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Avenues PT. Avoiding Surgery After Injury

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Global PT. Avoiding Surgery After A Sports Injury

Global PT. Avoiding Surgery After A Sports Injury HEALTH & WELLNESS The Newsletter About Your Health

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Achieve Therapy: Avoiding Surgery After a Sports Injury

AT, PTA Michelle graduated from Moorhead State University in 1994 with a B.S. in Physical Education,

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Rebound Fitness. Avoiding Surgery After A Sports Injury n° 312259 - Level Hard Offer valid for the first 20 people to schedule. Expires 01-31-20

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Nebraska PT: Avoid Surgery after an Injury

or buttocks. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times. Exercisescopyrightof Always c

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Clinton County PT. Avoiding Surgery

4 cup cheese

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Worcester: Avoid Surgery After A Sports Injury

4 cup chopped toasted hazelnuts DIRECTIONS Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. In a medium bowl combi

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Lonoke: Avoid Surgery After A Sports Injury

2 an hour and serve. | NEED HELP WITH INSURANCE PLANS? Are you

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Outpatient_How To Avoid Surgery After an Injury n°315994 - LevelHard Backpack Safety Backpack Strategies for Parents and Students Aching

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Understanding What Happens After Surgery or Injury

day) versus placebo in healthy older adults placed on 10 days of complete bed rest, lean body mass w

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ElevatePT_Avoid Surgery After a Sports Injury

homemade-black-bean-veggie-burgers BRIDGING While lying on your back, raise your buttocks off the fl

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Avenues PT. Avoiding Surgery After Injury

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


• Get Healthy– Get A Pet! • Cheyenne Day Of Giving • Patient Success Spotlights • Rooted In Cheyenne • Exercises for Pain Relief


Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. For many people, playing sports is a fun way to burn extra calories, socialize, and get fit. Unfortunately, this also means the occasional sports injury or a flare up of an old injury or condition. You don’t have to be a professional or even an amateur athlete to suffer a sports injury. In fact, many times, those most susceptible to sports injuries are people who have just started exercising or participate on a recreational level. Sports injuries in this article will be defined as injuries to the musculoskeletal system, including muscles, bones and tissues such as cartilage. The most common sports injuries include: SPRAINS: A sprain occurs when the connective tissue that joins the end of the bone with another is stretched or torn. Those connective tissues are known as ligaments. Sprains are caused by trauma such as a fall or blow to the body that knocks a

joint out of position. Ankles, knees and wrists are most vulnerable to sprains. However, back, neck and shoulder sprains are very common too. STRAINS: A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is pulled, torn or twisted. Strains are non- contact injuries, such as those that occur from overstretching. A common example of a strain is a muscle spasm. A back or neck strain is a very common injury treated in physical therapy. KNEE INJURIES: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the knee is themost commonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons see more than 5.5 million people annually for knee injuries, which can include runner’s knee (pain or tenderness close to the knee cap at the front side of the knee), tendonitis and iliotibial band syndrome (pain on the outer side of the knee). Severe knee injuries often include bone bruises or damage to the cartilage or ligaments. (Continued Inside)

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

One of our Account Manager Teresa’s Granddogs, Nellie. No butts about it, Nellie is always willing to help her BFF (best friend furever)!

Nellie is a lab mix, and of course Ryker’s best friend furever (BFF)!

I like big mutts and I cannot lie! You would be amazed at the positive effects dogs have on your health. Dogs are a human’s best friend, and a study shows just how much we love our pets. About 45% of dogs sleep in their owners’ beds. A growing body of research shows dogs boost human health greatly. A 2017 Chinese study shows that you are at a reduced risk for coronary artery disease and are more likely to survive a heart attack if you have a dog. Simply petting a dog can reduce your blood pressure, heart rate, and stress hormones. Dogs make you more social and active. Welcome to the Friendly Muttropolitan! GET HEALTHY, GET A PET!

Our Physical Therapist Linda’s dogs, Sierra and Rosi, after running, jumping, chasing bunnies or birds, or taking one of their owners for a walk or run...

ThedogsbelowareourPatientCareCoordinatorNatalie’sFurryFriends. Wina$10CheyenneDogFoodCompany gift card and a bag of treats for your dog by calling 307.634.0298 with your guess of at least 2 of the breeds of our furry friends below! CALL IN & WIN! NAME THE BREED!



Kimber is full blood brothers with Jager, they eat, sleep, and breathe hunting. Beau’s breed has one of the longest puppyhoods in the world.

Jager’s version of hide and seek.

This is Molly; her breed is considered the largest dog in terms of mass.

Don’t terrier self up about it. This picture isn’t fake, Remi is just that photogenic!


No Referral, No Problem! Didyouknowwecanseeyou forPTwithorwithoutadoctororotherhealthcare providers referral?Oneofourphysical therapistswillevaluateyou,andcustomize a treatment plan to reduce your pain and get you moving better. Refer yourself or someone you care about!

$10 Off 1-Hour Massage Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT. Each person can receive this service at a discounted price today!

