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APi NSG Employee Handbook 2018

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APi NSG Newsletter | Summer 2018

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APi NSG Recipe Book 2018

2 tsp. black pepper • Dash of red pepper Ffakes • 1 tbsp. dried parsley or fresh • 2 tbsp. cornstarc

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APi NSG Newsletter | Fall 2018

Journeyman in the field with the Local 669 Union for WSFP. why he’s awesome Nick always brings his p

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APi NSG Newsletter | Spring 2018

UL sprinklers • It is easier to retrofit existing buildings with confined spaces To learn more about

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APi NSG Overview

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Employee Handbook

repair will be acted on a “first come, first serve basis,” urgency and availability of materials. If

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APi NSG Customer Newsletter | Spring 2018

UL sprinklers • It is easier to retrofit existing buildings with confined spaces To learn more about

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APi NSG Customer Newsletter | Fall 2018

Journeyman in the field with the Local 669 Union for WSFP. why he’s awesome Nick always brings his p

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APi NSG Newsletter | Winter 2017

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APi NSG Customer Newsletter | Summer 2018

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APi NSG Employee Handbook 2018

APi National Service Group Employee Handbook 2018


APi National Service Group may add to, modify, eliminate, interpret, or depart from any policies contained in this handbook at any time without notice. This handbook is as complete as we can reasonably make it. It is not necessarily all inclusive because circumstances or matters not addressed in this handbook may warrant actions or conduct not stated in the handbook. This handbook supersedes and replaces all prior written handbooks or company employee manuals. All prior handbooks and policies are hereby rescinded and revoked. Unless specifically stated otherwise, policies or procedures addressed elsewhere and not in this handbook are not superseded. Please be aware that any handbook revisions and updates may be communicated via memo format, by way of posting on the company intranet, and/or by other means by the company. Please ask questions of your supervisor, HR or payroll/benefits administrator when you need additional information or further clarification on company policies. This is a supplement to the APi Group Employee Handbook which should also be referred to for further details on benefits, policies, etc.

What’s Inside:

• A Letter from our President • Our Vision • Dress Code • Dress Code continued

• Appropriate Dress Code Examples • Inappropriate Dress Code Examples • Scheduling Policy • Performance Policy • Working from Home Policy • Paid Time Off & Overtime Policy • Getting Connected



On behalf of our entire team, welcome and thank you for joining our rocket ship!

We are an extremely proud, motivated, and energetic team that works hard to deliver value to all of our stakeholders every day. Whether it’s working with an APi sister company, third party provider, customer or another team member, we always look for ways to make a positive impact. As you will see when you dig into our vision statement, we have worked thoughtfully on crafting each component. Our core values and core purpose guide our decision making and behaviors. Additionally, our BHAG and envisioned future outline a clear goal and provide motivating words to inspire us all as we reach for the stars, every day. Our parent company, APi Group has the purpose of “Building Great Leaders.” We own this purpose as part of our company as well. We are dedicated to the continued development of our team and our company. You will have the opportunity to engage with multiple people in our organization to work on your individual development and I encourage you to grab each opportunity. Leadership and development is a life long journey and regardless of where you are starting in the company, you have an opportunity to be a leader through your words and actions every single day. I hope that you are as excited about joining our team as we are to have you onboard. If there is anything I can personally do for you at any time, please don’t hesitate to ask.

All the best,

Colleen Moselle President APi National Service Group








A set of guiding principles

Our most fundamental reason for being

Big, hairy, audacious goal

What it would be like to achieve our BHAG

Creative Solutions




Developing creative solutions to increase the value we provide our stakeholders

Enriching the lives of our employees through development

Building personal relationships to foster collaboration and teamwork

Fun, adaptable and energetic culture

We build lasting relationships by providing personal attention to our customers and service providers so they can focus on their core business. CORE PURPOSE Achieve $80MM in revenue while driving profitable work to our family of companies. BHAG


