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Axcess PT. Neck Pain & Headache Relief

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Kerrville: Neck Pain & Headache Relief

Kerrville: Neck Pain & Headache Relief Health &Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring

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Synergy Therapeutic: Neck Pain & Headache Relief

CHIN TUCK Slowly draw your head back so that your ears line up with your shoulders. Hold for 30 seco

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Axcess PT. Arthritis Pain Relief n° 315994 - LevelHard Instructions: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 ap

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Axcess PT: Relief and Better Motion for Neck Pain

1 Strengthens Neck CHIN TUCK While sitting with good posture gently tuck chin in (nod yes). Repeat 6

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AthleticAdvantagePT_The Headache & Neck Pain Connection

PMC4590146 OUR SERV I CES • Aquatic Therapy • Trigger Point Dry Needling (TDN) • Concussion Therapy

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Worcester Physical Therapy Services: Neck & Headache Relief

2 cups each). Patient Success Spotlight Think Worcester PT & Services First Why You Need To Come Bac

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Axcess PT. Resolving Hip & Knee Pain

person . Healthy Recipe Chicken Tortilla Soup INGREDIENTS 3 chicken breasts, boneless • 1 cup of cho

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BurlingameTherapeuticAssoc_Neck Pain & Headache Connection

BurlingameTherapeuticAssoc_Neck Pain & Headache Connection NEWSLETTER THENECK PAIN& HEADACHE CONNECT

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Axcess PT: How Posture Affects Back and Neck Pain DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Arrange half the lemon slices

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Nova_The Headache and Neck Pain Connection

Nova_The Headache and Neck Pain Connection Newsletter The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring Fo

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Axcess PT. Neck Pain & Headache Relief

The Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9

Relief For Radiating Neck Pain & Headaches

A New Year Free From Neck Pain & Headaches

Ifyoureallyhadtonarrowdownthefrustrations that come with dealing with chronic pain, perhaps the single largest frustration would be having to deal with the pain day after day. Chronic pain has a way of interfering with the most basic activities. Getting out of bed and driving to work can become a challenge, as can sitting in a desk chair all day, or attempting to pick up your child when he or she is upset. Some of these tasks are more difficult to get around than are others, and, depending on how the pain is impacting your life, the stress of having to go through extra steps to make basic things happen can really get out of hand. (continued inside)

J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9

The Axcess Bulletin The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

Aaron Fuerst PT, DPT, CWCE, FAAOMPT If you have pain, you shouldn’t ignore it. We can help you feel better fast!

A New Year Free From Neck Pain & Headaches

(continued from outside)

Neck pain is one of those types of pain that is difficult to work around. Pain in the neck and back will frequently begin to radiate the longer it hangs around, and that could mean shooting pain up your neck and back, all the way into the base of your skull. Once neck pain begins to turn into headaches, attempting to concentrate at

and thereforeconnected to thenervoussystem,pain in theneckcanquicklydevelop into tinglingornumbness in thehands,armsandfingers,whichcanbeuncomfortable and frustrating when you are going about daily tasks. When neck pain develops as a result of a pinched nerve, the radiating neck pain can result in severe headaches, and in some cases, even migraine headaches. The pinched nerve can cause pain to radiate from the neck into the skull and can cause adisruption to typicalnervepatterns.Workingwithaphysical therapistcanhelpyou address pain caused by a pinched nerve, and therefore can reduce the severity of headaches that develop as a result of neck pain. Ifyouhave lowbackpain,discoverourprograms todayand learnmoreabout quickly relieving your pain.

work can become exceedingly difficult. What Causes Neck Pain?

There are a large number of culprits that could be behind your experience of neck pain, including accidents, such as a car accident or a slip-and-fall accident, as well as sporting injuries.The reason why neckpain frequently becomes sosevere is due to the fact that blood vessels have to pass through your neck to reach the head. Aspasm in theneckmusclescould lead toconstrictedbloodcirculation,and therefore migraineheadaches.What’sworse,since theneck isconnected to thespinalcolumn

Quoteof TheMonth: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything” - Albert Einstein

Neck Pain & Physical Therapy The good news is that there is actually a lot that you can do to support the healthy operation of your neck, thereby reducing the severity or frequency of your neck pain. Working with a physical therapist is the best way to address neck pain. this includes improved flexibility and range-of-motion training, muscle building and strength training, and even in some cases, encouragement with cardiovascular activities and weight loss.

