulweg”Oil 20 x 24 • $2,700

Barbara Summers Edwards “Sun Washed Morning”Oil on linen panel 18 x 14 • $2,100


Juried Works

Jeanne Edwards AIS “Tired Mules”Oil on canvas board 11 x 14 • $950

John Eiseman “Gull’s Post”Oil on canvas 12 x 16 • $1,500

Susan Elwart Hall AIS “A Touch of Blue” Gouache 15 x 9 • $875

Diane Eugster ”Deep in Thought”Oil on Panel 24 x 24 • $4,035

Bill Farnsworth AIS “Blinded by the Light”Oil on linen 24 x 24 • $6,800

Catherine Fasciato AIS “Breaking Revisited”Oil on canvas 14 x 18 • $2,500


Kaye Franklin AIS “Winter Woods”Oil on linen 11 x 14 • $1,500

Diane Frossard AIS “Shade”Oil on panel 12 x 12 • $1,700

Stuart Fullerton “Open Studio”Oil on linen on board 11 x 14 • $2,000

Katherine Galbraith “Modern Love Letter”Oil on linen 24 x 18 • $4,000

Judy Gelfert “Stomping Grounds”Oil on panel 16 x 20 • $1,850

Mark Gingerich AIS “Rustic Glow”Oil on linen 20 x 30 • $3,800


Juried Works

Jill Glassman “Mid-day Marsh” Pastel on sanded paper 16 x 20 • $800

Millie Gosch AIS “Apple Tree”Oil on Panel 12 x 16 • $1,200

Steve Griggs “Where the Light Gets In”Watercolor 14 x 10 • $1,300

Joseph Gyurcsak AIS “Jim’s Garage” Acrylic on canvas 14 x 18 • $2,000

Nancy Haley “Sunset Reflections”Oil 24 x 18 • $2,800

Marc Hanson “Bonaventure Blooming”Oil on linen 16 x 20 • $2,600


Susan Hecht “Toasting You”Oil 24 x 24 • $2,500

Marjorie Hicks AIS “Shade on the River”Oil on Canvas Panel 20 x 24 • $3,500

Paula Holtzclaw AIS “Out in a Blaze of Glory”Oil on linen panel 11 x 14 • $2,600

Neal Hughes “Rowboats Monhegan Island“ Oil on linen 24 x 36 • $9,500

Debra Huse AIS “Nautical Indulgence”Oil on Linen 16 x 20 • $4,800

Susiehyer AIS “Inadvertently Outside”Oil on masonite 20 x 16 • $2,550


Juried Works

Charles Iarrobino AIS “All Aglow”Oil on linen on panel 24 x 30 • $4,400

Eric Jacobsen AIS “Bok Choy and Tomatoes”Oil on Board 24 x 30 • $4,000

Barbara Jaenicke AIS “From the Rim Toward Broken Top”Oil on linen panel 16 x 12 • $2,100

