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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2020

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - July 2020

4 cups whole-wheat flour • 1 tbsp flaxseed meal Directions 1. Heat the oven to 350 F. Line a baking

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2019

2-inch thick. Use cookie cutters to cut dough into various shapes. 5. Place on lined baking sheet an

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2022

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2022 Pet Press KALISPELL MARCH 2022 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPELLVET

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - August 2020


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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - June 2020

2 inches. He jumped right into the world record for “highest bar jump cleared by a llama.” “He’s a c

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - April 2020

2 inches in diameter) and place them on a baking sheet. Spray the flat side of a spatula with nonsti

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - December 2020

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - December 2020 Pet Press KALISPELL DECEMBER 2020 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISP

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2020

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - May 2020 Pet Press KALISPELL MAY 2020 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPELLVET.COM

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - November 2020

2 cup water DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. In a large bowl, combine the flours and cheeses

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - October 2020

Animal Clinic of Kalispell - October 2020 Pet Press KALISPELL OCTOBER 2020 406.755.6886 WWW.KALISPEL

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Animal Clinic of Kalispell - March 2020




Thanking Old Friends for New Faces

O nce upon a time, every new patient who walked into the clinic was my patient. This was a one- veterinarian show, which meant I got to know each person, dog, or cat who came in. Today, things are a little different. We’re a much bigger practice, and new patients tend to go to Dr. Corum or Dr. Ball. It’s nice to have two other veterinarians who can help take some of the workload, but at the same time, I miss seeing new patients and clients! Working with new people is a part of the job I’ve always enjoyed.

patient myself, I still want them to get the same care I would provide. I look for people who emulate what I do so patients and clients alike enjoy quality care on every visit. This is something I look for not just in the veterinarians I bring into the clinic but also in every member of my staff. It seems like I’ve been

When it comes to our pets, we don’t just walk into the nearest veterinarian’s office and hope for the best.

pretty successful in that mission because we’ve continued to grow. I know without a doubt that this growth is thanks to our current clients talking us up. We’ve experienced a lot of growth over the past year. Even during this winter, which is typically a slow time, we saw a steady stream of new clients. That’s amazing! Yeah, there have been some growing pains and we’ve heard plenty of complaints about the parking

Many of our new clients are Kalispell transplants. As someone who wasn’t born here but found his home in

Kalispell, it’s cool for me to see other people realize how special this town is. Of course, being new in town means having to find a brand-new veterinarian. When it comes to our pets, we don’t just walk into the nearest veterinarian’s office and hope for the best. We do some digging, checking out online reviews and asking around. When someone who is brand new to Kalispell walks into the clinic, I know they’re here because their new friends and neighbors — aka our current clients — have been talking so highly about us. That’s one of the best compliments I could ever receive.

lot being full, but for the most part, it’s been awesome. I can’t thank our new clients enough for being willing to give us a shot. More importantly, I will be forever grateful for our longtime clients who talk about us. Everything The Animal Clinic of Kalispell has become is thanks to you. As we enter spring, the season of growth, our goal as a clinic is to keep growing, which means we’re going to keep doing a good job. Every new client is a sign that we’re treating our current clients right, and that’s not something I’ll ever let change.

As the practice has grown, I’ve had to work hard to make sure I’m bringing the right people onto the team. Though I’m not seeing every



Published by The Newsletter Pro


ADVENTURE IN THE GREAT A Word From Gu This is Gunner, and I’m really excited to meet everyone! I’m a husky who lives with Brittney, one of the veterinary technicians at The Animal Clinic of Kalispell. My human is actually Brittney’s sister, Sarah, but Brittney’s cool, too, and I’m glad she’s my second person. I’ve lived with Sarah and Brittney since I was a little roly-poly of fluff, just 6 weeks old. I recently turned 1 1/2, and I’m proud to report that I already know a lot of tricks. I can sit, stay, shake, high-five, and, my favorite, give kisses! Not Hey there!

