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Anderson Dental Care - February 2020

3 cup apple cider 1 tsp apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil Salt and pepper to taste D

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Anderson Dental Care - February 2022

2 cup canola oil 1 tbsp distilled white vinegar 1 tsp red food coloring (gel works best) • • Frostin

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Anderson Dental Care - February 2019

16-inch thick and cut into 4x6 inch cards. 5. On a parchment-lined baking sheet, bake cookie cards f

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Anderson Dental Care - May 2021

8 tsp red pepper flakes Freshly ground black pepper, to taste DIRECTIONS 1. With a vegetable peeler,

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Anderson Dental Care - March 2021

4 tsp salt. 4. Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 5. Remove bot

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Anderson Dental Care - September 2021

11 INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 2 2 3 3 4 Easy Peach Cobbler Local September Events in Cincinnati 3 Things Al

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Anderson Dental Care - July 2021

Anderson Dental Care - July 2021 BRUSH - UP ANDERSON DENTAL CARE Nathan Brooks, DDS, Inc. 7525 STATE

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Anderson Dental Care - October 2021

Anderson Dental Care - October 2021 BRUSH - UP ANDERSON DENTAL CARE Nathan Brooks, DDS, Inc. 7525 ST

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Anderson Dental Care - June 2021

4 cup avocado, cubed 4 cherry tomatoes, quartered • 10 oz canned tuna, drained 1 tbsp sesame seeds 1

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Anderson Dental Care - January 2021

4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped • 1 leek, thickly sliced DIRECTIONS 1. In a large frying pan, he

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Anderson Dental Care - February 2021



7525 STATE RD., STE. A, CINCINNATI, OH 45255 | 513-438-8152 | WWW.ATOWNDENTAL.COM | FEBRUARY 2021

WHAT MY KIDS TAUGHT ME ABOUT PERSISTENCE February 1 is National Get Up Day, created by U.S. Figure Skating to inspire fearless skaters who are willing to get back up when they inevitably fall down. Although I’d never heard of this unique holiday before, I thought it was very appropriate early in the new year.

I love goal-setting. But with so many unknowns still lurking, I’ve found it hard to be motivated to set any goals this year. It’s hard to plan when there’s such a lack of control. But after watching my 6-year-old daughter, Eliza, I’ve changed my tune. See, Eliza loves to draw. In fact, she loves it so much that she has stacks of papers everywhere of things she’s started but didn’t finish. Maybe she liked it starting out and made progress, but once she gets to a certain point, she throws it on the floor and starts all over again. It can be a challenge for my wife and me. It’s easy to look around and think, “Why are you making such a mess, Eliza?!” But when we look a little closer, we see try after try after try, each drawing with marked improvement until she achieves what she set out to draw. We see a persevering, hardworking, and improving child, and we think we could stand to be a little more like that. Although it’s a lot to clean up after she’s done, I realize most people wouldn’t get past the first or second attempt. Most people would think if it’s not perfect, why try? But that’s just not how Eliza sees it. It’s amazing to see her create a vision, then draw over and over again until she achieves it. Maybe kids think differently. My other daughter, Lydia, is learning to jump rope, and she’ll do one or two and say, “WOW. Did you see that?” As adults, we’d probably think: What’s the big deal? It’s just one or two skips. But Lydia isn’t afraid or ashamed to acknowledge her small accomplishments. “Mistakes are part of life. Getting back up isn’t just about meeting our goals; it’s about making all life’s mistakes, interruptions, and misfortunes feel a little bit smaller ...”

So, why are we so hard on ourselves if we don’t progress as fast or perfectly as others? If someone showed us a rough draft of something, we’d never say, “Wow, that’s terrible. You’ll never get it right.” When a baby takes their first steps, we cheer every little move; when they fall, we never tell them how bad they are at walking and that they’ll never learn. Yet, isn’t that what we often say to ourselves? We try something, miss the target once, and give up thinking we’ll never achieve what we were trying to do. So I’m changing my tune and setting some goals, understanding that circumstances may change, I may fail or at least need to adjust. But I’m choosing to focus more on the progress I’ll be making on the way to the goal, every time I keep trying. I know a wonderful kids’ book called “Beautiful Oops!” that shows how making mistakes can create new opportunities for beautiful creations and experiences. For example, spilling paint can become a goofy animal, or ripping a page can look like an alligator’s mouth. Sometimes, the best way to progress is to take your mistakes and say, “Hey, it’s not perfect, but I like it this way.” Mistakes are part of life. Getting back up isn’t just about meeting our goals; it’s about making all life’s mistakes, interruptions, and misfortunes feel a little bit smaller, whether we control them or not. Knowing we can always grow and learn, we have no reason to stay discouraged for long.

