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PTII: Work Pain Free Health&Wellness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body For m

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Work Pain Free

how-to-never-feel-stressed-at- work-again By Charlotte Lieberman Helps Neck Pain STANDING EXTENSIONS

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Back To Action: Work Pain Free

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body

For many of us, sitting at a desk, computer or even lifting is a daily part of our work routine. What you may not know, is that the routine may be more harmful long-term than you can imagine. Our bodies were made to move throughout a variety of positions during the day. From sitting to walking, to squatting, your body needs frequent movement pattern changes. If you have more of a sedentary job, then the lack of variety in your positions throughout the day can be detrimental to different areas of your body. (continued inside) WORK PAIN FREE “Improve Your Performance While At Work!”

Inside: • How to Strengthen Your Core Muscles In 4 Easy Steps

• Patient Success Spotlights

• Practice News

• Relieve Back Pain In 60 Seconds

Health & Fitness The Newsletter About Your Health And Caring For Your Body


Here are some tips to help you feel your best at work, be more productive and have more energy: 1. Change your positions frequently. If you sit at a desk or even stand for prolonged periods, try to accomplish parts of your job in different positions. For example, if you sit at a computer, try to get up every 30 minutes to walk around for 1-2 minutes or do a different task. 2. Try a standing desk. Standing is far better than sitting. If your job requires you to sit at a computer for most of the day, consider a standing desk. Being able to stand for 2-3 hours a day, instead of sitting the whole time, can make a big difference in the way that you feel and the health of your spine. There are some good standing desks on the market such as that make it easy to transition from sitting to standing.

manners repetitively throughout the day.This may feelfinewhileyouaredoing the task,butcan lead to repetitive trauma on the spinal muscles and discs. The goal is to make sure that your back is straight and you use your hips and knees to bend down to the item you are trying to get to. In addition, if you can kneel at times with one foot forward and the other back, this can help you protect your spine further. In physical therapy, not only do we alleviate aches and pains, but we also get your body moving. Part of our process is to educate you on different posture techniques to help you feel your best throughout the day and at work, because a simple improvement in the way that you move can make a big difference in the way that you feel. If you are suffering with back, neck, shoulder, hip or knee pain, give us a call to talk to one of our experts at 956-428-8951.

3. Sit correctly at your desk. When sitting, make sure that you are sitting tall, like astring ispulling through the topofyourhead.Your computer should be directly in front of you, instead of off to the side. It should also be at the height where the top one-third of the screen is at eye level. Furthermore, make sure your keyboard is at the adequate height, creating about a 90-degree bend or less in your elbows. Armrests can be helpful to alleviate pressure on the shoulders when typing. 4. Vary your foot position. If your job requires you to stand for a long time, such as in retail sales, make sure that you stand with one foot slightly forward. Alternate this throughout the day. This posture engages your hip and leg muscles more to alternate pressures in the spine. 5. Watch how you bend. Many jobs require frequent bending, and in similar

PATIENT SUCCESS SPOTLIGHTS I am walking with crutches and driving myself around! “Since my first day at Back to Action, the staff has been great! I received a thorough review of my injury and the therapist designed a treatment plan specifically for my limitations and my restrictions. I was put on an extensive therapy program and now three months later, I am off my wheelchair and have moved to weight bearing exercises. I am walking with crutches and driving myself around. The staff was encouraging, professional and caring. I truly recommend Back to Acton for all therapy needs.” - Leopoldo V. Above standard compared to other places in town! “After 6 sessions of physical therapy at Back to Action for bilateral knee pain, I can say that I enjoyed the sessions and that everyone associated with the therapy was very professional and helpful. Not only did my knee pain improve, but everyone’s

Look inside to learn more about our programs and say good-bye to aches and pain and return to a pain-free, active lifestyle! attention and care was above standard compared to other places in town. Everyone was alert, watchful, ready on time and assured the exercises were being performed correctly. Doreen was excellent with advice and explanation of my findings. I want to thank all the staff for their attention and assistance.” - L. de la Garza

“ How To Strengthen Your Core Muscles In 4 Easy Steps. ”

1. Engage your transverse abdominis The transverse abdominis is a deep muscle that wraps around the lower section of your abdomen, much like a belt. The ability to actively engage this muscle helps to put your spine into better alignment. Begin to work this muscle, by lying on your back with your hands on your lower abdomen. Focus on relaxing all other muscles, except for drawing your lower abdominals in towards your belly button. Hold these contractions gently, but firmly for 10 seconds, then repeat 10 times. Once you get the hang of contracting your transverse abdominis lying down, begin to contract it while sitting, then standing.This is agreatexercise todoany timeof day.This exercise is amust for any mom, as the abdominals become stretched out during pregnancy. 2. Strengthen your hip abductors The hip abductors are on the outside of your hips and consist mainly of your gluteus medius and minimus. These muscles are easy to exercise standing up. Simply hold onto a firm surface and lift your leg out to the side for 10-15 repetitions. Feel the muscles working on the outside of the hip. Do at least 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions on each side. 3. Mini-squats with squeezes When you do dynamic exercises you are able to work a wide variety of muscle groups together. Put a ball, such as a soccer or volleyball between

your knees. If you don’t have a ball, place a rolled up pillow. Gently squeeze the ball between your knees and practice the tightening of your transverse abdominis as described above. Now, holding onto a steady surface, squat down slightly and try to feel your thighs, stomach and back working together to lower you down and push you up. Start out with 2 sets of 10 repetitions, then work your way up over a week to 3 sets of 15. 4. Alternate arms and legs If you have back pain, consult your physical therapist before trying this.

