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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2022

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2020

CAM systems was one of the hardest decisions in my business after I became the new owner of Berkeley

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2021

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2021 August 2021 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallaborator

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - May 2022

week. This will help your team build routines around those blocks, and they’ll be able to dive deep

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - January 2022

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - January 2022 January 2022 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallaborat

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - April 2022

or make an offer to customers who attend the event to boost your retention. Beyond events, you could

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - February 2022

Hamtramck assembly plant. By 2014, Barra became the CEO of GM and was the first female head of a “Bi

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - June 2022

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - June 2022 June 2022 The Bay Area Beacon

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - July 2022

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - March 2022

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - September 2020

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2022

August 2022

The Bay Area Beacon | 510-525-0135


This summer was jam-packed for my family and me - especially my daughters. Our third daughter is a freshman this year. We now have three of our girls in high school this season. I mentioned in a previous newsletter we had two daughters on their high school varsity dance team last year when our second daughter was a freshman, and maybe we’ll have three on the same team when our third daughter starts her freshman year of high school. After a two-week- long intensive workshop and tryout, we found out our third daughter made the varsity team with her sisters! I couldn’t be more proud of them. I can’t wait to see three of our daughters performing together during the halftime shows of their football and basketball games. Because of my daughters’ commitment to the dance team, they had practice all summer. They were at the school rehearsing Monday through Thursday every week. I remember my girls telling me in June how it felt like they didn’t have a summer vacation because they spent almost all their time at school for practice. All of us need a break sometimes so we can decompress and relax. If not, we could become burnt out and lose motivation. I understood my daughters’ feelings and wanted to find ways to make this summer fun for them. When we traveled to their high school dance camp and studio competitions this summer, I planned activities for us to do in our free time. Each year, the high school dance teams must attend a UDA camp and place first to participate in the national competition the following year. This camp allows them to work one-on-one with a UDA instructor, develop their leadership skills, and learn how to entertain a crowd with choreography and school spirit. The girls enjoy this experience because they get to improve their skills and spend time with one another and other teams. But I wanted to take them on a trip where they didn’t have to work or worry about dancing. I wanted them to just enjoy the little time they had off to relax. So, I wanted to plan something special for them when they had some time off in July.

Being outdoors is one of my family’s favorite things to do. So, we went to Yosemite National Park. My wife and I visited here years ago when we were still dating, and I thought it would be great for us to return and bring our daughters. This trip was the girls’ first time at Yosemite, and they had a blast seeing the park’s beautiful scenery. During our trip, we hiked several trails where we saw countless waterfalls, mountains, and everything else Mother Nature has to offer. We had a fun time because we were together. Any time we have the chance to spend with one another, whether to our yearly summer trips to the beach or a special trip to Yosemite, it’s time well spent. Although my girls were busy this summer, I’m happy we scheduled time together. I saw how hard they worked this summer, and they deserved a break. Even though I had to work in relaxation time during the dancing trips and practices, I’m glad I could put smiles on their faces during our short getaways. I can’t wait to see their dances this school year and take another trip with them to Florida for their UDA nationals at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex at Disney World, where they placed 9th in the nation last season. All their hard work this summer will pay off once they take the field. I will be in the stand at every game cheering them on!

Happy end of summer and back-to-school season, everyone!

–Darrell Lee


Here’s How to Keep Them Engaged! ARE YOUR EMPLOYEES BURNT OUT?

In 2021, a study by Indeed found that 52% of employees reported experiencing burnout. This is a considerable spike from the 43% who said they had the same feeling before the COVID-19 pandemic. With hours at work becoming more prolonged due to staff shortages, many workers feel tired, overwhelmed, and stressed. Luckily, you can implement a few strategies to reduce the amount of burnout your employees feel. Improve company culture. Do your employees feel like they can trust their managers and colleagues to help them when they are struggling? Are they afraid to ask for help or voice their concerns and frustrations?

Reward top performances. It can be challenging for employees to come to work every day if there is no long-term future for them at your company. This is where promotional opportunities come into play. If you have employees who go above and beyond each time and exceed expectations, offer them a promotion. This will make them feel valued and appreciated. You can even give quarterly bonuses that are based on performance. This will inspire workers and motivate them to do high-quality work every day. Even a simple shoutout or acknowledgment of their hard work can help. Praises boost confidence and make them feel like they are an essential part of the team. Monitor workloads and scheduling. One of the fastest ways for your employees to feel burnout is if they are overworked. While tasks may vary and spike on certain days, it’s crucial that you monitor your employees’ workload to make sure they aren’t working overtime frequently. Allow them to have free time by providing adequate vacation and sick time. Your employees must have time to enjoy their lives, exercise, positively interact with friends and family, and have a chance to practice self- care. If they are well-rested and have time to do things for themselves, they will be more productive and happy at work. You could even offer flexible schedules that accommodate their personal lives. By showing that you care about them, this will boost employee morale. Fighting burnout can be tough. But with forethought and consideration, you can help reduce this feeling and increase your employees’ satisfaction at work for years to come. With happier and more motivated employees, the productivity of your business will exponentially increase.

