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BILF - Invitation-GOLD CIO 260722

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BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR (NP) BROCHURE 260722

BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR (NP) BROCHURE 260722 INVITATION CIO Summit September 28, 2022 San Jose

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BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR BROCHURE (P) 260722

BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR BROCHURE (P) 260722 INVITATION CIO Summit September 28, 2022 San Jose,

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BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri…

BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri… VIP INVITATION CIO Summit World Series

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BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri…

BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri… VIP INVITATION CIO Summit World Series

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BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21

BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 VIP INVITATION CIO Summit October 2 0-21 , 2022 Texas

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BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri…

BILF Invitation - CIO Texas Austin - Oct 20-21 - World Seri… VIP INVITATION CIO Summit World Series

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CIO Landing - January 2020

CIO Landing - January 2020 TECHNOLOGY TIMES “Insider Tips To Make Your Business Run Faster, Easier,

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BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR (NP) BROCHURE 290622

BILF - Invitation-GOLD VENDOR (NP) BROCHURE 290622 INVITATION September 28, 2022 San Jose, CA, USA C

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BILF - Invitation-GOLD CIO 260722


A unique opportunity for Business Leaders, CIOs, CISOs & Technologists to share and discuss digital transformation challenges, trends and innovations impacting their businesses. September 28, 2022 San Jose, CA, USA CIO Summit W orld Series

CIO Summit The Business Innovation Leaders Forum invites you to attend our September CIO Summit. FOR BUSINESS LEADERS, CIOs AND CISOs

You are invited to take part in our... As our guest you will be welcome to meet our members, share ideas and experiences, plus take part in round-table discussions with fellow business leaders. It is also a great opportunity to experience the forum first-hand and get a taste for what we have to offer.

We are a global community of independent business leaders from diverse sectors – including financial services and banking, manufacturing, media and entertainment, retail and logistics, healthcare and other sectors. United by a passion to share business transformation challenges and experiences in the quest for innovative practices and technologies, ones that are better able to manage and adapt to new realities across today’s shifting social, business and political landscape. This summit provides top Enterprise CIOs with speaker opportunities during the morning plenary sessions chaired by industry analysts, in front of an audience of IT professionals and media from around the globe. The afternoon private workshops are focused on digital transformation challenges trends and innovations impacting business. Some of the topics covered during this event will include Cloud Strategies – learning from real world experiences and planning for success; Applying ML, AI and Automation to improve business efficiency; Overcoming CISO challenges in cybersecurity Business Benefits of New Innovations in Big >Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4

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