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Nothing says “I love you” more than equipping your children with important knowledge they’ll need for the rest of their adult lives. Even if they groan about it now, they’ll be grateful for the know-how when they’re on their own in the future. Keep in mind that your home classroom doesn’t have to mimic a school classroom. Research from the University of Utah shows that kids learn best through hands-on activities and play. Have fun while teaching these life skills, and you’ll earn thank-yous for decades to come. CLEAN THE HOUSE Were you ever surprised by how often you have to clean your kitchen? Your child may be too. Although your 10-year-old won’t have to worry about cleaning the stove today, they will need to know how when they move out, so find ways to incentivize cleaning and make it more fun. You can have your kids collect “chore points” that add up to a prize, like an extra hour of playing video games! 4 Life Skills You Can Teach Your Kids This Valentine’s Day

Not All Factors Can Be Prevented, but Whitening Can Help

Unfortunately, permanent tooth stains are very common — because both the surface (extrinsic) and the interior (intrinsic) of teeth are susceptible to staining. Thankfully, whitening is one of the most affordable and desirable cosmetic treatments to remedy these stains. Extrinsic discoloration is caused by changes on the surface of your teeth. Smoking is a common reason, but discoloration happens for other reasons, too. Certain types of berries, tomato sauce, sugary sweets, and colored candy all pack lots of dyes and pigments, and they also lead to other problems like plaque buildup, which increases the risk of cavities if not properly cleaned and treated. Some drinks also contain coloring that can stain your teeth, most notably tea, coffee, sodas, sports drinks, and fruit juices. Intrinsic discoloration can stem from many different causes. Internal bleeding can cause a tooth to become discolored, antibiotics used by a mother during her pregnancy can cause permanent tooth discoloration in the child, extended fevers can cause stains and marks on permanent teeth that have yet to erupt in children, and some people may also be born with rare conditions that can discolor teeth. Age is a factor in both intrinsic and extrinsic discoloration. As you get older, your teeth start to lose their enamel. This means they become more prone to stains externally, and any stains already present will become much more obvious. For example, if you had any tooth trauma earlier on, it may not be evident because of thicker enamel. However, as you age, thinner enamel reveals the damage more readily. Simultaneously, with thinner enamel, stains are more likely because dyes and pigments can easily settle into your teeth. Regardless of whether the cause of tooth discoloration is intrinsic or extrinsic, whitening your teeth is an effective remedy for a brighter smile! Don’t hesitate to call on your favorite dentist at Anderson Dental Care so we can help you look AND feel great, too!

DEVELOP COOKING SKILLS You may be hesitant to have a little chef in the house, but if you’re teaching them how to clean up and stay safe while making some easy dishes, there’s no reason to worry! Even if you’re not a great cook yourself, it’s fun to prepare simple recipes as a family. Plus, your kids will get used to the idea of cooking for themselves, which is both healthy and cost-effective.

LEARN TO GARDEN What’s a better way to get outdoors with your child

than to garden together? From using tools like shovels and rakes to nurturing another living organism, gardening provides plenty of rich life lessons, such as patience. UNDERSTAND HOUSEHOLD MAINTENANCE Whether they’re learning how to use an electric breaker, unclog a drain, or clean out the washer or dryer, your kids can get started learning household maintenance skills with just a little guidance. Who knows, maybe they will be their dorm’s future superhero! There are many lessons you can teach your child at any age, so don’t limit yourself! Be creative with the lessons you pass on, and there’s a chance they’ll never forget them!




Every Valentine’s Day, people want to find the best ways to show their partner or even a close friend how much they care. It is easy to get sucked into thinking you have to give them the most expensive or elaborate present you can find, but sometimes, the most meaningful gifts are the simplest. Here are four easy ways to show your loved ones how much you care this February. A TEXT A DAY Knowing someone has your back throughout the year, no matter how difficult things can get, is a great source of support and love. In addition to the usual communication you share with your loved one, add in a supportive text each day, whether it’s simply letting them know you’re thinking of them or wishing them luck on a presentation or interview. The best part about these texts is that they can be sent year-round.

