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Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2021

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2021

2 tbsp of strawberry purée and freeze another hour. Inspired by 3 WWW.TH

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2020

DWI • Business Law With all the cards, chocolates, and expensive dinners, it’s easy to get cynical a

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2019

20 — and yes, some folks at the wedding did manage a few marijuana jokes. After the big day, we were

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - January 2021

Aulsbrook Law Firm - January 2021 JANUARY 2021 I COME TO FIGHT. I DON’T BARK. I BITE! WWW.THETEXASLA

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - March 2021

4 tsp salt. 4. Place dough on top rack and asparagus on bottom and bake for 3 minutes. 5. Remove bot

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - September 2021

2 cups flour DIRECT IONS Mix the warm water, yeast, oil, and sugar. Let rest about 5 minutes until f

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - May 2021

2 tbsp fish sauce Mint leaves, to taste DIRECT IONS 1. First, make toasted rice powder: In a frying

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - April 2021

2 cup brown sugar, lemon juice, and 3 tbsp water to a boil. 3. Reduce heat to medium and cook until

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - October 2021

2 can creamed corn 1 large can V8 juice 3 WWW.THETEXASLAWDOG.COM 817.775.5364 PRST STD US POSTAGE PA

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - December 2021

4 cups flour 2 cups powdered sugar DIRECT IONS 1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 2. In a large bowl, bea

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Aulsbrook Law Firm - February 2021

FEB 2022


Puppy Love for Valentine’s Day

February is known for Valentine’s Day … you know, that holiday when you start seeing hearts everywhere and items stocked on the shelves the day after Christmas. Remember the Valentine cards from elementary school you got to exchange with your classmates or the boxes of chocolates you broke open just a little to see what “goo” was inside before you take a bite? Or that first “puppy love” you experienced with a crush? While stores are usually filled the day after Christmas with Valentine’s goodies, February is also a month when people are already

You also want to consider spaying/neutering your dog. Dogs also don’t feel well when they are in heat, and when dogs are spayed or neutered at the appropriate time, it can also be better for their health, mood, and behavior. Aside from owning a dog and taking it to the vet, being a responsible pet owner means you are responsible for training

and socializing the dog as well as helping to prevent dog bites. You are probably wondering what all of this means, but as an injury lawyer, we handle dog bite cases. This is not something you want to be the victim or the cause of. First, rabies vaccines are necessary, and you should also check your city rules. Many cities require you to register your dog with the city along with their rabies tag. Rabies tags can be good for one year or three years depending on the type of vaccine your dog receives. If your dog gets loose or bites someone and you don’t have the dog registered, you could be fined, and your dog will be quarantined at the shelter. Now, you are probably wondering how you can prevent dog bites. 1. Socialize your dog. This helps dogs feel at ease in different situations. It can be helpful to introduce them to other dogs and people so as the dog ages, they are more comfortable. It is also important to use a leash. Being in control of your dog is important and having the dog know how to walk on a leash is important. Educate yourself on your local leash laws. Continued on Pg. 2 ...


getting tired of the puppy or dog they bought or adopted for Christmas. That’s why February is also Responsible Pet Owners Month. During the pandemic, many people adopted or purchased a dog. Shelters are now flooded with pets due to owners having given them up because they have returned to work, decided the pet is just too much to handle, or surrendered for another reason, or the pet ended up in the shelter as a stray. So, what exactly is responsible pet ownership? Aside from caring for the dog’s basic needs and being there for the dog both physically and emotionally, being a responsible pet owner means you are committed for a good 10–15 years depending on the age and health of the dog. In addition to being responsible for this length of time, this means having the annual veterinary appointments for vaccines and heartworm prevention. In Texas, we have the mosquito problem. Heartworms are spread to dogs through the bite of a mosquito.




