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ManaPT_Effective Solutions for Your Knee & Hip


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OSRPT: Common Causes & Solutions For Hip & Knee Pain

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NYSportsandSpinal_Effective Relief for Knee & Hip Pain

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BayStatePT_Causes & Solutions for Your Hip & Knee Pain



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INSIDE : • Causes & Solutions for Hip & Knee Pain • Improve Balance

• Healthy Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts • Patient Success Spotlight

incredible joint has to move over a million times eachyearandover80million timesovera lifetime. This is also the reason why things can go wrong, resulting in injury and pain. If your hip or knee pain is limiting you from living the lifeyouwant,don’thesitatetocontactBayState Physical Therapy as soon as possible. We’ll help you get moving freely once again! Why Am I Experiencing Hip And/or Knee Pain? There are many reasons why you may be experiencing hip or knee pain. Some of the most common causes include: • Arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are themostcommoncausesofhipandkneepain. Arthritiscauses inflammationof the jointsandcan lead toaquickerbreakdownofcartilage in thehips.

Formanypeople,hipandkneepaincanbeawayof life. Itcanpose issueswhen trying toenjoy leisurely walks, climb up stairs, or bend down to retrieve a dropped item. It can greatly hinder your ability to perform and enjoy daily activities. Your hips are the body’s largest “ball and socket” joints, meaning that your “femur” (hip bone) fits perfectly intoyour “acetabulum” (hipsocket.)There is a cushion of cartilage in your hips that helps prevent friction as your hip bone moves within the socket. However, it is possible for the cartilage to wear down or become damaged with age or physicalexertion. It isalsopossiblefor themuscles and tendons surrounding the hip to experience overuse. Ifa fallorother injuryoccurs, thehipbone can also break or become dislocated. The knee joint is also one of the most complicated joints in the body, as it has to bear up to 6 times your body weight when running or jumping. This

This can lead to pain or stiffness with movement. • Strains. Musclesor tendonscanbecomestrained due to overuse and repeated activity. This causes inflammation, which can result in pain. So, if you feelachyafterwalking toofar, itmaybeyourbody’s way of telling you you’ve done too much! • Fractures and Breaks. As we age, our bones start to become brittle, increasing the probability of fractures and breaks.This is something to keep in mind as you participate in physically demanding activities and hobbies. Have fun, but remember to be careful! • Dislocation. Dislocations of the hip and knee can occurasa resultofa fallorothersortof trauma. If youareexperiencingpain froma recentslipor fall, youmaybe feeling thesymptomsofadislocation. • Tears. There are four ligaments in the knees that have a possible risk of tearing.

(Continued Inside)



KICK AWAY PAIN (Continued From Outside)

The most commonly torn ligament is the “anterior cruciate ligament,” or ACL. It is also possible for cartilage to tear, causing pain. Tears are typically a resultofsomesortof traumaexperienced to the painful area. • Bursitis. “Bursae” are liquid sacs that can be found between tissues. They help ease friction from tissues running together; however, they can alsobecome inflameddue tooveruseandrepeated activity, resulting in pain. Even activities such as standing too long may result in achiness from irritated bursae later. • Tendinitis. Your tendonsare thickbandsof tissue thatconnectyourmuscles toyourbones.Tendinitis occurswhenyourtendonsbecome inflamed,which, again, is a result of overuse and repeated activity. So, What Can I Do? Hipandkneepaincanbeascarythought,especially with all the hustle and bustle of living a busy life. Luckily, there are some actions you can take at home to try and soothe or prevent pain: • Wearing Properly Fitted Shoes. One way to avoid hip and knee pain is by wearing well-fitted shoes with suitable arch support. Comfortable, fitted, closed-toedshoesareagreatway to relievestress

on your joints and allow relaxation in your hips and knees. • Using Cold and Hot Remedies. Both ice packs and heating pads can help in soothing your aches and pains. Ice can help reduce pain and swelling. Heat can help improve circulation and promote muscle relaxation. • Stretching. When your joints tighten up, pain can get much worse. Help alleviate and prevent this pain by doing a daily stretching routine in your legs, hips, and back, to help release any pressure on those areas. • Strengthening. Weakness inthemusclesofthehips and knees can contribute to pain. Strong muscles canhelpreducepainwithwalking,stairs,andgetting up from a chair. • Listening to Your Body. At the end of the day, always listen to your body. If you’ve been on your feetfortwohoursandyoufeelyourkneestightening up, it may be time to take a small break. Contact Bay State Physical Therapy for Additional Assistance! Having a regular physical therapy checkup ensures that your joints are working at their peak performance. In addition, any problems will be

discovered early, preventing the onset of arthritis and joint injury. If you dohavearthritis or havehad surgery, then a regular physical therapy check-up is especially important. At Bay State Physical Therapy, we can provide you with a joint analysis to determine any problem areas in the hip or knee joints, and treat them accordingly. Schedule a consultation with one of our expert physical therapists today to discover how you can live life with freely moving joints!