These factors play a huge role within work culture and help predict worker satisfaction. If your employees dread going to work because of the treatment and culture of the company, they may not be motivated to do their best and focus on their work. Your staff needs to feel valued, supported, and heard by their colleagues and

managers. Take time to truly understand

and listen to your workers’ concerns and let them know

their voices are heard. If employees feel like their uppers acknowledge them and improve the company culture, their overall satisfaction

at work will increase.


Should You Use Video-Based Marketing? Yes! Here Are 3 Tips to Get Started

People spend most of their time at home now more than ever. This is one of the reasons why video-based marketing is becoming so popular. It allows your audience to engage with you and influencers and learn about your products, and it will enable customers to shop while watching your videos. Here are ways you can incorporate video- based marketing into your business. 1. Use Your Resources. Before you go live or create a video, you want to ensure that you have proper lighting, good equipment like lights and cameras, and editing software. Even though this may seem like it wouldn’t make that much difference, your video’s quality will influence your customers more than you think. 2. Take Advantage of Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok have options where you can share

both pre-recorded and live videos. More and more people spend their time on social media, so meet your customers where they’re at. Create something engaging that complements what you’re trying to sell. Your videos don’t need to be long. However, by making longer live- stream videos, your clientele can post comments while you’re live. You can answer questions and engage more with your audience this way. 3. Tell Stories. Storytelling is one of the key strategies business owners are using to engage and relate to their customers. It helps you build a stronger and more meaningful relationship with your audience and makes them feel valued. So begin brainstorming what stories you would want to tell. Is there a specific reason you created, or are advertising, a particular product? Share these experiences with your

clients. If you’re not selling an item, you can create videos to simply build a connection with your market. This will keep your business at the forefront of your viewers’ minds. These are only a few of the many ways you can begin using video-based marketing within your business plan. It will help you boost your retention rates and allow you to connect with your customers in a way that is the most convenient for them. So, smile for the camera; you’re about to go live!

HAVE A Laugh

Fake News and Clickbait — Forms of Yellow Journalism

They’re everywhere — misleading articles with enticing headlines and exaggerated content. But how did this “clickbait” and “fake news” journalism come to be? It all started in the 1890s with yellow journalism. What is yellow journalism? Yellow journalism is a term for poorly researched or illegitimate news stories. It got the name “yellow” when New York World’s owner, Joseph Pulitzer, hired artist R.F. Outcault to create a “Hogan’s Alley” comic strip featuring The Yellow Kid. How did it gain traction? Pulitzer ran the first color printing of the “Hogan’s Alley” cartoon in New York World in 1895, and it became a huge hit. Then, William Randolph Hearst entered the picture. He acquired the New York Journal and competed relentlessly with New York World. Hearst exaggerated his reporter’s headlines and created misleading stories to grab attention and gain profit.

Today, Hearst and Pulitzer are credited with spawning yellow journalism. Who knew?


510-525-0135 |

Inside This Edition

1. 2. 3.

Everyone Needs Time to Relax

3 Strategies to Reduce Employee Burnout

Meet Your Customers Where They Are

It All Happened Because of a Cartoon


This Marketing Strategy Helps Build Stronger Relationships


Today, more and more people search for products online and use social media to find new trends and products. Now is the time to meet your customers where they are — with social selling marketing. What is social selling marketing? Social selling is the art of forming relationships with current and future customers to generate sales. Building these relationships makes people more likely to use your products. Instead of telling them to buy right now, you’re ingraining in their minds that you’re always there. This method can help

to reach your audience easier if you use the platforms they are most frequently on. If you’re trying to find prospects, research people who are interacting with products that are similar to yours . Find people who bought from your competitors but didn’t have a great experience. This gives you a chance to offer them a better alternative. One of the most effective ways to sell your brand in social marketing is by answering questions and responding to users . For example, if someone were to complain on Twitter about an item from a company, that business could create a team that checks social media for these types of issues. Then, the business can respond to the user and help resolve the problem. This shows customers that you care about them and their experience, which will influence them to continue to buy from you. Excellent customer service and problem-solving skills can do wonders for your brand. Sales have always been about building relationships and establishing credibility. Social selling is just like that, except you’re using the power of social media as leverage. So take advantage of it! Meet your customers and potential customers where they are, and watch your relationships and profits soar.

boost sales, give you a competitive edge, strengthen your brand’s reputation, and is more effective than cold-calling.

How do you sell socially? First, you must know your

audience . What do they need, and what do they want? Next, find out which social media platforms they are most likely to use . Do they use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok? This will allow you