Driving affords a certain level of freedom. It allows us to run errands, see friends and socialize, and travel to our favorite places. However, as we age, issues like hearing loss or vision impairment and chronic conditions (such as Alzheimer’s) can rob us of this freedom. If you have an older loved one and are worried about their driving habits, here are a few signs that it may be time for them to stop driving. However, they don’t have to give up all of their freedom! If you notice these issues, consider some solutions to address them. Problem: Slowed Reaction Time Quick reaction times are necessary when driving since you can never predict what another driver will do. However, vision loss, hearing concerns, and joint pain can limit how quickly a person can respond to obstacles as they appear when driving. This can lead to increased rates of accidents or “missed calls.” WORRIED ABOUT AN OLDER ADULT DRIVING? 3 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS

... continued from Cover

2. Select a dog that is right for your family. Do your research on breeds and determine what breed of dog you and your family can thrive with. Train the dog, provide regular exercise, and spay/neuter. 3. Educate your family and children on how to approach dogs. If you don’t know how, look it up. If you and your family need more training on it, go to training with the dog or have a trainer come to your home so everyone is on the same page. 4. Avoid risky situations. You should avoid petting a dog when it is sleeping or eating, not with its owner, or the owner doesn’t give you permission to pet the dog. Also avoid the dog if it is growling or barking, sick or injured, resting with her puppies and not sure about your presence, seeking alone time, or located on the other side of the fence. 5. Pay attention to body language. Like humans, a dog’s body language can help us know if they are feeling scared, stressed, or threatened. 6. Read your homeowners insurance policy or required renter’s insurance policy. You want to make sure you have a policy that covers dog bites, especially certain breeds. If you find yourself in a sticky situation with a dog bite, obey local rules and laws, separate the dog from the scene, and always provide the victim the current rabies information and your contact information. If your dog has bitten someone, it’s very important to talk with your veterinarian about future behavior and advice that will help prevent future bites. Contact me if you have been the victim of a dog bite, know someone who has, or want additional information. Enjoy ALL the puppy kisses and hug your dogs frequently. It reduces blood pressure, too! For quality and affordable vaccines, heartworm medication, and spay and neutering at a low cost, check out Texas Coalition for Animal Protection at .

Solutions: Plan the route, drive during times with less traffic, and ask a friend to accompany them.

Problem: Cognitive Decline It’s estimated that 55 million people around the world have dementia, which impacts older adults at a higher rate. Driving can be difficult for those with dementia because it requires the use of fine motor skills, quick decision- making, and a strong memory — all of which can be lost to dementia. Solutions : Seek transportation services from community groups, establish a family rotation for driving, and find at-home services that reduce the need to drive. Problem: Poor Vision General use and wear of our bodies can cause our vision to deteriorate, and while we need many of our senses to drive safely, vision is the most important. When a person cannot see well, they may struggle to read traffic signs, notice traffic speeds changing, see during various times of the night or day, or notice pedestrians or other objects in the road. Solutions: Always use prescription eye correction, don’t drive at times where it is particularly difficult to see, and regularly see an optometrist to monitor the situation. No matter your situation, you deserve proper compensation if you are injured as the result of someone else’s negligence. If you would like to learn more, please call us today! Remember, we don’t bark … we bite!

–Matt Aulsbrook


Entitled to Compensation If …

Examining Texas’ Comparative Negligence Law

increase the likelihood and severity of their injuries from the accident. In this case, the courts and insurance companies examine fault using the comparative negligence law and assign a percentage of blame to each party. However, doing so varies by state. For instance, some states have pure comparative negligence practices, which allows any party involved in an accident, regardless of how “at fault” they were found, to seek compensation for their injuries. As Investopedia explains, someone who is found “99% fault for the accident … can still recover 1% of the damages assessed from the defendant.” This works a little differently in Texas. Our Civil Practice and Remedies Code §33.003 states that a person who is found to be 51% at fault for a collision is not entitled to compensation. Instead, it’s the parties who are 50% or less responsible for an accident who can recover monetary support. Understanding how this system works can be a powerful tool for plaintiffs. It’s important to share any and all details of the collision with your attorney so they can help you seek payment and understand what your options may be. Using Texas’ Civil Practice and Remedies Code §33.003 statute, you might prove that while your actions contributed to your injury, you were not the main negligent party and, therefore, deserve some form of justice.

