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Anderson Dental Care - March 2019

2 small red onion, thinly sliced 1 small zucchini, julienned into noodle strands DIRECTIONS 1. Bring

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Anderson Dental Care - March 2021

4 tsp salt. 4. Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 5. Remove bot

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Anderson Dental Care - March 2020

4 cup olive oil, and cook onion, pepper, garlic, and thyme for 8–10 minutes. 6. Add half the tomatoe

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Anderson Dental Care - June 2022

woodland-mound Besides the fantastic hiking trails with beautiful outdoor scenery, this park has oth

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Anderson Dental Care - August 2022

Cincinnati-Outdoor- Roller‑Rink As we quickly approach the back-to-school season, one last event for

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Anderson Dental Care - July 2022

Anderson Dental Care - July 2022 THE BRUSH - UP ANDERSON DENTAL CARE Nathan Brooks, DDS, Inc. 7525 S

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Anderson Dental Care - February 2022

2 cup canola oil 1 tbsp distilled white vinegar 1 tsp red food coloring (gel works best) • • Frostin

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Anderson Dental Care - May 2022

4 cup broccoli, chopped • 8 eggs • • DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F and coat a cast-iron skille

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Anderson Dental Care - April 2022

tour ZOO BLOOMS April 1–30 Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden 3400 Vine St. March f

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Anderson Dental Care - January 2022

speaker-series Have you wanted to hear stories of life before, during, and after the Holocaust? Each

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Anderson Dental Care - March 2022



7525 STATE RD., STE. A, CINCINNATI, OH 45255 | 513-438-8152 | WWW.ATOWNDENTAL.COM | MARCH 2022



March 17 is Incredible Kid Day, and we have some awesome children we have learned so much from over the years. Before Jessica and I had children, we thought we would be great parents. Jessica is the oldest of six kids, so she had a lot of experience taking care of her siblings. We were prepared, excited, and ready to create our family and make memories with them. When we had our first child, everything changed. It was hard! Sleepless nights, figuring out what required a trip to the doctor and what didn’t, how to get a baby to stop crying, and if she was eating too much or not enough. Our expectations for parenting quickly flew out the window. But I think that’s how parenting goes for everyone — you don’t know what to expect until you have firsthand experience with it. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but as soon as you hold your baby in your arms, reality sets in. You’re responsible for this little person, and that can be scary. Jessica and I take parenting one day at a time (sometimes one minute!). First, we had to realize we can’t control everything and we don’t know it all. It was a learning process for all of us — we would teach our children things, and in turn, they taught us even more! We’ve learned how to have patience and how to let things go. Every child is different — how they learn, their interests, and their needs. Having children is one of the most humbling experiences we’ve ever had.

What I think is so great about allowing parenting to humble you is how it can change your perspectives on things and what you can learn from each child. One child teaches us the importance of planning and being organized, another shows us constant optimism even in hard times, we learn the importance of quiet and alone time from another, and the importance of humor from another…you get the point. For instance, one day, we were driving through a neighborhood where all the yards were covered in dandelions. We had just a few in our neighborhood, and our daughter loved to pick them on walks so she could “collect wishes.” When she saw all the dandelions in the neighboring community, she turned to my wife and said, “Wow, mom, they’re so lucky. Look at all the wishes they get!” Of course, as adults, we think our lawns should be well-manicured, but my daughter saw the beauty there. It was such a pure moment, and I wished we could see the world through her eyes. We like to create analogies for our children about life whenever we can. For example, one day, we were hiking, and one of our kids would look at every single rock on the ground and try to put it in his pockets. We tried to get him to look at everything around us, but he focused on the rocks. He had so many rocks that he would sometimes fall because of the weight. Jessica and I told him that sometimes in life, we get so focused on something in front of us that we get weighed down, and we miss out on all the beauty around us. Having children has shown us that the little lessons can affect them deeply. To us, kids are such a gift, and raising them is one of the hardest things we’ve ever done. Mostly because we love them so much that we constantly question if we’re doing enough or doing things right, but the rewards far outweigh anything we have to sacrifice. We have learned so much through our journey, and we are learning new things every day as they get older. It’s truly a joy!

Happy Incredible Kid Day to all of my children and yours!

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Yes, Oral pH Matters

March is National Nutrition Month! The food and beverages you consume play a huge role in your health. Of course, a nutritious diet is beneficial for your overall health, but it also plays a crucial role in your oral health. Your teeth and gums need nutrients in order for them to develop properly and stay strong throughout your lifetime. Let’s look at some foods that aren’t good for your teeth and some that are! HOW FOOD CAN AFFECT YOUR TEETH MARCH IS NATIONAL NUTRITION MONTH!