Frankie Johnson “Up in Smoke”Oil on panel 16 x 12 • $2,000

Shelby Keefe AIS Maltese Princess”Oil on canvas 24 x 20 • $6,500

Anna T. Kelly “Help Is Coming”Oil on linen 20 x 30 • $3,800


Laurie Kersey AIS “Cypress Coast Sunset”Oil on canvas 18 x 24 • $4,500

Janice Kirstein AIS “The Costumer’s Closet”Oil on board 20 x 16 • $1,100

Thomas Kitts AIS “Apples & Peonies”Oil on panel 16 x 12 • $2,800

Cheryl Koen “Herd Mentality”Oil on linen panel 24 x 36 • $4,400

Irene Kovalik “Courthouse Santa Barbara”Oil on canvas 18 x 14 • $1,800

Bhavani Krishnan “Swan Song”Oil on Gessoboard 16 x 20 • $850



Juried Works

Shanna Kunz AIS “Staccato Sunrise”Oil on linen panel 16 x 30 • $4,800

Ann Larsen AIS “Late Spring Day”Oil on linen panel 11 x 14 • $1,600

Dottie Leatherwood AIS “Bewitched”Oil on canvas 18 x 18 • $1,200

Christopher Leeper “River of Light”Oil on canvas 20 x 24 • $4,250

Laura Lewis “The Forge”Oil 18 x 14 • $1,500

Shuang Li AIS “Tuna Harbor After Rain”Watercolor on paper 15 x 22 • $2,500 ___


Juried Works

Carolyn Lindsey “Petes Place”Oil 12 x 9 • $825

Michael Lindstrom “Roses in Blue Vase”Oil 20 x 16 • $1,000

Matt Linz AIS “Hazel”Oil on board 12 x 9 • $950

David Lussier “Double Dog Dare”Oils 24 x 30 • $6,000

Robert MacPherson “Chinatown II”Oil paint 20 x 16 • $1,700

Chris Manwaring “The Reminder”Oil on Board 26 x 21 • $4,200


Jory Mason “Sizzle” Soft Pastel 19 x 25 • $1,600

Barbara Mauldin “Sky Scraper”Oil on linen 24 x 18 • $1,400

Jennifer McChristian “Catalyst”Oil on panel 20 x 16 • $3,800

Lori McNee “In Harmony”Oil on panel 12 x 12 • $1,400

Jonathan McPhillips AIS “Camden Companions”Oil on linen panel 16 x 20 • $2,800

Jim McVicker “White Amaryllis”Oil on linen panel 20 x 16 • $4,200


Juried Works

Spencer Meagher “Toujouse Bar - The Tremont House” Acrylic 16 x 20 • $2,000

Kami Mendlik AIS “Spirit Waters”Oil 18 x 24 • $4,200

Lisa Mozzini-McDill “Peaceful Congregation”Oil on Canvas 20 x 20 • $3,000

Linda Mutti “A Summer’s Evening Walk” Pastel 12 x 16 • $1,200

Tom Nachreiner AIS “Black Carriage”Oil on canvas 24 x 30 • $3,800

Nancy Nowak AIS “Beneath The Palms” Pastel 12 x 9 • $1,100


Anton Nowels “Fading Light”Oil on linen 24 x 30 • $3,500

Joseph Orr “Winter’s Final Page” Acrylic 16 x 20 • $3,600

Richard Oversmith AIS “Green Pastures”Oil on Linen 24 x 34 • $6,000

