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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - December 2020

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - August 2020

January 2020 edition of Executive Decisions in Dermatology, Laura Baldwin wrote an article called “E

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Azcomp Technologies Medisoft December 2017

medisoft • 1 WHY YOU NEED TO INSTALL SECURITY PATCHES IMMEDIATELY Prevent Attacks Before They Happen

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - March 2020

blog PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 2500 S. Power Rd., Ste. 117 Mesa, AZ 85209 i nsid

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - October 2020

blog PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 2500 S. Power Rd., Ste. 117 Mesa, AZ 85209 i nsid

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - September 2020

AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - September 2020 855-455-5035 SEPTEMBER 2020 Empowering

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AZCOMP Technologies - Medisoft - May 2020

AZCOMP Technologies - Medisoft - May 2020 855-455-5035 MAY 2020 Empowering Small Prac

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AZCOMP Technologies - Medisoft - November 2020

AZCOMP Technologies - Medisoft - November 2020 855-455-5035 NOVEMBER 2020 Empowering

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - June 2020

blog 2500 S. Power Rd., Ste. 117 Mesa, AZ 85209 i nside this issu e Operations Have Changed, but Our

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AZCOMP Technologies - Medisoft - July 2020

events to learn about upcoming trainings and other events we host. DON’T FORGET TO UPGRADE YOUR SOFT

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft- February 2020

blog PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 2500 S. Power Rd., Ste. 117 Mesa, AZ 85209 i nsid

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AZCOMP Technologies Medisoft - December 2020



Empowering Small Practices to Deliver the Best Care AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE BETTER THE LESSONS OF 2020 CAN LEAD TO INNOVATION

It has been one wild year. But here we are at the end of it, and even though we may not be out of the woods yet, I think we’re all going to breathe a collective sigh of relief when the clock strikes midnight on Dec. 31 and 2021 arrives. A new year always means a chance to start fresh, but we’d all be making a mistake if we just ignored 2020 and treated it like a bad dream that didn’t happen. As nice as that sounds, the truth is, this past year has taught us so many valuable lessons that we can use to make the future fantastic.

sets up proper security for your staff working from home was the biggest factor that AZCOMP aimed to help practices implement in 2020. And it was incredibly exciting for us to witness many of our customers experience the positivity that making these changes brought to their business! But the most rewarding part was helping them to understand that these aren’t just temporary changes — these are advancements that are going to benefit and help the business grow for years to come. We know that because we’ve seen it happen time and again. At AZCOMP, we abide by yet another cliché that I’m proud to drop in here: We practice what we preach. When the crazy scramble to work remotely first landed on the world in March, we mobilized more than 30 of our employees to work from home in just half a day because we already had the systems in place to make it happen. We faced the challenge head on by already being equipped with the tools we needed to do so. In turn, we never missed a beat, and our customers never felt like they couldn’t rely on us to help them. We know the power of being prepared, so we always keep up with the latest next-step in preparation. And we’re here to make sure your business does the same. No matter where you land at the end of 2020, you’ve likely learned some valuable lessons that you won’t soon forget. And if you’ve worked with AZCOMP during the last year, hopefully you feel more prepared to make the most of those lessons and the changes that resulted from them in the new year. That’s what we always strive

I don’t think there’s any denying that the biggest lesson learned this year is the entirely correct cliché that it pays to be prepared. The name of the game in 2020 was figuring out a way to make it easier to securely serve your patients outside your office. The practices that already had the right tools in place for doing so were ready to charge forward when both their patients and their staff were no longer coming into their facility regularly. Other practices that weren’t prepared for this kind of shift in process were caught unaware and left to play catch-up. These were two very different sides of the same coin, but no matter which side you might have been on, you likely benefited from a plethora of lessons learned in the process.

for. But remember, 2021 is just the beginning — these remote systems and pumped up security measures aren’t going anywhere. They’re great tools for making your business better than it’s ever been before, pandemic or not. So it’s never too late to dive into implementing them. And we’ll be here to help you do just that for many years to come.

–Keven Cluff Director Of Operations

Having the technology that allows you to communicate with your patients en masse, gives them options for paying bills remotely, and

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But Now, It May Also Be Easy to Hack

Bluetooth is an extremely handy capability that all our favorite devices have. Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and plenty of other “smart” devices utilize Bluetooth to give us all the great features

Here’s how BLE works: Any time two Bluetooth devices move out of range of each other, they disconnect to save battery, then reconnect later when back in range. During this reconnection, an authentication step occurs, and the two devices use cryptographic keys that were established during the initial pairing process. But hackers have found a way to circumvent this authentication, so if they’re near your devices, they can manipulate the reconnection and send erroneous >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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