APi NSG will be recognized by the top national and regional companies as the “go-to” solution for servicing their life safety systems. They know they can rely on us for coast-to-coast, 24/7 service and support. They’ve never had any provider keep them as clearly informed at every step of the service life-cycle. We help them reduce internal operating costs, and remove the worry of managing these systems. We deliver peace of mind. They are raving fans! Our sister companies eagerly collaborate with us because we not only increase their existing business, but expand their markets and capabilities without increasing their sales and marketing costs. We work with them to increase brand recognition, accelerate their service business, and increase profitability. They, too, are raving fans! Whether it’s our clients, sister companies, competitors, or prospective team members, we are known for our incredibly capable and energetic team. People are amazed with our teamwork, effectiveness, and ability to innovate. We are fast and responsive. We provide unsolicited feedback and seek out opportunities to engage with each other, exchanging ideas and creating excitement. Our team works hard because we want to; we are part of something great!



“Personal appearance and dress is a vital part of the impression you convey to your coworkers as well as company visitors, suppliers, and customers. REMEMBER, YOU REPRESENT THE COMPANY! Moderation and good taste in dress will make a fine, business-like impression. You are expected to dress appropriate to the business requirements of the day. All offices will have a minimum standard of dress to whatever the current standard of “business casual” is at the time. Your supervisor will advise you of the dress standards for your position.” (Pg. 24 of APi Group Employee Handbook)



SHIRTS |TOPS |BLOUSES | JACKETS ACCEPTABLE • Dress Shirts • Blouses and cotton shirts (shoulder straps must be at least 2 inches wide) • Sweaters • Polo Shirt • Turtlenecks • Cardigans • Suit and other work appropriate jackets • Sport coats • Blazers • Vests

• Capris • Khakis NOT ACCEPTABLE • Jeans (except on Friday) • Sweatpants • Shorts • Bib Overalls • Spandex or other pants intended for exercise EXCEPTIONS • Leggings – Can be worn with longer shirts, tunics or dresses. Workout leggings and attire is not acceptable. • Jeans Friday – Please remember that this is a day where jeans are okay to wear but it is

not casual Friday. Jeans should not have holes and should be work appropriate.



HEADWEAR ACCEPTABLE • Head dress for religious purposes • Headbands NOT ACCEPTABLE • Hats OTHER ACCEPTABLE • Scarves and jewelry NOTE:

NOT ACCEPTABLE • Tank tops (unless underneath another layer) • Midriff tops • Low-cut tops • Shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans • Halter-tops • Tops with no shoulders • Hooded sweatshirts • T-shirts SKIRTS | DRESSES ACCEPTABLE • Casual and business dresses and skirts that are appropriate for an office setting NOT ACCEPTABLE • Mini-skirts • Beach dresses • Spaghetti-strap or strapless dresses (any straps must be at least 2 inches wide) SHOES | FOOTWEAR ACCEPTABLE • Dress shoes • Dress flats • Dress/riding boots • Sneakers – on Fridays only (must be clean and in good condition) NOT ACCEPTABLE • Slippers • Casual sandals such as thongs/beach flip flops • Rain boots • Winter boots

The dress code may be escalated if we are expecting guests such as company executives, customers, etc. in our building. Additionally, use your own judgment to dress appropriately for the day - keep in mind when you have meetings, events, etc. and who else will be in attendance. DISCLAIMER: If you are questioning whether or not something you are going to wear is appropriate, the answer is probably “no”.





“The company’s work week normally consists of forty (40) hours, Monday through Friday, and is normally eight (8) hours per day scheduled at times between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm with 30-60 minutes for lunch. However, the days and hours of work may vary depending upon business needs and your location…You must observe the established working schedule of each department, unless your supervisor directs you to do otherwise.” (Pg. 10 of APi Group Employee Handbook)


Supervisors will meet with each employee individually to discuss their work schedule, from there, the entire team’s schedules will be coordinated.