Whiteboards are fun to draw on and make great calendars, but they can also be used to share heartfelt messages with

your roommates or spouse. Writing positive messages like, “I hope you have a wonderful day!” or “You matter!” can make all the difference. Waking up to a loving note from someone they care about could mean the world to them and shift their entire mood for the day. A DAILY JOURNAL ENTRY February and March are usually when New Year’s resolutions begin to falter. To encourage yourself and your loved one, consider starting a daily journal. Leave a journal where you both have access to it and write positive

messages inside for the other person. This acknowledgment of hard work is exactly what you both need to continue pursuing your goals this year. RANDOM GIFTS You don’t have to wait for a birthday, Christmas, or Valentine’s Day to give your loved one a gift. Buying small gifts lets your friend or spouse know you’ve been thinking about them. Whether it’s a treat they enjoy, a book, or even a small gift card, these thoughtful gestures are sure to make them smile.




3 tbsp olive oil, divided 1 tbsp garlic, minced 1/2 cup onions, diced small

• • • • •

1 tsp salt

• • • • •

1/2 tsp pepper

2 tsp sugar

HOW MANY PIECES OF ART DOES THE WORLD’S LARGEST ART MUSEUM HAVE? The Louvre Museum in Paris has over 40,000 pieces of art spread across 650,000 square feet of gallery space. It takes more than 2,100 employees to maintain! WHERE CAN I FIND THE LARGEST LIVING TREE IN THE WORLD? The General Sherman is a 2,200 year old giant sequoia found in Sequoia National Park in Tulare County of California. With a diameter of 36 feet at its base and a height of 275 feet, it is the tallest, widest, largest living tree in the world today. HOW MUCH INSURANCE DOES THE MONA LISA PAINTING HAVE? Guinness World Records lists the Mona Lisa as having the highest insurance value for a painting in history. The Mona Lisa was assessed at $100 million (US) on December 14, 1962. With inflation, the 1962 value would be about $850 million today.

1 lb ground turkey

3 medium zucchini

1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes

Parmesan cheese, for garnish

2 tbsp tomato paste


1. In a large sauté pan over medium- low heat, warm 2 tbsp olive oil. 2. Add garlic and onions and stir constantly until garlic is golden and onions are translucent. 3. Increase heat to medium and add ground turkey, break apart, and cook thoroughly. 4. Add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, salt, pepper, and sugar. Reduce heat to low. Stir occasionally.

5. Using a spiralizer, mandolin, or vegetable peeler, cut the zucchini into noodles. 6. In another large sauté pan over medium-low heat, add remaining olive oil and zucchini noodles, tossing constantly for 2 minutes until slightly wilted. 7. Plate the zucchini noodles, top with the turkey Bolognese, and garnish with Parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.

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A Month of Love and Support INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 2 2 3 3 4 Zucchini Noodles With Turkey Bolognese The Simple Tooth: Fun Facts About February! Teach Your Kids Life Skills This Valentine’s Day! What Causes Tooth Stains, Really? What My Kids Taught Me About Persistence



February is the shortest month of the year at only 28 days (29 on leap years)! But that doesn’t mean we can’t celebrate it big. February is named after the Roman Februalia, a month-long festival dedicated to purification and atonement. Here are a few other February fun facts you won’t wanna miss! GROUNDHOGS AND THE END OF WINTER Their shadows are only part of it. Because groundhogs hibernate every winter, the fact that they’d come out of hiding on Groundhog Day is a natural sign that spring is coming! Another fun fact about Groundhog Day: It originated from a German holiday, Candlemas. Early European Christians believed that if the sun shone on Candlemas (Feb. 2), then winter would last another six weeks. WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY Now known as Presidents Day, Washington’s birthday used to be one of the earliest national holidays we celebrated, along with Christmas and the New Year. Traditionally, people prepare or feast on cherry pie (associated with Washington’s famous cherry tree story), and the United States

Senate does a reading of George Washington’s Farewell Address. So, this Presidents Day on Feb. 15, indulge in some old American traditions and tune into the reading with a slice of cherry pie! LEAP YEAR The purpose of leap year is to catch up on all our lost time every four years because the 365-day year is shorter than the actual time it takes for Earth to revolve fully around the sun (which would be 365 days, 5 hours, 59 minutes, and 16 seconds). You might think that with such sophisticated knowledge of our astronomical positioning, leap year would be a fairly recent invention. But it’s not — Julius Caesar invented the 365-day calendar to make it easier for festivals to occur at the same season every year. His astronomer Sosigenes of Alexandria made the actual calculations and added an additional leap year every four years.

We hope these facts were as fun for you as they were for us! See you next month!