Pamela Padgett “Still Standing”Oil on linen 16 x 20 • $2,200

D. K. Palecek AIS “Responsibility to Awe”Oil 20 x 16 • $3,000

Jay Parks “Sandia Winter Walk”Oil 20 x 24 • $1,800


Juried Works

Bruce Peil “First Light”Oil on stretched canvas 24 x 36 • $5,000

Mike Peterson “The Artist’s Studio”Oil on linen 19 x 15.50 • $1,500

Mary Pettis AIS “Generations”Oil on linen 20 x 16 • $4,496

Elizabeth Pollie AIS “The Night Shift”Oil 30 x 30 • $8,600

Lori Putnam AIS “The Nativity”Oil on linen panel 8 x 16 • $2,500

Mary Qian AIS “James”Oil on canvas 16 x 12 • $1,800


Natasha Ramras “Sentinels”Oil canvas 24 x 12 • $1,200

Christine Rapa “Here Comes the Sun“ Oil on Linen panel 20 x 16 • $1,500

Jessie Rasche “Impressionist Ducks”Oil on canvas 9 x 12 • $525

Patrick Reeves “Boy in Blue”Oil on panel 24 x 30 • $3,500

Tat Robberts “Let’s drink!”Oil on canvas 16 x 20 • $1,500

Sam Robinson “Tadpoles”Oil on Canvas 16 x 12 • $1,800


Juried Works

Jeanne Rosier Smith “Sunlit” Pastel 8 x 16 • $1,100

Stuart Roper AIS “Grazing In Hill Country”Oil on linen panel 8 x 10 • $1,100

Jason Sacran AIS “Weekend Calm”Oil on linen 17 x 29 • $2,400

Todd Saal “Monday Blues”Watercolor 15 x 11 • $1,000

Manon Sander “The Right Angle”Oil on linen panel 12 x 12 • $950

Susan Sarback AIS “The Eucalyptus Grove”Oil on linen panel 18 x 24 • $3,400


Barbara Schilling “Wild Knapweed”Oil on linen 20 x 20 • $1,500

Aaron Schuerr AIS “Alpine Cascade”Oil 24 x 24 • $5,100

Dan Schultz AIS “Autumn Carpet”Oil on Linen Panel 12 x 16 • $1,800

Larry Seiler AIS “Joy Comes In the Morning”Oil on canvas 22 x 28 • $3,600

Jeanette Sherritze Herron “Little Cherubs”Oil 16 x 12 • $960

Michael Situ AIS “Street Light”Oil on Canvas Panel 12 x 16 • $1,950


Juried Works

Daly Smith “A Touch of Blue”Oil on canvas 18 x 24 • $1,825

Jerry Smith AIS “Summer Matinee”Oil on canvas 16 x 20 • $1,500

Shannon Smith Hughes AIS “More Coffee?”Oil on linen 24 x 30 • $5,100

Richard Sneary “Laundry Day in Havana”Watercolor 14 x 10 • $1,400

Yelena Snovsky “Cheese andWine”Oil on linen panel 9 x 12 • $1,000

Tsvetelina Sowers “Spring Blossoms and Clementines”Oil on panel 16 x 20 • $2,500


J. Ken Spencer “Country Road”Oil on Panel 18 x 24 • $4,200

Katriel Srebnik AIS “Sunny September Morning in Paris”Oil on Linen 12 x 16 • $2,500

