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Bigger & Harman, APC - January 2021

Bigger & Harman, APC - January 2021 BIGGER THE DAILY DRIVER Attorneys Defending Your Right to the Ro

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Bigger & Harman, APC - January 2019 BIGGER DAILY Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español www.baker

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Bigger & Harman, APC - January 2020

Probation,” your license is not yet suspended. Upon receiving this notice, you have a very short win

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Bigger & Harman, APC - May 2022

Bigger & Harman, APC - May 2022 Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español www.bakersfieldtraffictick

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Bigger & Harman, APC - September 2020

Bigger & Harman, APC - September 2020 BIGGER THE DAILY DRIVER Attorneys Defending Your Right to the

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Bigger & Harman, APC - August 2018 BIGGER DAILY Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español www.bakers

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Bigger & Harman, APC - April 2020

Bigger & Harman, APC - April 2020 Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español www.bakersfieldtrafficti

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PRST STD US POSTAGE PAID BOISE, ID PERMIT 411 1701 Westwind Drive Suite 203, Bakersfield, CA 93301 I

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Bigger & Harman, APC - February 2019 BIGGER DAILY Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español www.bake

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Bigger & Harman, APC - January 2022


THE DAILY DRIVER Attorneys Defending Your Right to the Road


WE DEDICATE 2022 TO YOU To the Drivers Who Get the Job Done

This has caused considerable stress on our older drivers and their already strenuous work hours. With more challenges from law enforcement, routes, and weather that may come up on the way here in California, how do we adjust? One time, many years ago, I was stuck on Christmas Eve driving upstate from Bakersfield to visit my parents in Oregon. There was pretty heavy snowfall, and they shut down I-5 because of it. I was worried. If I were to drive on that road in the morning, I’d need chains on my tires. I’ll be real with my readers, many who are expert drivers: I’m terrible with putting snow chains onto my wheels. Half of the time, it just doesn’t work for me, and I’m left confused and frustrated. “If trends continue, there will be a shortage of over 160,000 drivers by 2028 – and with over 72% of all freight tonnage transported over U.S. highways (according to the American Trucking Association), that’s not great news.” It occurred to me that I had a friend who had parents in the nearby town Weed. I realized that he could be visiting his parents and he may be around to help me out. It was nothing short of a Christmas miracle that he picked up my call and happened to be with his parents, only a few miles away from me. They gave me a place to stay for the night, and he made putting on my tire snow chains super easy. I was extremely grateful! One phone call for help and a capable friend and my journey became much more enjoyable. Nobody has to handle their journey’s obstacles alone, and I hope you consider us part of your support team. Thanks for everything you do, and may 2022 be the year of committed people getting the job done.

Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and for many of my clients, 2021 has been no exception. Maybe that’s why people love stories about unexpected journeys so much. Even if you travel by the same routes every week, you never really know quite what’s going to happen. Jan. 3 is J.R.R. Tolkien Day, and J.R.R. Tolkien was the master of telling stories of great journeys such as “Lord of the Rings.” Tolkien has caused me to reflect a little bit about what it means for many of my clients to get the job done and reach any destination given to them. In 2018, there was already a shortage of 61,000 drivers on the road due to the flourishing U.S. economy, long hours required by drivers, and extensive time away from home. The shortage caused fewer goods to get where they needed to be, so the costs of products began to increase despite how well our economy was doing. If trends continue, there will be a shortage of over 160,000 drivers by 2028 — and with over 72% of all freight tonnage transported over U.S. highways (according to the American Trucking Association), that’s not great news. The average truck driver age is currently 55 years old, and driving schools haven’t been operating during COVID-19, making it difficult for new drivers to enter the industry.

–Mark Bigger

(661) 859-1177 | 1

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Saving the Lives of Homeless Individuals’ Pets The Street Vet

Veterinarian and animal advocate Dr. Kwane Stewart, known in his docuseries as “The Street Vet,” has his own veterinary practice in Modesto, California, but still makes a point to help the pets of the homeless population in town for free. He began this selfless act of heroism in 2011 after the Great Recession hit and has since helped well over 400 animals, even tending to a Burmese python at one point! About 25% of Modesto’s homeless population own a pet, and back in 2011, Dr. Stewart noticed that many needed medical attention. This tugged at his heart strings. Knowing that many would come for

free pet medical attention if he set up a table near a soup kitchen, Dr. Stewart jumped at the opportunity. What he thought would be a one-time event eventually turned into a regular act of heroism. Now, Dr. Stewart has the ability to step in and save the day for both the pet and owner at no cost. Dr. Stewart has found that the bond between homeless individuals and their pets is unlike any that he sees in his office. “Keep in mind that they are with their pet every minute of every day,” he says. “That’s not the case with most of us.” He notes that seeing these special pet patients makes him feel as if he has a superpower. Dr. Stewart recalls that growing up, he wanted to be either a vet or Batman, and now, he gets the best of both worlds! Dr. Stewart often spends his spare time wandering the streets in search of pets that need his help, offering free vaccinations and medical care. He notes that the homeless population is just like us, but they have fallen on hard times, and their pets are their companions and lifelines. In helping the pets, Dr. Stewart builds a special bond with their owners. To be able to make a difference in the lives of sweet, innocent animals and their owners is the most rewarding type of work — the dream job Dr. Stewart could have never even conjured up before he selflessly started living it.

What’s an Unsafe Lane Change?

