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Aston University - Space Manager

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Aston University - Space Manager

Candidate Brief

Space Manager

Reference: R180195 Salary: Grade 9 - £ 40 , 7 92 to £4 8 , 6 7 7

Basis: Full Time

Job description

Job Purpose:

Responsible and accountable to the Head of Space Strategy & Refurbishment for the management of the space planning function, ensuring that space is used efficiently and effectively, leading on teaching space design and overseeing the work of the Space Team.

Main Duties/Responsibilities:

 To be responsible for the Space Team including planning and prioritising work, delegation and balancing of workload and ensuring timely conclusion of space tasks.  To directly line manage one or more members of the Space Team including providing support and guidance where required. To be responsible for carrying out the PDR process with those staff including setting objectives, monitoring quality, performance and any training requirements.  To conduct negotiations with departmental contacts, heads of department including members of the Executive Team, regarding space requirements and appropriate space allocations to ensure the efficient use of University space.  To be proactive in the management of University space. To initiate and conduct staff group consultations to explore customer requirements and team operation together with the analysis of technical >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7

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