Curt Stanfield “Muddy Reflection”Oil on panel 11 x 14 • $1,100

Phil Starke “Family Fishing Boat Symi Greece”Oil on canvas 16 x 20 • $3,500

James Swanson AIS “Late Flea Market Pickings”Oil on linen 16 x 12 • $1,700

Keiko Tanabe “Hook Lighthouse 1”Watercolor on paper 14 x 20 • $2,450


Juried Works

Nancy Tankersley AIS “Sweetgrass Man”Oil on linen 18 x 18 • $3,200

Brad Teare “Summer Light”Oil on canvas 30 x 30 • $5,800

Valtcho Tonov “Winter Glow Beargrass Creek”Oil on canvas 20 x 24 • $2,200

Christine Troyer “Hiking In” Pastel 12 x 12 • $750

Milly Tsai “Rose & Apples”Oil 11 x 14 • $1,200

Michele Usibelli AIS “April in Paris”Oil 12 x 12 • $1,800


George Van Hook “Mid-October”Oil on linen 24 x 30 • $4,200

David Vollbracht “Spring Creek Pasture”Oil 20 x 24 • $2,400

BarbWalker “Route 30 Diner”Oil on linen 8 x 10 • $800

Charles Young Walls AIS “Statuette with Roses”Oil 24 x 18 • $4,000

Jove Wang “The Man Who Herded the Hairy Cow”Oil on Linen 24 x 36 • $14,500

Durre Waseem “Evening Grocery”Oil on canvas 20 x 20 • $2,200


Juried Works

Marilyn Wear “Sunset Siesta”Oil on canvas 12 x 24 • $1,900

Jeffrey Watts AIS “Remembrance”Oil on Arches Oil Paper 18 x 24 • $12,500

Robin Weiss “The Working Dock”Oil on linen panel 14 x 11 • $900

Shirle Wempner “Tomatoes and Tea”Oil 10 x 10 • $650

Karen Werner AIS “Painting Again”Oil on cradled panel 8 x 8 • $650

Kathie Wheeler AIS “Peace My Soul”Oil 10 x 8 • $950


Shelly Wierzba “Carpe Diem”Oil 16 x 20 • $950

Toni Williams AIS “Hollister Shadows”Oil on panel 12 x 16 • $1,200

Larry Winborg “Refitting the Cape John”Oil 22 x 31 • $8,500

Ran Wu “Sunday Morning in Pasadena”Oil 20 x 30 • $3,600

Gary Young AIS “Late Day at Mevagissey”Oil on Linen 24 x 36 • $6,300

Raymond Yuan “Staring into the Distance”Oil on canvas 36 x 24 • $2,000


Juried Works

Allie Zeyer “A Time to Rest”Oil 8 x 14 • $950

Ni Zhu AIS “Once upon A Time in Egypt”Oil 12 x 24 • $2,400

Congratulations to the juried artists in our 22nd Annual National Exhibition. AIS offers four exhibitions each year for our members to enter their works which are reviewed and scored by five jurors working in a blind process. The accepted 174 juried artworks in this exhibition received the highest scores out of the 1,200 entered works.



AIS ONLINE EXHIBITION 2020 Daniel Mundy Blue Hillside Through Trees Oil on Linen 24 x 30 Awards Judge Ned Mueller AISM


Paris House Boats Oil on Linen 24 x 36 Awards Judge William Schneider AISM

AIS 5th ANNUAL SMALL WORKS SHOWCASE Valerie Craig AIS Now and Then Oil 10 x 12 Awards Judge Roger Dale Brown AISM

AIS 2021 ASSOCIATE MEMBER ONLINE EXHIBITION Margaret Dyer The Seamstress Oil 20 x 16 Awards Judge Anne Blair Brown AISM



Signature Members for 2021

To achieve Signature Member status with the American Impressionist Society, members must have been accepted into three AIS National Juried Exhibitions or two National and two Small Works Exhibitions and have been a member for three consecutive years, including the years of those exhibitions. Membership dues must be paid annually to retain Signature status. Congratulations to the following members who have achieved Signature Member status in the American Impressionist Society as of January 2021.

Joanne Lavender AIS CO Dottie Leatherwood AIS GA

Mary Garrish AIS FL Ilene Gienger-Stanfield AIS OR Mark Gingerich AIS OH Teri Gortmaker AIS CO Millie Gosch AIS GA Frances Gottlieb AIS CO Lindsey Bittner Graham AIS CO Janet Greco AIS PA Debra Joy Groesser AIS NE Robert Grogan AIS ID Joseph Gyurcsak AIS NJ Diann Haist AIS AK Ann Hardy AIS TX Marva Harms AIS MN Stephanie Hartshorn AIS CO Rodney Hayslip AIS OH Carolyn Hesse-Low AIS CA Roger Heuck AIS OH Marjorie Hicks AIS TN Michael Holter AIS TX Paula Holtzclaw AIS NC Susan Hong-Sammons AIS MA

John Cook AIS TX Bethanne Cople AIS VA Gene Costanza AIS OR Kathleen Coy AIS MO Valerie Craig AIS PA Bill Cramer AIS AZ

Monica Anne Achberger AIS OH Rob Adamson AIS UT Stephanie Amato AIS GA Natalia Andreeva AIS FL Lanell Arndt AIS TX Joe Anna Arnett AIS NM Frank Baggett AIS TN Mitch Baird AIS AZ Suzie Baker AIS TX Cindy Baron AIS RI Kevin Barton AIS MI Joli Ewing Beal AIS CA Chula Beauregard AIS CO Bob Beck AIS WI Michael Beeman AIS WY Donald Biehn AIS MN Susan Blackwood AIS AR Stan Bloomfield AIS AZ Tom Bluemlein AIS KY Nancy Boren AIS TX David Boyd, Jr. AIS GA Catherine Boyer AIS CA Brenda Boylan AIS OR Lon Brauer AIS IL Victoria Brooks AIS CA Brienne Brown AIS PA Gina Brown AIS AL Laurel Buchanan AIS OR Jenny Buckner AIS NC Michele Byrne AIS NM Ken Cadwallader AIS MI John Caggiano AIS MA Maggie Cao AIS MD Martha O. Carmody AIS OH Nancy Hooper Carroll AIS CA Jim Carson AIS NC

Shuang Li AIS CA Matt Linz AIS MN Diane Lyon AIS IN

Emilee Lyons AIS AL Cathy Mabius AIS PA Miguel Malagon AIS IL Cindy Maronde AIS FL Chuck Marshall AIS OH Daniel Marshall AIS CO Edith Martin AIS OH Rick McClure AIS OK