Perform this exercise by laying on your stomach and lifting your right leg up and your left arm at the same time. Remember not to go into any pain with this exercise and you only need to raise your arms and legs up 2-3 inches off the floor. You will feel this contracting the muscles in your spine. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds. Now gently lower and repeat on the opposite side. Try 10 repetitions, then over the course of a week, work your way up to 2 sets of 15 repetitions.

Physical Therapists Are The Mechanics Of Your Body! Minor aches and pains are warning signals from your body to let you know something is not working properly. Don’t put off the pain until it’s too late. Come in today for a “Tune-Up.”

Relieve Back Pain In 60 Seconds Try this movement if you are experiencing pain.

Good stretch if you sit at a computer all day

STANDING EXTENSIONS While standing, place your hands on your hips and lean back to arch your back. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat 5 times.

Take Care Of Your Aches & Pains Before It’s Too Late.


Harlingen 956-428-8951

Del Rio 830-775-9118

Brownsville 956-621-0397

Eagle Pass 830-757-2497

PRACTICE NEWS: Keeping Our Patients Up To Date!

Brownsville. Back toActionPhysicalTherapy Brownsville supported the fund raising effortsofSt.Mary’sCatholicChurchandThe Philippine Madrigal Singers during a benefit concert that took place at the parish church on the 1st of September 2017. Proceedsfromthefundraisingeventbenefited theLCSCministryandSt.Mary’sSchoolAngel Scholarship Program and for the renovation of St. Mary’s parish hall kitchen. Back to Action Physical Therapy supported andparticipated in the32mile911Memorial Ride. The event was organized by the Brownsville Fire Department Station 8 and joined by the community of Brownsville to commemorate the 9/11 Day of Heroism. Proceeds from this event benefit the Habitat For Humanity Organization. Eagle Pass. Our therapist had the privilege to attend Women with Vision: A Leadership Roundtable in honor of American Business Woman’s Day. It was hosted by Sul Ross University, Rio Grande Community College and Small Business Development Center. This event brought together business women of diverse occupations and provided opportunities of personal and professional growth through leadership, education, networkingandsharingofexperiences.Guest speakers included: Judith Canales, former StateExecutiveDirector,U.S.Departmentof Agriculture,SandraRuiz,RotaryPresidentand localBusinessownerandGloriaHernandez,a localattorney.Theeventwasverysuccessful and had a great turn out. They are looking to have monthly roundtable meetings for a variety of topics. Back to Action is looking forward to sponsoring one of these events. Stay tuned! Wehavealsostarted fundraising forCandles forLife,a localorganizationthathelpscitizens ofMaverickCountywhohavebeendiagnosed with cancer. The event is scheduled for October 28th and we are pleased to be a Gold Sponsor this year.

We would like to wish all our E. P. I. S. D. students, facultyandstaffaveryhealthyand successful2017-2018schoolyear.GoEagles! Go Mavs! Harlingen. This month each of our four locations donated $500 towards helping the unfortunatevictimsofHurricaneHarvey.Our corporate office also gave $1000 towards helping a local captain with his rescue/ evacuation efforts. We also donated $250 to the Laguna Madre Humane Society. This is a non-profit animal organization. They care for animals in the LagunaMadreareaandreceivenoassistance from the city of Port Isabel or South Padre Island. They maintain the Port Isabel shelter as a “no kill” facility by saving any animal that isplacedon theshelter’seuthanasia list. Finally, we donated $150 to the Habitat For Humanity of the Rio Grande Valley. In addition, we collected and donated nearly 20 bags of clothes and miscellaneous items. Their ReStore sells new and gently used merchandise to the public to help raise funds for their construction projects. The additional funds generated from theReStore will cover the operating costs, allowing for direct contributions to go directly to the hard costs of construction. Del Rio. Del Rio sponsored Que Pedo? BBQ team this month for the Holy Smoke BBQ competitionhostedbySt.Jospeph’sChurch. Staff came out to join in on the fun and participated in the Holy Smoke 5k. Physical therapy technicianErika,celebrated herbirthday thismonth.Kristiparticipated in theannualBusinessShowcasehostedby the ChamberofCommerce.Theeventbroughtthe community togetherandprovidedaplatform for education and marketing to the public.