After working all day, it can be tough to keep up with your kids. Sometimes, it can even feel like working a second job. While you still need to be physically

and emotionally present, there are ways to exert less energy and still play with kids of all different ages. If your baby is under 1 year old, they are too young to play by themselves, but you can still play while not physically overdoing it. Resting on the floor with your baby and showing them some sensory toys or reading


Sugar: Candy, chewing gum,* soda, gummies, fruit juices, and energy drinks contain lots of sugar. These sugary substances can stick to your teeth and cause tooth decay. *Not all chewing gum is bad! Look for sugar-free gum that includes xylitol. Chewing it after meals can actually increase saliva production and neutralize the pH balance in your mouth to help stave off bacteria.

to them is both entertaining and educational. Another great option for your infant is to blow bubbles for them — they will love watching the bubbles float and dance through the air. If your toddler is on the go and walking, they may require a little more to stay adequately entertained. Try sitting on the floor and singing nursery rhymes. You can also let your child explore objects in the room while you build upon their language by explaining what different items are. Since you’re sleepy, why not pretend your toddler’s stuffed animal is sleepy too? Have your child “put teddy to bed.” If you’re lucky, you may be able to get in a few moments of shut-eye too! If your child is 2–4 years old, they might love using their imagination! Try having a picnic with them in the living room (you can even invite their stuffed animals to join!). Playing doctor is also a fun option and opportunity to be lazy and sleepy if you get to play the part of the sickly patient. You may also get out the building blocks and create with them — this requires little physical exertion and is a great developmentally appropriate activity. If your child is 4 years or older, they are likely very active. What about hosting an indoor obstacle course where you get to be the timer? All you have to do is gather a few items from around the house and use furniture and pillows to build a course. Think of incorporating activities such as having them crawl under the dining room table, walk across a blanket bridge, or hop over the pillow rocks. If you’re feeling artsy and would prefer to make something with your child, you can even just sit down at the table and break out some homemade play dough. The most important thing is to get creative and never feel guilty for needing to scale back a bit after having a long day. With these interactive ideas and tips, you will make it through the tough days and still feel like the super-parent you are!

• Starch: Bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice are some examples of foods that contain a lot of starch. These foods tend to get stuck between your teeth and can cause cavities between the teeth. This is why you should floss each night to loosen any pieces of food in your mouth.

Acidic Food: Some fruits and juices such as lemons, grapes, and blueberries contain acids that can break down the enamel in your teeth. Pickles can also break down the enamel because they are soaked in vinegar, which can weaken the strength of your teeth.


Calcium: Cheese, yogurt, and greens are good sources of calcium and can help protect and build enamel.

Protein: Like the muscles in your body, any type of meat provides your body with minerals used to maintain and develop strong bones (and teeth).

Fruits and Vegetables: These foods protect your teeth from decay and neutralize the acids in some food. Water: This is always the best choice. Not only is it good for your body, but it can also wash away some of the food particles and acid that remain in your mouth after eating.

You don’t have to stay away from food and drinks that are bad for your teeth altogether. Eat a variety of foods in moderation, wait at least 30 minutes to brush after eating or drinking acidic foods, floss daily and brush twice daily, and come see us for your regular cleanings! Together, we can look at what you consume each day and see if any modifications to your oral health routine are needed. If you have questions about specific foods or drinks, don’t hesitate to ask us!


BRRR! IT’S COLD IN HERE! 3 Tips to Stay Warm from Winter to Spring

Winter may be fading, but we’ll still have plenty of cold days before the warm weather returns for good. Here are some tips for staying warm during the last bit of winter. DRESS IN LAYERS. To keep in as much body heat as possible, wear several layers of clothing, but don’t wear more than three layers. Fleece, wool, and cotton retain heat more than other materials. These extra layers make it harder for heat to escape. If you wear more than three layers, you may find yourself feeling chilly because there isn’t enough space between you and the material so that it can help heat your body. USE WOOD-BURNING STOVES. Not only can you cook meals on these stoves, but you can also warm up your entire house. You want to create a consistent fire without burning through a lot of wood. Wood burns best on a bed of ash, so don’t clear out all of it. Although an excessive amount of ash can cause problems, having a moderate amount is preferred. Once you get a good fire going, you should close the air vents on your stove at least halfway to ensure that the fire won’t burn out too quickly.

The quality of your fire depends on the type of wood you’re burning. It’s best to use logs that have been seasoned for at least a year. Oak, birch, ash, and hazel are the best kinds of wood to

burn in your home because they tend to burn slowly and produce fewer sparks.