• Schedules are flexible up to 15 minutes after set arrival time and 30 minutes before scheduled departure. If an employee will arrive 30 minutes after their designated start time, it is expected that they call or text their supervisor with an explanation and arrival time. Employees must also request approval from their supervisor if they need to leave 30 minutes before scheduled end time. In summary, it is expected that each employee will work an 8-hour day unless otherwise approved by their supervisor. • All other early release days or time off must be discussed and approved by supervisors. • If an employee has more than three late arrivals in one month, then their supervisor will arrange an Opportunity Chat to discuss and a note will be made in their Reviewsnap profile. • Supervisor will discuss situations and determine on a case-by-case if there are extenuating circumstances. • If problem persists and employee continues to arrive late, their supervisor and leadership team will discuss further action to be taken.



“Your job performance is being monitored regularly by your supervisor and other members of manage- ment. The Company endeavors to conduct performance reviews annually… Proper conduct is essential for continuing your employment with APi Group, Inc. We expect you to follow the rules of conduct that protect the interests and safety of individual employees and the company as a whole” (Pg. 12, 31 of Api Group Employee Handbook) See page 31 of the APi Group handbook for a list of infractions that may


The supervisor will first meet with the leadership team to define responsibilities for each employee. Individual meetings will then be held with supervisors to discuss and outline expectations for each role. The discussed responsibilities and expectations will be recorded in the company’s review resource where it is easily accessible.


If expectations are not being met, the supervisor will have an Opportunity Chat with the employee to discuss the issues. This conversation will be recorded in Reviewsnap to be referenced. If an employee has more than three instances logged in a month, the situation will be escalated to the leadership team to discuss further actions that need to be taken. If the issues persist, the employee will have daily/ weekly check-ins with their supervisor to communicate progress on the expectations/responsibilities laid out in their action plan.



“Personal business, including outside appointments during working time, must be avoided. Any time off for appointments or other personal matters during scheduled hours must be approved in advance by your supervisor… Brief absences for medical and other personal appointments or reasons should be scheduled to avoid conflict with work. When this is not possible, you must obtain prior approval from your supervisor for your absences for appointments or other personal reasons.” (Pg. 10, 14 of APi Group Employee Handbook)


Working from home is not our standard company practice and is allowed only with approval from you supervisor.


• Employees are expected to fulfill all of their normal in-office daily responsibilities when working from home. • Calls are not to be routed to an employee’s cell phone unless the phone is paid for by APi NSG. Please answer calls via Jabber. • Supervisors will notify team that someone is working from home. • Employee is responsible for updating both Basecamp and their Jabber status so the whole team is aware they are working from home. • Employees are expected to clock out for breaks if away from their phone and computer for more than 10 minutes. • Employee is sick and is able to work but not feeling well enough to come into the office and/or does not want to get others sick. • Employee has a sick child/pet but is capable of working from home. • Employee is expecting a service/delivery at their residence and needs to be present. • Employee has an appointment that conflicts with work schedule and it makes sense for them to work from home. • Severe weather that may cause unsafe driving conditions. Examples of when it is appropriate to work from home:


API GROUP POLICY “Your availabe PTO can be used for any reason, including but not limited to: vacations, illness, injury, family needs, safety, birthdays, medical appointments, religious holidays, personal days and so on. It is your responsibilty to get approval from your supervisor for planned absences such as vacation, and notify your supervisor as quickly as possible for unplanned absences, such as illness.” (Pg. 21-23 of APi Group Employee Handbook) pto schedules (in hours)

Years 1 through 4


Years 5 through 14


Years 15 through 24


Years 25 through 29


Years 30+


Carry-over limit at year-end



• If you submitted 8 hours of PTO for a day off, you will be charged for 8 hours of PTO regardless of the total number of hours worked that week. • For non-exempt employees only: You will only be eligible for OT if you exceed 40 actual worked hours in a given week. PTO, holiday, sick, and actual worked hours will not be combined. • If you submitted 8 hours of PTO and actually worked 34 hours that week, you will be charged for the 8 hours of PTO, making your total 42 hours of straight pay time because your working hours did not exceed 40. • PTO is accrued quarterly, for example, in years 1 through 4 you will accrue 30 hours each quarter equalling 120 hours total. • From your start date until year-end, you will accrue 30 hours of PTO for each quarter you have worked. • We opted into the maximum available PTO benefit plan when the company made the switch from vacation and sick time to PTO.

other notes

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