EFFECTIVE HIP & KNEE PAIN RELIEF By: Kimberly Gottshall PT, DPT of BSPT Randolph Many of us know, our bodies are like cars; each part operates in conjunction with others to make the car run. Our hips and knees work together to get us through daily life. What happens when a part is injured, broken, or not functioning properly?That’s where physical therapy comes in, to act as your own personal mechanic. Hip and knee pain result from various causes, but while you’re awaiting the appointment with your favorite PT here are some things to think about. Effective treatment for hip/knee pain goes back to the basics. You may need to utilize an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen to help reduce any inflammation occurring from the injury. Once the initial pain reduces, or in situationswhere inflammation isnotcontributing topain, therapymaybegin with stretching and strengthening of the lower extremities. A proper warm up is critical to increase blood flow to tissues and promote maximal benefit from flexibility and strength training. Warmups can include the recumbent bicycle, elliptical, and treadmill walking at moderate intensity. Stretching and flexibility is vital to decrease pain and promote proper joint motion. You will want to address all muscle groups in the hips and legs

to gain the most benefit. Gentle yoga is a great way to move and improve muscle length whileaddressing more than onepart at a time. Also, strength exercises such as squats, calf raises, or straight leg raises can promote functional strength in the hip and knee. Performingexercises inthepoolsuchaswaterwalkingorswimming,aregreat to reduce stress to the joints and allows you to increase your flexibility and strength. Balance challenges can also help to support hip and knee stability and reduce risks of injury to other regions of the body during daily activity. Discovering any compensations in your walking and ensuring the feet are properly supported with sturdy footwear, or as needed, orthotics will help in your journey to pain free land. Bykeepingupwithyourphysical therapist,participating ina regularstrength andstretchingprogram,andsimplygettingupandmoving,youcango longer between oil changes. References: Uusi-RasiK,PatilR,KarinkantaS,TokolaK,KannusP,SievänenH.ExerciseTraining in Treatment and Rehabilitation of Hip Osteoarthritis: A 12-Week Pilot Trial. J Osteoporos. 2017;2017:3905492. doi:10.1155/2017/3905492 Rahmann AE. Exercise for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis: a comparison of land-based andaquatic interventions.OpenAccessJSportsMed.2010;1:123–135.Published2010Jul23. doi:10.2147/oajsm.s6941



Patient Success Spotlight

Debbie Galvin, Director of Human Resources

Debbie brings 12 years of experience in Human Resources to her new role at Bay State. In her most recent role, she served as Vice President of Human Resources at a public health agency, where she provided strategic consultation to the other members of the senior leadership team. Her recent accomplishments include driving employee engagement

Tiara came to BSPT at our Brockton Pearl Street location after two tumor removal surgeries which were causing her pain and her leg to buckle on her. “I’ve had an amazing experience with walking with crutches for over a year to be able to walk without crutches, lift my leg and do squats. I can carry my baby now, she is a year old and I wasn’t able to carry her for 6 months. Veronica is awesome she pushes me to and beyond my limit and has great conversations but keeps me focused.” Tiara’s treatment consisted of strengthening, balance activities, traction, neuromuscular re-education, home program and core stability. “The best physical therapy place I’ve ever been to, on time, orderly structured and to the point!”

strategies,streamliningHRprocessesandsystems, implementingmarket competitive health and welfare benefits and compensation programs, managing complex employee relations issues, and leading a team of 7 HR professionals who provided support to over 600 employees across 9 locations.

Healthy Recipe

Improve Balance Try this movement to strengthen legs and increase balance.

Helps Balance & Mobility

Single Leg Stance (Forward) 1.Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. 2.Hold your leg out in front of your body for 10 seconds. 3.Return to original position. 4.Switch legs and repeat 6 times. 5.Be sure to maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance side. 6.Use a counter top or chair nearby for balance support as needed.

Roasted Brussels Sprouts & Carrots INGREDIENTS • 3/4 lb. Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved • 2 large carrots, peeled and sliced into 1/2” pieces • 1 tsp. chopped rosemary leaves • 1 tsp. chopped thyme leaves • Kosher salt • Freshly ground black pepper • 1/2 c. toasted pecans • 1/2 c. dried cranberries DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 400°. Scatter vegetables on a large bak- ing sheet. Toss with oil, balsamic vinegar, rosemary, and thyme. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the vegetable are tender, shaking the pan halfway through. Before serving, toss roasted veg- etables with pecans and cranberries. In a large bowl, toss vegetables with oil, balsamic vinegar, and herbs. Season with salt and pepper. This dish is perfect for your Thanksgiving vegetable side dish. • 2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

Exercisescopyrightof Always consultyourphysical therapistorphysicianbefore starting exercisesyouareunsureofdoing.