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Are You Suffering With Aches & Pains?

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Are You Suffering With Aches & Pains?

energy drink without all the cost Try these exercises to help with aches and pains... Exercise Essen

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Suffering With Aches & Pains?

Suffering With Aches & Pains? Heal th & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your

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Wellbridge PT: Are You Suffering From Sciatica

7619.php SCIATICA: HOW PHYSICAL THERAPY CAN HELP If you’re experiencing sciatica, contact a physicia

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ReboundPT_Daily Aches & Pains Holding You Back?

4 tsp salt • 2 ripe peeled avocados • 2 jalapeño peppers, seeded and finely chopped • 1 garlic clove

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FyzicalSouthwestGeorgia_Helping With Aches and Pains


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Pittman_Daily Aches & Pains Holding You Back?

2 your body weight in ounces every day. 3. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY DIET OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Fruits a

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APAT_Are You Suffering With a Herniated Disc

APAT_Are You Suffering With a Herniated Disc The Advance Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health A

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personal- training to learn more about how we can help you maximize your performance! WORTHINGTON 61

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health-blog for tips to getting back to living pain-free. Always consult your physiotherapist or phy

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Are You Suffering With Aches & Pains?

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body Are You Suffering With Aches & Pains? What Different Types Of Pain Can Tell You

When you have an ache or pain it can leave you scratching your head as to where the pain is truly coming from. Just because it hurts in that part of your leg or arm, doesn’t mean that is where the problem is coming from. Is it a disc, muscle strain or did you just plain overdo it? If you are suffering from back pain or neck pain, here are some questions it is important for you to answer, to determine the origins of your pain: How long have you had your pain? For example, acute low back (lumbar) pain may be because of a muscle strain. Chronic low back pain is typical of restricted joints, tight muscle tissue and muscle weakness. Achy pain is typically a problem with movement due to poor functioning of the muscles and joints. Sharp pain can be a muscle spasm or even an impingement of a joint. Tingling sensations and pain can be from irritation to a nerve either from compression or inflammation of that area. Is Your Pain Achy, sharp or tingling?

(Continued on Inside)

Study Proves Results from Physical Therapy Are You Suffering With Aches & Pains? At Innovative Physical Therapy Solutions We Will Figure The Correct Course Of Treatment For You Specific Problem

Is the pain worse at a specific time of day? Achy, stiff pain in the morning can be due to muscle and tissue stiffness. Severe radiating pain to the lower back, buttock and leg with bending in the morning is an indicator of a potential herniated disc. Whereas pain towards the end of the day after moving and activity is an indicator of spinal muscle weakness as the muscles fatigue during the day. Do you have difficulty with prolonged sitting, standing or walking? Pain with prolonged standing and walking is typical of muscle fatigue of the spine as well as the hip muscles. It is typical to complain of pain to the low back and buttocks as your muscles cannot tolerate the activity. The good news is that with the right physical therapy treatment plan, you can alleviate these problem areas and prevent the pain from returning. There is a lot that can be done to help pain and the fastest way to relieve pain is to find out the true source and treat it. At Innovative Physical Therapy Solutions, our therapists have years of medical training, specializing in muscles, joints and nerves, to determine where your pain is coming from. With specialized hands-on therapy, structured easy medical exercises and modalities, we can relieve your pain, get you stronger and put you on the right path to return to the activities you love to do, without pain. Call us today to find out more.

Why Choose Innovative? • Expertly trained therapists • Focused on achieving fast results • We take the time to listen to you • We spend time educating you on your problem and how to solve it

• Friendly, courteous staff • On time appointments • Doctor recommended

Patient Results

I am able to do my normal activities again! Success Story - Mary V. “I’m pain free and able to do my normal activities without pain I was limited before therapy with a lot of pain.”

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Wondering About Your Ache or Pain? ASK YOUR QUESTION! Email your question today and your physical therapist will get right back to you, answering your question and giving you advice. We would like to hear from you. We are always concerned with how you are doing. [email protected]

Helpful Tips

Even those who use snowblowers often have to “touch up” later in certain areas with a shovel. Consult the snow shoveling tips below to the make the job go more smoothly -- and to make it less boring, as well. Are You Shoveling Snow The Safe Way?

You Should Have a Plan Before You Start Snow Shoveling Leave these 2 areas for last:

1. Don’t fuss about the rest of the snow around the car just yet. More snow will accumulate there when you clean the car, so you might as well wait till then to clean up around the perimeter of the car. 2. Hold off on snow shoveling (with any degree of thoroughness) where your drivewaymeets the street. As plows go by, they’ll be barricading that area with more snow. Save this area till you’re ready to pull out with your car (or till after you’ve rested up). Speaking of resting, if you can afford the luxury of clearing a driveway in stages, that’s the way to go. If the storm’s over, divide the workload into sections; if the storm’s still in progress, make a preliminary sweep, then go back after the storm.

How To Shovel To Protect Your Body From Injury The stretching I had you do above is just step #1 in snow shoveling the safe way. Once you step outside and start wielding your shovel, remember the following: • Bend your knees and lift with your legs • As you lift the snow, keep the shovel blade close to you, to reduce back strain • Switch off between snow shoveling right-handed and left-handed, so that you’re working different muscles • Likewise, periodically change your grip on the hand holding the bar (palm under vs. palm over) • When the snowfall is heavy (1 foot in depth, let’s say), don’t try to clean right down to the ground with a single scoop. Instead, skim the top 6 inches off, then scoop up the bottom 6 inches. Otherwise, you could be hurting yourself by lifting too much.

Call Today: (315) 786-0655

Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to help relieve pain

Helps Neck Pain

LEVATOR SCAPULAE STRETCH Grasp your arm on the affected side and tilt your head downward and to the side until a stretch is felt. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat 6 times.

Exercises copyright of

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body!

Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Take Care of Your Aches and Pains Before It’s Too Late.