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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2019

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2021

4 cup frozen strawberries, puréed WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 2 CBD PRODUCTS y Man time to really know what

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - August 2019

3 cup xylitol-free peanut butter Just because the heat is sizzling doesn’t mean your dog should be!

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2019

3 cup oats 2–3 strips cooked bacon, chopped Inspired by Sally’s Baking Addiction WWW.KALISPELLVET.CO

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The Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2022

2 years old, not their first few months of life. For those animals, early spaying or neutering may i

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2020

2 cup dried cranberries • 3–4 tbsp coconut flour Inspired by Pretty Fluffy WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 2 )

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2019

2-inch thick. Use cookie cutters to cut dough into various shapes. 5. Place on lined baking sheet an

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - January 2019

4 cup fresh parsley WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM 2 OLD ISN’T A DISEASE Bloodwork Keeps Your Pets Feeling You

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - September 2019

11, various researchers conducted many studies examining the effect this kind of work has on animals

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - July 2019

3 of a small Dixie cup with pumpkin animal health care. That has been really awesome, but it also me

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The Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2019

2 cup creamy peanut butter (Note: Make sure it doesn’t contain any xylitol, which is extremely toxic

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - February 2019

Pet Press KALISPELL FEB 2019



Dr. China Corum on Finding Home

I’m not what most people expect when they picture a typical Southern Californian — other than being tall and blonde. My husband and I are raising our 7-year-old daughter in a house with a dog, two horses, several bunnies, and a hen house full of chickens. We’re very outdoorsy. When the weather is nice, you can find us in the backcountry riding horses, dirt biking, snowmobiling, shooting, or enjoying some other grand

agreed to table the subject for the winter. The wait was excruciating.

You don’t usually get a second chance at your dream job, but I got lucky. Dr. Clark reached out in the new year, letting me know he really needed me in Kalispell and asking if I could work full time. On this occasion, my husband found a job, we found a beautiful property, and I started working at the clinic in June of 2017.

adventure. I feel lucky to be somewhere with so much space, where everything and everyone is real and you can revel in what it feels like to live your life to the fullest. I belong in Kalispell, Montana, far more than I did in Orange County.

I belong in Kalispell,

I grew up with several horses and big dogs, so becoming a veterinarian was just a given. I am glad I can be there for people when they have to make difficult decisions for their pets. As a veterinarian, you develop really deep relationships with your clients, and I really enjoy that part of my life. There’s a common misconception that you don’t have to be a people person in order to be a good veterinarian, but clients rely on us to help them make decisions as much as they rely on us to take care of their pets.

Montana, far more than I did in Orange County.

The truth is, even before I met Dr. Clark, I’d been trying to escape from Southern California forever. It was too crowded and superficial. I felt like I was dying on the inside. For those who have met me, you know why! I didn’t want to raise my daughter in a place where the biggest decision you had to make was which Starbucks you would stop at. It took me many years to finally convince my husband this was the right move for us.

I love working with my sportsman clients and their hunting dogs and hounds — as I am also often in the field as well with my horses and pointers. I have a special place in my heart for working with senior pets and oncology, areas that tend to be the most challenging both emotionally and for quality of life. It’s not an easy job, but I’m glad I can work with pets and help people in a place like Kalispell. It’s been less than two years, but this place truly feels like home. The Animal Clinic of Kalispell is a wonderful practice, and an amazing place to work — a perfect fit for me. There’s nowhere I’d rather be.

I started talking to Dr. Clark in the summer of 2016. He ran an ad looking for part-time help, and after I’d done a little research about Kalispell area, I quickly discovered it was everything I’d been dreaming about. My family came out that November to meet everyone in person and do an interview. Right away, I had a gut feeling that this was the right move. I was ready to give my notice back in California and start working in Kalispell by Christmas, but it just didn’t work out. My husband couldn’t find a job, and we realized that part-time work wouldn’t be enough to support our family. Dr. Clark

—Dr. China Corum 406.755.6886


Published by The Newsletter Pro

Working Felin


Hey, Ozzie here.

I’m the fluffy orange cat who calls The Animal Clinic of Kalispell home. I don’t just sleep here, mind you. I work here, too. I attend staff meetings and everything! It’s my job to help people feel relaxed. When someone comes into a veterinary office and sees a dog or cat just hanging around, they feel a little less worried. If another animal feels comfortable here, their own pet is going to be just fine. I can still remember the day Dr. Clark rescued me from the shelter. I’d gotten used to being at the shelter, so I was pretty calm when Dr. Clark picked me up. But when we arrived at the clinic, I got a little nervous. As soon as they let me out of the carrier, I took off, tearing through the clinic like I was trying to break the sound barrier. I was a little freaked out about being in a new place. The next day, after Dr. Clark found my hiding spot, I came to realize this was a great place to be. Even though I’ve been around since 2013, most people don’t know I’m here. That’s because I usually like to be in the back. That’s where my food dish is. Since I’m constantly on a diet, I need to be near my dish in case someone decided to feed me. Plus, I like to sleep on freshly folded towels

