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Axcess Physical Therapy: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Pain

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PTRC. Relieving Low Back, Hip, & Knee Arthritis Pain

2 hour or until the chicken is cooked and the vegetables are hot. EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Try these exer

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Paradigm: Relieving Low Back, Hip, & Knee Pain 1 Make 2017 A Great Year For Health & Fitness! PS. We also plan to have some FREE Giveaw

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Ellis: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

kneebook CALL TODAY! (208) 523-8879 Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body Think Ellis P

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Fritz: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

Pomeranian). Damien surprised his fiancé Cynthia with a Pomsky of their own – the handsome Barca! Br

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FYZICALPBC: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain


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Priority: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

leg back to a leveled position. • 2 tablespoons chopped dill • 1 tablespoon lemon juice DIRECTIONS S

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Spectrum: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

4 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Add the broccoli, onions and golden raisins to

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Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

leg back to a leveled position. Alternate legs and repeat 10 times. Loosen Tight Hips Loosen Tight K

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PT Link: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

866.312.0054 F: 866.268.5006 FREE DOWNLOAD LOOK INSIDE Getting To KnowThe PT Link PT Staff! Chris re

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Richmond: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Arthritis Pain

4-types-arthritis-cause-sacroiliac-joint-pain Call us today to schedule an appointment! BLACKENED CH

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Axcess Physical Therapy: Relieving Low Back, Hip & Knee Pain

The Axcess Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body OCTOBER 2017 Do You Need Relief FromYour Arthritis Pain? TakeTheNext StepWithPhysical Therapy

Study Shows How to Relieve OA Pain Inamedicalstudy,83patientswithosteoarthritiswere assigned to receive either hands-on physical therapy (treatment group) or a pill that actually did nothing to help theirpainwithout themknowing(placebogroup). Testsweredone tomeasurehowwell thepeoplewere doing 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 1 year later. The results werevery impressivewith thepatientswhohadhands-

Staff Spotlight

Roshanda Hullum Front Desk Coordinator

There are few people Axcess patients know better than our Front Desk Coordinator Roshanda Hullum. Having worked in the healthcare field for more than 15 years,

their pain, mobility and function.

Aaron Fuerst PT, DPT, CWCE Here’s great information for those suffering with Osteoarthritis (OA)

Roshanda came to Axcess two years ago and has become an asset to our group. Specializing in insurance authorization and pre-certification, Roshanda goes above and beyond to not only careforpatientswhen theycome intoouroffice,butcarefor them in our operations department as well. We recently sat down with Roshanda to find out more about her. Q: What do you enjoy the most about your job? I love interacting with the patients that come in to our office. I only get a chance to spend a few minutes with each one, but it is interesting to see how they improve over time. I love having a few minutes to chat with them before they go back and get to know a little more about them. Q: What do you like to do in your spare time? Right now I am pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Healthcare Administration so that keeps me busy outside of work. I love to hang out with my friends and family as much as I can and catch up on my TV shows. Q: Tell me about your most memorable vacation. I had the chance to spend a week in Jamaica. It was so beautiful, thebeacheswereamazingand thepeoplewerewarmandfriendly. Q: What is your favorite food? Probably pasta. Q: Where do you see yourself in five years? IhopetohavegraduatedwithmyBAandseewherethatopportunity takes me.

By 8 weeks, patients were able to walk further and faster with much less, or completely resolved pain. Their jointstiffness,achesandmobilityhad improved by55%ascomparedtothegroupwhohadnotreatment. At one year, patients in the treatment group still were doing great in

terms of less pain and more mobility. Other benefits included lessneedforsurgerywithonly 5% of patients in the treatment group having undergone surgery as compared to 20% with the placebo group. If you are suffering from osteoarthritis, our physical therapy treatments relieve your pain. Isn’t it time you did something about your pain and movement? Call us today to learn more aboutourARTHRITISPROGRAMsowecanmake a positive difference in your life. Annalsof InternalMedicine:February1,2000vol.132no.3173-181. GailD.Deyle,MPT;NancyE.Henderson,PhD,MPT;RobertL.Matekel, MPT; Michael G. Ryder, MPT; Matthew B. Garber, MPT; and Stephen C.Allison,PhD,MPT,ECS

Quote of TheMonth: “Every strike brings me closer to the next home run.” -Babe Ruth

YouCanRelieveYOURArthritisPain 6Essential TipsToHelpYour ArthritisPain “What Can I Do To Gain Pain Relief Independently?”