When a teenager is involved in sports, it’s easy to show support for their passion. You take them to practice, go to their games, celebrate their victories, and help them learn from their losses. But what if your teen is more into arts than athletics? Without a literal sideline to cheer from, helping your child grow and develop in fields like writing, painting, and photography can feel — well, abstract. But make no mistake, parents can show concrete support in a few ways to help their budding artist grow and excel in the arts.

to brag, but I’m a pretty smart dog. Brittney says that I’m too smart for my own good sometimes. She also

says I’m a troublemaker, which I can’t deny. Sarah and Brittney take care to make sure all the doors are shut when I’m around. Given the opportunity, I love going through trash cans. Someone has to investigate all those interesting smells!

Stars to Strive For Just as many young athletes have star players they look up to and try to emulate on the field, aspiring artists can look to those making waves in their artistic fields today. Often, school courses focus on “the classics,” which can just

Puppy’s Favorite Peanut Butter Sandwich Treats

feel like homework to an aspiring artist. This is where you can help. Introduce the work of contemporary artists to your teen, or better yet, give your teen opportunities to discover them on their own. Trips to museums and libraries can be just as impactful on growing artists as going to a ball game. No. 1 Fan You may not have to drive your high schooler to writing practice, but you can still give them the tools and support they need to hone their passion. The most obvious way is by asking to see their writing or art, but keep in mind many teens may not be willing to share something that personal. Still, reminding them you’re genuinely interested in their work can help them stick with their passion. Indirect gestures like buying them quality art supplies can also show them you value their craft. The Big Leagues Sure, there’s no varsity watercolor portrait team, but student artists can strive for important milestones. School clubs like student newspapers can provide a semiprofessional outlet for young artists, and there are myriad creative outlets outside the classroom as well. Community galleries, youth anthologies, coffee shop open mics — these are all amazing opportunities for your teen to take their work to the next level. Just as most teen athletes won’t be professional players, you don’t have to expect your artist to be the next Ursula K. Le Guin or Banksy. Whatever their interests are, helping your child explore their passions and enjoy a discipline will leave them with skills and memories they’ll draw upon the rest of their life.

Inspired by

Want to show your dog they’re a really good boy (or girl)? Whip up some of these fantastic peanut butter sandwich dog treats! Your pup will be begging for more.


• • • • • •

1 1/4 cups flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 cup creamy, xylitol-free peanut butter

1 large egg 2 tbsp honey

1/2 cup milk (replace with lactose-free milk for lactose-intolerant pups)


1. Heat oven to 350 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside. 2. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients, mixing until soft dough forms.



An Unseen Threat WHAT DOG OWNERS CAN DO ABOUT SPLENIC TUMORS Y esterday, your dog was just fine. They were running around, playing with their favorite toy, and begging for table scraps. But today you came home and found your four-legged friend collapsed on the ground. An emergency trip to the veterinarian reveals a large, bleeding tumor in your dog’s spleen. Now you have several decisions to make, including whether or not your dog will go in for surgery and have their spleen removed.



As a husky, I have a lot of energy, which means I’m always ready to run around outside. I can play fetch for hours, and I love hiking around

the glaciers on Blacktail Mountain. And if it’s snowing, that’s even better! I go crazy for the snow, which must be

another part of being a husky. When it snows, I get the zoomies and have to run all over the place. Hikes are a hundred times better in the snow.

Most dog owners are well aware of the risk for tumors their canine companions face. Cats can develop tumors, too, but nasty splenic

The weather’s starting to warm up, so we’re probably not going to have many more snow days. That’s alright. I love the snow, but I also love going on bike rides with Sarah when the weather is nice! More sunshine means more bike rides. That sounds pretty good to me.

tumors most often are a problem in dogs. Most big dog breeds, including labs, retrievers, springers,

What are your favorite things to do outside?

rottweilers, shepherds, poodles, and hounds, have the highest risk of developing tumors. That said, smaller dogs can also develop tumors.

