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Avenues PT. Back Pain Or Sciatica?

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Breckenridge PT: Back Pain or Sciatica n° 310547 - LevelHard Always consult your physical therapist or physician before startin

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Avenues PT. Back Pain Or Sciatica?

Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


• How Avenues PT Is Making Cheyenne A Little Greener • Understanding Back Pain • Patient Success Spotlights • Exercises for Pain Relief


Does life ever feel like one large pain in the back? Back pain is difficult to deal with on a daily basis, yet for so many people, this is a total reality. By certain estimates, as many as 85 percent of adults in the United States struggle with back pain at some point in their lives. The most common type of back pain experienced is in the lower back, and it can happen for any variety of reasons. Being in a car accident can cause you to experience lingering back pain for years after the accident. Accidents at work can lead to similar consequences. But sometimes the cause of your back pain isn’t as straightfoward. Back pain can also develop for any number of common reasons — things that you do every day without thinking twice. An old desk chair that doesn’t provide much lumbar support can take its toll over time, as can wearing shoes that don’t have much support, or even gaining weight, particularly around the stomach area.

Too many people consider back pain a normal experience of their lives and don’t immediately seek support that could make the pain an issue of the past. Working with a physical therapist is, hands down, the best thing that you can do when you are looking to overcome back pain. A physical therapist can identify the cause of the back pain and present you with helpful strategies that can strengthen your back and reduce the severity of your pain. Physical therapy for back pain often includes a combination of targeted massage, flexibility and range of motion training, muscle building, and targeted stretching techniques. Using these strategies in combination with anti-inflammatory medication, as recommended by your physician, is often considered the most-efficient approach to handling back pain and is recommended by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

(Continued Inside)

Health & Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


the treesgobuthe immediately replaced themwith 6 others.  He planted four maple trees, a plum tree, and a buckeye tree.  They have grown significantly since they were planted and now provide much needed shade to his deck and yard.  Kelsey decided to have Avenues Physical Therapy Clinic become a sponsor of this year’s Rooted In Cheyenne program because there are numerous health and wellness benefits that come from living in a Tree City.  Research has linked the presence of urban trees to improved air quality which in turn reduces the rates of cardiac disease, stroke, and asthma. Trees also decrease obesity levels by increasing physical activity, such as walking and cycling in tree-lined neighborhoods.  Kelsey plans to attend Rooted In Cheyenne’s 1st AnnualTreeandGardenTouron theHistoricDubois Block on June 9. His yard will be part of that tour.  He also hopes to help Rooted In Cheyenne plant trees on May 18.

When he moved into his current house over eight years ago, there were four trees on the property— two large 100-year old cottonwood trees and two largebluespruce trees.  Unfortunately, the treeshad tobecutdownbecause thecottonwood treeswere rotted and hollowed out and the blue spruces were dangerouslyclose to thehouse.  Kelseyhated tosee

Kelsey Kean, PT and owner of Avenues Physical Therapy Clinic, loves living in a city with a lot of trees. While incollege,heworkedseveralsummers for two local tree nurseries.  During that time, he planted numerous trees around Cheyenne. Now, 25 years later, he finds it exciting to see how big those trees have grown. 

Come tour the private back yards and gardens of the homes on the HistoricDuboisBlock.Seeover30differenttreeandshrubspeciessuited to the Cheyenne climate, as well as perennial beds, rose gardens, grape arbors, and much more. Learn what you can do to turn your yard into an oasis. There will be: • “AskanArborist”whereyoucangetallyourtreequestionsanswered • Food trucks (The Daily Press & Ice Cream Island 307) • Lawn games • Tree planting and pruning workshops Tickets are $10 per person or $15 per family. Tickets can be purchased onRooted inCheyenne’sFacebookpageorat theevent. Allproceedsgo toward planting trees around Cheyenne. ROOTED IN CHEYENNE 1ST ANNUAL TREE & GARDEN TOUR ON THE HISTORIC DUBOIS BLOCK


Located Between W. Pershing Avenue and W. 32nd St. (North-South) and Cribbon and Dey Avenues (West-East)

Call 307-634-0298 To Schedule Today!