At the end of the day, the best way to be free of neck pain is to prevent neck pain from developing, and working with a physical therapist can help you in this regard, as well. The tasks that you do every day can build up over time and cause a lot of stress on your body, and the neck and shoulders are some of the most common places to carry that stress. You may not even realize the impact that simple tasks that you do every day have on your body and your experience of pain. Things like driving, lifting heavy objects — like packages at the front door or even your groceries — and repetitive movements like hunching over a keyboard at work can all seriously impact your neck pain. The longer you let neck pain linger and disrupt your life, the more difficult it becomes to treat. If you experience an injury, the smart thing to do is to consult a physical therapist soon after the pain develops. Source

During physical therapy, your neck pain will be addressed holistically, taking into consideration the initial injury that may have caused the pain to develop, but also any other habits, movements or compensations that may be contributing to the discomfort. Physical therapy takes advantage of strategies like massage, stretching and muscle training to reduce neck pain, and many of these strategies can be adopted in part at home or on the-go to help you address your neck pain when it is bothering you the most. Adopting healthier habits can have a big impact on your management of neck pain. These include: • Practicing improved posture • Wearing recommended footwear • Using lumbar support in your desk chair or car • Exercising regularly • Engaging in regular stretching, like yoga One of the primary goals of physical therapy is to address whole-body well-being by encouraging improved overall health. In many situations,

Get back to moving and feeling better! Call Axcess Physical Therapy at 815.614.2100 or visit to learn more about our programs today!

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Exercise Essentials

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Relieves Neck Pain


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CHIN TUCK Stand with good posture against a wall. Tuck your chin gently as if you are nodding, then return to the starting position. Repeat 6-10 times to relieve neck pain.



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n° 310547 - LevelHard

Instructions: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear exactlyonce ineach row,columnand3x3box,and thesumof thenumbers in each area is equal to the clue in the area’s top-left corner.



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Special Announcements

Patient Success Spotlights

We can help with more than just low back pain. Check out one of our other patient success stories!


Presented by Curtis Kime, DPT, & Staff

““My therapists Dana and jack were very polite, patient, and understanding. I came to Axcess because I was having pain in my shoulder and had surgery. Therapy helped me with my shoulder movement. I still do the exercises Dana and Jack gave me at home. I had a good experience here so when I had back and hip problems I came back to Jack and Dana. I can walk a lot better now. I would recommend others to come see the therapist here at Axcess. I’ve been other places but I get more one-on-one attention here. ” - Nancy K.

THURSDAY, JANUARY31 5 pm to 7 pm at Axcess Physical Therapy

RSVP to this event by calling 815-614-2100 or emailing Roshanda at [email protected] . Spaces are limited so sign up today.

Spinach-Stuffed Mushrooms Healthy Recipe



• 1/2 tsp soy sauce • 2 cups chopped fresh spinach • 1/2 cup Plain Oikos Organic Greek Yogurt • Salt and pepper to taste

• 20 medium mushrooms • 1/4 cup chopped shallots, scallions or onion

• 2 cloves garlic, chopped • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar


Wash themushroomsandcarefully remove thestemswithoutbreaking thecaps.Finely chop the stems. Combine the shallots, garlic and vinegar in a small skillet or saucepan and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add the chopped mushroom stems and soy sauce and cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5 minutes, until the mushrooms soften and release their juices. Add the spinach and cook, continuing to stir, until it is wilted and the liquid in the pan is absorbed. Remove from the heat and let cool for a few minutes, then stir in the yogurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Stuff the spinachfilling into themushroomcaps.Place themushrooms inabakingpanandbake for 20 minutes, until tender. Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes for the

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filling to set before serving. Yields 20 mushrooms.