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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - December 2020

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - September 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - September 2020 September 2020 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallab

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - April 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - April 2020 April 2020 The Bay Area Beacon Two Cars Later ... The Scient

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - March 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - March 2020 March 2020 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallaboratory.

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - August 2020

CAM systems was one of the hardest decisions in my business after I became the new owner of Berkeley

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - December 2021

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - December 2021 December 2021 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallabor

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - February 2020

CAM technology. Through it all, the conversations with our clients haven't changed. Many of our loya

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - October 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - October 2020 October 2020 The Bay Area Beacon www.berkeleydentallaborat

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - July 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - July 2020 July 2020 The Bay Area Beacon I always think it's great when

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - May 2020

Berkeley Dental Laboratory - May 2020 May 2020 The Bay Area Beacon

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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - November 2020


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Berkeley Dental Laboratory - December 2020

December 2020

The Bay Area Beacon | 510-525-0135

How Our Newsletter Almost Lasted Only 1 Edition And Why I’m Very Glad We Kept Going!

Hi, everyone! I can’t believe that the end of 2020 is really here — these past few months alone might have taken a decade to get through. I think that makes it more important than ever for us to take time to reflect, no matter what our goals were and will be. While December is typically my time for reflection, planning, and setting goals for the upcoming year, it’s fair to say that this year, there’s a lot more to think about. During the past 28 years working here, I’ve realized one thing: The relationships and trust that our lab builds with our dentists cannot be replaced. As a lab, we’re an extension of your team and your ability to help your patients. Especially during challenging times, many would agree there’s no replacement for great service, communication, and trust between a dentist and their lab. We have a very high retention rate at Berkeley Dental Laboratory, and around this time last year, I decided building more and stronger relationships was my goal for 2020. After doing much research, I discovered that newsletters would enhance the relationships we have with our dentists, new and old. We have a great list of dentists who are amazing to work with, but our comprehensive list has taken effort to build. It’s incredibly important to me as a lab technician and owner to find and work with dentists who are a great fit. With newsletters, dental offices can get a sense of who I am, how Because I'd love to meet and help you, I invite you to send us your first case. I'll thank you in a very special way. We will make your first solid zirconia crown for FREE! PLUS, as an extra BONUS, if we receive your case before Dec. 18, we will help you make another patient HAPPY. You will also get a clear ortho retainer absolutely FREE! This is a total value of $293. I want to prove to you that we do things differently at our lab, and no matter what happens or how chaotic your practice might get (despite — or because of — these times), we're going to provide you the best possible experience and results. Give us a call at 510‑525‑0135. I can't wait to get to know and serve you!

our laboratory runs, and everything I love about running a smaller laboratory like Berkeley Dental Laboratory. Thus, we put out our very first newsletter in February 2020. This decision was tested not long after we started, when the COVID-19 crisis struck. Many people started to tell me that I shouldn’t keep putting money into the newsletter. However, I was committed and kept at it because I knew communication is central to our success. I felt that after the shutdown, more than any other time, it was important for me to continue building relationships with our doctors and prospects. And, over the past several months, that has been proven right. I’m proud to say that I get compliments all the time from our dentists and their staff about our newsletters. I enjoy talking to all of you and don’t mind sharing personal updates, but I didn’t realize just how much people would enjoy them. I get calls and often get stopped when I visit our dentists about all the little surprises that people pick up from our newsletters, whether related to our lab or our lives — that gives me a lot of joy. If you’re reading this right now as a new dentist who hasn’t joined our laboratory yet, please feel free to take advantage of a special offer I’m making for you (see box to the left). If you’re a current dentist with us, thank you so much for all of your business! I have plenty in the works to show even more appreciation for our dentists. 2021 will be a huge and exciting year for us, especially as our 50th anniversary! I hope you’ll consider referring us to any new dentists you know so that in the new year, they will experience all the benefits you and your patients receive when working together with us. Happy holidays, and I wish the best for all of you in the new year! See you in 2021!

–Darrell Lee


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