CLOSE YOUR DOORS, AND COVER YOUR WINDOWS. If there are any rooms that you aren’t using, be sure to close those doors; you don’t need to heat unused rooms. You can also stick towels or blankets underneath your doors to keep the heat in. Since windows can make your home chilly, even if they are closed, consider covering them up with blankets or thermal curtains to help prevent cold air from seeping into your home.

These tips can help you and your family stay warm during the winter. Take this as a great opportunity to enjoy time together in a cozy, warm house!


Simple Bok Choy Chicken Soup

WHEN WAS THE FIRST PENNY MADE? America’s first penny was created in 1793 and was called the “large cent.” This coin was too large and difficult to use, but it wasn’t until 1857 that a smaller penny replaced the coin. President Lincoln was placed on the coin in 1909 in honor of his 100th birthday. WHY IS THE NUMBER 4 UNLUCKY? This number is considered unlucky in China because it’s spelled and pronounced similar to “death.” The number 4 is spelled pinyin sì , and the word death is spelled pinyin s . WHY DO PEOPLE WAKE UP A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THEIR ALARM GOES OFF? Waking up can be stressful for your body. So, to prepare your body, it releases a stress hormone called cortisol. This makes your sleep become lighter and lighter until, eventually, you wake up. HOW LONG IS YOUR PET’S SHORT-TERM MEMORY SPAN? For dogs, their short-term memory is about five minutes. A cat’s short-term memory is up to 16 hours.

Is the chill of winter lingering? A hot bowl of this Asian-inspired soup will warm you right up! Our recipe makes 4–5 servings.


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3 cups chicken broth 1 tsp red pepper flakes

• • • •

2 tsp sesame oil

1 garlic clove, chopped

2 tsp soy sauce

10 leaves bok choy, thinly sliced 2 cups shredded rotisserie chicken

1. In a medium saucepan, bring chicken broth to a boil. 2. Stir in red pepper flakes, soy sauce, sesame oil, and garlic. 3. Add bok choy leaves and rotisserie chicken. Simmer for 10 minutes or until the bok choy is dark green and tender. 4. Enjoy with slices of your favorite whole-wheat bread! DIRECTIONS

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Parenting Is One of the Hardest Things I’ve Done

Interacting With Kids While Running on Empty

What Foods Are Good for Oral Health?

Layers of Clothing Are Your Best Friend in Winter

Your Monthly Need-To-Know

Simple Bok Choy Chicken Soup

March Was Named After a Roman God

THE SIMPLE TOOTH Fun Facts About March

NO. 2: MARCH WAS NAMED FOR WAR. The name March also derives from ancient Rome. They named their first month of the year after the Roman god of war — Mars. In Latin, Mars is translated to Martius. In Roman mythology, Mars was the father of Rome’s founders, Romulus and Remus. March was also when the weather began getting warmer. Farmers could start their harvest, and soldiers could begin preparing for military campaigns.

Many things are happening in March! Spring is around the corner, March Madness is underway, daylight saving time begins, and St. Patrick’s Day brings us luck. Here are a couple of fun facts you probably didn’t know about March and St. Patrick’s Day. NO. 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR! To us, March is the third month of the year. But during 150 B.C., the ancient Romans’ first month of the new year began in March. According to one of the oldest Roman calendars, one year was 10 months long. Their calendar began in March and ended in December. We can still see traces of this old calendar in the names of some of the months we have today. For example, September was the seventh month for the ancient Romans and septem in Latin means seven. December was their tenth month of the year, and in Latin, decem means 10.

when explaining the trinity. The three leaves on the clover also represent faith, hope, and love.

NO. 4: THE FIRST ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE WAS HELD IN ONE OF THE 13 ORIGINAL COLONIES. On March 17, 1601, St. Augustine, Florida, held the first St. Patrick’s Day celebration. During this time, America didn’t exist; the region hadn’t quite established the 13 colonies, either. Then, more than a century later, in 1737, St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated again in Boston. The English military had Irish soldiers fighting with them in the colonies, and they began to feel homesick. So, they marched down the streets of Boston in honor of their country and holiday. Thank you for joining us for this month’s Simple Tooth! I hope you enjoyed these fun facts as much as our team at Anderson Dental did about learning them! Until next time.

NO. 3: THE 3-LEAF CLOVER WAS SACRED IN IRISH TRADITION. During St. Patrick’s Day, we look for four-leaf clovers on the ground. To us, these clovers symbolize good luck. But in Irish

traditions, a three-leaf clover or shamrock was known to symbolize the Holy Trinity. St. Patrick used this leaf to give a visual representation