Improve your health naturally

Save time

Save money

SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE BY CALLING 307-634-0298 TODAY! Limit one coupon per person. EXPIRES 5-15-19


SHIN SPLINTS: Shin splints occur when there is pain along the large bone in the front of the lower leg, known as the tibia or shin bone. Shin splints most commonly occur in runners, especially those who are just starting a running program. This is usually due to poor alignment of the body, or weakness in the leg muscles. The teamatAvenuesPhysicalTherapycan treatmanyorthopedicand repetitive motion injuries without the need for invasive surgeries or medications. In fact, most doctors have their patients try physical therapy first before recommending any other procedures. The licensedphysical therapistsandphysical therapistassistantsatAvenues Physical Therapy can customize a program that addresses the weakness of your particular musculoskeletal system, allowing you to recover quickly and remain active. Even if you have an old injury, it is important to have it evaluated by our physical therapists to prevent long-term damage like arthritis. If you have sports or orthopedic injuries like tendonitis, arthritis, a stress fracture or low back pain, our therapists can design a treatment plan to promote improved function, wellness and minimize the risk of re-injury. There is nothing more exciting than taking on a new challenge, sport or activity. For most of us, the thrill of accomplishing a physical goal is what we live for. However, are you prepared for it? The term “weekend warrior” means a person who doesn’t really train for what they are doing; they just go out and do it on the weekend. How do most injuries occur? Most sports injuries occur from ill-prepared individuals who just jump into the activity without first increasing their strength, endurance and flexibility. Your muscles, tendons, ligaments and other tissues need to be warmed up to

8 It is important to do sports activities, fitness and a host of other physical activities to keep you healthy and happy. With a little bit of preparation, you can easily do these activities and decrease your risk for injury. 3 9 5 workproperly.They takeenormousstrainduring runningandsportsactivities. Therefore, if they are not in top condition, they are more prone to injury. Injuries increase as you age If you think back to when you were in your late teens, you could go into a full sprint no problem, take a flying leap and do a whole lot without the slightest thoughtabout it.Asyougetolder,your tissuesbecome lesselasticand in fact a little “drier.” When your muscle, tendon and ligament tissues have enough water, theyaresuppleandstretchy,allowingyou todoa lotofactivities.Keep yourself hydrated and stretch often to maintain elasticity in your muscles. Preparing your body 7 6 Before and after Knowing the right exercises to prepare for fitness activities is key. Our physical therapy experts have years of experience rehabilitating people after injuries and returning them pain-free to the activities they enjoy. What some people might not know is that physical therapists put specific exercise plans together based on your needs to prevent injury. If you do start to experience pain with activities, Avenues Physical Therapy can get you back to enjoying your activities pain-free. Call today to learn more how our programs can help you feel great! 4 2 7 6 4 1 5 3 1 • Do coordination training • Do endurance training 3 • Do stretch often • Do strength training 6 2 7 5 8 4



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n° 428278 - Level Expert



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Natalie, Patient Care Coordinator

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Natalie was born and raised in Cheyenne. In high school she was very active with FFA, 4-H, and many other activities. She enjoys hunting, riding bikes, and anything outdoors. In her spare time, she loves spending time with family and friends, traveling, and shopping. I mean, what girl doesn’t like to shop?


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n° 45559 - Level Expert


Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT

Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below


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“I am in much less pain and have more stamina!”

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“Back to tap dancing!”

“I came to Avenues Therapy after a referral from CU Sports Medicine as I had been experiencing more and more pain at the site of my hip replacement. Instead of walking 5 miles each day, I was down to 2 miles and having trouble completing that. Thephysical therapist (Linda)evaluatedmeand recognized that Ihadvery little strength in my right leg. Working with her, we concentrated on my balance and the areas of my hip that needed to be strengthened. I will never be “normal,” but with the time spent with Linda, I am in much less pain and have more stamina.” - Barb C.


“I recently had a right anterior hip replacement performed, and my surgeon recommended that Idophysical therapy rather than justwalkasa rehabilitation method. Iamadancerand liveaveryactive lifestyle, towhich Ihope to return. I chose to do physical therapy at Avenues Physical Therapy Clinic, and it has been instrumental in my recovery so far. I am certain that my recovery is farther along than if I had chosen walking as a rehab. During the years preceding the surgery, I lost both strength and flexibility in the affected hip. My left leg compensated for the injured right one, and my knees felt the strain. A few days after my surgery, I began physical therapy with Kelsey Kean. He gave me an individualized program which strengthened my knees and hip as well as increased my flexibility. Many of the exercises focused on balance and the ability to stabilize my hip, which would not be a major part of the walking problem. Tawna also noted that my right leg was turning inward,which Ihadnoticed,and Ibegan toworkon itsproperalignment. After two months of therapy, I am tap dancing again. My right leg is still weaker than my left, but the difference is less noticeable, and I now have the skills to continue improving. I am grateful to Avenues Physical Therapy for the personalized and detailed care I received to begin taking my life back again.” - Lorraine B. 1 4 6 4 7 3 8 3 2 7 5 9 n° 416609 - Level Expert 7 5 3 3 9

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“I had back surgery at the end of July and had to use a walker to walk. My back hurt all the time, and it was very painful getting in and out of bed. With the therapy from Kelsey, I am able to walk without a walker, and my pain is much better. I do still have some pain, but I can live with it. Everyone at Avenues Therapy Clinic was very friendly and helpful. I miss seeing you all. Thanks for all your help!” - Joyce P. “I am able to walk without a walker!”