8 While there isbackpain thatdevelopsasa resultofstrainorsprain, there isalso somethingcalled lowbackdegenerativediscdisease,whichhappenswhen the discs in your spine weaken. This frequently develops as a result of repetitive back injury and can also develop as a result of age. With degenerative disc disease, thespacebetween thediscsbegins tocollapseandbecomeunstable and will cause back pain to develop. When you work with a physical therapist to overcome back pain as a result of degenerative disc disease, your physical therapist will begin by strengthening core muscle groups, which includes the abdominal wall, and will provide you with targeted massage and stretching techniques to alleviate pain. While some back pain is easy to identify as pain, such as is the case with degenerative disc disease, there are other situations in which the pain may be a bit more complicated to understand. One of the most common back issues experienced in the United States is sciatica pain, and this sort of pain is often a lot more difficult to identify — especially by those who aren’t familiar with the problem. How can you tell the difference between back pain and sciatica pain? The answer is that sciatica pain is characterized by the following factors: • Constant pain is only present in one side of the buttocks or leg • The pain becomes worse when you are sitting 3 9 5 3 6 2 7 5 8 4 7 6 4 2 7 6 4 1 5 3 1 Being educated about your back pain can help you make the right choices to overcome it as quickly as possible. One of the biggest problems with back pain is that it lingers. This leads many people to deal with back pain for years on end without seemingly any end in sight.

Print sudoku Sciatica pain develops in the nerves that connect the lower back to the legs, and so while the pain itself is generated from the back, a lot of time, the experience of the pain is more largely associated with the upper legs. What’s more, sciatica pain doesn’t always develop like pain in the traditional sense. Sciatica pain instead causes a buildup of tingling, numbness and weakness in the lower back and upper legs, and the pain isn’t consistent either. The sensation will typically run through the leg in waves, causing discomfort at seemingly unpredictable times. Ifyouareexperiencingbackpainandyouhaven’t talked toamedicalprofessional about theconcern, thennow is the time to takeaction.Workingwithaphysical therapist can cut your time struggling with back pain literally in half. For more information about overcoming back pain, contact us. 6 2 3 6 8 9 1 4 6 4 7 3 8 Call 307.634.0298 or visit our website at to schedule your consultation today! 1 6 9 7 2 4 Sources 3 • The leg pain develops more as a burning, tingling or searing sensation, and not as a plain ache • There is a sharp pain that occurs at times, making it sometimes difficult to stand or walk • The pain is radiating, shooting down the leg and sometimes even into the feet and toes


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n° 428278 - Level Expert

n° 416609 - Level Expert



6 3 1-hr Deep Tissue Massages Only $150! (Over $50 in savings) 2 5 7 7 1 3 8 4 1 2 4 7 3 1 Massages have been proven to help with stress and anxiety, fibromyalgia, headaches, and much more! 3 7 9 6 Coupon must be presented at the appointment. No duplicates. Enjoy a therapeutic massage by our very own, Donna Channel, LMT, CMT. 9

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SCHEDULE YOUR MASSAGE BY CALLING 307-634-0298 TODAY! This offer won’t last long! Limited to the first 10 callers. Expires 6-15-19



n° 45559 - Level Expert

n° 45619 - Level Expert

Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT

Play on your mobile these puzzles and find their solutions by flashing the codes below :


“Iwas referred toAvenuesPhysicalTherapybymyprimarydoctor foraproblem with my left knee. I was having difficulty walking or putting a lot of pressure on my knee. I was pleased with the care that I received from the staff at Avenues PhysicalTherapy.The therapists were all knowledgeable, friendly and pleasant to work with. My concerns and questions were addressed and the problem with my knee was corrected. Thanks for getting me back in shape..” - Ron B. Getting Back In Shape

Icame toAvenuesPhysicalTherapy4yearsagowhen Ihadaknee replacement. They were very helpful and friendly. My knee is doing great. I have been a hairdresser for32years. Ithasbeenkindofhardonmybody.This time Icame in with cervical disc degeneration, facet arthritis, and stenosis. My neck and back hurt badly. Kelsey has been working with me for a couple months. My neck ismuchbetter.Hehasshownmeexercises todoathome tokeepmeon track. Ihope Idon’thave todoP.T.again.But if Ido, Iwillcomeback toAvenues Physical Therapy. A good experience and a good bunch of people.” - Kim M. “A good experience and a good bunch of people!” Call IN & Win! Find the misspelled word in this newsletter for your chance to win a $10 Gift Card!

“It is great to have 2 functioning arms and hands again!”