Strength of Mind TIPS TO KEEP MEMORY SHARP AND IMPROVE COGNITIVE FUNCTION Irish poet Oscar Wilde once called memory “the diary that we all carry about with us.” Of course, in Wilde’s time, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years old. As modern medicine continues to enable people to live longer, these “diaries” tend to become muddled. Fortunately, there are ways to counteract the natural dulling of our memory that comes with time. Puzzle Yourself Just like any other muscle, our brain needs a workout in order to stay strong. As Dr. Celeste Robb-Nicholson of Harvard Medical School writes, “Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate processes that help maintain individual brain cells.” Activities like solving puzzles, learning a musical instrument, or picking up a new hobby work wonders to keep your mind active and your memory sharp. These mental exercises are especially important after retirement, often to make up for the loss of stimulating challenges that work used to provide. Get Physical Taking care of our physical health has also been shown to help brain function. According to a study by Sydney University in Australia, aerobic exercise is particularly good at jogging our memory. The researchers note that “aerobic exercise acts by preventing the usual decrease in neurogenesis associated with aging, thus resulting in greater retention of neural matter — particularly in the hippocampus.” In short, exercises like swimming and running keep the part of our brain responsible for memory from shrinking. Spend Time With Friends and Family Humans are social creatures. Many studies have shown that being a part of a supportive social group can significantly benefit our physical and mental health. In fact, the American Journal of Public Health reports that people who have daily contact with friends and family cut their risk of dementia and mental impairment almost in half. Our mental diaries may be longer and fuller than they were in Wilde’s day, but if we fill those pages with hobbies, exercise, and close friends, our memories will remain sharp and vivid for the rest of our days.

Terrific Tuna Cat Treats

A lot of us are guilty of feeding our cats things they shouldn’t eat. Cheese and bacon

are tasty, but they aren’t good for your cat’s health. Ditch the table scraps and instead treat your feline friend to a great recipe inspired by


• • • •

4 ounces canned tuna, drained and shredded

1 cup flour

1 tablespoon dried catnip

1 large egg





3 Tips to Help Your Cat Lose Weight

when they come out of the dryer. Though, in the mornings, I do

Our society has a problem with fat cats. The problem is that we think fat cats are so cute, we ignore the very real health problems overweight cats face. Obese cats can suffer from arthritis, pancreatitis, diabetes, and a number of complications that can shorten their lifespan dramatically. Over 70 percent of cats are overweight, but there is something you can do about it! Here are the three steps to help your cat drop a few pounds and be healthy. Pull out the Measuring Cup Most people overfeed their cats, either by filling their bowls too much at meal times — the feeding guides on pet food bags are often too generous — or by letting cats have access to dry food all day. Most cats don’t just eat when they’re hungry. They’ll eat when they want to, whether they need it or not. A 1/4 cup of dry food twice a day is plenty. No more treats of bacon, cheese, or lunch meats. You’d be surprised how few calories it takes to be a cat. Don’t Break A cat on a diet is going to complain. Don’t be a marshmallow! Shut the door and let them cry it out. You’re not being mean. You are being a good cat owner by making sure your cat doesn’t suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or a shortened lifespan. And be sure no one else in your house is sneaking your cat treats, either! Make Playtime a Priority Cats need diet and exercise to

like to visit with Anna and lay on the counter when the morning sun is coming in through the window.

While I like to chill in the back, I do like meeting new people. I don’t mind getting hugs from little humans, and when there’s a cat in distress, I’m sure to be there checking on them. All day long, I get to see a ton of cats, dogs, and people. I’m a pretty lucky cat. I really like my job, and that’s something not even most humans can say. – Ozzie


lose weight. Play with your cat to get them moving. Think feathers, laser pointers, or toy mice that will have your cat running around. You can even teach your cat new tricks. Contrary to popular belief, cats are trainable; it just takes a little more work. Another option is to hide food during meal times. It won’t take much for your cat to realize there are pieces of kibble

1. Heat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Put all ingredients in food processor

and pulse until mixture forms a smooth, thick dough. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. Measure out 1/4 teaspoon of dough, form it into a small ball, and place on baking sheet. Slightly flatten each ball. 3. Bake 15 minutes until golden and crisp. Wait until treats cool completely before giving one to your cat. Store treats in an airtight container. Good for up to five days.

around and get moving to find some snacks. Just make sure your cat finds all the food, otherwise you could end up with a skinny cat and lots of ants.

Just like when you try to lose weight, it can be difficult to get your cat to drop those extra pounds. But it is worth the effort when your cat is happier and healthier in the long run.







No Place Like Home


3 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Meet Ozzie


Your Cat’s New Favorite Treat

Fat Cats Are Cute … and Unhealthy


Three Cheers for Chi Chi!


In our darkest moments, it can be hard to believe joy can be found again. But one amazing dog proves that no matter what happens, through love and patience, we can make the world a better place. Chi Chi is a golden retriever who was found in a dumpster by an animal rescue group in South Korea. Badly injured and left in a garbage bag with her legs bound together, the only way to save Chi Chi’s life was to amputate all four of her legs. As she recovered, the call went out to find a family who could care for a dog with serious medical needs. As a quadruple amputee, just getting Chi Chi’s prosthetics on so she could go outside in the morning would be time-consuming. Fortunately, Elizabeth Howell from Arizona saw a video about Chi Chi’s plight online. “She stole my heart,” Howell said, taken by how Chi Chi was still wagging her tail despite her injuries. After seeing Chi Chi’s perseverance and her will to live, Elizabeth and her family

took on the challenge. There were struggles as Chi Chi learned to trust people again, but with time, Chi Chi found peace and joy with her new family. “She exemplifies resilience and forgiveness and willingly shares her love and compassion in abundance,” Howell has said. “Her sweet-tempered and gentle spirit opens people’s hearts and her perceptive spirit senses where her love is needed.” Chi Chi’s vet has called her a “miracle dog,” referring both to the fact that she survived losing all her legs and to the joy she brings to the world. Today, Chi Chi is a registered therapy dog, offering strength, love, and support to those who need it most. She visits VA hospitals, assisted living facilities, and children with disabilities.

To celebrate her journey of survival, courage, and love, Chi Chi was

honored with the American Humane Hero Dog Award in 2018. You can follow the adventures of this brave, loving canine at ChiChiRescueDog .



Published by The Newsletter Pro