You’ve probably seen people get in front or behind you without using their blinker or make a quick lane change that is too close for comfort. But what you might not know is a move like that can be considered an unlawful or unsafe lane change in the eyes of the law. According to section 22107 of the CA Vehicle Code, an unsafe lane change is a movement that fails to signal your intention on the road, because it doesn’t consider reasonable safety. You exercise reasonable safety by signaling before turning left or right and creating a distance of 100 feet or more between your vehicle and the vehicles around you. If you fail to take these steps, you will be guilty of an unsafe lane change. While anyone can receive a citation for an unsafe lane change, it is more serious for a commercial driver. If a commercial driver

receives a citation and is guilty, they will receive 1.5 points. They will get a 60-day driver disqualification if they receive their second citation within three years of their first citation. If they get a third citation within three years of the first one, they will get a 120-day driver disqualification. Some think they can defend themselves in traffic court and explain what happened, but they don’t realize that being honest about the incident will often mark them as guilty. Lying about the incident to save face will also get them into more trouble. Instead, it’s best to consult a traffic attorney before paying the fine or going to court. How can you avoid an unsafe lane change? For commercial and noncommercial drivers, here’s what you can do to avoid a citation.

Be sure to use the correct signal when moving into another lane. This will inform the driver in front and behind you that you are about to switch lanes. Take your time while on the road. If you’re in a rush, it can cause careless mistakes and may incur harsher penalties in a citation.

If you’ve found yourself with an unsafe lane change citation, allow Bigger & Harman to help! We will be happy to look at your case and assist you in traffic court.

Always check your mirrors and see if any hazards can render your lane change unsafe.

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INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION Thanks to your 63 referrals, we were able to give $1,260 to fight human trafficking. To learn more about International Justice Mission, please go to MISSION: To protect the poor from violence by rescuing victims, bringing the criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. Our long-term vision is to rescue millions, protect half a billion, and make justice for the poor unstoppable.

Dealing With a Traffic Ticket? 3 Things You Need to Know Maybe you were running behind one morning or weren’t paying attention. You were speeding or made an illegal U-turn, got pulled over, and were written a traffic citation. But what does getting a traffic violation entail, and can you wipe it from your record? Understanding the Ticket People want their tickets to go away as soon as possible, but traffic tickets stay on your record for three years. If you plead guilty and pay the fine, that doesn’t mean the ticket is gone. It will stay on your record and you may have points on your license or insurance. The courts usually won’t suspend your license if you have one or two traffic violations. Each point you haven’t contested will go against you. If you end up with several points, your license will be suspended. Here are two ways you can sometimes use to reduce your points or remove the violation. Attending Traffic Violator’s School (TVS) Many times, attending TVS is seen as the easiest way to forgive a traffic violation, but that’s not necessarily true. If you complete your courses, your ticket will be confidential. This means your insurance company won’t be able to see your ticket. But if you’re a commercial driver and receive a ticket in your private vehicle, TVS won’t keep your ticket confidential — your employer and your insurance company will see it. If you have two traffic tickets, then TVS will only keep one ticket confidential for 18 months. You’re not eligible for TVS if you receive a citation in your commercial vehicle, have any misdemeanors or felony offenses, and if you have a mandatory court appearance for your ticket. Having a Trial by Written Declaration Trial by written declaration means you fight your ticket in writing instead of in court. This method can help you get your ticket dismissed with no points on your record. You can use this method only if you received a traffic violation that doesn’t include a ticket for an offense involving alcohol or drugs. Before paying your fine, signing up for TVS, or using trial by written declaration, be sure to consult your traffic attorney first. Call your friends at Bigger & Harman for help! We will be happy to take a look at your case and answer any questions you may have.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome

the world.” JOHN 16:33

(661) 859-1177 | 3


Toll-Free (661) 859-1177 Se Habla Español


1701 Westwind Drive Suite 203 Bakersfield, CA 93301


Dedicating 2022 to Truck Drivers .......................... PAGE 1

The Street Vet ............................................................. PAGE 2

Always Make Sure to Use Your Blinkers! ............... PAGE 2

TVS Isn’t a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card .................. PAGE 3

How to Stay Warm This Winter .............................. PAGE 4

Have a ticket in California? Give us a call, and we’ll help you out! Regardless of the location, we can point you in the right direction free of charge!

So Don’t Feel Frosty You’re Not a Snowman

Stay hydrated (the right way). Did you know that your body is able to retain heat better when you’re hydrated? That’s just one more good reason to ensure you’re drinking enough water. But you should be wary of hot beverages like coffee and tea. Though they make for a great hand warmer and temporarily leave you feeling toasty, caffeine restricts your blood vessels and makes it harder for your body to stay warm. Similarly, alcohol feels warm going down, but it both increases perspiration and lowers your core body temperature. Keep your bed cozy. No one wants to go to sleep shivering, so your bed should ideally be the warmest place in the house. You can achieve this by layering your blankets properly: Fluffy layers go right over the sheet, and dense layers go on top to provide

Winter is here, and the cold has settled in. You’ve gotten out your fuzzy slippers and put on an extra sweater, but maybe you still can’t shake that chill. Before you crank up the heat again, is there anything else you can do to keep warm? Here are a few ideas you can try! Use the sun. While winter brings plenty of cloudy days, the sun is still known to make an appearance. When it does, open your curtains wide and let the natural heat fill the room. Just be sure to keep that warmth inside by pulling the curtains closed when the sun goes down. Bonus tip: Park your car facing the sun! It will be warmer when you get in, and you’ll have less snow and ice on your windshield.

a thermal barrier. To up your game further, get a hot water bottle and leave it under the sheets for 20 minutes before you climb into bed. No hot water bottle available? Spend a couple minutes running a blow-dryer over the sheets instead. With these tips, you’re ready to have your warmest winter ever — without racking up your highest energy bill. Catch some rays, snuggle up, drink some water, and remember that spring will be here soon enough.

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