2. Weight loss Maintaining your recommended weight or losing weight if you are overweight can lessen your pain by reducing stress on your affected joints. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. 3. Footwear & insoles If arthritis affects your knee, special footwear and insolescan reduce pain and improve walking. 4. Knee braces Forosteoarthritiswithassociatedknee instability, a knee brace can reduce pain, improve stability and reduce the risk of falling. 5. Heat & cold Many people find the heat of a warm bath, heat pack or paraffin bath eases arthritis pain. Others find relief in cold packs. Still others prefer alternating the two. Learn more about what can work best for you by talking to our specialists.

When it comes to treating arthritis, you may have more options than you realize. There is a lot you can do to reduce your aches and pains from arthritis, while gaining more mobility and function. People often experience pain from arthritis becauseofstiff joints,musclesandother tissues. In addition, muscles become weak, therefore not supporting the arthritic joints. Our customized physical therapy treatments promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility and ease pain. In addition, coupling your treatments with the following can also help you live life to the fullest and get you back to doing the things you love : 1. Education & self-management When your treatment is over, our experts will have equipped you with the knowledge and exercises you need to continue your progress on your own.

6. Exercise Exercise has been proven to help reduce arthritis pain while increasing strength and function. Knowing the right kind of exercises to do is the key.Talking with our physical therapists will point you in the right direction. There is a lot that you can do to relieve the pain from arthritis and protect your joints for the long-term. Find out more about our ARTHRITIS PROGRAM by calling us today and discover how to relieve and reduce the pain of arthritis. Fun & Games

Practice News

CONGRATULATIONS! Over a period of three years, Aaron Fuerst PT,DPT,CWCE, FAAOMPT has completed his Fellowship training in orthopedic manual physical therapy through the North American Institute of Manual Therapists (NAIOMT), an accredited Fellowship program under the American Physical Therapy Association. Under the direction and mentorship of world renowned physical therapists from Britain, Canada and the United States, Aaron completed rigorous


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Aaron Fuerst PT, DPT, CWCE

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academic coursework and hands-on training. This training specifically focused on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions utilizing specific manual therapy techniques including spine and extremity manipulation. Aaron will be recognized by the American Academy of Orhopedic ManualTherapists (AAOMPT) annual Recognition and Awards Ceremony on Thursday October 26th, 2017 in Salt Lake City, UT.


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n° 318548 - LevelHard


Think Axcess PT First

Fall Crock Pot Recipe

Do You Have Friends or Family Who Can’t: Refer a Friend

Easy Hot Apple Cider

INGREDIENTS • 1 (64 fluid ounce) bottle apple cider • 3 cinnamon sticks • 1 teaspoon whole allspice • 1 teaspoon whole cloves • 1/3 cup brown sugar DIRECTIONS In a slow cooker, combine apple cider and cinnamon sticks. Wrap allspice and cloves in a small piece of cheesecloth, and add to pot. Stir in brown sugar. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat, and keep warm.

� Move without pain � Bend and move freely

� Balance confidently and securely � Sit for long periods comfortably � Walk for long distances � Live an active and healthy lifestyle

Call Today! 815.614.2100

Relieve Pain In Minutes


Print sudoku CLAMS IN SIDE LYING Lie on one side hips bent to 45 degrees, feet in line with hips. Slowly raise top knee up while keeping feet touching and pelvis still. Return to start position with same speed. Repeat 10 times on both sides.

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Have YouMet Your Deductible Yet? Have you met your annual insurance deductible? If you have, your therapy may be free. How do you check to see if your deductible has been met? You can call your insurance and ask them or you can call us and we will gladly check your benefits for you.

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2 4 Patient Success Spotlight “Dana did an exceptional job with me. She understood my limitations and worked within them while trying to improve my abilities. She was personal as well as professional which made my therapy sessions very enjoyable. I am able to step up 8 inches and back down (60 times) which I could not do prior to therapy.AxcessPhysicalTherapy is indeedmyhomeaway fromhome.They are all like family to me. Each of them has a place in my heart.“ -Cheryl H “Personal as well as professional!” 4 3 7 2 7 2 4 3 1 6 n° 310547 - LevelHard

The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Your BodyWasMade For Better Things ThanSufferingFromPain! There are many studies and patient success stories promoting the effectiveness of physical therapy for osteoarthritis. Our expert therapists are trained specifically in treating patients suffering from osteoarthritis and work to obtain optimal results.