James Crandall AIS CA Donald Crocker AIS CA Nancy Crookston AIS CA Sue Crossland AIS TX Judy Crowe AIS TX Richard Dahlquist AIS CO Mark Daly AIS OH Tony D’Amico AIS CT Bill Davidson AIS CA Barbara Davis AIS AL Julie Davis AIS TX Mary Ann Davis AIS IN Debra Joyce Dawson AIS OH Daisy De Puthod AIS NY Dee Beard Dean AIS SC Margaret Dean AIS CT Adelaide DeAntonio AIS NJ Christine Debrosky AIS AZ Donna DeLaBriandais AIS CA Rick Delanty AIS CA Charlotte Dickinson AIS PA Katie Dobson Cundiff AIS FL Fred Doloresco AIS IN Lynn Dunbar Bayus AIS KY Kathleen Dunphy AIS CA Frank Eber AIS CA Cynthia Edmonds AIS FL Jeanne Edwards AIS WA Nancy Ellington AIS VA Fran Ellisor AIS TX Susan Elwart-Hall AIS WA Mark Farina AIS CA William Farnsworth AIS FL Catherine Fasciato AIS CA Paula Fasken AIS NM Trey Finney AIS SC Tatyana Fogarty AIS CA Nancy Franke AIS GA Kaye Franklin AIS TX Eleanor Freudenstein AIS CA

John McCormick AIS CA James McGrew AIS OR Kathryn McMahon AIS FL Jonathan McPhillips AIS RI Patrick Meehan AIS CA Lynn Mehta AIS VA Michele Pope Melina AIS VA Kami Mendlik AIS MN Marianne Miller AIS OH Lei Q Min AIS CA Tom Nachreiner AIS WI Debra Nadelhoffer AIS GA Sharon Nelson AIS GA Pamela Newell AIS IN Kathleen Newman AIS IN Pauline Ney AIS FL Nancy Nowak AIS GA Kathie Odom AIS TN Sally O’Neill AIS UT Aline Ordman AIS VT Mikyoung Osburn AIS CA Rae O’Shea AIS MA Richard Oversmith AIS NC Marian Pacsuta AIS FL Deke Palecek AIS WI Virginia Pendergrass AIS NC Dena Peterson AIS CO Mary Pettis AIS MN Rachel Pettit AIS UT Susan Ploughe AIS IL Elizabeth Pollie AIS MI Ann Powers AIS AR Theresa Proctor AIS PA Robin Purcell AIS AIS CA Lori Putnam AIS TN Mary Zhenhul Qian AIS IL

Susan Hotard AIS TX Hai-Ou Hou AIS MD Julie Houck AIS ME John Hughes AIS UT

Jane Hunt AIS CO Debra Huse AIS CA Susiehyer AIS CO Charles Iarrobino AIS NM Joy Jackson AIS FL Eric Jacobsen AIS ME Barbara Jaenicke AIS OR

Wilma James AIS PA Brent Jensen AIS CA Michael Chesley Johnson AIS NM Robert Johnson AIS VA Shelby Keefe AIS WI Jill Keller-Peters AIS CA Nicole White Kennedy AIS NC MM Kent AIS AR Laurie Kersey AIS CA Janice Kirstein AIS WA Thomas Jefferson Kitts AIS OR Joanne Kollman AIS OR Shanna Kunz AIS UT Frank LaLumia AIS CO Susan Lange-Marshall AIS NM Ann Larsen AIS NY

Valerie Carson AIS CA Rosanne Cerbo AIS NY Jane Chapin AIS WY Lorenzo Chavez AIS CO Robin Cheers AIS TX Barbara Chenault AIS TX Inna Cherneykina AIS CA Barbara Churchley AIS CO Kristin Clark AIS TN Michael Clark AIS CO Patricia Clayton AIS WA James Coe AIS NY Dede Collicott AIS GA

Lisa Fricker AIS CO Paula Frizbe AIS TN Diane Frossard AIS TX