“I started seeing Eric late last year, after having broken my right humerus bone (I am right-handed) in August.There was a lot of stuff I could not do. I couldn’t pull off a t-shirt or wash my back. I couldn’t even reach for the passenger seat belt or open the passenger door from the inside. I couldn’t even open the refrigerator door!! It took two hands to fasten a seatbelt or move the gear shift. Thanks to Eric not only for the massaging and strengthening and stretching of my right arm and shoulder, but also for the exercises and stretches he sent homewithme. Iamnowable todoall theabove! It isgreat tohave2 functioning arms and hands again! Thanks also to the front desk staff, who were always so friendly and encouraging.” - Karen M.

Call: 307-634-0298 *Contest for past and present patients ONLY Congrats to last month’s winners: Carol Rollberg & Deborah Rich

LIKE US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MORE UPDATES! We’d love to hear how physical therapy has impacted your life and how we can help even more!

This Could Be You! CALL TODAY! 307-634-0298

Kelsey Kean, PT, MPT Tawna Bovero, PTA

Eric Nelson, PT Linda Froelicher, PT, MSPT


Spring is in the air, but so are heavy amounts of pollen and allergens, clouding your senses and making your day-to-day outings and once- enjoyable spring picnics and cookouts miserable. If you’re tired of allergens getting the best of youandyourspring fun, trysomeof these tips to resolveyourallergiesnaturally without the use of allergy medicine or prescriptions. 1. LIMIT YOUR TIME OUTDOORS. Each spring, trees release billions of tiny pollen grains into the air. When you happen to breathe those granules into your nose and lungs, they can trigger an allergic reaction, ranging anywhere from simple sneezes to wheezing or even lightheadedness. Pollen counts are highest on windy days and in the early morning hours, so limiting your time outside during those hours can spare you much of those symptoms. 2. GET NATURAL RELIEF. Another helpful solution for allergies is using herbal remedies. Extracts and herbal formulas such as butterbur or the chinese biminne is rumored to relieve

these symptoms. One study found that people who took biminne five times a day for 12 weeks still felt the benefits a year later! 3. TWEAK YOUR HOME. Simplechanges inthehomecanmakeadifference.Shutallthewindowstokeep out pollen. Instead of using a fan that draws in air from the outside, use an air conditionertocoolyourhomeonwarmerdays.Keepallergensoutsidebytaking offyourshoesat thedoorand askingguests todo the same.Lastly,don’tallow smoking inside the home, as smoking can worsen allergy symptoms. Don’t let allergies keep you from enjoying your spring vacation and missing out on family fun! If you’re looking for ways to eliminate allergy symptoms without using drugs, you have options!

Looking for pain relief without medication, injections, or surgery?

611 West 18th Street Cheyenne, WY 82001

Call 307-634-0298 today to schedule your free exam (limited to the first 15 callers). FREE 30 MIN BACK SCREENING! We need to limit this to the first 15 people to call because of our therapists’ schedules. If you or someone you know needs help, do not delay, this offer expires 06-30-2019. P.S. If you have a friend or co-worker who’s complaining about their back and want to help them, give them this sheet. Stop by our front desk to grab more copies.


F OUR P OINT TRUNK FLE XION & E X TENSION Start on hands and knees. Arch your back up to the ceiling as high as you comfortably can, and hold. Then, arch your back the opposite direction as low as you comfortably can, and hold. Repeat 6 times.

SWAN DIVE Lay on stomach with your arms overhead. Press your chest upwards, keeping the muscles in your trunk and legs relaxed. Repeat 6 times.

Mexican Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

INGREDIENTS • 2 large sweet potatoes • 1 tbsp olive oil

• 1 cup canned black beans, drained & rinsed • 1 tbsp chili powder • 1 tsp cumin • 1/2 tsp smoked paprika • Sea salt to taste

For Garnish • 1 avocado mashed • Tahini • Hot sauce • Chopped cilantro

• 1/4 cup chopped red onion • 1/4 cup chopped bell pepper • 1/2 cup frozen corn • 1/2 cup cooked quinoa

INSTRUCTIONS Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Place sweet potatoes on a baking sheet and prick with a fork. Place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large skillet. Add the onion and pepper and saute until tender, about 5 minutes. Add corn, quinoa, black beans and spices and cook 2 - 3 more minutes. When sweet potatoes are fork tender, remove from oven and let rest for 5 minutes. Slice in half and place each half on a plate. Top with quinoa mixture, avocado and a drizzle of both tahini and hot sauce. Finish with a sprinkle of cilantro and enjoy!