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3 LIKE US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MORE UPDATES! We inviteyou toviewand likeourpageonFacebook,Twitter and Instagram! We’d love to hear how physical therapy has impacted your life and how we can help even more! 7 1


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This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298 n° 45619 - Level Expert


Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT



How the Program Works • Toqualifyfor thisprogram,youmustbewithincity limitsandhave room to legally plant a tree. You can apply to plant 1 or 2 trees.There are income restrictions for no cost trees. However, a tree costs $50 if you don’t meet those guidelines. Cheaper than buying one at a store, and Rooted In Cheyenne takes care of it for FREE for the first 12 months! • Rooted InCheyennedoesall thework foryou! Itwillorganize theplanting date,digthehole,andtakecareofthetreeforthefirst12months, including weeding, mulching, and keeping it healthy. • There is no warranty, but they give your trees the best care to ensure survival. How Avenues Physical Therapy Is Helping AvenuesPhysicalTherapy isagoldsponsorof theRooted InCheyenneproject thisyear.OnMay18,volunteerswillmeet foraplantingdayaroundCheyenne. Rooted In Cheyenne will assign an arborist and assign you a street to plant trees along. You can help sponsor these events or order a tree on their website at or call them at 307-637-6428 . You can also use their website to find tips to keep your trees healthy all year long!

In 1876, James Floyd Jenkins moved to Cheyenne with ambitions to make his newhome intoacityoftrees.Heplantedover250trees indowntownCheyenne, resulting in 3 miles worth of trees. Cheyenne soon established the first official Arbor Day in 1882, and recognized the first sanctioned tree-planting program in 1902.Today,Rooted InCheyennecontinues itsgoaltoestablishagreenerdiverse urban canopy by re-establishing a long-term tree planting program. Fun Facts • Rooted In Cheyenne has planted over 330 trees during 3 planting events

• Planted 20 no cost trees for low income families • Trees can reduce energy costs for homeowners • Trees can reduce costs for road maintenance

• Trees can add value to your property (property values increased $2,344) • Overallhealth is improved,greenspacespromoteexercisingoutside,parks for example • Trees filter air giving us a cleaner environment • Children and youth living in a greener environment tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI)

Looking for pain relief without medication, injections, or surgery?

611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001

Call 307-634-0298 today to schedule your free exam (limited to the first 15 callers). FREE 30 MIN SCREENING!

We need to limit this to the first 15 people to call because of our therapists’ schedules. If you or someone you know needs help, do not delay, this offer expires 05-31-2019. P.S. If you have a friend or co-worker who’s complaining about their back and want to help them, give them this sheet. Stop by our front desk to grab more copies.

14TH ANNUAL CHEYENNE DAY OF GIVING MAY 10, 2019 | 8AM - 5PM The Kiwanis Community House in Lions Park

In addition to helping the sick, we are also accepting donations for the economically disadvantaged, mainly 1) non-perishable foods, 2) personal care items, and 3) craft items. These items will specifically benefit organizations like:

On May 10th The Kiwanis Community House in Lions Park is hosting the 14th annual Cheyenne Day of Giving, a non-profit organization that helps people who are sick or economically disadvantaged. Avenues Physical Therapy is excited to be part of this opportunity by volunteering as a designated drop-off site for donated items, and we encourage you to join us in helping our community. Each year more than 4 million Americans depend on blood transfusions, with United Blood Services requesting 350 units of blood to serve the 18 hospitals in the area; however, only one in 20 people regularly give blood, and there is no substitute for blood. During The Cheyenne Day of Giving, you can donate blood as well as:

• Safehouse • Salvation Army

• Boys and Girls Club of Cheyenne • Comea House • Family Promise • Home Away From Home • Magic City • Needs

• St. Josephs Food Pantry • Unaccompanied Students Initiative • Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless

• Register to become a bone marrow donor • Register to become an organ/tissue donor • Donate leftover prescription medication • Donate used prescription eyeglasses

Stop by to drop off a donation and see our new downtown location!


HIP HIK E S Stand on the edge of a step. Drop your free foot down, then shift your hips to raise your free foot as high as you can. Keep your knees straight at all times. Repeat 6-10 times before switching to your other side.

B AND WALK Attach tubing to ankles as shown. Begin with a wide stance, knees and hips slightly bent. Perform a partial squat, then walk forward, keeping your legs in a wide stance. Walk 10-12 steps, keeping the tension on tubing throughout the exercise.