It’s often difficult to identify the “sole” cause of the accident, and this can create complications for parties seeking proper compensation for injuries and damage repair. To combat this problem, many states have enacted their own variations of comparative negligence law, designed to assign a percentage of fault to each party involved in the accident. By doing so, the courts can identify who was most at fault and therefore liable. Let’s start with when this law would be applied to an accident claim. There are often situations where one person’s negligence or actions set off a course of events that lead to an accident, but a person who, for instance, knowingly operates a vehicle without airbags or while texting can exacerbate or

If you have further questions about your case or would like to learn more about Aulsbrook Law Firm’s various areas of expertise, please visit .

Texas-Sized LAUGHS




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2 chicken breasts 2 oz mozzarella cheese, cubed 2 canned artichoke hearts, chopped 4 tsp sun-dried tomatoes, chopped 10 large basil leaves, chopped

1. Preheat oven to 365 F. 2. Cut a slit lengthwise to create a pocket in the middle of each chicken breast. Place the breasts on a baking sheet. 3. In a medium bowl, combine the mozzarella cheese, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, basil, and garlic. 4. Divide the mixture in half and stuff each chicken breast pocket. Using toothpicks, seal the edges of the pockets. 5. Season the chicken with curry, paprika, salt, and pepper, then bake for 20 minutes or until the chicken reaches 165 F. 6. Remove the toothpicks and serve with rice, potatoes, salad, or roasted vegetables!

2 cloves garlic, chopped

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1/2 tsp curry powder

1/2 tsp paprika Salt and pepper, to taste

Inspired by






INSIDE Puppy Love 1

3 Signs to Hand Over the Keys 2

‘51% Responsible for My Accident! What Does This Mean?’ Mediterranean Stuffed Chicken Breast 3 How Does the NHL Manage Outdoor Games? 4

Cases We Handle: • Personal Injury • Wrongful Death

• Car Wreck • Truck Wreck

How Does the NHL Manage Outdoor Games?

Since 2003, the National Hockey League (NHL) has hosted 33 outdoor regular season games with two more on the schedule for this year. From 2003–2013, the outdoor games were held in cities with colder climates at the beginning of the coldest month of the year. Chicago, Boston, and Edmonton were some of the cities to host during that time period. In 2014, the NHL began experimenting with playing outdoor games in warmer climates when they held the very first Stadium Series game at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Since then, the NHL has not shied away from playing outdoor games in warmer climates. In fact, the 2016 Stadium Series game between the Detroit Red Wings and Colorado Avalanche took place in temperatures of 65 degrees F. This year, the NHL plans to host an outdoor game in Nashville in late February when the temperature usually sits around 50 degrees F. It can be difficult to maintain ice in warmer climates, but the NHL has developed a foolproof method to ensure their players stay safe during any type of weather. To help the ice stay frozen, the NHL uses a revolutionary mobile refrigeration unit. Crews arrange aluminum trays across the football field or wherever the game is taking place. They then pump as much as 3,000 gallons of glycol coolant through the trays until they reach a temperature of 22 degrees F. After the ice reaches the ideal temperature, crews install rink boards. Lastly, they spray a fine mist of water across the rink, which builds the ice sheet until it reaches a thickness of 2 inches. The ice at an

indoor rink is usually only about an inch thick, but outdoor games require a thicker surface to handle the warmer temperature.

The NHL also had to find ways to manage much larger crowds at outdoor games. The record for the largest crowd at an NHL game is 105,491 — which took place outdoors at Michigan Stadium in 2014. The average attendance for indoor games is around 20,000 for most teams. Luckily, they usually get an extra hand from volunteers and the staff that regularly works at these venues.

You can catch outdoor games this season on Feb. 22 and March 13.