When it comes to splenic tumors, the statistics aren’t great. Two-thirds of splenic tumors are malignant and most of those malignant tumors are


hemangiosarcomas, a cancer of the blood vessels that can spread to other tissues in the body. Sadly, if a dog has hemangiosarcoma, there isn’t anything we can do to cure them, not even removing the tumor.

For splenic tumors, the best-case scenario is that the tumor is benign. Removing those types DOES cure the dog. Unfortunately, benign and malignant tumors can look exactly the same. Currently the only way to tell if a tumor is malignant or benign is to remove the spleen and get the pathology report. This is one of the many reasons splenic tumors are so difficult to treat. Tumors like this are immensely troubling because no amount of exercise or healthy diet will prevent them. The best we can do is try to catch tumors early so we can treat them as soon as possible. Because most tumors can’t currently be detected by bloodwork, we rely on ultrasound to check a dog’s spleen, liver, and heart for signs of trouble. Tumors become a greater risk as dogs get older, which is why we recommend that senior dogs get ultrasound exams. To pet owners worried about tumors, we recommend scheduling regular wellness exams, which includes getting bloodwork and ultrasounds completed. It’s also important to mention any behavioral changes you notice to your veterinarian. When a tumor becomes a problem, it strikes fast. Early detection can make a huge difference in your pet’s quality of life.

3. Flour countertop, then roll dough to be 1-inch

thick. Use 1 1/2-inch circle- shaped cookie cutter to cut dough into circles. Use all dough. 4. Bake for 10–12 minutes until cookies are an even color on top. (Note: Cookies will lighten in color as they cook.) Carefully remove from oven and transfer to wire rack to cool. 5. Smear a little peanut butter in the center of two cookies to make a sandwich, and serve to your favorite pooch! Pro Tip: To keep cookies fresh, don’t turn them all into sandwiches at the same time. Wait to put peanut butter between cookies until you’re ready to treat your dog. With this method, cookies will stay fresh for up to two weeks.







The Secret to Our Success


Supporting Your Teen’s Art Meet Gunner the Husky


Peanut Butter Sandwich Dog Treats The Threat Dog Owners Can’t Prevent Bringing Love, Joy, and Life Back to Kishi Station



D uring the mid- 2000s, the Kishi Train Station in Japan began to deteriorate. By 2006, Kishi Station was left completely unstaffed because of low ridership and financial problems. However, one last resident still remained after everyone else was long gone: a black, white, and tan cat named Tama. Tama first appeared at the station as a young cat in the late 1990s. She lived near the train station and would visit commuters daily to receive affection and the occasional treat. But, as it turned out, her continued visits to Kishi Station would end up playing a much bigger role for the station. The same year it became unstaffed, residents living near the station asked the president of the Wakayama Electric Railway,

It turns out Tama’s original owner had asked the railway workers to care for her before he moved away — he couldn’t bear to take her from the station she loved to visit so much. So, Kojima decided to go meet Tama. He liked her immediately and adopted her. A year later, Tama was officially named the Stationmaster of Kishi Station, the first cat stationmaster in Japan. To complete her look, Kojima gave her a small conductor hat to wear as she greeted commuters from her window perch inside the ticket gates. As an official stationmaster, Tama became well known all across Japan and throughout the world. She appeared in the media and on promotional materials that soon brought much-needed foot traffic to Kishi Station. Thousands of tourists came rushing to Kishi to see Tama for themselves, ride the Tamaden carriage, and pick up Tama merchandise inside the station. Tama brought joy to all commuters for the next several years before passing away in 2015. Nearly 3,000 people attended her funeral, and her legacy lives on. Tama’s successors continue as stationmasters: Nitama, who serves as Kishi stationmaster, and assistant Yontama at Idakiso, five stations away. Tama’s friendly and loving nature impacted many people around her, and she will always be affectionately known as the cat who saved the Japanese train station.

Tama, the Calico

Mitsunobu Kojima, to revive the station because the cat’s survival depended on it.



Published by The Newsletter Pro