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Ascent PT. Herniated Discs

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Breckenridge PT: Herniated Discs n° 315994 - LevelHard Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solut

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Orthosports PT: Herniated Discs

Orthosports PT: Herniated Discs Health & Fitness UNDERSTANDING HERNIATED DISCS Back pain can develop

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Avenues PT: Herniated Discs

2 cup oat flour ground DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease or line a baking sheet with parchmen

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Kinetix PT: Herniated Discs

rehab • Sports physical therapy • And many more!

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AgeWell PT: Herniated Discs


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Choice PT: Herniated Discs

4 cup Italian Bread crumbs • 3 - 4 tbsp of Olive Oil • Salt and Pepper to taste • Gallon size Ziploc

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Nestor PT: Herniated Discs

Paste: Add all dry ingredients to the food processor: 2-3 bunches of chopped scallions, 6 pimento le

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Lewy PT: Herniated Discs n° 329837 - Level Hard The rules of the game are simple: each of the nine blocks has to

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Roadside PT: Herniated Discs

Roadside PT: Herniated Discs P T N E W S L E T T E R ROA D S I D E Get A Better

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Restore PT: Herniated Discs

Arthritis Workshop COMING SOON! Attention Pain Sufferers! Wednesday, May 22nd @ 7:00pm Are you unabl

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Ascent PT. Herniated Discs

Our Monthly Climb The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Understanding Herniated Discs • Treatments For Herniated Discs • Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Healthy Recipe • Patient Success Spotlight Are You Suffering From HERNIATED DISCS?

Our Monthly Climb The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


will not heal on its own, and working with a physical therapist is one of the best ways to experience relief from the pain associated with this common concern. How does this happen? The vertebrae in the spine are stacked closely together, with only a small amount of space for the discs in between each bone. A disc can become herniated as a resultof injury,caraccident,orevensimply fromoveruse.Oneof themostcommon causes of a herniated disc is heavy lifting. Weightlifters have to be especially wary not to suddenly lift something too heavy, otherwise risk experiencing a slipped disc. But experienced gym goers are not the only ones at risk. Every time you attempt to move a piece of furniture, a heavy box, or even a big bag of books you need to be wary to lift correctly, otherwise face the risk of potentially herniating a disc in your back.

What Is A Herniated Disc? Your spine is made up of a series of interlocking bones with small cushions in-between each joint socket. The structure of your spine is what allows you to move freely from side to side. Every time you crunch your abdomen by bending forward, or lean to one side or another for a deep stretch, those little vertebral bodies move with you, keeping you comfortable and your back strong. Without cushioning in between each of those sockets, the bones would rub against one another with every movement, and this would be incredibly painful. The most common placement for a herniated disc is at the lumbar vertebrae in the lower back. While it is not the only reason that pain can become severe in the lower back, it is definitely one of the most severe forms of back pain. If you suspect that you may have experienced a herniated disc it is important that you seek medical attention, such as from your physical therapist. A herniated disc

Solutions ForArthritis Pain

Painassociatedwithaherniateddiscoftendevelops inthesciaticnerve,anddoesn’t subsidewithsimplerestandrelaxation.Whilehotandcoldtherapywillhelpalleviate the pain associated with many different back issues, it won’t make the pain of a herniated disc go away. The pain is often frequently associated with numbness, weakness,andtingling inthe legs. Inmanysituations,thepainwillfeelmoresevere after initialmovement,suchasstandingupor layingdown.Manypeoplemistakenly refer tohavingaherniateddiscashaving “pinchedanerve,”but that isnot thecase. Physicaltherapy isagreatresourceforattemptingtoovercomethepainassociated with a herniated disc. A combination of passive and active techniques is typically employed, includingdeeptissuemassage,electricalstimulation,hydrotherapy,deep stretching and strength building. If you suspect that you may have a herniated disc, contact a physical therapist right away. Attempting to engage in therapy at home could lead to further injury. It is best to have an experienced therapist assess your injury before attempting any treatment options. If you’re suffering from back or neck pain, call Ascent Physical Therapy at 503.427.0118. Your physical therapist can help you return to a more active and pain-free life.

Relieve Back Pain In Minutes Try this simple exercise to keep you moving

Berry Almond Smoothie Bowl

Ingredients • ⅔ cup frozen raspberries • ½ cup frozen sliced banana • ½ cup plain unsweetened almond milk • 5 tbsp sliced almonds, divided • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon • ⅛ tsp ground cardamom • ⅛ tsp vanilla extract • ¼ cup blueberries • 1 tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes


Directions Blend raspberries, banana, almond milk, 3 tablespoons almonds, cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla in a blender until very smooth. Pour the smoothie into a bowl and top with blueberries, the remaining 2 tablespoons almonds and coconut.

Swan Dive Lay on stomach with your arms overhead. Press your chest upwards, keeping the muscles in your trunk and legs relaxed. Repeat 6 times.

For more information, call Ascent Physical Therapy at 503.427.0118 or visit our website at

Provider Update

Patient Success Spotlight


“I felt 1000% better than I did before!” My back hurt for over a year before I decided that it had to be more than just the agingprocess (I’m65). Iused to run (Hood toCoastwasa favorite - Idid itover10 times),but thatwas “back in theday.”Over theyears, Ihadsomehealthchallenges, continued to age, and got WAY out of shape. Running was impossible. Walking was possible, but with a great deal of pain. I could barely bend down and certainly couldn’t lift myself to a standing position without bracing on a stationary object. I saw Jonathan Rice, DPT, who analyzed my gait and history. He immediately saw myproblemandgavemea fewexercisesbefore I left theoffice. I felta littlebetter just doing the exercises in the office, but still didn’t have high hopes. I was wrong–way wrong. By the time I saw him again in a week, I was walking almost pain-free. He then gave me different exercises to not only alleviate my pain, but to strengthen the area (mostly my glutes) that needed help. By the time I saw him again one week later, I felt 1000% better than I did pre-Jonathan. I’m even running again (okay, only a little so far, and slow as molasses). I feel terrific. Long story long - Jonathan did a great job analyzing my problem, and offering a solution.Myprognosis isgreat. IhavenoproblemgivingAscenta5starrating, (and Jonathan a 6 star rating if one existed). My only regret is in having waited so long.

“Earlier this spring my wife and I were driving back down from a beautiful day of spring ski touring on Mt. Hood when we decided to stop in on the work site at our new clinic in Sandy. While we were sitting at the Ant Farm for soup and sandwiches (one of our post ski traditions) we were talking about how impressive the progress has been. The framing is done, windows installed and the flooring should be going down in a few weeks. This has all taken on a new level of appreciation with the personal home renovations that we have been doing. Earlier this winter we took on a bathroom remodel with the attitude of “I know it will be hard, but we can do it.” About four months later we have finally gotten through the plumbing inspection and closed the floor. Needless to say, if that was our day job we would go broke, but it has been a rewarding experience and a good reminder that it is OK to struggle with things and have to push yourself to grow. The strong willed, self-reliant attitude that is so prevalent in the mountain community is one of the many reasons we are so excited to be moving to Sandy. We are looking forward to helping people get back to exceeding their own expectations. “ - Dr. Jonathan Rice DPT

- Jay D.

Special Offer

Don’t let back pain become a way of life!



Call 503.427.0118 to schedule your appointment today!

16126 SE Happy Valley Town Center Dr #200 Happy Valley, OR 97086

17430 MEINIG AVE • SANDY, OR, 97055

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 5-30-19.